Form 945 for 2023 with all Field Designators shown.Top of page has all entity information. Line 1 is Name (01NC), Employer Identification Number (01EIN) and Calendar Year (01TXP).Line 2 is Trade name and Care of Name information Field 04CON.Line 3 is address (04ADD) (04FAD) Line 4 Reports City (04CTY), State (04ST) and ZIP Code (04ZIP). Line A asks if they do not have to file in the future and enter date final payments were made. If SIC Code (01SIC) is needed it is entered to the right of this line.Line 1, Federal income tax withheld (0201).Line 2, Backup withholding (0202).Line 3, Total tax (02TT). Line 4, Total Deposits (02DP).Line 5, Balance Due (02B/R).Line 6, Overpayment (02B/R) and refund indicator (01ARN)Line 7 Monthly summary of Federal tax liability lines A - L for each month of the year (03A - 03L) Line M for total liability for year (03M>).Third-Party Designee name, phone number and personal identification number (01CBI).Signature area with penalties of perjury statement.Paid Preparer information, name, signature, date and PTIN (01PSN), firms name firms EIN, (01PEN) and phone number (01PTN).Any assigned Computer Condition Codes is directly in the middle of bottom margin with any Action Code input transcribed from the left side of bottom margin.