What information about a related organization is required to be reported on Schedule R, Form 990?
Parts I-IV of Schedule R PDF ask for the related organization’s name, address, employer identification number, primary activity, legal domicile and direct controlling entity. They also ask for certain other types of information depending on whether the related organization is a tax-exempt organization, a disregarded entity, a taxable corporation or a partnership for federal tax purposes, as follows:
Tax-exempt organization:
its exempt Code section (such as 501(c)(6))
if exempt under section 501(c)(3), its public charity status
whether the related organization is a controlled entity of the filing organization under Code section 512(b)(13)
Disregarded entities:
total income
end-of-year assets
Taxable corporation or trust:
share of related organization’s total income
share of related organization’s end-of-year assets
percentage ownership
related organization’s entity type (C corporation, S corporation or trust)
- percentage ownership
- share of related organization’s total income
share of related organization’s end-of-year assets
related organization’s predominant type of income (related, investment or unrelated)
unrelated business income amount (if any) reported in the partnership’s Form 1065, Schedule K-1 PDF, box 20
whether the partnership makes disproportionate allocations
whether the filing organization is a general or managing partner or member