TIGTA Recommendation #6


Thông báo: Nội dung lịch sử

Đây là một tài liệu lưu trữ hoặc lịch sử và có thể không phản ánh luật pháp, chính sách hoặc thủ tục hiện hành.

Details and status

Last updated:  January 31, 2014

No. Recommendation Lead ECD Status*
6 Develop training or workshops to be held before each election cycle including, but not limited to: a) what constitutes political campaign intervention versus general advocacy (including case examples) and b) the ability to refer for follow-up those organizations that may conduct activities in a future year which may cause them to lose their tax-exempt status. Director, Exempt Organizations 01/31/2014 Completed

* Green = On schedule, Yellow = Behind schedule, Red = Significant issues

Update history

January 2014

  • Training materials are completed. Formal training course numbers have been assigned for 6a: as Political Campaign Intervention and Other Advocacy and 6b: as Referral of Cases to EO Exam Classification. Training will be held before each federal election cycle. This recommendation is closed.

December 2013

  • Draft training materials are in final stages of review and are on schedule to the meet estimated completion date.

November 2013

  • 6a - Review process is nearing completion
  • 6b - Lesson outline has been developed and is in review

October 2013

  • Team continues to develop training materials and methods of delivery.

September 2013

  • Training has been incorporated into FY14 training plan.
  • 6a - Team has prepared initial draft for the Basic training course. (The final version of the course will be provided to all employees in FY14).
  • 6b - Interim Guidance on Referrals to EO Examinations was issued on September 10, 2012. Referrals will go directly to exam classification.

August 2013

  • Team continues development of training materials.
  • Internal virtual learning program applications will be used to schedule and monitor training.
  • Training will be incorporated into the FY14 training plan.

July 2013

  • Project team consisting of Subject Matter Experts and Learning and Education members was identified.
  • Two meetings were held to determine specific scope of training materials and identify necessary tasks for implementation.

June 2013

  • Engaged Determinations Manager to initiate development of training material and establish delivery timeline
  • TEGE Counsel agreed to review training materials produced
  • Training to be delivered as needed, and in particular close in time to next election cycle


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