OMB #1545-2212
The Individual Taxpayer Amended Return Burden Survey is an important project that can benefit you and millions of other taxpayers.
We've heard from taxpayers that amending an already-filed federal income tax return is time consuming and expensive. We are conducting a survey of randomly selected taxpayers to learn more about those costs.
Your answers will help us update estimates of the amount of time and money people spend amending an already-filed federal income tax return. We also use this information to learn how to reduce taxpayer burden. All information provided will be used for research purposes only and participation is voluntary.
Only those taxpayers who are randomly selected may participate in the study. Data is being collected throughout the year, so you may still be selected even if you have not yet received an invitation. We estimate that it will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey.
If you received an invitation letter: