Collaboration Assessment MatrixBegin graphic description.The form has lines at the top for issue name and team members’ names. Underneath those lines is the following paragraph:This grid is designed to facilitate revenue agent and specialist discussion of the initial level of specialist involvement in an examination. The technical aspects and complexity of each specialty issue should be assessed along with the revenue agent’s experience with the issue. Use a check mark to indicate the applicable box in each category (Technical Aspects, Complexity and Skills). The revenue agent and specialist should use their professional judgment to determine the appropriate level of overall specialist involvement. Use the comment box below to summarize the joint discussion. Conclusions on the level of specialist involvement should be shared with both the revenue agent and specialist team managers. This document also be should be retained in the examination workpapers.The actual grid is shown beneath the paragraph above. The grid consists of nine boxes in three rows and three columns. The grid can be read in rows or columns. The grid will first be described in rows. The first row of boxes (read horizontally from left to right) contain the following language:Box 1: Specialized Training or Knowledge Required.Box 2: Issue has complex facts and circumstances.Box 3: RA has no experience working similar issues.The second row of boxes (read horizontally from left to right) contain the following language:Box 1: Specialized technical elements can be explained.Box 2: Issue has moderate facts and circumstances.Box 3: RA has background to work on issue with specialist assistance.The third row of boxes (read horizontally from left to right) contain the following language:Box 1: No or few specialist technical elements exist w/issue.Box 2: Issue does not involve significant facts and circumstances.Box 3: RA has experience working similar issues.Along the right side of the grid is an arrow running the length of the grid pointing up vertically and labeled Specialist Involvement. To the right of the arrow are three labels that line up horizontally with the grid. The label to the right of the first row is High. The label to the right of the second row is Medium. The label to the right of the third row is Low.Describing the grid in columns, the first column of boxes (read from top to bottom) contain the following language:Box 1: Specialized training or knowledge required.Box 2: Specialized technical elements can be explained.Box 3: No or few specialist technical elements exist w/issue.The second column of boxes (read from top to bottom) contain the following language:Box 1: Issue has complex facts and circumstances.Box 2: Issue has moderate facts and circumstances.Box 3: Issue does not involve significant facts and circumstances.The third column of boxes (read from top to bottom) contain the following language:Box 1: RA has no experience working similar issues.Box 2: RA has background to work on issue with specialist assistance. Box 3: RA has experience working similar issues.Outside the bottom of the grid is an arrow running the length of the grid pointing horizontally to the right and labeled Issue Considerations. Beneath the arrow are three labels that line up vertically with the grid. The label under the first column is Technical Aspects. The label under the second column is Complexity. The label under the third column is Skills.Beneath the grid is a large box labeled Comments: and about seven blank lines for comments.End graphic description.