For tax year 2023, if you have more than 200 Forms 3468 or 200 Forms 8835, you can submit a single Form 3468 or Form 8835 with the aggregated credit amounts on the form. Attach a Portable Document Format (PDF) that contains all the required form information for each facility/property. Name the file “CleanEnergyRelief.pdf.” If you have multiple PDFs, add a sequential number to the end of the filename i.e. (“CleanEnergyRelief1.pdf” “CleanEnergyRelief2.pdf”). This relief also applies to shareholders or partners of passthrough entities.
Under the Inflation Reduction Act, you’re required to file separate Forms 8835 and 3468 for each facility/property for which you claim a tax credit. IRS is aware of taxpayer concerns of the inability to import data into the forms.