GUF File- Generalized Unpostable FileA transmission on the GUF file failed to post on account at MCC and was returned to the submission processing campus for corrective action. Example of a pending unpostable transaction.TEP File- Tape Edit Processor File A transaction on the TEP File has passed all the initial validity checks and is attempting to post to the taxpayer’s account. Example of a pending payment.Resequence File (RSQ)A transaction on the Resequence File was removed from Master File, applied to a new Sequence, and is attempting to post again. The example below is pending payment that was originally posted incorrectly and has since been corrected.Reject fileA transaction that was unable to be resolved in unpostables and has been sent to rejects for further correction.Block out of Balance (BOB)A return processed through ISRP that did not meet the validation criteria for processing that must be corrected by accounting.