Plan sponsors
- 401(k) plan overview for sponsors
General information on 401(k) plans
- Starting up your plan
What to know before adopting a plan
- Plan qualification requirements
Language needed in your plan
- Contribution limits
401(k) plan contribution limits, catch-up contributions and excess deferrals
- General distribution rules
Explains the different forms of plan distributions
- Plan termination
What to know and do when terminating your plan
401(k) Fix-It Guide
Tips on how to find, fix, and avoid common mistakes in 401(k) plans.
Plan participants
- 401(k) plan overview for participants
General information on 401(k) plans
- Contribution limits
401(k) plan contribution limits, catch-ups, and excess deferrals
- General distribution rules
Explains the different forms of distribution
- Summary plan description
What you should know about your plan
- Interested parties
Who is one and what you need to know
- Plan termination
What to know and do when your plan is terminated
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