Name Change for Primary TaxpayerFigure 22 illustrates an example of the required fields needed when completing a name change for a taxpayer who files with a FSC of 1. This action requires the input of a TC 013.The first screen shot of CC INCHG. contains a representation of the taxpayer's Social Security Number. Directly beside the CC INCHG field is a representation of the taxpayer's Social Security Number with an asterisk.Directly beside the NM-CTRL field is the taxpayer's Name Control BLACDirectly beside the DOC-CD field is 63Directly beside the BLK-SERIES-IND is an 8Directly beside the NEW-NAME-CTRL field is the primary taxpayer's Name Control ORANDirectly beside the PRIMARY NAME is a representation of the taxpayer's Name THOMAS]ORANGE.Directly beside the YEAR-NM-LINE is the applicable year, 2019, for the appropriate year the name line change.Directly beside the DUP-ADD-IND is an N.Directly beside the FS is an applicable filing status, 1, to establish the taxpayer who is filing single.The last required field for CC INCHG is the requirement to enter remarks beside the REMARKS field. This field contains the following information NSD NAME CHANGE.The second screen is a screen shot of CC ENMOD.Directly beside the ENMOD field is a representation of the taxpayer's Social Security Number with an asterisk.Directly beside the BOD-CD is WI.Directly beside the NM-CTRL field is a representation of the taxpayer's Name Control BLAC.Directly beside the SPOUSE-SSN field is a representation of the spouse’s SSN. Directly beside the INVLD-SSN-REL-CD is 0Directly beside the LST-MF-EXTRCT-CYC-ENT field is a representation of the year and cycle update. In this example 202031.Directly beside the FYM is 12Directly beside the MFR is 02Directly beside the PRIMARY-NAME is a representation of the taxpayer's Name THOMAS BLACK.Directly beside the YEAR-NM-LINE is 2019.Directly beside the FS field is 1Directly beside the STREET-ADDRESS is a representation of the taxpayer's address information.Directly beside the ADDR-CHG-CYC is 201819 which is a representation of the year and cycle.Directly beside the CTY/STA/ZIP-OR-FORGN-CTRY is a representation of the taxpayer's address.Directly beside the PRIMARY-TXPR-NM is a representation of the taxpayer's name THOMAS ORANGE.Following is basic taxpayer information displaying history items unique to this particular taxpayer. The following information shows the corrective actions made to this taxpayer's module.Directly beside the EP field is a 013 and the respective cycle and the respective DLN for the TC 013.Directly beside the NAME-LINE-YR is 2019.Directly beside the FILING-STATUS-CODE is 1.Directly beside the NEW-NAME-CONTROL field is ORANDirectly beside the PRIMARY-NAME> is THOMAS ORANGE.