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IR-2016-98, July 18, 2016 — The IRS today announced $385,678 in matching grants to nine additional recipients for development of qualified Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) in underserved areas around the country for the last six months of the 2016 grant year.

IR-2016-97, July 7, 2016 — National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson today released her statutorily mandated mid-year report to Congress that contains extended excerpts from her ongoing Public Forums on Taxpayer Needs and Preferences, presents a review of the 2016 filing season, and identifies the priority issues the TAS will address during the upcoming fiscal year.

IR-2016-96, July 6, 2016 — Leaders from the IRS, state tax agencies and tax preparation community today warned tax preparers that increasingly they are targets of cybercriminals and should take appropriate steps to protect clients from data theft.

Find previous year news releases and fact sheets from 1997 through last month.