TIGTA Recommendation #6


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Details and status

Last updated:  January 31, 2014

No. Recommendation Lead ECD Status*
6 Develop training or workshops to be held before each election cycle including, but not limited to: a) what constitutes political campaign intervention versus general advocacy (including case examples) and b) the ability to refer for follow-up those organizations that may conduct activities in a future year which may cause them to lose their tax-exempt status. Director, Exempt Organizations 01/31/2014 Completed

* Green = On schedule, Yellow = Behind schedule, Red = Significant issues

Update history

January 2014

  • Training materials are completed. Formal training course numbers have been assigned for 6a: as Political Campaign Intervention and Other Advocacy and 6b: as Referral of Cases to EO Exam Classification. Training will be held before each federal election cycle. This recommendation is closed.

December 2013

  • Draft training materials are in final stages of review and are on schedule to the meet estimated completion date.

November 2013

  • 6a - Review process is nearing completion
  • 6b - Lesson outline has been developed and is in review

October 2013

  • Team continues to develop training materials and methods of delivery.

September 2013

  • Training has been incorporated into FY14 training plan.
  • 6a - Team has prepared initial draft for the Basic training course. (The final version of the course will be provided to all employees in FY14).
  • 6b - Interim Guidance on Referrals to EO Examinations was issued on September 10, 2012. Referrals will go directly to exam classification.

August 2013

  • Team continues development of training materials.
  • Internal virtual learning program applications will be used to schedule and monitor training.
  • Training will be incorporated into the FY14 training plan.

July 2013

  • Project team consisting of Subject Matter Experts and Learning and Education members was identified.
  • Two meetings were held to determine specific scope of training materials and identify necessary tasks for implementation.

June 2013

  • Engaged Determinations Manager to initiate development of training material and establish delivery timeline
  • TEGE Counsel agreed to review training materials produced
  • Training to be delivered as needed, and in particular close in time to next election cycle


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