Part II: CommitmentsIn the space below, the executive and his or her immediate supervisor must describe four to eight critical actions, objectives, and/or results that the incumbent will be expected to accomplish during the performance rating period. These Commitments must be derived from, and directly contribute to, the program priorities and objectives established by the organization's Strategic Plan, annual business or operations plan. Commitments may be modified during the evaluation period if circumstances warrant. Changes must be made at least 90 days before the end of the evaluation period to prevent having to extend the evaluation period.COMMITMENT ELEMENT RATING DEFINITIONS: Outstanding – Performance not only exceeds the agreed- upon critical action, objective and/or results required at the Fully Successful level, but results surpass expectations in quantity, quality, or timeliness to such an extent as to result in exceptionally positive impact on the achievement of organizational goals (e.g., had impact beyond the executive’s purview); or executive overcame significant obstacles such as insufficient resources, conflicting demands, or unusually short time frames, in achieving or exceeding desired results.Exceeded – Performance is between the levels described for Outstanding and Fully Successful.Fully Successful – Performance demonstrates achievement of or substantial progress toward agreed-upon critical action, objective, and/or desired result. Performance has a positive impact on achievement of organizational goals.Minimally Satisfactory – Performance is between the levels described for Fully Successful and Unsatisfactory.Unsatisfactory – Performance fails to demonstrate achievement of or progress toward agreed-upon critical action, objective and/or desired result to such an extent that it results in demonstrable negative consequences for the organization. Removal from the position is required.