- 2.4.44 Command Codes XSADD, XSREF, XSAPL, XSOUT, and XSENT
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Acronyms/Definitions
- Related Resources
- Overview of the Excess Collection File (XSF)
- Command Code XSADDR
- Command Code XSADDM
- Command Code XSADD
- Command Code XSREFR
- Command Code XSREF
- Command Code XSAPLR
- Command Code XSAPL
- Command Code XSOUT
- Command Code XSENT
- Error-Messages
- Exhibit 2.4.44-2 XS-CREATE-FORMAT-OUPUT
- Exhibit 2.4.44-3 XS-CREATE-FORMAT-OUTPUT
- Exhibit 2.4.44-4 CC XSADD with Definer "R " XS-ADD-REALTIME-INPUT
- Exhibit 2.4.44-5 CC XSADD with Definer "M " XS-ADD-REALTIME-INPUT
- Exhibit 2.4.44-7 XS-REFUND-FORMAT-OUTPUT
- Exhibit 2.4.44-10 XS-APPLY-CHG-FORMAT-OUTPUT
- Exhibit 2.4.44-11 XS-APPLY-REALTIME-INPUT-"M" Apply
- Exhibit 2.4.44-12 XS-APPLY-REALTIME-INPUT—"N" Apply
- Exhibit 2.4.44-13 XS-APPLY-REALTIME-INPUT-"T" Apply
- Exhibit 2.4.44-15 XS-AMT-CHG-REALTIME-INPUT-"V" Apply: Voided Record
- Exhibit 2.4.44-16 XS-AMT-CHG-REALTIME-INPUT-"Z" Apply: Correction of Erroneous Money Amount
- Exhibit 2.4.44-17 XS-ENTITY-CHG-INPUT
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 4. IDRS Terminal Input
Section 44. Command Codes XSADD, XSREF, XSAPL, XSOUT, and XSENT
2.4.44 Command Codes XSADD, XSREF, XSAPL, XSOUT, and XSENT
Manual Transmittal
December 30, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.4.44, IDRS Terminal Input, Command Codes XSADD, XSREF, XSAPL, XSOUT and XSENT.
Material Changes
(1) IRM Updated the required Internal Controls Section to include Authority, Term/Acronyms/Definitions and Related Resources.
(2) Replaced Wage & Investment (W&I) to Taxpayer Services (TS) throughout IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.4.44, dated March 06, 2023, is superseded.Audience
LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE, TS.Effective Date
Rajiv R Uppal
Chief Information Officer
This IRM section provides the instructions for the use of Excess Collection File (XSF) command codes XSADD, XSREF, XSAPL, XSOUT, and XSENT
Purpose These sections provides instructions for inputting information to the URF database
Audience All IRS business areas.
Policy Owner Chief Information Officer
Program Owner IDRS
Primary Stakeholders Taxpayer Services (TS), Large Business and International (LB&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE), and Enterprise Operations (EOPS).
Program Goals This system manages data that was extracted from the Corporate Account Data Stores (BMF and IMF) allowing IRS employees to take specific actions on taxpayer account issues.
The Excess Collection File (XSF) contains all non-revenue receipt credits. Command Code XSADD, XSREF, XSAPL, XSOUT, and XSENT are used to add/update DC records from the Excess Collection File.
IRM 20.1, Penalty Handbook, provides guidance to all areas of the IRS for all civil penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). It sets forth general policy and procedural requirements for assessing and abating penalties, and it contains discussions on topics such as criteria for relief from certain penalties.
The Director, Business Support, is the director responsible for the servicewide civil penalty program.
The Director, Internal Management, is the director responsible for the IDRS Command Code.
Overall responsibility for civil penalty programs is assigned to OSP. OSP is a matrix organization residing in the Business Support (Small Business/Self Employed) Function. OSP is charged with coordinating policy and procedures concerning the civil penalty program administration, ensuring consistency with the penalty policy statement, reviewing and analyzing penalty information, researching penalty effectiveness on compliance trends, and determining appropriate action necessary to promote voluntary compliance.
Each and every taxpayer has a set of fundamental rights when dealing with IRS as provided in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR). All employees handling penalty cases must do so in accordance with the TBOR as listed in IRC 7803(a)(3). The TBOR can also be found at Taxpayer Bill of Rights on irs.gov
Every function in the IRS has a role in proper penalty administration. It is essential that each function conduct its operations with an emphasis on promoting voluntary compliance. Appropriate business reviews should be conducted to ensure consistency with the penalty policy statement (Policy Statement 20-1) and philosophy. Attention should be directed to penalty program coordination between offices and functions to make sure that approaches are consistent and penalty information is used for identifying and responding to compliance problems.
The Following Table defines acronyms frequently used throughout this IRM:
Acronym Definition XSF Excess Collection FIle IMF Individual Master File BMF Business Master File
The Excess Collection File (XSF) contains two accounts, non-revenue receipts credits in Account 6800 (Excess Collections) and Account 9999 (Revenue Clearance Accountability). Each record within the file contains the Control Number, amount and source of the credit, IRS received date, status code and other available payment and follow-up information.
The XSF is maintained in IDRS with the use of several command codes:
CC XSADD adds to the Excess Collection File.
CC XSADDR generates the format to be used in adding a record to the file.
CC XSADDM generates a format to be used in adding a record to the file while debiting it from the Master File.
CC XSAPL generates the format to be used by CC XSAPL.
CC XSAPLR generates the format to be used by CC XSAPL.
CC XSAPL applies from the file and will also generate a 2349CG notice or a 2340SP Spanish notice.
CC XSOUT changes or voids a record.
CC XSENT will do one or all of the following: Change record status, add follow-up information to the record, correct erroneous names and address, add, delete, or change an employee number, change document locator numbers, add or change TRACE-ID, add or change SSNs and change the IRS Received Date on the record.
CC XSREFR generates the format to be used in the XSF refund application command code.
CC XSREF makes refund applications.
Research of the XSF is done with CC XSINQ, and can be researched in three different ways: by amount of remittance, name control, or DLN. If the DLN is not known, adding the Area Office to one of the other data elements will narrow the search down from region wide to that area.
XSF records are established, corrected and applied only by the Campus Excess Collection function in the Accounting Branch.
XSF applications will be numbered daily via the IDRS computer's blocking and numbering run.
ACCOUNTING CONTROL: The CC's XSADD and XSAPL have, as part of their function, a running subtotal of items and monies being entered.
Before entering records into the XS file, the operator should have pre-determined the total number of items and money amounts involved. Then, after the operator has completed the adding to, the operator should compare the total item count and money involved appearing on the screen (line one) with the pre-determined totals to see if they are the same. When the totals are not the same, the operator must recall each record previously entered, to determine which XS record is in error, using CC XSINQ. When a record is determined to be in error, corrections to the money amount may be made using CC XSOUT-"Z" .
CC's XSADD, XSAPL, XSOUT, and XSREF displays are in an overlay format. The end of line symbol may be used to blank out unnecessary data and skip down to the next line to facilitate input. For ease of input, the EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM will be returned after each "Request Completed" for XSADDM.
VALID XSAPL " M" TRANSACTIONS— See Exhibit 2.4.44-14 represents the valid transactions in table form that may be input with XSAPL "M" type applies from the XSF to Master File. These transactions are shown for the corresponding file—IMF or BMF.
Use this command code to request CC XSADD format.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-1 for input display.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-2 for terminal Response: Valid Response— CC XSADD format with stored sub-totals if recall code is used.
Use this command code to request special CC XSADD format.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-1. for input display.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-3. for terminal Response: Valid Response— CC XSADD format with stored sub-totals if recall code is used.
Upon "REQUEST COMPLETED" for CC XSADDM, the EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM will be returned to the screen.
Use this command code to establish an excess collection account and to debit the account from the Master File.
The format for adding an account only is generated by CC XSADDR.
The format for adding an account to Excess Collection while debiting it from the Master File is generated by CC XSADDM.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-4 and See Exhibit 2.4.44-5 for input displays.
Use this command code to request a screen display of XSREF format.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-6 for input display.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-7 for terminal response.
Use this command code to make a Refund application from the XSF. Format generated by input of CC XSREFR.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-8 for input display.
Use this command code to request screen display of XSAPL format.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-9 for input display.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-10 for terminal response.
Use this command code in conjunction with a TYPE-OF-APPLICATION code to record the application of part or all of an Excess Collection record.
Format is generated by XSAPLR and will be redisplayed after each entry.
Excess Collection NAME-CTRL cannot be UNKN.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-11 for XSAPL "M" Apply.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-12 for XSAPL "N" Apply.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-13 for XSAPL "T" Apply.
Use this command code in conjunction with a TYPE-OF-APPLICATION code to correct an erroneous XS record, or to void a record.
Use the XSAPL format and overlay it with CC XSOUT.
The NAME-CTRL cannot be UNKN.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-15 for XSOUT "V" , Apply.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-16 for XSOUT "Z" Apply.
Use this command code to do one or more of the following:
record the correction of an erroneous name or address on an Excess Collection record.
to change the status of an XS record from (OPEN to IDEN or FROZ) and (IDEN to OPEN or FROZ) and (FROZ to OPEN or IDEN).
to record a narrative of follow-up actions.
to change the IRS received date on the record.
to add, delete or change the employee number.
to add or change a SSN/EIN.
change a Document Locator Number (DLN).
Change source code (SO).
to add or change TRACE-ID.
See Exhibit 2.4.44-17 for input display.
Error messages appear on line 12 or line 13. Listed below are the XSF error messages with condition and resolution of that error condition.
ERROR MESSAGES 1. Error Message: "AMOUNT FIELD INVALID" a. Error Conditions: a. The amount field is not formatted correctly, or b. The PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT in XSOUT "Z" is equal to the ORIGINAL-AMT in the XS record, or c. The ORIGINAL-AMT and BALANCE-AMT within the record are not identical. b. Solution: a. Correct and re-enter, or b. PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT must be different, or c. Review/Apply info.—use VOID 2. Error Message: "APPLICATION AMOUNT EXCEEDS BALANCE" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to apply more money out of a XS record than is available for application. b. Solution: Determine the apply amount available and re-enter application. 3. Error Message: "AO/SC INVALID FOR THIS CENTER" a. Error Condition: The AO-CD of SC-CD is not within this Campus. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 4. Error Message: "DUPLICATE CONTROL NO—ADD DENIED" a. Error Condition: Another exact CTRL-NUM is present on the existing XS File. b. Solutions: 1. Determine reason for duplicate number and 2. Reassign a different CTRL-NUM and re-enter; or 3. VOID original (existing) record if it is in error and 4. Re-enter subsequent (correct) CTRL-NUM after voided one has been dropped from the file. 5. Error Message: "NAME LINE INVALID" a. Error Condition: 1. NAME-LINE— is missing. 2. NAME-LINE-1 does not begin in the first position. 3. First position is not alpha-numeric. b. Solution: Enter NAME-LINE-1 beginning in the first position. 6. Error Message: "NARRATIVE MISSING OR INVALID " a. Error Condition: 1. The REMARKS field is all blank. 2. The first position is blank. 3. The REMARKS field exceeds 35 positions. b. Solution: Begin your REMARKS in the first position and keep them within the 35 positions. 7. Error Message: "nn ERRORS-CORRECT * FIELDS & RE-ENTER" a. Error Condition: One or more of the INPUT DATA fields are in error (fail to pass validity checks). Invalid fields will be indicated by having an asterisk (*) right of the data field. "nn" will indicate how many fields are invalid and must be corrected. b. Solution: Locate the invalid fields and correct the erroneous data and re-enter. 8. Error Message: "NO RECORD FOUND FOR GIVEN DATA" a. Error Condition: Self-explanatory. b. Solution: Change search or apply information and re-enter. 9. Error Message: "PRIOR COMMAND CODE NOT COMPATIBLE" a. Error Condition: The command code immediately proceeding the one just entered was not correct for inquiry or for processing, e.g. XSADD entered and XSAPL was overlaid. b. Solution: Determine correct command code to use and re-enter data. 10. Error Message: "RECORD STATUS DOES NOT ALLOW APPLY" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change or apply an amount in a record where the status is not "OPEN" or "IDEN" . b. Solution: Be sure this is the record you want before taking further action: 11. Error Message: "STATUS CHANGE NOT ALLOWED " a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change the status of a record which is not allowed. See Exhibit 2.4.44-17. b. Solution: Be sure that this is the record you want before taking further action. Add a narrative with subsequent information. 12. Error Message: "STATUS CODE INVALID" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change the record status to other than the following: 1. OPEN to IDEN or FROZ 2. IDEN to OPEN or FROZ, or 3. FROZ to OPEN or IDEN b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 13. Error Message: "SUBTOTALS NOT AVAILABLE FOR RECALL" (Only when using RECALL-CD) a. Error Condition: 1. No prior totals are stored, or *2. EMPLEE-NUM is not the same as the one used to store the subtotal, or *3. Prior command code is not compatible with the command code being entered. (*Effect of this error condition will result in zeroing out whatever totals have been stored up to this point.) b. Solution: Recall to the screen all prior entries to get totals entered up to this point. 14. Error Message: "CONTROL NUMBER INVALID " a. Error Condition: The CTRL-NUM is not formatted correctly or is not all numeric. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 15. Error Message: "CONTROL NUMBER/NAME CONTROL MISMATCH" a. Error Condition: The CTRL-NUM is on file but the NAME-CTRL input does not match the one in the record. b. Solution: Change the NAME–CTRL after verifying the correct taxpayer. 16. Error Message: "NAME CONTROL INVALID " a. Error Condition: 1. NAME-CTRL is not four positions when input. 2. NAME-CTRL is not alpha or numeric in the first position. 3. First position is a blank. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 17. Error Message: "CONTROL NUMBER/AMOUNT MISMATCH" a. Error Condition: The CTRL-NUM is on file but the amount input does not match the amount in the record. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 18. Error Message: "CONTROL NUMBER/BOTH NC AMT MISMATCH" a. Error Condition: The CTRL-NUM is on file but the amount and NAME-CTRL input do not match the amount and name control in the record. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 19. Error Message: "ASTERISK MISSING OR POSITIONED WRONG" a. Error Condition: When a request is made to go from the URAF-REC display to a corresponding URCF-REC, and no asterisk is found to the left of the NAME-CTRL. b. Solution: Insert an asterisk and re-enter. 20. Error Message: "N/C AMT OR CONTROL NUMBER REQUIRED" a. Error Condition: None of the required input data are present on the input screen. One of the following must be re-entered: NAME-CTRL, amount or CTRL-NUM. b. Solution: Enter one of the above. 21. Error Message: "NEW CITY STATE ZIP INVALID " a. Error Condition: 1. More than 16 characters have been entered for city. 2. Invalid Major City CD has been entered. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 22. Error Message: "NEW STREET ADDRESS INVALID " a. Error Condition 1. NEW-STREET-ADDR does not begin in the first position. 2. First position is not alpha-numeric. b. Solution: Enter NEW-STREET-ADDR line beginning in the first position. 23. Error Message: "DLN ALREADY EXISTS ON FILE" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change a DLN on a record to a DLN which already exists on the file. b. Solution: Reassign a different DLN and re-enter. 24. Error Message: "NAME CHANGE EXCEEDS 35 CHARACTERS" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change the name on a XS record with a name greater than 35 characters. b. Solution: Shorten NAME LINE to 35 characters or less. 25. Error Message: "JOURNAL STATUS INVALID FOR CC" a. Error Condition: An attempt was made to change a XSF record using a URF record. b. Solution: Use XSF command code and re-input. 26. Error message: "RECORD IS IN VOID STATUS " a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change entity data on a previously voided record. b. Solution: Base record is in void status and entity changes are not allowed. 27. Error Message: "DUPLICATE CHANGE LITERALS NOT ALLOWED" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change a literal already assigned. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 28. Error Message: "PLEASE CORRECT INVALID DATA" a. Error Condition: Item asterisked (*) contains invalid characters, is improperly formatted, is missing, or inconsistent with another asterisked item. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 29. Error Message: "BLANK LINE BETWEEN CHANGES NOT ALLOWED" a. Error Condition: An attempt is being made to have a blank line between changes in CC XSENT. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 30. Error Message: "CHANGES MUST BEGIN ON SCREEN LINE 4" a. Error Condition: Change data not entered on proper line or not entered at all. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 31. Error Message: "INVALID ENTITY CHANGE LITERAL" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to use an invalid entity change. b. Solution: Determine correct entity change to use and re-enter. 32. Error Message: "UPDATE(S) NOT ALLOWED STATUS FROZEN" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to make changes to the record that has a status of frozen. b. Solution: Be sure that this is the record you want before taking further action. 33. Error Message: "DUPLICATE TIN NOT ACCEPTED " a. Error Condition: A TIN exactly the same as the one being entered already exists on the XS File. b. Solution: Determine reason for duplicate number and reassign a different TIN and re-enter. 34. Error Message: "INVALID DLN INPUT" a. Error Condition: The CTRL-NUM is not formatted correctly or is not all numeric. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 35. Error Message: "DUPLICATE SOURCE-CD NOT ACCEPTED" a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made to change a SOURCE CODE on a record to a SOURCE CODE which already exists on the record. b. Solution: Correct and re-enter. 36. Error Message: "FIRST NAME LINE EXCEEDS 35 CHARACTERS" a. Error Condition: Self-explanatory. b. Solution: Re-input name line not to exceed 35 characters. 37. Error Message: "SECOND NAME LINE EXCEEDS 35 CHARACTERS" a. Error Condition: Self-explanatory. b. Solution: Re-input name line not to exceed 35 characters. 38. Error Message: "TIF, URF, OR TRAINING AREA DOWN OR RESTRICTED" a. Error Condition: One of the above areas is down or restricted. b. Solution: Contact Campus Data Base Administrator to find out if this is correct and how long. 39. Error Message: "NAME LINE 1 IS EQUAL TO SPACES OR EQUALS LITERAL" a. Error Condition: No change has been made to screen literals. b. Solution: Re-input name on name line 1. 40. Error Message: "MONEY AMOUNT NOT IN CORRECT FIELD" a. Error Condition: numeric character entered in blank space between transaction code and money amount field. b. Solution: Re-input money amount in correct field. 41. Error Message: "BMF ACCESS RESTRICTED " a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made by the user to access an IMF account. User is not profiled to access this type of account. b. Solution: Refer to IRM 2.4.6 42. Error Message: "IMF ACCESS RESTRICTED " a. Error Condition: An attempt has been made by the user to access a BMF account. User is not profiled to access this type of account. b. Solution: Refer to IRM 2.4.6. 43. Error Message: "TIN NOT ESTABLISHED ON MF" a. Error Condition: This TIN could not be matched against the National Accounts Profile (NAP) Database. b. Solution: Check to make sure the TIN is correct. If it is, this message means that this taxpayer is not yet on the Master File. 44. Error Message: "Name Control Mismatch on NAP File" a. Error Condition: The Name Control cannot be matched against the National Accounts Profile (NAP). b. Solution: Check to make sure the Name Control is correct. If it is, use CC TXMOD to check for prior names. 45. Error Message: "INVALID TIN-TYPE" a. Error Condition: The TIN-TYPE is not valid. The NAP cannot be completed. b. Solution: This response indicates a program error. Notify the IDRS Control Staff. 46. Error Message: "TIN IS NOT ON EPMF OR BMF" a. Error Condition: The TIN was not found on the NAP as an EPMF account nor a BMF account. b. Solution: Check TIN. 47. Error Message: "TIN IS NOT ON EPMF; IS ON BMF" a. Error Condition: The TIN was not found on the NAP as an EPMF account, it was found as a BMF account. b. Solution: Check TIN 48. Error Message: "CRS/NAP ACCESS NOT AVAILABLE: TRY LATER" a. Error Condition: The Communication Replacement System (CRS) for the National Account Profile (NAP) is not available at this time. Processing cannot continue. b. Solution: Try Later. 49. Error Message: "NAP ENTITY FILE NOT AVAILABLE: TRY LATER" . a. Error Condition: The National Entity File is unavailable at this time. Processing cannot continue. b. Solution: Try Later. 50. Error Message:"SSN NOT ON MF VALID OR INVALID-INOLE CAN BE USED TO VALIDATE DM-1 SSN/NAME" a. Error Condition: TIN associated with the NAME-CTRL could not be found on MF. b. Solution: Check TIN or NAME-CTRL for errors or use CC INOLE to verify TIN and NAME-CTRL 51. Error Message: "ACCOUNT FOUND ON OPPOSITE VALIDITY- INOLE CAN BE USED TO VALIDATE SSN/NAME" a. Error Condition: The account could not be found on the NAP. b. Solution: Check TIN or NAME-CTRL for errors or use CC INOLE to verify TIN and NAME-CTRL. 52. Error Message: "INVALID REQUEST-NAP" a. Error Condition: TIN, TIN-TYPE, MF-SOURCE-CD are invalid. The NAP cannot be completed. b. Solution: Verify and re-input data. 53. Error Message: "DEADLOCK CONDITION PRESENT " a. Error Condition: This account is currently being used by another run. b. Solution: Try later. 54. Error Message: "RECOVERY IN PROGRESS " a. Error Condition: A Recovery is being done to the Database and is unavailable. b. Solution: Please try again later 55. Error Message: area-name "IS DOWN" a. Error Condition: An area of the Database is down and unavailable. b. Solution: Please try again later or try another area. 56. Error Message: area-name "IS RESTRICTED " a. Error Condition: An area of the Database is restricted and unavailable. b. Solution: Please try again later or try another area. 57. Error Message: tif-type '"TIF" tif-num "AREA IS UNAVAILABLE" a. Error Condition: This particular TIF–AREA is unavailable for use. b. Solution: Please try again later or try another area. 58. Error Message: "IBM PROGRAM ABEND" a. Error Condition: Subprogram "IHXFER" has aborted when CC XSAPL was accessing the NAP. b. Solution: Please contact the IBM programmer. 59. Error Message: "PROGRAM/REGION PROBLEM AT MCC CICS" a. Error Condition: An error has occurred when accessing the NAP. b. Solution: Please contact the IBM programmer. 60. Error Message: "PROGRAM/REGION PROBLEM AT DCC CICS" a. Error Condition: An error has occurred when accessing the NAP. b. Solution: Please contact the IBM programmer. 61. Error Message: "TIF ERROR - CONTACT DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR " a. Error Condition: An error has occurred with the TIF database. b. Solution: Please contact the database administrator. 62. Error Message: "TOO MANY TIF63 RECORDS - MUST WAIT FOR TRANSACTIONS TO POST BEFORE REINPUTTING." a. Error Condition: The maximum allowable pending TIF63 records is 96. Your request will exceed this amount. b. Solution: Try your request again after some of the pending transactions have posted to the TIF. 63. Error Message: "S-XPASS TIMED OUT - TRY AGAIN LATER. " a. Error Condition: The subroutine has timed out. b. Solution: Please try your request again later. 64. Error Message: "S-XPASS IS NOT AVAILABLE - TRY AGAIN LATER." a. Error Condition: The subroutine is currently not available. b. Solution: Please try your request again later. 65. Error Message: "OTHER S-XPASS ERROR - CALL CSA.. " a. Error Condition: There is a problem with the subroutine. b. Solution: Please contact a CSA for further instructions. 66. Error Message: "DPC MUST BE 47, 48, 49, 50, OR 51" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694 with a Designated Payment Code other than 47, 48, 49, 50, or 51. b. Solution: Re-Enter using Designated Payment Code of 47, 48, 49, 50, or 51. 67. Error Message: "MFT AND TAX PERIOD NOT CONSISTENT " a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694 with a Designated Payment Code of 49, 50, or 51 with MFT-CD other than 13 or 55. b. Solution: Re-enter using MFT-CD 13 with TAX-PRD month of 12 or MFT-CD 55 with TAX-PRD month of 01. 68. Error Message: "SECONDARY TRANS CD MUST BE 360" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694 with Secondary Trans Cd other than 360. b. Solution: Re-enter using Secondary Trans Cd of 360. 69. Error Message: "IF DPC = 49 AMT MUST = $52.00" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694, Secondary Trans Cd 360, Designated Payment Cd of 49 with Primary Trans Amt other than $52.00. b. Solution: Re-enter using Primary Trans Amt of $52.00. 70. Error Message: "IF DPC = 50 AMT MUST = $120.00" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694, Secondary Trans Cd 360, Designated Payment Cd of 50 with Primary Trans Amt other than $120.00. b. Solution: Re-enter using Primary Trans Amt of $120.00. 71. Error Message: "IF DPC = 51 AMT MUST = $50.00" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694, Secondary Trans Cd 360, Designated Payment Cd of 51 with Primary Trans Amt other than $50.00. b. Solution: Re-enter using Primary Trans Amt of $50.00. 72. Error Message: "AMOUNTS MUST BE EQUAL." a. Error Condition: Attempted to enter two different amounts for the Primary Trans Amt and the Secondary Trans Amt. b. Solution: Enter the same amounts in both the Primary Trans Amt and Secondary Trans Amt fields. 73. Error Message: "INVALID DPC FOR TC 670" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 670 with an invalid Designated Payment Cd. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Designated Payment Cd. 74. Error Message: "IF DPC = 33 AMT MUST = $186.00" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 670, Designated Payment Cd of 33 with Primary Trans Amt other than $186.00. b. Solution: Re-enter using Primary Trans Amt of $186.00. 75. Error Message: "INVALID SITE ID (FLC) - TRACE ID " a. Error Condition: Attempted to use invalid Site ID as part of the Trace ID. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Site ID. The Site ID must be a valid Campus Code, a valid District Office Code, a valid Area Office Code, or a valid Lockbox Bank ID. This does not have to be a current, valid code. It can be a valid one from the past. 76. Error Message: "INVALID SYSTEM ID - TRACE ID" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use invalid System ID as part of the Trace ID. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid System ID of 01, 02, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 55. 77. Error Message: "INVALID JULIAN DATE - TRACE ID" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use invalid Julian Date as part of the Trace ID. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Julian Date. It must be greater than 2006001. It cannot be greater than the current date. 78. Error Message: "INVALID SEQUENCE NUMBER - TRACE ID" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use invalid Deposit Ticket Sequence Number as part of the Trace ID. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Sequence Number greater than 0. 79. Error Message: "INVALID TRANSACTION SEQ # - TRACE ID" a. Error Condition: Attempted to use invalid Transaction Sequence Number as part of the Trace ID. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Transaction Sequence Number greater than 0. 80. Error Message: "7,8,19,28,17,49,89 ARE RESTRICTED " a. Error Condition: Attempted to add an Account with an invalid Campus Code in DLN. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Campus Code. Note: Campuses 07,08,17,19, 28, 49 & 89's processing have been consolidated to Campus (09 - Kansas City). 81. Error Message: "IF DPC = 47 OR 48 AMT MUST = $43.00 " a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 694, Secondary Trans Cd 360, Designated Payment Cd of 47 or 48 with Primary Trans Amt other than $43.00. b. Solution: Re-enter using Primary Trans Amt of $43.00. 82. Error Message: "INVALID MFT FOR DPC " a. Error Condition: Attempted to use invalid MFT for DPC 26 or 31. b. Solution: Re-enter using valid MFT. When using DPC 26 or 31, MFT must = 31. 83. Error Message: "INVALID DPC FOR TC 640 " a. Error Condition: Attempted to use Primary Trans Cd 640 with an invalid Designated Payment Cd. b. Solution: Re-enter using a valid Designated Payment Cd.
(1) | Input Display: (To be used in CAMPUS EXCESS COLLECTION function only) |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
(2) | Record Element Description: |
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD XSADD |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC-DEFINER—Must be R or M. |
(a) Enter "R" to generate the input format for adding an account to XSF, | |||
(b) Enter "M" to generate special format for adding an account to XSF while debiting it from the Master File. | |||
3 | 1 | 7 | RECALL-CD—Input "C" only to request a new XSADD format when the block subtotals must be retained. (See CC XSADD—Items 3,4, and 5) |
Terminal Response to XS-CREATE-FORMAT-REQUEST Using Command Code Definer R;

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 1 | 7–11 | ITEMS-LITERAL |
3 | 1 | 13–15 | ITEM-COUNT—Number of items added to this point. (Generated) |
4 | 1 | 17 | AT-SIGN-LITERAL |
5 | 1 | 18–35 | MONEY-COUNTER-EDITED-LITERAL—The dollar amount added to this point. (Generated) |
6 | 2 | 1–17 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED-LITERAL |
7 | 2 | 19–20 | SOURCE-CD-LITERAL |
8 | 2 | 22–25 | STATUS-CD-LITERAL |
9 | 2 | 27–36 | EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM-LITERAL |
10 | 3 | 1–14 | DOLLAR-SIGN-LITERAL |
11 | 4 | 1–2 | TYPE-OF-PAYMENT-LITERAL |
12 | 4 | 4–11 | RECVD-DT-LITERAL |
13 | 5 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-1–LITERAL |
14 | 6 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-2-LITERAL |
15 | 7 | 1–35 | STREET-ADDR-LITERAL |
16 | 8 | 1–29 | CITY-STATE-ZIP-LITERAL |
17 | 9 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO-LITERAL |
18 | 10 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO-2-LITERAL |
19 | 11 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-LITERAL |
20 | 12 | 1–2 | MFT-LITERAL |
21 | 12 | 4–9 | TAX-PRD-LITERAL |
22 | 13 | 1-24 | TRACE-ID-LITERAL |
Terminal Response to XS-CREATE-FORMAT-REQUEST using Command Code Definer M:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 1 | 7–11 | ITEMS-LITERAL |
3 | 1 | 13–15 | ITEM-COUNT—Number of items added to this point. (Generated) |
4 | 1 | 17 | AT-SIGN-LITERAL |
5 | 1 | 18–35 | MONEY-COUNTER-EDITED-LITERAL—The dollar amount added to this point. (Generated) |
6 | 2 | 1–17 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED-LITERAL |
7 | 2 | 19–20 | SOURCE-CD-LITERAL |
8 | 2 | 22–25 | STATUS-CD-LITERAL |
9 | 2 | 27–36 | EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM-LITERAL |
11 | 3 | 5–18 | DOLLAR-SIGN-LITERAL |
12 | 3 | 20 | FREEZE-IND-LITERAL |
13 | 4 | 1–2 | TYPE-OF-PAYMENT-LITERAL |
14 | 4 | 4–11 | RECVD-DT-LITERAL |
15 | 4 | 13 | MULTIPLE-CR-LITERAL |
16 | 5 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-1-LITERAL |
17 | 6 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-2-LITERAL |
18 | 7 | 1–35 | STREET-ADDR-LITERAL |
19 | 8 | 1–29 | CITY-STATE-ZIP-LITERAL |
20 | 9 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO-LITERAL |
21 | 10 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO-2-LITERAL |
22 | 11 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-LITERAL |
23 | 11 | 14 | ELECT-PYMNT-IND-LITERAL |
24 | 12 | 1–2 | MFT-LITERAL |
25 | 12 | 4–9 | TAX-PRD-LITERAL |
26 | 12 | 11-13 | PLAN-NUM-LITERAL |
27 | 13 | 1-24 | TRACE-ID-LITERAL |
Input Display: (To be used in the CAMPUS EXCESS COLLECTION function only)

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 2 | 1–17 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must be present and in format nnnnn-nnn-nnnnn-n with the first two digits a valid area office or Campus. |
3 | 2 | 19–20 | SOURCE-CD-An overlay, must be present and alpha, indicates the area from which the XS record originated. |
RJ—Reject Function | |||
NU—Nullified Unpostables | |||
NM—Non-Master File | |||
AD—Adjustments | |||
FD—Federal Tax Deposit | |||
AM—Accounts Maintenance | |||
CO—Collection | |||
AO—Area Office | |||
ST—Statute | |||
OT—Others | |||
4 | 2 | 22–25 | STATUS-CD—Overlay reflects the classification of the XS record. Statuses are: |
OPEN—Remittance that can be applied after identification. Also generated from blanks. | |||
IDEN—Identified, but unable to apply. | |||
FROZ—Statute date has exceeded. | |||
If blank, status will be OPEN. | |||
5 | 2 | 27–36 | EMPLOYEE–ASG–NUM—Optional |
6 | 3 | 1–14 | ORIGINAL–AMT–EDITED—Must be present and .01 through 999,999,999.99 includes decimal point and comma(s). |
Overlay first $ with amount to be entered—i.e. 10.00$$$. | |||
7 | 4 | 1–2 | TYPE-OF-PAYMENT—Must be 2 position alpha code to designate the type of remittance received. |
BC— Business Check | |||
CA— Cash (includes cash conversions) | |||
CC— Cashier's Check | |||
GC— Government Check | |||
MO— Money Order | |||
PC— Personal Check | |||
FD— Federal Tax Deposit (includes Certificates of Deposit) | |||
WH— Withholding | |||
UK— Unknown | |||
8 | 4 | 4–11 | RECVD-DT—Must be present when SOURCE-CD is "OT" . Valid month, day, year combination and will be formatted MMDDYYYY. When DOC-CODE of CTRL-NUM is 48, 58 or 65, RECVD-DT must be current date or older. Otherwise, the RECVD-DT must be more than 1 year old. |
9 | 5 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE- 1—Must be present; first position must be alpha or numeric. Input name line as follows: |
a. IMF—Smith, John J. N/C SMIT b. BMF—Smith, John M. N/C SMIT c. BMF—John M. Smith Co. Inc. N/C JOHN d. Multiple BMF Names— N/C SMIT (Partnership) Smith-Jones- Roberts Co. e. Unknown—Unknown N/C UNKN |
10 | 6 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-2—Optional |
11 | 7 | 1–35 | STREET-ADDR—If known |
12 | 8 | 1–29 | CITY-STATE-ZIP–INPUT—A "#" (pound sign) in the first position indicates a foreign address and requires only that the rest of the input field not be blank. Otherwise, the field must contain one of the following: 1) a Major-City-Code followed by blanks or blank, Zip-Cd, blanks; 2) a complete City/St/Zip. If the input is a valid Major-City-Cd but the corresponding City is more than 16 characters in length, the input will be flagged. If the input is a complete City/St/Zip, the format must be City followed by comma, State (2 positions standard state abbr.), blank, Zip. The City cannot exceed 16 characters in length. |
13 | 9 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO—Must be present, check or money order number, name of bank, etc. 50 positions maximum. |
14 | 10 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO-2—Optional. Used as a continuation of PAYMENT-INFO line. 50 positions maximum. |
15 | 11 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-EDITED—Optional. SSN/EIN format. |
16 | 12 | 1–2 | MFT—Optional |
17 | 12 | 4–9 | TAX-PRD—Optional. |
18 | 13 | 1-24 | TRACE-ID—Must be present, and must be all numeric. Can be all zeroes OR must be entered as follows: |
Pos 1-2 is the site-id and must be a valid Campus Code, a valid District Office Code, a valid Area Office Code, or a valid Lockbox Bank ID. This does not have to be a current, valid code. It can be a valid one from the past. | |||
Pos 4-5 is the system-id and must be 01, 02, 05, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 55. | |||
Pos 7-13 is the julian deposit date and it must be greater than 2006001. It cannot be greater than the current date. | |||
Pos 15-17 is the sequence number and it must be greater than 000. | |||
Pos 19-24 is the transaction sequence number and it must be greater than 000000. |
Terminal Response:
Valid Response: REQUEST COMPLETED message on line 24
Valid response also includes the XSADD format, which will be redisplayed after each addition. A subtotal of item count and amount added to this point will be shown on one line. To clear these counters at the end of a block, input any valid command code except XSADD. -
Error Response: Error messages are displayed on line 14.
Input Display: (To be used in the CAMPUS EXCESS COLLECTION function only.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 2 | 1–17 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must be present and in format nnnnn-nnn-nnnnn-n with the first two numerics a valid area office or Campus. |
3 | 2 | 19–20 | SOURCE-CD—An overlay, must be present and alpha, indicates the area from which the XS record originated. |
RJ—Reject Function | |||
NU—Nullified Unpostables | |||
NM—Non-Master File | |||
AD—Adjustments | |||
FD—Federal Tax Deposit | |||
AM—Accounts Maintenance | |||
CO—Collection | |||
DO—area Office | |||
ST—Statute | |||
OT—Others | |||
4 | 2 | 22–25 | STATUS–CD—Overlay reflects the classification of the XS record. Statuses are: |
OPEN—Remittance that can be applied after identification. Also generated from blanks. | |||
IDEN—Identified, but unable to apply. | |||
FROZ—Statute date has exceeded. | |||
If blank, status will be OPEN. | |||
5 | 2 | 27–36 | EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM—Optional. After receiving "REQUEST COMPLETED" , the EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM will be returned to the screen. |
6 | 3 | 1–3 | PRIMARY-TRANS-CD—Must be present with valid transaction code. |
7 | 3 | 5–18 | ORIGINAL-AMT-EDITED—Must be present and 01 through 999,999,999.99 includes decimal point and comma(s). Overlay first $ with amount to be debited—i.e. 10.00$$$. Must match amount of the account on the Master File. |
8 | 3 | 20 | FREEZE-IND—May be blank or one position code to indicate whether this account is to be placed in "FROZ" status on the Master File. |
Y—The FREEZE will be computer generated by sending a TC Code 570 to Master File. | |||
Blank—When left blank, no FREEZE TC code will be sent to Master File. | |||
9 | 4 | 1–2 | TYPE-OF-PAYMENT—Must be 2 positions alpha code to designate the type of remittance received. |
BC—Business Check | |||
CA—Cash (includes cash conversions) | |||
CC—Cashier's Check | |||
GC—Government Check | |||
MO—Money Order | |||
PC—Personal Check | |||
FD—Federal Tax Deposit (includes Certificates of Deposit) | |||
WH—Withholding | |||
UK—Unknown | |||
10 | 4 | 4–11 | RECVD-DT—Must be present. |
Valid month, day, year combination and will be formatted MMDDYYYY. | |||
When DOC-CODE of CTRL-NUM is 48, 58 or 65, RECVD-DT must be current date or older. | |||
Otherwise, the RECVD-DT must be more than 1 year old. | |||
11 | 4 | 13 | MULTIPLE-CR-IND—optional. If present must be 'Y' or 'N'. Used to retain the following screen input; NAME-LINE-1, NAME-LINE-2, STREET-ADDR, CITY-ST-ZIP, COMMENT-LINE-1, & TIN. |
12 | 5 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-1 —Must be present; first position must be alpha or numeric. Input name line as follows: |
a. IMF—Smith, John J. N/C SMIT b. BMF—Smith, John M. N/C SMIT c. BMF—John M. Smith Co. Inc. N/C JOHN d. Multiple BMF Names (Partnership) Smith-Jones-Roberts-Co N/C SMIT e. Unknown—Unknown N/C UNKN |
13 | 6 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-2—Optional |
14 | 7 | 1–35 | STREET-ADDR—If known |
15 | 8 | 1–29 | CITY-STATE-ZIP-INPUT—A "#" (pound sign) in the first position indicates a foreign address and requires only that the rest of the input field not be blank. Otherwise, the field must contain one of the following: 1) a Major-City-Code followed by blanks or blank, Zip-Cd, blanks; 2) a complete City/St/Zip. If the input is a valid Major-City-Cd but the corresponding City is more than 16 characters in length, the input will be flagged. If the input is a complete City/St/Zip, the format must be City followed by comma, State (2 positions standard state abbr.), blank, Zip. The City cannot exceed 16 characters in length. |
16 | 9 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO—Must be present, check or money order number, name of bank, etc. 50 positions maximum. |
17 | 10 | 1–50 | PAYMENT-INFO-2—Optional. Used as a continuation of PAYMENT-INFO line. 50 positions maximum. |
18 | 11 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-EDITED—Must be present and in SSN or EIN format. |
19 | 11 | 14 | ELECT-PYMNT-IND—Must be a ‘Y’ if electronic payment is being applied. ‘N’ will be the default. Valid for Transaction Codes: 612, 622, 642, 652, 662, 672, 679, 682, 692, and 695. |
20 | 12 | 1–2 | MFT—Must be present. |
21 | 12 | 4–9 | TAX-PRD—Must be entered. |
22 | 12 | 11-13 | PLAN-NUM—Optional. If MFT=46, PLAN-NUM range must be 000, 100-599, 700-999. If MFT=74, PLAN-NUM range must be 001-999. If MFT=76, PLAN-NUM range must be 000-499, 501-999. |
23 | 13 | 1-24 | TRACE-ID—Must be present, and must be all numeric. Can be all zeroes OR must be entered as follows: |
Pos 1-2 is the site-id and must be a valid Campus Code, a valid District Office Code, a valid Area Office Code, or a valid Lockbox Bank ID. This does not have to be a current, valid code. It can be a valid one from the past. | |||
Pos 4-5 is the system-id and must be 01, 02, 05, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 55. | |||
Pos 7-13 is the julian deposit date and it must be greater than 2006001. It cannot be greater than the current date. | |||
Pos 15-17 is the sequence number and it must be greater than 000. | |||
Pos 19-24 is the transaction sequence number and it must be greater than 000000. |
Terminal Responses:
Valid Response: REQUEST COMPLETED message on line 24.
Valid response also includes the XSADD format, which will be redisplayed after each addition. A subtotal of item count and amount added to this point will be shown on line one. To clear these counters at the end of a block, input any valid command code except XSADD. The EMPLOYEE-ASG-NUM will be returned to the screen after receiving "REQUEST COMPLETED" . -
Error Response: Error messages are displayed on line 14.
Input Display: (To be used in the CAMPUS EXCESS COLLECTION function only).

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
1 | 1 | 1–6 | COMMAND-CD |
Terminal response to XS-REFUND-FORMAT-REQUEST.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 2 | 1–17 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED-LITERAL |
3 | 2 | 19–26 | RETURN-FILE-DT-LITERAL |
4 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL-LITERAL |
5 | 3 | 6–19 | REFUND-AMT-LITERAL |
6 | 4 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-1-LITERAL |
7 | 5 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-2-LITERAL |
8 | 6 | 1–35 | STREET-ADDR-LITERAL |
9 | 7 | 1–29 | CITY-STAT-ZIP-LITERAL |
10 | 8 | 1–15 | TIN-FILE SOURCE-LITERAL |
Input Display:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 2 | 1–17 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must match control number on the Excess Collection record. |
3 | 2 | 19–26 | RETURN-FILE-DT—Optional. If entered valid month, day, year combination will be formatted MMDDYYYY. |
4 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL—Must match name control on Excess Collection record. |
5 | 3 | 6–19 | REFUND-AMT—Must be present. OPEN or IDEN status. |
6 | 4 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE-1—Must be present even if same as Excess Collection record. |
7 | 5 | 1–35 | NAME-LINE–2—Optional |
8 | 6 | 1–35 | STREET-ADDR—Optional. Variable input. |
9 | 7 | 1–29 | CITY-STATE-ZIP-INPUT—Must be present. |
A "#" (pound sign) in the first position indicates a foreign address and requires only that the rest of the input field not be blank. Otherwise, the field must contain one of the following: 1) a Major-City-Code followed by blanks or blank, Zip-Cd, blanks; 2) a complete City/St/Zip. If the input is a valid Major-City-Cd but the corresponding City is more than 16 characters in length, the input will be flagged. If the input is a complete City/St/Zip, the format must be City followed by comma, State (2 positions standard state abbr.), blank, Zip. The City cannot exceed 16 characters in length, more details. | |||
10 | 8 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-EDITED—Optional |
Terminal Responses:
a. Valid Response: The XSREF format will be redisplayed after each application, with the message REQUEST COMPLETED appearing on line 13.
b. Error Responses: The error messages appear on line 13.
Input Display:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–6 | COMMAND-CD |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
3 | 2 | 3–19 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED-LITERAL |
4 | 2 | 21 | NOTICE-IND |
5 | 2 | 23–30 | RETURN-FILE-DT |
6 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL-LITERAL |
10 | 4 | 5–18 | DOLLAR-SIGN-LITERAL |
11 | 4 | 20 | BYPASS-IND |
13 | 5 | 5–18 | DOLLAR-SIGN-LITERAL |
15 | 6 | 5–18 | DOLLAR-SIGN-LITERAL |
16 | 7 | 1–15 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-LITERAL |
17 | 7 | 17-18 | DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD |
18 | 8 | 1–6 | TAX-PRD-LITERAL |
19 | 8 | 8–9 | MFT-CD-LITERAL |
20 | 8 | 11–12 | DOC-CD-LITERAL |
21 | 8 | 14–16 | PLAN-NUM-LITERAL |
22 | 9 | 1–35 | REMARKS-LITERAL |
23 | 10 | 1–6 | LOCATION-CD-OR-23C-DT-LIT |
24 | 11 | 1–5 | TAX-FORM-NUM-LITERAL |
25 | 12 | 1–9 | TRANS-DLN-LITERAL |
Input Display:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
2 | 2 | 1 | TYPE-OF-APPLICATION-M—The standard validity checks will apply to the standard elements, i.e., MFT, Tax Period, TIN, Transaction Codes, etc. |
3 | 2 | 3–19 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must match control number on the XS record. |
4 | 2 | 21 | NOTICE-IND—Required. Must be ‘Y’ or ‘E’ or ‘N’. |
5 | 2 | 23–30 | RETURN-FILE-DT—Optional. If entered, valid month, day, year combination will be formatted MMDDYYYY. |
6 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL—Must match NAME-CTRL on the XS record. Must not be UNKN. |
7 | 3 | 6–9 | APPLICATION-NAME-CTRL—Must match valid NAME-CTRL of account. |
8 | 3 | 11 | ELECT-PYMNT-IND–Must be a ‘Y’ if electronic payment is being applied. ‘N’ will be the default. Valid for Primary Transaction codes 610, 640, 660, 670, 678, 690, and 694. |
9 | 4 | 1–3 | PRIMARY-TRANS-CD—Must be present with valid transaction code. NOTE - For year 2015, the only Primary Trans Cd that should be used with MFT 43 is Trans Cd 640. |
10 | 4 | 5–18 | PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT— Must be present. Begin overlaying first $ with amount to be entered. Include decimal and commas. May not exceed balance amount in XS record. XS record must be in OPEN or IDEN status. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 47 or 48, amount must equal $43.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 49, amount must equal $52.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 50, amount must equal $120.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 51, amount must equal $50.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 670 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 33, amount must equal $186.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 44, amount must equal $107.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 45, amount must equal $225.00. If PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is 694 and DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD is 46, amount must equal $89.00. |
11 | 4 | 20 | BYPASS-IND |
12 | 5 | 1–3 | SECONDARY-TRANS-CD—Can be present only when the PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is present. SECONDARY-TRANS-CD 360 is valid only with PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 670 or 694. SECONDARY-TRANS-CD 280 is valid with PRIMARY-TRANS-CDs 610, 640, 660, 670, 690 or 720 only. SECONDARY-TRANS-CD 770 is valid with PRIMARY-TRANS-CDs 720 or 832 only. SECONDARY-TRANS-CD 772 is valid with PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 720 only. |
13 | 5 | 5–18 | SECONDARY-TRANS-AMT—If the SECONDARY-TRANS-CD is 570, amount field is blank. If the SECONDARY-TRANS-CD is 270, amount may be equal to or greater than zero. If DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD 47, 48, 49, 50 or 51 present, SECONDARY-TRANS-AMT must equal PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT. All other SECONDARY-TRANS-AMT must be greater than zero and may not exceed the PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT. |
14 | 6 | 1–3 | TERTIARY-TRANS-CD—Can be present only when PRIMARY-TRANS-CD is present. |
15 | 6 | 5–18 | TERTIARY-TRANS-AMT—Must be present when TERTIARY-TRANS-CD is present. Amount must be greater than zero and the sum of PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT and TERITARY-TRANS-AMT cannot exceed the balance amount in the XS record. |
16 | 7 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-EDITED—nnn-nn-nnnn or nn-nnnnnnn format. IMF—Use * on invalid segment, BMF—blank, V (valid SSN) or W (invalid SSN). |
17 | 7 | 17-18 | DESIGNATED-PAYMENT-CD— |
When PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 640 is used with MFT 35 or MFT 65, if DPC is not entered, it will default to DPC of 36;otherwise, valid DPC for MFT 35 and 65 is 36. | |||
When PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 640 is used with MFT 43, if DPC is not entered, it will default to DPC of 43;otherwise, valid DPC for MFT 43 is 43. | |||
When PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 670 is used with MFT 35 or MFT 65, if DPC is not entered, it will default to DPC of 36;otherwise, valid DPCs for MFT 35 and MFT 65 are 03, 09, 10, 14, 24, 34, 35, or 36. | |||
When PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 670 is used with MFT 43, if DPC is not entered, it will default to DPC of 43;otherwise, valid DPC for MFT 43 is 43. | |||
When PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 670 is used with MFTs other than 35 or 43 or 65, if DPC is not entered, it will default to DPC of 00. Valid DPCs are 00 through 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20 through 23, 26, 31, 33, 34, 35, or 99. If DPC = 26 or 31, MFT must =31. | |||
When PRIMARY-TRANS-CD 694 is used along with SECONDARY-TRANS-CD 360, you must enter 47, 48, 49, 50 or 51 as the DPC. | |||
18 | 8 | 1–6 | TAX-PRD-IMF, the return tax period may not be earlier than 196212; BMF MFT 01, 03, 04, or 09, tax period may not be earlier than 196203. BMF MFT 02, 05, 06, 10, or 11, tax period may not be earlier than 196112. BMF MFT 08, tax period may not be earlier than 200412. MFT 40, tax period may not be earlier than 200401. MFT 17 tax period may not be earlier than 200512. BMF MFT 14, tax period may not be earlier than 200612. IMF MFT 35, tax period may not be earlier than 201412. BMF MFT 43, tax period may not be earlier than 201512 & month must be 12. |
19 | 8 | 8–9 | MFT-CD—See TAX-PRD consistency check. NOTE - For year 2015, the only Primary Trans Cd that should be used with MFT 43 is Trans Cd 640. |
20 | 8 | 11-12 | DOC-CD—Must be entered as 48 or 58 if PRIMARY-TRANS-CD or TERTIARY- TRANS-CD is 710. Otherwise, do not enter, this field will be computer generated. |
21 | 8 | 14-16 | PLAN-NUM—Present only when MFT is 46, 74 or 76. Format is nnn. If MFT is 46, valid PLAN-NUM range is 000, 100-599, 700-999. If MFT is 74, valid PLAN-NUM range is 001-999. If MFT is 76, valid PLAN-NUM range is 000-499, 501-999. |
22 | 9 | 1–70 | RE-MARKS—Must be included on all applies. |
Error Responses: Error messages appear on line 13.
Valid Response: The XSAPL format will be redisplayed after each application, with the message REQUEST COMPLETED appearing on line 13.
Input Display:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
3 | 2 | 3–19 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must match control number on XS record. |
4 | 2 | 21 | NOTICE-IND—Required. Must be 'Y' or ‘E’ or ‘N'. |
5 | 2 | 23–30 | RETURN-FILE-DT—Optional. If entered, valid month, day, year combination will be formatted MMDDYYYY. |
6 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL—Must match NAME-CTRL on XS record. |
7 | 4 | 1–3 | PRIMARY-TRANS-CD—Must be present with valid transaction code. |
8 | 4 | 5–18 | PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT—Must be present. |
9 | 7 | 1–12 | TIN-FILE-SOURCE-EDITED—nnn-nn-nnnn or nn-nnnnnnn format. The file source must be N. |
10 | 8 | 1–6 | TAX-PRD—Must be present. |
11 | 8 | 8–9 | MFT-CD—nn format, must be one of the following: 12, 17–26, 28–29, 31–38, 40–50, 53–55,58–59,65–68,70–72,74,76,80,90,93–97. |
12 | 8 | 11-12 | DOC-CD—Must be entered as 48 or 58 if PRIMARY-TRANS-CD or TERTIARY-TRANS-CD is 710. Otherwise, do not enter, this field will be computer generated. |
13 | 8 | 14-16 | PLAN-NUM—Present only when MFT-CD is 74 or 76. Format is nnn. If MFT is 74, valid PLAN-NUM range is 001-999. If MFT is 76, valid PLAN-NUM range is 000-999. |
14 | 9 | 1–70 | RE-MARKS—Must be present. |
15 | 10 | 1–8 | LOCATION-CD-OR-23C-DT—23C date or location code. Must be overlaid. |
16 | 11 | 1–6 | TAX-FORM-NUM—Must be present. Variable input with a minimum of 3 characters. |
17 | 12 | 1–14 | GENERAL-LEDGER-ACCT-NUM—Must be present; variable, 1 to 14 positions. |
Error Responses: Error messages appear on line 13.
Valid Response: The XSAPL format will be redisplayed after each application, with the message REQUEST COMPLETED appearing on line 13.
Input Display:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
3 | 2 | 3–19 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must match control number on the XS record. |
4 | 2 | 23–30 | RETURN-FILE-DT—Optional. If entered, valid month, day, year combination will be formatted MMDDYYYY. |
5 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL—Must match the NAME-CTRL on the XS record. |
6 | 4 | 5–18 | PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT—Amount of Transfer. Must be present. Begin overlaying first $ with amount to be entered. Include decimal and commas. May not exceed XS record balance. |
7 | 9 | 1–70 | RE-MARKS—Must be present. Variable input item. |
Terminal Responses:
Error Responses: Error messages appear on line 13.
Valid Response: The XSAPL format will be redisplayed after each application, with the messageREQUEST COMPLETED appearing on line 13.

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Input Display: (This command code is to be used in the CAMPUS EXCESS COLLECTION function only)

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
3 | 2 | 3–19 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must match control number on XS record. |
4 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL—Must match NAME-CTRL on the XS record. |
5 | 9 | 1–35 | REMARKS—Explain the Void Transaction. Must be present. |
Terminal Responses:
Error Responses: The appropriate error message will be displayed on line 13.
Valid Response: REQUEST COMPLETED message will be displayed on line 13 and a new XSOUT format will also be displayed
Input Display: (This command code is to be used in the CAMPUS EXCESS COLLECTION function only)

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | COMMAND-CD |
3 | 2 | 3–19 | CTRL-NUM-EDITED—Must match control number on XS record. |
4 | 3 | 1–4 | NAME-CTRL—Must match NAME-CTRL on the XS record. |
5 | 4 | 5–18 | PRIMARY-TRANS-AMT—Corrected money amount. Must be different than the original amount on the XS record. |
6 | 9 | 1–35 | REMARKS—Explain the reason for the change. Must be present. |
Terminal Responses:
Error Responses: The appropriate error message will be displayed on line 13.
Valid Response: REQUEST COMPLETED message will be displayed on line 13 and a new XSOUT format will also be displayed
Input Display:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Item | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
6 | 6 | 4–38 | NEW-STREET-ADDR—If being added or changed, enter ST/ immediately followed by the new street address data. The field must contain a valid character other than a blank in the first position. Optional when changing City/State/Zip. |
7 | 7 | 4–32 | NEW-CITY-STATE-ZIP—If being added or changed, enter CS/immediately followed by one of the following: 1) a Major City Code followed either by blanks or by blank, Zip-Cd, blanks; 2) a complete City/State/Zip. If the input is a valid Major-City-Cd but the corresponding City is more than 16 characters in length, the input will be flagged. If the input is a complete City/St/Zip, the format must be City followed by comma, State (2 position standard state abbr.), blank, Zip. The City cannot exceed 16 characters in length. If a foreign address, enter a pound sign (#) in position 1 followed by the foreign address. |
8 | 8 | 4–7 | STATUS-CD—If being changed, enter SC/ immediately followed by change. Valid changes are: 1) OPEN to IDEN or FROZ, 2) IDEN to OPEN or FROZ, and 3) FROZ to OPEN or IDEN. |
9 | 9 | 4–11 | IRS-RECVD-DT—If being changed, enter RD/ immediately followed by new date. If entered, valid month, day, year combination will be formatted MMDDYYYY |
10 | 10 | 4–73 | NARRATIVE—If being added, enter NR/ immediately followed by narrative. First position must not be blank and the field cannot exceed 70 characters. |
11 | 11 | 4–13 | EMPLEE-NUM—If being added or changed, enter EN/ immediately followed by the 10 digit employee number. |
12 | 12 | 4–13 | EMPLEE-NUM—If being deleted enter DE/ immediately followed by spaces. |
13 | 13 | 4–20 | DOCUMENT-LOCATOR-NUMBER—If being changed enter DN/ immediately followed by the document locator number. |
14 | 14 | 4–14 | TIN—If being added or changed enter TN/ immediately followed by a SSN/EIN. |
15 | 15 | 4–5 | SOURCE-CODE—If being changed enter SO/immediately followed by a valid SOURCE-CODE |
16 | 16 | 4-27 | TRACE-ID—If being added or changed enter TI/ immediately followed by a valid TRACE-ID: |
Pos 4-5 is the site-id and must be a valid Campus Code, a valid District Office Code, a valid Area Office Code, or a valid Lockbox Bank ID. This does not have to be a current, valid code. It can be a valid one from the past. | |||
Pos 7-8 is the system-id and must be 01, 02, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 55. | |||
Pos 10-16 is the julian deposit date and it must be greater than 2006001. It cannot be greater than the current date. | |||
Pos 18-20 is the sequence number and it must be greater than 000. | |||
Pos 22-27 is the transaction sequence number and it must be greater than 000000. |
Terminal Responses:
Error Responses: Error messages will be displayed on line 13.
Valid Response: REQUEST COMPLETED message will be displayed on line 13.