Connecticut tax return preparer pleads guilty to tax fraud offense


Date: September 6, 2023


Vanessa Roberts Avery, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, today announced that David Etienne, a Norwich tax return preparer, pleaded guilty yesterday in New Haven federal court to a tax fraud offense.

According to court documents and statements made in court, Etienne operated as a tax return preparer through several businesses, including Los Maestros Inc, Los Maestros Group, Tax Experts USA, and Tax Experts USA Inc. For the 2012 through 2021 tax years, Etienne prepared numerous federal tax returns for clients that included false expenses and losses in connection with sole proprietorship businesses when he knew the taxpayers had not operated sole proprietorship businesses, false unreimbursed employee expenses, and, in certain instances, false medical, dental or education-related expenses. Etienne's criminal conduct involved tax loss, affecting both the IRS and the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, of approximately $600,000.

Etienne pleaded guilty to aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false income tax return, an offense that carries a maximum term of imprisonment of three years. He is scheduled to be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer on November 29.

Etienne is released on a $100,000 bond pending sentencing.

This investigation has been conducted by the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jennifer R. Laraia and Lauren C. Clark.