Part 13. Taxpayer Advocate Service
Table of Contents
13.1 Taxpayer Advocate Case Procedures- 13.1.1 Taxpayer Advocate Guiding Principles of the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate
- 13.1.2 Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA98)
- 13.1.4 TAS Authorities
- 13.1.5 Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Confidentiality
- 13.1.7 Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Case Criteria
- 13.1.8 Congressional Affairs Program
- 13.1.9 Executive Correspondence Case Procedures
- 13.1.10 Special Processes
- 13.1.12 Internal Technical Advisor Program
- 13.1.14 Suspension of the Statutes of Limitation Under IRC 7811(d)
- 13.1.15 Customer Complaints
- 13.1.16 Receipt and Intake of TAS Cases
- 13.1.17 Transferring TAS Cases
- 13.1.19 Advocating With Operations Assistance Requests (OARs)
- 13.1.20 TAS Taxpayer Assistance Orders (TAOs)
- 13.1.21 Closing TAS Cases
- 13.1.23 Taxpayer Representation
- 13.1.24 Advocating for Case Resolution
- 13.2.1 Systemic Advocacy Overview
- 13.2.2 Systemic Advocacy Management System (SAMS) Administration
- 13.2.3 Evaluating and Reviewing Systemic Issues
- 13.2.4 Information Gathering Projects (IGP)
- 13.2.7 Collaborative Teams