- Highlights of This Issue
- Preface
- Part I. Rulings and Decisions Under the Internal Revenue Codeof 1986
- Part III. Administrative, Procedural, and Miscellaneous
- Part IV. Items of General Interest
- Definition of Terms and Abbreviations
- Numerical Finding List
- Effect of Current Actions on Previously Published Items
- How to get the Internal Revenue Bulletin
Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2012-20
May 14, 2012
These synopses are intended only as aids to the reader in identifying the subject matter covered. They may not be relied upon as authoritative interpretations.
T.D. 9584 T.D. 9584
Final regulations under section 6049 of the Code provide guidance regarding the reporting requirements for interest paid to the U.S. accounts of certain nonresident alien individuals. The reporting required by these final regulations will support the U.S. government’s efforts to combat offshore tax evasion.
Notice 2012-31 Notice 2012-31
This notice describes and requests comments on several approaches for determining whether health coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value for purposes of sections 36B and 4980H of the Code.
Notice 2012-32 Notice 2012-32
This notice requests comments on information reporting under section 6055 of the Code by health insurance issuers, government agencies, employers that sponsor self-insured plans, and other persons that provide minimum essential coverage to an individual.
Notice 2012-33 Notice 2012-33
This notice invites comments on reporting under section 6056 of the Code by applicable large employers (as defined in section 4980H(c)(2)) that are subject to section 4980H. Section 6056 requires reporting of certain information on employer-provided health care coverage provided on or after January 1, 2014. The notice also advises the public that the Treasury and IRS intend to propose regulations implementing section 6056 and invites comments on issues arising under section 6056, including on possible approaches for coordinating and minimizing duplication between the information required to be reported and furnished by employers under section 6056 and information required to be reported and/or furnished by employers or other persons under other applicable Code provisions.
Rev. Proc. 2012-24 Rev. Proc. 2012-24
This procedure provides guidance for implementing final regulations under section 6049 of the Code. The procedure contains two lists of countries with which the IRS has an income tax or other convention or bilateral agreement relating to the exchange of information for tax administration purposes.
Rev. Proc. 2012-26 Rev. Proc. 2012-26
This procedure provides the 2013 inflation adjusted amounts for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) under section 223 of the Code.
Notice 2012-31 Notice 2012-31
This notice describes and requests comments on several approaches for determining whether health coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value for purposes of sections 36B and 4980H of the Code.
Announcement 2012-19 Announcement 2012-19
This announcement makes it optional for Form 990 filers for Tax Year 2011 to report their interests in the income, expenses, and assets of partnerships using information from Schedule K-1 of Form 1065, as opposed to using their books and records.
T.D. 9584 T.D. 9584
Final regulations under section 6049 of the Code provide guidance regarding the reporting requirements for interest paid to the U.S. accounts of certain nonresident alien individuals. The reporting required by these final regulations will support the U.S. government’s efforts to combat offshore tax evasion.
Notice 2012-32 Notice 2012-32
This notice requests comments on information reporting under section 6055 of the Code by health insurance issuers, government agencies, employers that sponsor self-insured plans, and other persons that provide minimum essential coverage to an individual.
Notice 2012-33 Notice 2012-33
This notice invites comments on reporting under section 6056 of the Code by applicable large employers (as defined in section 4980H(c)(2)) that are subject to section 4980H. Section 6056 requires reporting of certain information on employer-provided health care coverage provided on or after January 1, 2014. The notice also advises the public that the Treasury and IRS intend to propose regulations implementing section 6056 and invites comments on issues arising under section 6056, including on possible approaches for coordinating and minimizing duplication between the information required to be reported and furnished by employers under section 6056 and information required to be reported and/or furnished by employers or other persons under other applicable Code provisions.
Rev. Proc. 2012-24 Rev. Proc. 2012-24
This procedure provides guidance for implementing final regulations under section 6049 of the Code. The procedure contains two lists of countries with which the IRS has an income tax or other convention or bilateral agreement relating to the exchange of information for tax administration purposes.
Rev. Proc. 2012-25 Rev. Proc. 2012-25
This procedure provides issuers of qualified mortgage bonds (QMBs) and qualified mortgage credit certificates (MCCs) with average area purchase price safe harbors for statistical areas in the United States and with a nationwide average purchase price for residences in the United States for purposes of the QMB rules under section 143 of the Code and the MCC rules under section 25. Rev. Proc. 2011-23 obsoleted in part.
Provide America’s taxpayers top-quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all.
The Internal Revenue Bulletin is the authoritative instrument of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for announcing official rulings and procedures of the Internal Revenue Service and for publishing Treasury Decisions, Executive Orders, Tax Conventions, legislation, court decisions, and other items of general interest. It is published weekly and may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents on a subscription basis. Bulletin contents are compiled semiannually into Cumulative Bulletins, which are sold on a single-copy basis.
It is the policy of the Service to publish in the Bulletin all substantive rulings necessary to promote a uniform application of the tax laws, including all rulings that supersede, revoke, modify, or amend any of those previously published in the Bulletin. All published rulings apply retroactively unless otherwise indicated. Procedures relating solely to matters of internal management are not published; however, statements of internal practices and procedures that affect the rights and duties of taxpayers are published.
Revenue rulings represent the conclusions of the Service on the application of the law to the pivotal facts stated in the revenue ruling. In those based on positions taken in rulings to taxpayers or technical advice to Service field offices, identifying details and information of a confidential nature are deleted to prevent unwarranted invasions of privacy and to comply with statutory requirements.
Rulings and procedures reported in the Bulletin do not have the force and effect of Treasury Department Regulations, but they may be used as precedents. Unpublished rulings will not be relied on, used, or cited as precedents by Service personnel in the disposition of other cases. In applying published rulings and procedures, the effect of subsequent legislation, regulations, court decisions, rulings, and procedures must be considered, and Service personnel and others concerned are cautioned against reaching the same conclusions in other cases unless the facts and circumstances are substantially the same.
The Bulletin is divided into four parts as follows:
Part I.—1986 Code. This part includes rulings and decisions based on provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Part II.—Treaties and Tax Legislation. This part is divided into two subparts as follows: Subpart A, Tax Conventions and Other Related Items, and Subpart B, Legislation and Related Committee Reports.
Part III.—Administrative, Procedural, and Miscellaneous. To the extent practicable, pertinent cross references to these subjects are contained in the other Parts and Subparts. Also included in this part are Bank Secrecy Act Administrative Rulings. Bank Secrecy Act Administrative Rulings are issued by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Assistant Secretary (Enforcement).
Part IV.—Items of General Interest. This part includes notices of proposed rulemakings, disbarment and suspension lists, and announcements.
The last Bulletin for each month includes a cumulative index for the matters published during the preceding months. These monthly indexes are cumulated on a semiannual basis, and are published in the last Bulletin of each semiannual period.
Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1 and 31
This document contains final regulations regarding the reporting requirements for interest that relates to deposits maintained at U.S. offices of certain financial institutions and is paid to certain nonresident alien individuals. These regulations will affect commercial banks, savings institutions, credit unions, securities brokerages, and insurance companies that pay interest on deposits.
Effective Date: These regulations are effective April 19, 2012.
Applicability Date: These regulations apply to payments of interest made on or after January 1, 2013.
The collection of information contained in these final regulations has been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget for review in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) under control number 1545-1725. The collection of information in these proposed regulations is in §1.6049-4(b)(5)(i) and §1.6049-6(e)(4)(i) and (ii). The collection of information is mandatory and the respondents are commercial banks, savings institutions, credit unions, securities brokerages, and insurance companies that maintain deposit accounts for nonresident alien individuals.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget.
Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Information collected under these regulations will be return information as defined in 26 U.S.C. 6103. Tax returns and return information are confidential as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
On January 7, 2011, the Treasury Department and the IRS published a notice of proposed rulemaking (REG-146097-09, 2011-8 I.R.B. 516) (the 2011 proposed regulations) in the Federal Register (76 FR 1105, corrected by 76 FR 2852, 76 FR 20595, and 76 FR 22064) under section 6049 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). The 2011 proposed regulations withdrew proposed regulations that had been issued on August 2, 2002 (67 FR 50386) (the 2002 proposed regulations). The 2002 proposed regulations would have required reporting of interest payments to nonresident alien individuals that are residents of certain specified countries. The 2011 proposed regulations provide that payments of interest aggregating $10 or more on a deposit maintained at a U.S. office of a financial institution and paid to any nonresident alien individual are subject to information reporting.
Written comments were received by the Treasury Department and the IRS in response to the 2011 proposed regulations. A public hearing on the 2011 proposed regulations was held on May 18, 2011, at which further comments were received. All comments were considered and are available for public inspection at http://www.regulations.gov or upon request. After consideration of the written comments and the comments provided at the public hearing, the 2011 proposed regulations are adopted as revised by this Treasury decision.
The reporting required by these regulations is essential to the U.S. Government’s efforts to combat offshore tax evasion for several reasons. First, it ensures that the IRS can, in appropriate circumstances, exchange information relating to tax enforcement with other jurisdictions. In order to ensure that U.S. taxpayers cannot evade U.S. tax by hiding income and assets offshore, the United States must be able to obtain information from other countries regarding income earned and assets held in those countries by U.S. taxpayers. Under present law, the measures available to assist the United States in obtaining this information include both treaty relationships and statutory provisions. The effectiveness of these measures depends significantly, however, on the United States’ ability to reciprocate.
The United States has constructed an expansive network of international agreements, including income tax or other conventions and bilateral agreements relating to the exchange of tax information (collectively referred to as information exchange agreements), which provide for the exchange of information related to tax enforcement under appropriate circumstances. These information exchange relationships are based on cooperation and reciprocity. A jurisdiction’s willingness to share information with the IRS to combat offshore tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers depends, in large part, on the ability of the IRS to exchange information that will assist that jurisdiction in combating offshore tax evasion by its own residents. These regulations, by requiring reporting of deposit interest to the IRS, will ensure that the IRS is in a position to exchange such information reciprocally with a treaty partner when it is appropriate to do so.
Second, in 2010, Congress supplemented the established network of information exchange agreements by enacting, as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010 (Public Law 111 -147), provisions commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) that require overseas financial institutions to identify U.S. accounts and report information (including interest payments) about those accounts to the IRS. In many cases, however, the implementation of FATCA will require the cooperation of foreign governments in order to overcome legal impediments to reporting by their resident financial institutions. Like the United States, those foreign governments are keenly interested in addressing offshore tax evasion by their own residents and need tax information from other jurisdictions, including the United States, to support their efforts. These regulations will facilitate intergovernmental cooperation on FATCA implementation by better enabling the IRS, in appropriate circumstances, to reciprocate by exchanging information with foreign governments for tax administration purposes.
Finally, the reporting of information required by these regulations will also directly enhance U.S. tax compliance by making it more difficult for U.S. taxpayers with U.S. deposits to falsely claim to be nonresidents in order to avoid U.S. taxation on their deposit interest income.
Under the international standard for transparency and exchange of information, which is reflected in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters, the OECD Model Tax Convention, and the United Nations Model Double Tax Convention between Developed and Developing Countries, exchange of tax information cannot be limited by domestic bank secrecy laws or the absence of a specific domestic tax interest in the information to be exchanged. Accordingly, under this global standard a country cannot refuse to share tax information based on domestic laws that do not require banks to share the information. In addition, under the global standard, a country cannot opt out of information exchange based on the fact that the country does not itself need the information to enforce its own tax rules. Thus, even countries that do not impose income taxes, and therefore do not have tax enforcement concerns, have entered into information exchange agreements to provide information about the accounts of nonresidents.
Some comments on the 2011 proposed regulations expressed concerns that the information required to be reported under those regulations might be misused. For example, comments expressed concern that deposit interest information may be shared with a country that does not have laws in place to protect the confidentiality of the information exchanged or that would use the information for purposes other than the enforcement of its tax laws. These comments further suggested that these concerns could affect nonresident alien investors’ decisions about the location of their deposits.
The Treasury Department and the IRS believe that the concerns raised by the comments are addressed by existing legal limitations and administrative safeguards governing tax information exchange. As discussed herein, information reported pursuant to these regulations will be exchanged only with foreign governments with which the United States has an agreement providing for the exchange and when certain additional requirements are satisfied. Even when such an agreement exists, the IRS is not compelled to exchange information, including information collected pursuant to these regulations, if there is concern regarding the use of the information or other factors exist that would make exchange inappropriate.
First, information reported pursuant to these regulations is return information under section 6103. Section 6103 imposes strict confidentiality rules with respect to all return information. Moreover, section 6103(k)(4) allows the IRS to exchange return information with a foreign government only to the extent provided in, and subject to the terms and conditions of an information exchange agreement. Thus, the IRS can share the information reported under these regulations only with foreign governments with which the United States has an information exchange agreement. Absent such an agreement, the IRS is statutorily barred from sharing return information with another country, and these regulations cannot and do not change that rule.
Second, consistent with established international standards, all of the information exchange agreements to which the United States is a party require that the information exchanged under the agreement be treated and protected as secret by the foreign government. In addition, information exchange agreements generally prohibit foreign governments from using any information exchanged under such an agreement for any purpose other than the purpose of administering, collecting, and enforcing the taxes covered by the agreement. Accordingly, under these agreements, neither country is permitted to release the information shared under the agreement or use it for any other law enforcement purposes.
Third, consistent with the international standard for information exchange and United States law, the United States will not enter into an information exchange agreement unless the Treasury Department and the IRS are satisfied that the foreign government has strict confidentiality protections. Specifically, prior to entering into an information exchange agreement with another jurisdiction, the Treasury Department and the IRS closely review the foreign jurisdiction’s legal framework for maintaining the confidentiality of taxpayer information. In order to conclude an information exchange agreement with another country, the Treasury Department and the IRS must be satisfied that the foreign jurisdiction has the necessary legal safeguards in place to protect exchanged information and that adequate penalties apply to any breach of that confidentiality.
Finally, even if an information exchange agreement is in effect, the IRS will not exchange information on deposit interest or otherwise with a country if the IRS determines that the country is not complying with its obligations under the agreement to protect the confidentiality of information and to use the information solely for collecting and enforcing taxes covered by the agreement. The IRS also will not exchange any return information with a country that does not impose tax on the income being reported because the information could not be used for the enforcement of tax laws within that country.
In addition, the IRS has options regarding the appropriate form of exchange. For example, the IRS might exchange information with another jurisdiction only upon specific request. In the case of specific exchange requests, the IRS evaluates the requesting country’s current practices with respect to information confidentiality. The IRS also requires the requesting country to explain the intended permitted use of the information and justify the relevance of that information to the permitted use. Alternatively, in appropriate circumstances, the IRS might exchange certain information on an automatic basis. The IRS currently exchanges deposit interest information on an automatic basis with only one jurisdiction (Canada). The IRS will not enter into a new automatic exchange relationship with a jurisdiction unless it has reviewed the country’s policies and practices and has determined that such an exchange relationship is appropriate. Further, the IRS generally will not enter into an automatic exchange relationship with respect to the information collected under these regulations unless the other jurisdiction is willing and able to reciprocate effectively.
The Treasury Department and the IRS believe that the legal and administrative safeguards described in the preceding paragraphs regarding the use of information collected under these regulations should adequately address the concerns identified by the comments and, therefore, these regulations should not significantly impact the investment and savings decisions of the vast majority of nonresidents who are aware of and understand these safeguards and existing law and practice. Nevertheless, to enhance awareness and further address concerns, these final regulations revise the 2011 proposed regulations to require reporting only in the case of interest paid to a nonresident alien individual resident in a country with which the United States has in effect an information exchange agreement pursuant to which the United States agrees to provide, as well as receive, information and under which the competent authority is the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate.
For this purpose, the Treasury Department and the IRS will publish a Revenue Procedure contemporaneously with these final regulations specifically identifying the countries with which the United States has in force such an information exchange agreement. The Revenue Procedure will be updated as appropriate. With respect to any calendar year, payors will only be required to report interest on deposits maintained at an office within the United States and paid to a nonresident alien individual who is a resident of a country identified in the Revenue Procedure as of December 31 of the prior calendar year as being a country with which the United States has in effect such an information exchange agreement. To address any potential burden associated with reporting on this basis, the final regulations provide that for any year for which the information return under §1.6049-4(b)(5) is required, a payor may elect to report interest payments to all nonresident alien individuals.
As previously discussed, the identification of a country as having an information exchange agreement with the United States does not necessarily mean that the information collected under these regulations will be reported to such foreign jurisdiction. As an additional measure to further increase awareness among concerned nonresidents regarding the IRS’ use of information collected under these regulations, the Revenue Procedure also will include a second list identifying the countries with which the Treasury Department and the IRS have determined that it is appropriate to have an automatic exchange relationship with respect to the information collected under these regulations. This determination will be made only after further assessment of a country’s confidentiality laws and practices and the extent to which the country is willing and able to reciprocate.
In addition, in response to comments, and given the information exchange practices described in the preceding paragraphs and the information that will be available in the Revenue Procedure, these final regulations eliminate the requirement in the 2011 proposed regulations for financial institutions to include in the information statement provided to nonresident alien individuals a statement informing the individual that the information may be furnished to the government of the country where the recipient resides. In addition, these final regulations clarify that a payor or middleman may rely on the permanent residence address provided on a valid Form W-8BEN, “Beneficial Owners Certificate of Foreign Status for U.S. Tax Withholding”, for purposes of determining the country of residence of a nonresident alien to whom reportable interest is paid unless the payor or middleman knows or has reason to know that such documentation of the country of residence is unreliable or incorrect. The final regulations also modify §31.3406(g)-1 of the proposed regulations to clarify that, consistent with the backup withholding rules generally, a payment of interest described in §1.6049-8(a) is not subject to withholding under section 3406 if the payor may treat the payee as a foreign person, without regard to whether the payor reported such interest (although a payor may be subject to penalties if it fails to report as required). As under the prior regulations requiring the reporting of interest paid to Canadian non-resident alien individuals, the final regulations define interest subject to reporting to mean interest paid on deposits as defined under section 871(i)(2)(A) (including deposits with persons carrying on a banking business, deposits with certain savings institutions, and certain amounts held by insurance companies under agreements to pay interest thereon).
Some comments expressed the view that the Treasury Department and the IRS lack the authority to require the reporting required under the 2011 proposed regulations, or that the 2011 proposed regulations are contrary to Congressional intent. The relevant statutory provisions expressly contemplate that the Treasury Department and the IRS have authority to require reporting on deposit interest paid to nonresidents. Section 6049(a) provides generally for reporting with respect to interest payments. Section 6049(b)(2)(B) and (5) provides that, except to the extent otherwise provided in regulations, reportable interest does not include interest paid to nonresident alien individuals on deposits described in section 871(i)(2)(A). Section 6049(b)(2)(B) and (5) thus provides express authority for the Treasury Department and the IRS to issue regulations requiring reporting of such interest.
It has been determined that these regulations are not a significant regulatory action as defined in Executive Order 12866, as supplemented by Executive Order 13563. Therefore, a regulatory assessment is not required. It also has been determined that section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 5) does not apply to these regulations.
When an agency promulgates a final rule, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. chapter 6 (RFA), requires the agency to prepare a final regulatory flexibility analysis describing the impact of the final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 604. Section 605 of the RFA allows an agency to certify a rule, in lieu of preparing a regulatory flexibility analysis, if the final rule is not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
These regulations impose a collection of information, and thus, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) applies. It is hereby certified that the collection of information contained in these regulations will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
The preamble to the 2011 proposed regulations sets forth an analysis of the number of small entities that may be required to report under these regulations. Although this rule may affect a substantial number of small entities, the IRS has determined that the impact on entities affected by these final regulations will not be significant.
Some comments expressed concern that the regulations would impose a new administrative burden on U.S. financial institutions. In addition, some comments objected that collecting and reporting this information imposes burdens on certain types of financial institutions, including community banks and banks in certain states that have a larger percentage of customers who are nonresident alien individuals.
The Treasury Department and the IRS disagree. Under existing law, all U.S. financial institutions have responsibilities to withhold on and report with respect to depositors who are U.S. citizens, U.S. resident individuals, and Canadian resident individuals, and have developed the systems to perform such withholding and reporting.
All nonresident alien individual account holders who maintain accounts in the United States are already required to complete a Form W-8BEN, declaring their non-U.S. status and the country in which they reside. U.S. financial institutions can use their existing W-8 information to produce Form 1042-S disclosures for the relevant nonresident alien individual account holders. Nearly all U.S. banks and other financial institutions have automated systems to produce Form 1099-INT, “Interest Income”, for U.S. accountholders and Form 1042-S, “Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding”, for Canadian accountholders. As a result, the information collection requirements in these regulations build on reporting and information collection systems familiar to and currently used by U.S. financial institutions, including small business entities. The amount of time required to complete the Form 1042 and Form 1042-S is minimal, and the statement that is required to be collected is brief. Accordingly, it should not be a significant burden to adapt those systems to report with respect to depositors who are resident in other countries with which the United States has an information exchange agreement. Therefore, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Code, the notice of proposed rulemaking preceding these final regulations was submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration for comment on its impact on small businesses. The Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration did not comment on the notice of proposed rulemaking.
Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1 and 31 are amended as follows:
Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read in part as follows:
Authority 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
Par. 2. In §1.6049-4, paragraph (b)(5) is revised to read as follows:
(b) * * *
(5) Interest payments to certain nonresident alien individuals—(i) General rule. In the case of interest aggregating $10 or more paid to a nonresident alien individual (as defined in section 7701(b)(1)(B)) that is reportable under §1.6049-8(a), the payor shall make an information return on Form 1042-S, “Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding,” for the calendar year in which the interest is paid. The payor or middleman shall prepare and file Form 1042-S at the time and in the manner prescribed by section 1461 and the regulations under that section and by the form and its accompanying instructions. See §§1.1461-1(b) (rules regarding the preparation of a Form 1042) and 1.6049-6(e)(4) (rules for furnishing a copy of the Form 1042-S to the recipient). To determine whether an information return is required for original issue discount, see §§1.6049-5(f) and 1.6049-8(a).
(ii) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (b)(5)(i) of this section shall be applicable for payments made on or after January 1, 2013. (For interest paid to a Canadian nonresident alien individual on or before December 31, 2012, see paragraph (b)(5) of this section as in effect and contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised April 1, 2000.)
* * * * *
Par. 3. Section 1.6049-5 is amended as follows:
1. In paragraph (b)(12), the last sentence is revised.
2. In paragraph (f), the last sentence is revised.
The revisions read as follows:
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(12) * * * This paragraph (b)(12) does not apply to interest paid on or after January 1, 2013, to a nonresident alien individual to the extent provided in §1.6049-8.
* * * * *
(f) * * * Original issue discount on an obligation (including an obligation with a maturity of not more than six months from the date of original issue) held by a nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation is interest described in paragraph (b)(1)(vi)(A) or (B) of this section and, therefore is not interest subject to reporting under section 6049 unless it is described in §1.6049-8(a) (relating to deposit interest paid on or after January 1, 2013, to certain nonresident alien individuals).
* * * * *
Par. 4. Section 1.6049-6 is amended as follows:
1. The paragraph heading and text of paragraph (e)(4) is revised.
2. In paragraph (e)(5), the paragraph heading and first sentence are revised and a new sentence is added at the end of the paragraph.
The additions and revisions read as follows:
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(4) Special rule for amounts described in §1.6049-8(a). In the case of amounts described in §1.6049-8(a) (relating to payments of deposit interest to certain nonresident alien individuals) paid on or after January 1, 2013, any person who makes a Form 1042-S, “Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding,” under section 6049(a) and §1.6049-4(b)(5) shall furnish a statement to the recipient either in person or by first class mail to the recipient’s last known address. The statement shall include a copy of the Form 1042-S required to be prepared pursuant to §1.6049-4(b)(5) and a statement to the effect that the information on the form is being furnished to the United States Internal Revenue Service.
(5) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (e)(4) of this section applies to payee statements reporting payments of deposit interest to nonresident alien individuals paid on or after January 1, 2013. * * * (For interest paid to a Canadian nonresident alien individual on or before December 31, 2012, see paragraph (e)(4) of this section as in effect and contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised April 1, 2000.)
Par. 5. In §1.6049-8, the section heading and paragraph (a) are revised to read as follows:
(a) Interest subject to reporting requirement. For purposes of §§1.6049-4, 1.6049-6, and this section, and except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the term interest means interest described in section 871(i)(2)(A) that relates to a deposit maintained at an office within the United States, and that is paid to a nonresident alien individual who is a resident of a country that is identified, in an applicable revenue procedure (see §601.601(d)(2) of this chapter) as of December 31 prior to the calendar year in which the interest is paid, as a country with which the United States has in effect an income tax or other convention or bilateral agreement relating to the exchange of tax information within the meaning of section 6103(k)(4), under which the competent authority is the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate and the United States agrees to provide, as well as receive, information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of §§1.6049-4, 1.6049-6, and this section, for any year for which the information return under §1.6049-4(b)(5) is required, a payor may elect to treat interest as including all interest described in section 871(i)(2)(A) that relates to a deposit maintained at an office within the United States and that is paid to any nonresident alien individual. A payor shall make this election by reporting all such interest. For purposes of the regulations under section 6049 (§§1.6049-1 through 1.6049-8), a nonresident alien individual is a person described in section 7701(b)(1)(B). A payor or middleman may rely upon the permanent residence address provided on a valid Form W-8BEN, “Beneficial Owners Certificate of Foreign Status for U.S. Tax Withholding”, to determine the country in which a nonresident alien individual is resident unless such payor or middleman knows or has reason to know that such documentation of the country of residence is unreliable or incorrect. Amounts described in this paragraph (a) are not subject to backup withholding under section 3406 if the payor may treat the payee as a foreign beneficial owner or foreign payee under the rules of §1.6049-5(b)(12). See §31.3406(g)-1(d) of this chapter. However, if the payor or middleman does not have either a valid Form W-8BEN or valid Form W-9, “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification”, the payor or middleman must report the payment as made to a U.S. non-exempt recipient if it must so treat the payee under the presumption rules of §1.6049-5(d)(2) and §1.1441-1(b)(3)(iii), and the payor must also backup withhold under section 3406. (For interest paid to a Canadian nonresident alien individual on or before December 31, 2012, see paragraph (a) of this section as in effect and contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised April 1, 2000).
* * * * *
Par. 6. The authority citation for part 31 continues to read in part as follows:
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
Par. 7. In §31.3406(g)-1, paragraph (d) is revised to read as follows:
* * * * *
(d) Reportable payments made to nonresident alien individuals. A payment of interest to a nonresident alien individual that is described in §1.6049-(8)(a) of this chapter is not subject to withholding under section 3406 if the payor may treat the payee as a foreign beneficial owner or foreign payee under the rules of §1.6049-5(b)(12). (For interest paid to a Canadian nonresident alien individual on or before December 31, 2012, see paragraph (d) of this section as in effect and contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised April 1, 2000.)
* * * * *
Steven T. Miller,Deputy Commissioner for
Services and Enforcement.
Approved April 12, 2012.
Emily S. McMahon,(Acting) Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury (Tax Policy).
This notice describes and requests comments on several possible approaches to determining whether health coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan, as defined in § 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code (“employer-sponsored plan”), provides minimum value within the meaning of § 36B(c)(2)(C)(ii). Beginning in 2014, eligible individuals who purchase coverage under a qualified health plan through an Affordable Insurance Exchange may receive a premium tax credit under § 36B unless they are eligible for other minimum essential coverage, including coverage under an employer-sponsored plan that is affordable to the employee and provides minimum value. Under § 36B(c)(2)(C)(ii), a plan fails to provide minimum value if “the plan’s share of the total allowed costs of benefits provided under the plan is less than 60 percent of such costs.” If the coverage offered by the employer fails to provide minimum value, an employee may be eligible to receive a premium tax credit. An applicable large employer (as defined in § 4980H(c)(2)) may be liable for an assessable payment under § 4980H if any full-time employee receives a premium tax credit.
The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service intend to issue proposed regulations on determining minimum value and are considering incorporating the approach described in this notice. As described below, under anticipated future guidance, an employer-sponsored plan would be able to use one of several alternative approaches to ascertain that the plan provides minimum value. Specifically, this notice seeks comment on the following three potential approaches that could be used to determine whether an employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value:
The actuarial value calculator (AV calculator), referred to below, or a minimum value calculator (MV calculator) to be made available by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Treasury Department. In either case, the calculator would permit an employer-sponsored plan to enter information about the plan’s benefits, coverage of services, and cost-sharing terms to determine whether the plan provides minimum value. The data underlying the MV calculator (which would be designed for use by employer-sponsored self-insured plans and insured large group plans) are expected to be claims data reflecting typical self-insured employer plans.
An array of design-based safe harbors in the form of checklists that would provide a simple, straightforward way to ascertain that employer-sponsored plans provide minimum value without the need to perform any calculations or obtain the assistance of an actuary.
For plans with nonstandard features that preclude the use of the AV calculator or the MV calculator without adjustments, an appropriate certification by a certified actuary, in accordance with prescribed continuance tables, recognized actuarial standards, and other conditions that may be prescribed in administrative guidance, that the plan provides minimum value.
Section VI of this notice describes these potential approaches in greater detail.
Under the statute, certain of the rules for determining whether an employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value are to be based on forthcoming regulations to be issued by HHS that will specify the methods for determining the actuarial value of a qualified health plan (QHP) offered through an Affordable Insurance Exchange and non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group markets. On February 24, 2012, HHS issued the “Actuarial Value and Cost-Sharing Bulletin” (HHS actuarial value bulletin) describing the assumptions and methodology that HHS anticipates will govern the calculation of actuarial value.[1] (See http://cciio.cms.gov/resources/files/Files2/02242012/Av-csr-bulletin.pdf.) This notice describes how guidance issued by HHS on the determination of actuarial value is expected to be applied in determining minimum value. This notice also outlines ways in which the determination of minimum value is expected to differ from the determination of the actuarial value of QHPs in order to reflect differences between QHPs and employer-sponsored plans, such as differences in their levels of standardization and the populations covered.
Employer-sponsored self-insured and insured large group plans are not required to conform their plans to any of the essential health benefit (EHB) benchmarks that HHS intends to propose to apply to QHPs.[2] These employer-sponsored plans need not offer all of the EHBs or even cover each of the ten statutory EHB categories.
This notice provides information regarding the actuarial value of existing employer-sponsored plans (Section II) and the statutory background of the premium tax credit and the minimum value provision (Section III). The notice then describes, by way of background, the intended methodology laid out in the HHS actuarial value bulletin for determining the actuarial value of a QHP (Section IV) and explains the assumptions expected to be used to determine whether an employer-sponsored plan meets the minimum value threshold (Section V). The notice describes the options that are being considered for determining whether an employer-sponsored plan has an actuarial value of at least 60 percent and therefore provides minimum value (Section VI). Finally, the notice also invites public comments (Section VII).
The actuarial value of a health plan is a measure of the percentage of health care costs, on average, that the plan is expected to cover. A report issued last fall by HHS found that approximately 98 percent of individuals currently covered by employer-sponsored plans are enrolled in plans that have an actuarial value of at least 60 percent using methods and assumptions similar to those described in this notice for determining minimum value. (See Actuarial Value and Employer-Sponsored Insurance, ASPE Research Brief, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (November 2011) http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2011/AV-ESI/rb.shtml.) The HHS report also concludes that four core categories of benefits and services are the greatest contributors to a health plan’s actuarial value: physician and mid-level practitioner care; hospital and emergency room services; pharmacy benefits; and laboratory and imaging services. Because they account for only a very small portion of overall medical expenditures, benefits and services beyond these four core categories of benefits that are covered by a plan generally have only a limited impact on the plan’s actuarial value. For example, a plan that does not include coverage for rehabilitative services, durable medical equipment, acupuncture and chiropractic services, and home health services may have an actuarial value that is only 5 percent less than a plan that includes coverage for these services. (See ASPE Research Brief.) We seek input on whether other analyses using different data or assumptions produce similar or different results.
Section 36B was added by § 1401 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148, and modified by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-152 (collectively, the Affordable Care Act). Beginning in 2014, certain taxpayers are allowed a refundable premium tax credit under § 36B to assist in purchasing QHP coverage through an Affordable Insurance Exchange. The premium tax credit is designed to make QHP coverage affordable by reducing an eligible taxpayer’s out-of-pocket premium cost. (Under § 1402 of the Affordable Care Act, eligible individuals are entitled to an advance payment of the premium tax credit, which is paid directly to the QHP issuer selected by the individual.)
An employee, or a member of the employee’s family, who is eligible to enroll in an employer-sponsored plan is not eligible for a premium tax credit unless the plan’s coverage for the employee either is unaffordable, as defined in § 36B(c)(2)(C)(i)(II), or does not provide minimum value, as defined in § 36B(2)(c)(2)(C)(ii). An employee (or member of the employee’s family) also is not eligible if he or she actually enrolls in the employer-sponsored plan, even if the plan is not affordable or fails to provide minimum value. Under § 4980H, an “applicable large employer” is generally liable for an assessable payment if any full-time employee receives a premium tax credit.
To satisfy the minimum value requirement under § 36B(c)(2)(C)(ii), a plan’s share of the “total allowed costs of benefits provided under the plan” must equal or exceed 60 percent of such costs. Section 1302(d)(2)(C) of the Affordable Care Act directs that the statutory phrase — “percentage of the total allowed costs of benefits provided under a group health plan” — is determined under rules contained in the regulations to be promulgated by HHS under § 1302(d)(2) (titled “Actuarial Value”). The requirements applicable to these HHS regulations are set forth in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of § 1302(d)(2).[3] Consistent with these statutory requirements, the determination of whether an employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value will be based on the actuarial value rules with appropriate modifications.
Subparagraph (B) of § 1302(d)(2) requires HHS to issue regulations under which employer contributions to a health savings account (HSA) may be taken into account in determining the actuarial value of an employer-sponsored plan. In addition, § 1302(d)(3) of the Affordable Care Act authorizes the Secretary of HHS to determine a reasonable “de minimis” variation in the actuarial values used in determining the level of coverage of a plan to account for differences in actuarial estimates.
The HHS actuarial value bulletin explains that, in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph (A) of § 1302(d)(2) of the Affordable Care Act, the actuarial value of QHPs offered through an Affordable Insurance Exchange (and of non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group insurance markets) is determined by computing the ratio of (1) the total expected payments by the plan, computed in accordance with the plan’s cost-sharing rules (deductibles, co-insurance, co-payments, out-of-pocket limits), toward the costs a standard population is expected to incur at standard pricing for EHBs; over (2) the total costs a standard population is expected to incur at standard pricing for the EHBs.[4] This actuarial value is used to determine the “metal level” of a QHP (that is, platinum, gold, silver, or bronze). For example, bronze plans must have a 60 percent actuarial value.
HHS announced that it intends to make available to the public an AV calculator that could be used to determine the actuarial value of QHPs (and non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group insurance markets). The AV calculator would be designed so that issuers would be able to input a limited set of information on the benefits provided under the plan, and the calculator would provide the actuarial value of the plan. The claims data underlying the AV calculator would represent the entire range of EHB benchmark benefits that states would be permitted to select.
Although HHS anticipates that the overwhelming majority of issuers of QHPs would be able to calculate the actuarial value of their health plans using the AV calculator, HHS requested comments on whether a QHP issuer whose plan design does not fit into the basic AV calculator logic should be able to obtain an actuarial certification in limited circumstances. HHS is considering options to permit such QHP issuers to obtain an actuarial certification that the plan design fits into the calculator logic or to obtain an actuarial certification that adjustments to the AV calculator-produced value are appropriate.
The HHS actuarial value bulletin also states that HHS intends to permit a de minimis variation of plus or minus 2 percent (so that, for example, a bronze plan could have an actuarial value between 58 and 62 percent). The bulletin also provides that amounts contributed by an employer to an HSA or first made available to an employee under a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) would be taken into account by the AV calculator. The intended method for accounting for these contributions is discussed further below.
As discussed above, an employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value if its actuarial value is at least 60 percent. For employer-sponsored plans in the small group market, minimum value must be determined using a method that is consistent with the actuarial value rules under § 1302(d) of the Affordable Care Act and HHS guidance provided under that provision. It is expected that whether an employer-sponsored self-insured plan or insured large group plan provides minimum value would be determined in a manner generally consistent with the rules proposed by HHS for the calculation of actuarial value for plans subject to the actuarial value rules under § 1302(d), with appropriate modifications that reflect differences in the markets and also account for the fact that employer-sponsored self-insured and insured large group plans are not required to offer EHBs in each of the 10 categories. Accordingly, it is expected that the minimum value of an employer-sponsored self-insured plan and insured large group plan would be determined in the same manner as actuarial value under § 1302(b) of the Affordable Care Act, except that these plans might be valued using a comparison to claims data reflecting typical self-insured employer plans, which would be based on continuance tables[5] published specifically for use by such plans.[6] Moreover, employer-sponsored self-insured and insured large group plans, as noted above, are neither required to cover each of the categories of EHBs nor to conform their plans to any of the EHB benchmarks that HHS intends to apply to QHPs, but would be permitted to take into account all benefits provided by the plan that are included in any of the EHB benchmarks.
In addition, an employer-sponsored plan would be permitted to add to the plan’s value the employer contributions to an HSA and amounts made available under an HRA using a method similar to the method used by QHPs that are offered through a SHOP Exchange, as defined in § 1311(b)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act.
Section 1302(d)(2)(A) of the Affordable Care Act specifies that actuarial value is computed based on the health expenses that are expected to be incurred by a standard population, rather than the population that a plan actually covers. For purposes of determining minimum value in a manner that meets this standard, it is expected that two types of continuance tables would be made available for use by employer-sponsored plans. First, as described in the AV bulletin, HHS intends to publish continuance tables based on claims representing the entire range of EHB benchmark benefits and population data for employer-sponsored and individual market plans, with permissible state or regional adjustments to the standard population, utilization and pricing. These continuance tables would be incorporated into the AV calculator and would be used by QHPs and employer-sponsored plans in the small group market. Second, to reflect the differences between the population covered by QHPs (and plans in the small group market) and the population covered by employer-sponsored self-insured and insured large group plans, HHS intends to publish continuance tables based on claims and population data for typical self-insured employer-sponsored plans. This second set of continuance tables would be incorporated into an MV calculator, which would be provided and could be used to calculate the actuarial value of an employer-sponsored self-insured plan or an insured large group plan. This set of continuance tables would not include claims or population data for plans that are required under the law to provide EHBs or to meet state benefit mandates.
As noted above, the HHS actuarial value bulletin provides a potential approach to the calculation of actuarial value for a high deductible health plan (HDHP) that is linked to an HSA, as defined in § 223, or a group health plan that is integrated with an HRA described in Notice 2002-45, 2002-2 C.B. 93, and Rev. Rul. 2002-41, 2002-2 C.B. 75.
The HHS actuarial value bulletin says that HHS intends to propose that, in calculating the actuarial value of the combined HDHP and HSA or combined employer-sponsored plan and HRA, the calculation would assume that the employer contribution to the HSA or amount first made available under an HRA is used by the employee to pay for cost-sharing. Accordingly, an appropriate portion of these amounts would be credited to the numerator of the actuarial value calculation. This means that any current year HSA contributions and amounts first made available under an HRA could be used to determine the actuarial value of an employer-sponsored plan. Generally, the employer would receive the same credit for HSA contributions in the numerator of the actuarial value calculation as it would receive for the same amount of first-dollar insurance coverage. The same rule would apply for amounts first made available under an HRA. (See HHS actuarial value bulletin, “Treatment of Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Arrangements in Calculating Actuarial Value.”)
Treasury and the Service intend to follow HHS’s rules for including employer contributions to an HSA and amounts made available under an HRA in the value of an employer-sponsored HDHP combined with an HSA or an employer-sponsored plan combined with an HRA when calculating the actuarial value of an employer-sponsored plan for purposes of determining whether it provides minimum value.
Under guidance to be issued by Treasury and the Service, and consistent with rules to be promulgated by HHS, employer-sponsored plans would be able to use any one of several tests to determine whether the plan meets minimum value. Comments are requested on three potential approaches described below.
Under this option, employer-sponsored plans would be able to determine their actuarial value by entering information about the cost-sharing features of the plan for different categories of benefits into a calculator. As described in the HHS actuarial value bulletin (in the section entitled “Operational Method for AV Calculation Using Standard Data”), HHS intends to provide an AV calculator that QHPs and plans in the small group market could use to determine the actuarial value of their plans. In addition, HHS and Treasury intend to develop an MV calculator, into which an employer-sponsored self-insured plan and insured large group plan would be able to enter cost sharing information that would be similar in design to the AV calculator but based on continuance tables reflecting claims data of typical self-insured employer plans. As such, the data underlying the MV calculator would represent the range of benefits covered by self-insured plans.
A calculator generally would be used to make minimum value determinations by employer-sponsored plans that have standard cost-sharing features. An employer-sponsored plan would be able to input a limited set of information on the benefits offered under the plan and specified cost-sharing features (for example, deductibles, co-insurance, and maximum out-of-pocket costs) for the four core categories of benefits: physician and mid-level practitioner care, hospital and emergency room services, pharmacy benefits, and laboratory and imaging services. The calculator would also take into consideration the annual employer contributions to an HSA or amounts made available under an HRA, if applicable.
Based on analysis and information provided by HHS, Treasury and the Service intend to issue guidance that would give certain employer-sponsored plans an easy means to determine whether a plan provides minimum value without using a calculator or performing any calculations and without the need for actuarial expertise. This alternative would provide an array of safe harbor checklists that employer-sponsored plans may compare to their plan’s coverage. If the employer-sponsored plan’s terms are consistent with or more generous than any one of the safe harbor checklists, the plan would be treated as providing minimum value.
The safe harbor checklists would be used to make minimum value determinations for plans that cover all of the four core categories of benefits and services and have specified cost-sharing amounts. Each safe harbor checklist would describe the cost-sharing attributes of a plan (such as deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance and maximum out of pocket costs) that apply to the four core categories of benefits and services.[7] The guidance would provide several safe harbor options, including coverage equivalent to an HDHP combined with an employer-funded HSA, that would satisfy the MV requirement. An employer-sponsored plan providing the four core categories would be treated as providing minimum value if its cost-sharing attributes are at least as generous as any one of the safe harbor checklist options.
Treasury and the Service expect to release the safe harbor checklists when HHS and Treasury release the MV calculator.
Neither a calculator nor the safe harbor checklists would be able to accommodate employer-sponsored plans with “nonstandard” features, such as quantitative limits on any of the four core categories of benefits (including, for example, a limit on the number of physician visits or covered days in the hospital). Under a third option, consistent with the options proposed in the HHS actuarial value bulletin, employer-sponsored plans with nonstandard features would be able to generate an initial value using a calculator and then engage a certified actuary to make appropriate adjustments that take into consideration the nonstandard features.
Employer-sponsored plans with nonstandard features of a certain type and magnitude would also have the option of engaging a certified actuary to determine the plan’s actuarial value without the use of a calculator. The actuarial value would be determined in such case in accordance with the Actuarial Standards of Practice established by the Actuarial Standards Board. The certified actuary would make this determination based on the plan’s benefits and coverage data and the standard population, utilization and pricing tables published by HHS in consultation with Treasury in the form of the continuance tables available for purposes of the valuation of employer-sponsored plans and consistent with applicable administrative guidance.
Comments are requested on issues to be addressed in guidance on determining minimum value for an employer-sponsored plan. Comments are requested on issues plan sponsors, issuers, and employers may face in evaluating plan designs that will cover part or all of 2014, including suggestions for transitional relief for plan years that start before and end in 2014.
Comments are requested on the potential alternative methods for determining whether an employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value. Comments are specifically requested on the following points:
The AV calculator or MV calculator would permit sponsors and issuers of employer-sponsored plans to enter information reflecting the benefits they cover and the cost-sharing features relating to the four core categories of benefits. Comments are requested on whether and how the actuarial value initially generated by the AV calculator or the MV calculator could be adjusted to take into consideration other benefits provided under the plan. For example, how could benefits such as wellness benefits be added to the actuarial value initially generated by the AV calculator or the MV calculator to determine whether an employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value? Are there other examples of benefits that employer-sponsored plans cover today or are likely to cover that might not be captured by the MV calculator and, if so, are employer-sponsored plans that cover those benefits typically near 60 percent actuarial value or more likely to be well above 60 percent actuarial value?
As discussed above, employer-sponsored plans with nonstandard features, such as quantitative limits on the four core categories of benefits, would not be able to use the AV calculator or the MV calculator (without an adjustment) to determine whether the plan provides minimum value. Comments are requested on nonstandard features within the four core categories that are sufficiently narrow that the AV calculator or the MV calculator could still be used without adjustment to determine whether a plan provides minimum value and on the quantitative limits that employer-sponsored plans commonly use today. Comments are also requested on other plan features that could require the plan to adjust the valuation generated by the AV calculator or MV calculator.
Comments are requested on the terms that should be included in the safe harbor checklists and the types of plans for which safe harbor checklists should be developed.
With respect to a possible independent actuarial value certification, comments are requested on standards and safeguards that should be applied to ensure that the plan meets the 60 percent actuarial value threshold for the minimum value determination.
Comments may be submitted in writing on or before June 11, 2012. Comments should be submitted to Internal Revenue Service, CC:PA:LPD:PR (Notice 2012-31), Room 5203, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044, or electronically to Notice.Comments@irscounsel.treas.gov. Please include “Notice 2012-31” in the subject line of any electronic communications. Alternatively, comments may be hand delivered between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday to CC:PA:LPD:PR (Notice 2012-31), Courier’s Desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. All comments will be available for public inspection and copying.
For further information on this notice, call the Office of the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt & Government Entities) at (202) 927-9639 (not a toll-free call).
[1] The actuarial value rules under § 1302(d) and the essential health benefit provision under § 1302(b) apply to QHPs offered on an Affordable Insurance Exchange and also to non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group insurance market. See § 2707(a) of the Public Health Service Act, as added by § 1201 of the Affordable Care Act, which provides that non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group insurance markets must cover the “essential health benefits package,” as defined in § 1302(a) of the Affordable Care Act.
[2] The EHB benchmarks that HHS intends to propose also apply to non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group insurance markets.
[3] Subparagraph (A) of § 1302(d)(2) requires the level of coverage of a plan to be “determined on the basis that the essential health benefits described in subsection [1302](b) shall be provided to a standard population. . . .”
[4] On December 16, 2011, HHS issued the “Essential Health Benefits Bulletin,” which outlined the approach HHS plans to use to define the EHBs. (See http://cciio.cms.gov/resources/files/Files2/12162011/essential_health_benefits_bulletin.pdf.) Under this approach, each state would have the flexibility to select a “benchmark plan” from a list of permissible options specified by HHS in the bulletin. The scope of benefits provided under the state-specific benchmark plan would determine the scope of EHBs for QHPs in that state. In addition, the EHBs must encompass the ten categories of benefits listed in § 1302(a) of the Affordable Care Act. If the benchmark plan in a state does not offer coverage in each of the ten categories, the bulletin provides an intended method for supplementing deficient categories of benefits so all QHPs in the state would include benefits in all ten categories. The bulletin also provides an intended method for determining the benchmark plan in a state if the state fails to make a selection.
[5] A health insurance continuance table is a distribution of annual paid claims arranged in a format that shows the amount of claims paid at each increasing level of expenditure, adding up to the total amount of expenditures for a covered group of enrollees.
[6] This use of claims data reflected in the continuance tables would be relevant only for the purpose of determining minimum value, and does not imply that a plan must provide a particular set of benefits.
[7] Although employer-sponsored plans are not required to cover all four categories of coverage, it is anticipated that plans failing to cover these categories would not satisfy any of the design-based safe harbors.
This notice invites comments concerning the reporting requirements under § 6055 of the Internal Revenue Code for health insurance issuers, government agencies, employers that sponsor self-insured plans, and other persons that provide minimum essential coverage to an individual. Section 6055 was added by § 1502(a) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148, which was amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-152 (collectively, the Affordable Care Act). The reporting requirements apply to coverage provided on or after January 1, 2014. The first information returns will be filed in 2015. The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service plan to propose regulations implementing the reporting requirements under § 6055. The proposed regulations are expected to include guidance intended to minimize administrative burden and duplicative reporting. To assist in the development of the proposed regulations, this notice invites comments on issues arising under § 6055.
“Minimum essential coverage” is a term defined to include health insurance coverage offered in the individual market (such as a qualified health plan enrolled in through an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Exchange)), an eligible employer-sponsored plan, or government-sponsored coverage such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, TRICARE, or veterans’ health care under chapter 17 or 18 of Title 38 U.S.C. Section 5000A(f). Under § 5000A(f)(1)(E), the Department of Health and Human Services, in coordination with the Treasury Department, may designate other health benefits coverage as minimum essential coverage.
Section 6055(a) requires every health insurance issuer, sponsor of a self-insured health plan, government agency that administers government-sponsored health insurance programs and other entity that provides minimum essential coverage to file annual returns reporting information for each individual for whom minimum essential coverage is provided. If health insurance coverage is provided by a health insurance issuer and consists of coverage provided through a group health plan of an employer, it is anticipated that the regulations would make the health insurance issuer responsible for the reporting.
Section 6055(b)(1) provides that all information returns reporting minimum essential coverage are to contain (1) the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the primary insured and each other individual covered under the policy or plan, (2) the dates each individual was covered under minimum essential coverage during the calendar year, (3) in the case of health insurance coverage, whether the coverage is a qualified health plan offered through an Exchange, (4) if the coverage is a qualified health plan offered through an Exchange, the amount (if any) of any advance payment of the premium tax credit under § 1412 of the Affordable Care Act or of any cost-sharing reduction under § 1402 of the Affordable Care Act for each covered individual, and (5) other information that the Secretary requires.
Section 6055(b)(2) provides that information returns for minimum essential coverage provided by a health insurance issuer through an employer’s group health plan also include the name, address, and employer identification number of the employer maintaining the plan, the portion of the premium to be paid by the employer, and any other information that the Secretary may require for administering the tax credit under § 45R (credit for employee health insurance expenses of small employers).
Section 6055(c)(1) directs the entity filing an information return reporting minimum essential coverage to furnish a written statement to each individual listed on the return that shows the information that must be reported to the Service for that individual.
In addition, effective for years beginning after 2013, § 6056 directs every applicable large employer (within the meaning of § 4980H(c)(2)) that is required to meet the shared employer responsibility requirements of § 4980H during a calendar year to file a return with the Service that reports the terms and conditions of the health care coverage provided to the employer’s full-time employees for the year. The return also is required to include information on the employer’s full-time employees, including those who received the coverage and when they received it. Section 6056(d) permits the Secretary to provide, to the maximum extent feasible, that any return or statement required under § 6056 may be provided as part of a return or statement under § 6055 or § 6051 (relating to reporting by employers on the Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement), and that an applicable large employer offering coverage of an issuer may agree with the issuer to include information under § 6056 with the return and statement provided by the issuer under § 6055. See Notice 2012-33, 2012-20 I.R.B. 912 (May 14, 2012).
The Treasury Department and the Service request comments on issues that should be addressed in regulations implementing reporting under § 6055, including but not limited to:
How to determine when an individual’s coverage begins and ends for purposes of reporting the dates of coverage.
How to minimize duplication between the reporting by health insurance issuers and employers under § 6055 and the reporting by Exchanges under § 36B(f)(3).
How to coordinate and minimize duplication between the reporting under § 6055, § 6056, and any other applicable Code provision for employers that sponsor self-insured plans, including but not limited to the potential combined reporting referred to in § 6056(d), as described above.
When minimum essential coverage is provided through a voluntary employees’ beneficiary association or other type of welfare benefit fund, who is required to report under § 6055 and what, if any, special rules should apply.
Whether there are any specific concerns that should be taken into account in any of the following circumstances:
In the case of electronic information reporting and delivery of statements to individuals and the Service;
If a third party administrator has information that is relevant to reporting for a self-insured plan;
If an individual is covered under one type of coverage for part of the year and another type of coverage for another part of the year; or
When minimum essential coverage is provided under a multiemployer plan.
Whether any difficulties exist in identifying the person responsible for administering information reporting for governmental coverage, for example in state-administered programs such as Medicaid.
Any additional suggestions for minimizing burden on entities reporting information under § 6055.
Comments may be submitted in writing on or before June 11, 2012. Comments should be submitted to Internal Revenue Service, CC:PA:LPD:PR (Notice 2012-32), Room 5203, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044, or electronically to Notice.Comments@irscounsel.treas.gov. Please include “Notice 2012-32” in the subject line of any electronic communications. Alternatively, comments may be hand delivered between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday to CC:PA:LPD:PR (Notice 2012-32), Courier’s Desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. All comments will be available for public inspection and copying.
This notice invites comments on reporting under § 6056 of the Internal Revenue Code for applicable large employers (as defined in § 4980H(c)(2)) that are subject to § 4980H. Section 6056 was enacted by § 1514(a) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. 111-148 (enacted on March 23, 2010), which was amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, Pub. L. 111-152 (enacted on March 30, 2010) (collectively, the Affordable Care Act). Section 6056 requires reporting of certain information on employer-provided health care coverage provided on or after January 1, 2014 and the furnishing of related statements to employees. The first information returns will be filed in 2015. The Internal Revenue Service will use the information that employers report under § 6056 to verify employer-sponsored coverage and to administer the shared employer responsibility provisions under § 4980H(a) and (b). See generally Notice 2011-36, 2011-21 I.R.B. 792, and Notice 2011-73, 2011-40 I.R.B. 74.
The Department of the Treasury and the Service intend to propose regulations implementing the reporting requirements of § 6056. The proposed regulations are expected to include guidance intended to minimize administrative burden and duplicative reporting. To assist in the development of the proposed regulations, this notice invites comments on issues arising under § 6056, including on possible approaches for coordinating and minimizing duplication between the information required to be reported and furnished by employers under § 6056 and information required to be reported and/or furnished by employers or other persons under other applicable Code provisions. For example, § 6056(d) permits the Secretary of the Treasury to provide, to the maximum extent feasible, that any return or statement required under § 6056 may be provided as part of a return or statement under § 6055 (relating to reporting by entities that provide minimum essential coverage) or § 6051 (relating to reporting by employers on the Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement), and that an applicable large employer offering coverage of an issuer may agree with the issuer to include information under § 6056 with the return and statement required to be provided by the issuer under § 6055.
Section 6056(a), effective for years beginning after December 31, 2013, directs every applicable large employer (within the meaning of § 4980H(c)(2)) that must meet the shared employer responsibility requirements of § 4980H during a calendar year to file a return with the Service that reports the terms and conditions of the health care coverage provided to the employer’s full-time employees for the year.
Section 6056(b) generally provides that the return used to satisfy the requirements under § 6056 must:
Include the name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the applicable large employer;
Include the date the return is filed;
Certify whether the applicable large employer offers its full-time employees (and their dependents) the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan (as defined in § 5000A(f)(2)) and, if so, certify
The duration of any waiting period (as defined in § 6056(b)(2)(C)) with respect to such coverage;
The months during the calendar year when coverage under the plan was available;
The monthly premium for the lowest cost option in each enrollment category under the plan; and
The employer’s share of the total allowed costs of benefits provided under the plan.
Report the number of full-time employees for each month of the calendar year;
Report, for each full-time employee, the name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN) of the employee and the months (if any) during which the full-time employee (or any dependents) were covered under the eligible employer-sponsored plan; and
Include such other information as may be required by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Section 6056(c) provides that, no later than January 31 following the calendar year referred to in § 6056(a) and (b), the applicable large employer will furnish to each full-time employee whose information is required to be reported to the Service under § 6056(b) a written statement that includes:
The applicable large employer’s name and address;
The applicable large employer’s contact information (including a contact phone number);
The information relating to coverage provided to that employee (and dependents) that is required to be reported on the § 6056 return.
Section 6056(e) generally permits governmental units or any agency or instrumentality thereof to designate a person to comply with the § 6056 reporting on behalf of the governmental unit, agency or instrumentality.
Treasury and the Service anticipate proposing regulations under § 6056, and this notice requests comments on issues arising under § 6056 that would be helpful for the regulations to address, including how to coordinate and minimize duplication between the data employers must report under § 6056 and the data they must report under § 6055 (which provides for annual reporting by employers that sponsor self-insured plans) or other applicable Code or Affordable Care Act provisions. See Notice 2012-32, 2012-20 I.R.B. 910 (May 14, 2012).
Comments must be submitted by June 11, 2012. Comments should be submitted to Internal Revenue Service, CC:PA:LPD:RU (Notice 2012-33), Room 5203, PO Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20224. Submissions may also be hand-delivered Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to the Courier’s Desk, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224, Attn: CC:PA:LPD:RU (Notice 2012-33), Room 5203. Submissions may also be sent electronically via the internet to the following e-mail address: Notice.Comments@irscounsel.treas.gov. Include the notice number (Notice 2012-33) in the subject line.
The principal author of this notice is R. Lisa Mojiri-Azad of the Office of Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities), though other Treasury Department and Service officials participated in its development. For further information on all other provisions of this notice, contact R. Lisa Mojiri-Azad at (202) 622-6080 (not a toll-free number).
Sections 1.6049-4(b)(5) and 1.6049-8 of the Income Tax Regulations, as revised by T.D. 9584, require the reporting of certain deposit interest paid to nonresident alien individuals on or after January 1, 2013. The purpose of this revenue procedure is to list, in Section 3, the countries with which the United States has in effect an income tax or other convention or bilateral agreement relating to the exchange of information within the meaning of section 6103(k)(4) pursuant to which the United States agrees to provide, as well as receive, information and under which the competent authority is the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate, as described in §1.6049-8(a). As discussed in the preamble to the regulations, even when such an agreement exists, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not compelled to exchange information, including information collected pursuant to the regulations, if there is concern regarding the use of the information or other factors exist that would make exchange inappropriate. This revenue procedure also identifies in Section 4 the countries with which the Treasury Department and the IRS have determined that it is appropriate to have an automatic exchange relationship with respect to the information collected under the regulations. This revenue procedure will be updated as appropriate.
The regulations provide that in the case of reportable interest aggregating $10 or more paid to a nonresident alien individual (as defined in section 7701(b)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code), the payor shall make an information return on Form 1042-S for the calendar year in which the interest is paid. Reportable interest is interest described in section 871(i)(2)(A) that relates to a deposit maintained at an office within the United States, and that is paid to a nonresident alien individual who is a resident of a country identified, in an applicable revenue procedure (see §601.601(d)(2) of this chapter) as of December 31 prior to the calendar year in which the interest is paid, as a country with which the United States has in effect an income tax or other convention or bilateral agreement relating to the exchange of information within the meaning of section 6103(k)(4) pursuant to which United States agrees to provide, as well as receive, information and under which the competent authority is the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate. This revenue procedure constitutes the revenue procedure referenced in §1.6049-8(a) and will be updated by subsequent revenue procedures as appropriate.
The following are countries with which the United States has in effect an income tax or other convention or bilateral agreement relating to the exchange of tax information within the meaning of section 6103(k)(4) pursuant to which the United States agrees to provide, as well as receive, information and under which the competent authority is the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate:
Antigua & Barbuda |
Aruba |
Australia |
Austria |
Azerbaijan |
Bangladesh |
Barbados |
Belgium |
Bermuda |
British Virgin Islands |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
China |
Costa Rica |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
Denmark |
Dominica |
Dominican Republic |
Egypt |
Estonia |
Finland |
France |
Germany |
Gibraltar |
Greece |
Grenada |
Guernsey |
Guyana |
Honduras |
Hungary |
Iceland |
India |
Indonesia |
Ireland |
Isle of Man |
Israel |
Italy |
Jamaica |
Japan |
Jersey |
Kazakhstan |
Korea (South) |
Latvia |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Malta |
Marshall Islands |
Mexico |
Monaco |
Morocco |
Netherlands |
Netherlands island territories: Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten (Dutch part) |
New Zealand |
Norway |
Pakistan |
Panama |
Peru |
Philippines |
Poland |
Portugal |
Romania |
Russian Federation |
Slovak Rep. |
Slovenia |
South Africa |
Spain |
Sri Lanka |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Thailand |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia |
Turkey |
Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
Venezuela |
The following list identifies the countries with which the automatic exchange of the information collected under §§1.6049-4(b)(5) and 1.6049-8 has been determined by the Treasury Department and the IRS to be appropriate:
Canada |
This revenue procedure is effective for interest paid on or after January 1, 2013.
This revenue procedure provides issuers of qualified mortgage bonds, as defined in section 143(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, and issuers of mortgage credit certificates, as defined in section 25(c), with (1) the nationwide average purchase price for residences located in the United States, and (2) average area purchase price safe harbors for residences located in statistical areas in each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.
.01 Section 103(a) provides that, except as provided in section 103(b), gross income does not include interest on any state or local bond. Section 103(b)(1) provides that section 103(a) shall not apply to any private activity bond that is not a “qualified bond” within the meaning of section 141. Section 141(e) provides, in part, that the term “qualified bond” means any private activity bond if such bond (1) is a qualified mortgage bond under section 143, (2) meets the volume cap requirements under section 146, and (3) meets the applicable requirements under section 147.
.02 Section 143(a)(1) provides that the term “qualified mortgage bond” means a bond that is issued as part of a qualified mortgage issue. Section 143(a)(2)(A) provides that the term “qualified mortgage issue” means an issue of one or more bonds by a state or political subdivision thereof, but only if: (i) all proceeds of the issue (exclusive of issuance costs and a reasonably required reserve) are to be used to finance owner-occupied residences; (ii) the issue meets the requirements of subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (m)(7) of section 143; (iii) the issue does not meet the private business tests of paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 141(b); and (iv) with respect to amounts received more than 10 years after the date of issuance, repayments of $250,000 or more of principal on mortgage financing provided by the issue are used by the close of the first semiannual period beginning after the date the prepayment (or complete repayment) is received to redeem bonds that are part of the issue.
.03 Section 143(e)(1) provides that an issue of bonds meets the purchase price requirements of section 143(e) if the acquisition cost of each residence financed by the issue does not exceed 90 percent of the average area purchase price applicable to such residence. Section 143(e)(5) provides that, in the case of a targeted area residence (as defined in section 143(j)), section 143(e)(1) shall be applied by substituting 110 percent for 90 percent.
.04 Section 143(e)(2) provides that the term “average area purchase price” means, with respect to any residence, the average purchase price of single-family residences (in the statistical area in which the residence is located) that were purchased during the most recent 12-month period for which sufficient statistical information is available. Under sections 143(e)(3) and (4), respectively, separate determinations are to be made for new and existing residences, and for two-, three-, and four-family residences.
.05 Section 143(e)(2) provides that the determination of the average area purchase price for a statistical area shall be made as of the date on which the commitment to provide the financing is made or, if earlier, the date of the purchase of the residence.
.06 Section 143(k)(2)(A) provides that the term “statistical area” means (i) a metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and (ii) any county (or the portion thereof) that is not within an MSA. Section 143(k)(2)(C) further provides that if sufficient recent statistical information with respect to a county (or portion thereof) is unavailable, the Secretary may substitute another area for which there is sufficient recent statistical information for such county (or portion thereof). In the case of any portion of a State which is not within a county, section 143(k)(2)(D) provides that the Secretary may designate as a county any area that is the equivalent of a county. Section 6a.103A-1(b)(4)(i) of the Temporary Income Tax Regulations (issued under section 103A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the predecessor of section 143) provides that the term “State” includes a possession of the United States and the District of Columbia.
.07 Section 6a.103A-2(f)(5)(i) provides that an issuer may rely upon the average area purchase price safe harbors published by the Department of the Treasury for the statistical area in which a residence is located. Section 6a.103A-2(f)(5)(i) further provides that an issuer may use an average area purchase price limitation different from the published safe harbor if the issuer has more accurate and comprehensive data for the statistical area.
.08 Section 25(c) permits a state or political subdivision to establish a qualified mortgage credit certificate program. In general, a qualified mortgage credit certificate program is a program under which the issuing authority elects not to issue an amount of private activity bonds that it may otherwise issue during the calendar year under section 146, and in their place, issues mortgage credit certificates to taxpayers in connection with the acquisition of their principal residences. Section 25(a)(1) provides, in general, that the holder of a mortgage credit certificate may claim a federal income tax credit equal to the product of the credit rate specified in the certificate and the interest paid or accrued during the tax year on the remaining principal of the indebtedness incurred to acquire the residence. Section 25(c)(2)(A)(iii)(III) generally provides that residences acquired in connection with the issuance of mortgage credit certificates must meet the purchase price requirements of section 143(e).
.09 Section 143(f) imposes limitations on the income of mortgagors for whom financing may be provided by qualified mortgage bonds. In addition, section 25(c)(2)(A)(iii)(IV) provides that holders of mortgage credit certificates must meet the income requirement of section 143(f). Generally, under sections 143(f)(1) and 25(c)(2)(A)(iii)(IV), the income requirement is met only if all owner-financing under a qualified mortgage bond and all mortgage credit certificates issued under a qualified mortgage credit certificate program are provided to mortgagors whose family income is 115 percent or less of the applicable median family income. Section 143(f)(5), however, generally provides for an upward adjustment to the percentage limitation in high housing cost areas. High housing cost areas are defined in section 143(f)(5)(C) as any statistical area for which the housing cost/income ratio is greater than 1.2.
.10 Under section 143(f)(5)(D), the housing cost/income ratio with respect to any statistical area is determined by dividing (a) the applicable housing price ratio for such area by (b) the ratio that the area median gross income for such area bears to the median gross income for the United States. The applicable housing price ratio is the new housing price ratio (new housing average area purchase price divided by the new housing average purchase price for the United States) or the existing housing price ratio (existing housing average area purchase price divided by the existing housing average purchase price for the United States), whichever results in the housing cost/income ratio being closer to 1.
.11 Average area purchase price safe harbors for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Guam were last published in Rev. Proc. 2011-23, 2011-15 I.R.B. 626.
.12 The nationwide average purchase price limitation was last published in section 4.02 of Rev. Proc. 2011-23. Guidance with respect to the United States and area median gross income figures that are to be used in computing the housing cost/income ratio described in section 143(f)(5) was last published in Rev. Proc. 2012-16, 2012-10 I.R.B. 452.
.13 This revenue procedure uses FHA loan limits for a given statistical area to calculate the average area purchase price safe harbor for that area. FHA sets limits on the dollar value of loans it will insure based on median home prices and conforming loan limits established by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. In particular, FHA sets an area’s loan limit at 95 percent of the median home sales price for the area, subject to certain floors and caps measured against conforming loan limits.
.14 To calculate the average area purchase price safe harbors in this revenue procedure, the FHA loan limits are adjusted to take into account the differences between average and median purchase prices. Because FHA loan limits do not differentiate between new and existing residences, this revenue procedure contains a single average area purchase price safe harbor for both new and existing residences in a statistical area. The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service have determined that FHA loan limits provide a reasonable basis for determining average area purchase price safe harbors. If the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service become aware of other sources of average purchase price data, including data that differentiate between new and existing residences, consideration will be given as to whether such data provide a more accurate method for calculating average area purchase price safe harbors.
.15 The average area purchase price safe harbors listed in section 4.01 of this revenue procedure are based on FHA loan limits released December 02, 2011. FHA loan limits are available for statistical areas in each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. See section 3.03 of this revenue procedure with respect to FHA loan limits revised after December 02, 2011.
.16 OMB Bulletin No. 03-04, dated and effective June 6, 2003, revised the definitions of the nation’s metropolitan areas and recognized 49 new metropolitan statistical areas. The OMB bulletin no longer includes primary metropolitan statistical areas.
.01 Average area purchase price safe harbors for statistical areas in each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Guam are set forth in section 4.01 of this revenue procedure. Average area purchase price safe harbors are provided for single-family and two to four-family residences. For each type of residence, section 4.01 of this revenue procedure contains a single safe harbor that may be used for both new and existing residences. Issuers of qualified mortgage bonds and issuers of mortgage credit certificates may rely on these safe harbors to satisfy the requirements of sections 143(e) and (f). Section 4.01 of this revenue procedure provides safe harbors for MSAs and for certain counties and county equivalents. If no purchase price safe harbor is available for a statistical area, the safe harbor for “ALL OTHER AREAS” may be used for that statistical area.
.02 If a residence is in an MSA, the safe harbor applicable to it is the limitation of that MSA. If an MSA falls in more than one state, the MSA is listed in section 4.01 of this revenue procedure under each state.
.03 If the FHA revises the FHA loan limit for any statistical area after December 02, 2011, an issuer of qualified mortgage bonds or mortgage credit certificates may use the revised FHA loan limit for that statistical area to compute (as provided in the next sentence) a revised average area purchase price safe harbor for the statistical area provided that the issuer maintains records evidencing the revised FHA loan limit. The revised average area purchase price safe harbor for that statistical area is computed by dividing the revised FHA loan limit by .975.
.04 If, pursuant to section 6a.103A-2(f)(5)(i), an issuer uses more accurate and comprehensive data to determine the average area purchase price for a statistical area, the issuer must make separate average area purchase price determinations for new and existing residences. Moreover, when computing the average area purchase price for a statistical area that is an MSA, as defined in OMB Bulletin No. 03-04, the issuer must make the computation for the entire applicable MSA. When computing the average area purchase price for a statistical area that is not an MSA, the issuer must make the computation for the entire statistical area and may not combine statistical areas. Thus, for example, the issuer may not combine two or more counties.
.05 If an issuer receives a ruling permitting it to rely on an average area purchase price limitation that is higher than the applicable safe harbor in this revenue procedure, the issuer may rely on that higher limitation for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of section 143(e) and (f) for bonds sold, and mortgage credit certificates issued, not more than 30 months following the termination date of the 12-month period used by the issuer to compute the limitation.
.06 Section 4.02 of this revenue procedure sets forth a single nationwide average purchase price for purposes of computing the housing cost/income ratio under section 143(f)(5).
.07 Issuers must use the nationwide average purchase price set forth in section 4.02 of this revenue procedure when computing the housing cost/income ratio under section 143(f)(5) regardless of whether they are relying on the average area purchase price safe harbors contained in this revenue procedure or using more accurate and comprehensive data to determine average area purchase prices for new and existing residences for a statistical area that are different from the published safe harbors in this revenue procedure.
.08 If, pursuant to section 6.02 of this revenue procedure, an issuer relies on the average area purchase price safe harbors contained in Rev. Proc. 2011-23, the issuer must use the nationwide average purchase price set forth in section 4.02 of Rev. Proc. 2011-23 in computing the housing cost/income ratio under section 143(f)(5). Likewise, if, pursuant to section 6.05 of this revenue procedure, an issuer relies on the nationwide average purchase price published in Rev. Proc. 2011-23, the issuer may not rely on the average area purchase price safe harbors published in this revenue procedure.
.01 Average area purchase prices for single-family and two to four-family residences in MSAs, and for certain counties and county equivalents are set forth below. The safe harbor for “ALL OTHER AREAS” (found at the end of the table below) may be used for a statistical area that is not listed below.
2012 Average Area Purchase Prices for Mortgage Revenue Bonds | |||||
County Name | State | One-Unit Limit | Two-Unit Limit | Three-Unit Limit | Four-Unit Limit |
ALEUTIANS WEST | AK | $365,641 | $468,051 | $565,795 | $703,128 |
ANCHORAGE | AK | $356,410 | $456,256 | $551,538 | $685,385 |
BRISTOL BAY | AK | $300,769 | $385,026 | $465,385 | $578,410 |
DENALI | AK | $324,359 | $415,231 | $501,897 | $623,744 |
DILLINGHAM | AK | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
FAIRBANKS NORTH | AK | $324,359 | $415,231 | $501,897 | $623,744 |
JUNEAU | AK | $408,974 | $523,538 | $632,872 | $786,513 |
KETCHIKAN GATEW | AK | $330,256 | $422,769 | $511,026 | $635,128 |
KODIAK ISLAND | AK | $343,231 | $439,385 | $531,128 | $660,051 |
MATANUSKA-SUSIT | AK | $356,410 | $456,256 | $551,538 | $685,385 |
NOME | AK | $281,897 | $360,872 | $436,205 | $542,103 |
NORTH SLOPE | AK | $314,923 | $403,128 | $487,333 | $605,641 |
PETERSBURG CENS | AK | $297,231 | $380,513 | $459,949 | $571,590 |
SITKA | AK | $442,308 | $566,205 | $684,462 | $850,615 |
VALDEZ-CORDOVA | AK | $278,359 | $356,359 | $430,718 | $535,282 |
YAKUTAT CITY | AK | $398,667 | $510,359 | $616,923 | $766,667 |
BALDWIN | AL | $292,308 | $374,205 | $452,308 | $562,103 |
RUSSELL | AL | $297,231 | $380,513 | $459,949 | $571,590 |
APACHE | AZ | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
COCONINO | AZ | $461,538 | $590,821 | $714,205 | $887,590 |
GILA | AZ | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
MARICOPA | AZ | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
MOHAVE | AZ | $330,769 | $423,436 | $511,846 | $636,103 |
NAVAJO | AZ | $316,667 | $405,385 | $490,000 | $608,974 |
PIMA | AZ | $324,359 | $415,231 | $501,897 | $623,744 |
PINAL | AZ | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
YAVAPAI | AZ | $400,000 | $512,051 | $618,974 | $769,231 |
ALAMEDA | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ALPINE | CA | $561,538 | $718,872 | $868,923 | $1,079,897 |
AMADOR | CA | $455,128 | $582,615 | $704,256 | $875,231 |
BUTTE | CA | $410,256 | $525,179 | $634,821 | $788,974 |
CALAVERAS | CA | $474,359 | $607,231 | $734,051 | $912,256 |
COLUSA | CA | $407,692 | $521,897 | $630,872 | $784,000 |
CONTRA COSTA | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
DEL NORTE | CA | $319,231 | $408,667 | $494,000 | $613,897 |
EL DORADO | CA | $594,872 | $761,538 | $920,513 | $1,144,000 |
FRESNO | CA | $391,026 | $500,564 | $605,077 | $751,949 |
GLENN | CA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
HUMBOLDT | CA | $403,846 | $516,974 | $624,923 | $776,615 |
IMPERIAL | CA | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
INYO | CA | $448,718 | $574,410 | $694,359 | $862,923 |
KERN | CA | $378,205 | $484,154 | $585,231 | $727,333 |
KINGS | CA | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
LAKE | CA | $411,538 | $526,821 | $636,821 | $791,436 |
LASSEN | CA | $292,308 | $374,205 | $452,308 | $562,103 |
LOS ANGELES | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MADERA | CA | $435,897 | $558,000 | $674,513 | $838,256 |
MARIN | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MARIPOSA | CA | $423,077 | $541,590 | $654,667 | $813,590 |
MENDOCINO | CA | $525,641 | $672,923 | $813,385 | $1,010,872 |
MERCED | CA | $484,615 | $620,410 | $749,897 | $931,949 |
MONO | CA | $542,564 | $694,564 | $839,590 | $1,043,385 |
MONTEREY | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NAPA | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NEVADA | CA | $576,923 | $738,564 | $892,769 | $1,109,487 |
ORANGE | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
PLACER | CA | $594,872 | $761,538 | $920,513 | $1,144,000 |
PLUMAS | CA | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
RIVERSIDE | CA | $512,821 | $656,513 | $793,538 | $986,205 |
SACRAMENTO | CA | $594,872 | $761,538 | $920,513 | $1,144,000 |
SAN BENITO | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SAN BERNARDINO | CA | $512,821 | $656,513 | $793,538 | $986,205 |
SAN DIEGO | CA | $715,385 | $915,846 | $1,107,026 | $1,375,744 |
SAN FRANCISCO | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SAN JOAQUIN | CA | $501,282 | $641,744 | $775,692 | $964,000 |
SAN LUIS OBISPO | CA | $705,128 | $902,667 | $1,091,128 | $1,356,051 |
SAN MATEO | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SANTA BARBARA | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SANTA CLARA | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SANTA CRUZ | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SHASTA | CA | $434,615 | $556,359 | $672,513 | $835,795 |
SIERRA | CA | $312,564 | $400,103 | $483,641 | $601,077 |
SISKIYOU | CA | $301,282 | $385,692 | $466,205 | $579,385 |
SOLANO | CA | $571,795 | $732,000 | $884,821 | $1,099,641 |
SONOMA | CA | $679,487 | $869,846 | $1,051,487 | $1,306,718 |
STANISLAUS | CA | $434,615 | $556,359 | $672,513 | $835,795 |
SUTTER | CA | $435,897 | $558,000 | $674,513 | $838,256 |
TEHAMA | CA | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
TULARE | CA | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
TUOLUMNE | CA | $448,718 | $574,410 | $694,359 | $862,923 |
VENTURA | CA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
YOLO | CA | $594,872 | $761,538 | $920,513 | $1,144,000 |
YUBA | CA | $435,897 | $558,000 | $674,513 | $838,256 |
ADAMS | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
ARAPAHOE | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
ARCHULETA | CO | $325,641 | $416,872 | $503,897 | $626,205 |
BOULDER | CO | $471,795 | $603,949 | $730,051 | $907,282 |
BROOMFIELD | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
CHAFFEE | CO | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
CLEAR CREEK | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
DENVER | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
DOUGLAS | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
EAGLE | CO | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ELBERT | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
EL PASO | CO | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
GARFIELD | CO | $435,897 | $558,000 | $674,513 | $838,256 |
GILPIN | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
GRAND | CO | $365,385 | $467,744 | $565,385 | $702,667 |
GUNNISON | CO | $444,872 | $569,487 | $688,410 | $855,538 |
HINSDALE | CO | $571,795 | $732,000 | $884,821 | $1,099,641 |
JEFFERSON | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
LAKE | CO | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
LA PLATA | CO | $455,128 | $582,615 | $704,256 | $875,231 |
LARIMER | CO | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
MESA | CO | $380,769 | $487,436 | $589,231 | $732,256 |
MINERAL | CO | $307,692 | $393,897 | $476,103 | $591,692 |
OURAY | CO | $494,872 | $633,538 | $765,795 | $951,692 |
PARK | CO | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
PITKIN | CO | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ROUTT | CO | $692,308 | $886,256 | $1,071,333 | $1,331,385 |
SAN JUAN | CO | $435,897 | $558,000 | $674,513 | $838,256 |
SAN MIGUEL | CO | $667,949 | $855,077 | $1,033,590 | $1,284,513 |
SUMMIT | CO | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
TELLER | CO | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
WELD | CO | $428,205 | $548,154 | $662,615 | $823,487 |
FAIRFIELD | CT | $726,923 | $930,615 | $1,124,872 | $1,397,949 |
HARTFORD | CT | $451,282 | $577,692 | $698,308 | $867,846 |
LITCHFIELD | CT | $384,615 | $492,359 | $595,179 | $739,641 |
MIDDLESEX | CT | $451,282 | $577,692 | $698,308 | $867,846 |
NEW HAVEN | CT | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
NEW LONDON | CT | $408,974 | $523,538 | $632,872 | $786,513 |
TOLLAND | CT | $451,282 | $577,692 | $698,308 | $867,846 |
WINDHAM | CT | $279,487 | $357,795 | $432,462 | $537,487 |
DISTRICT OF COL | DC | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
KENT | DE | $385,897 | $494,000 | $597,128 | $742,103 |
NEW CASTLE | DE | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
SUSSEX | DE | $384,615 | $492,359 | $595,179 | $739,641 |
BAKER | FL | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
BAY | FL | $406,410 | $520,256 | $628,872 | $781,538 |
BREVARD | FL | $298,718 | $382,410 | $462,256 | $574,462 |
BROWARD | FL | $434,615 | $556,359 | $672,513 | $835,795 |
CHARLOTTE | FL | $303,846 | $388,974 | $470,154 | $584,308 |
CLAY | FL | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
COLLIER | FL | $544,872 | $697,538 | $843,128 | $1,047,846 |
DUVAL | FL | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
FLAGLER | FL | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
FRANKLIN | FL | $312,821 | $400,462 | $484,051 | $601,590 |
HERNANDO | FL | $300,000 | $384,051 | $464,205 | $576,923 |
HILLSBOROUGH | FL | $300,000 | $384,051 | $464,205 | $576,923 |
INDIAN RIVER | FL | $291,026 | $372,564 | $450,308 | $559,641 |
LAKE | FL | $362,821 | $464,462 | $561,436 | $697,744 |
LEE | FL | $365,385 | $467,744 | $565,385 | $702,667 |
MANATEE | FL | $453,846 | $580,974 | $702,308 | $872,769 |
MARTIN | FL | $384,615 | $492,359 | $595,179 | $739,641 |
MIAMI-DADE | FL | $434,615 | $556,359 | $672,513 | $835,795 |
MONROE | FL | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NASSAU | FL | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
OKALOOSA | FL | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
ORANGE | FL | $362,821 | $464,462 | $561,436 | $697,744 |
OSCEOLA | FL | $362,821 | $464,462 | $561,436 | $697,744 |
PALM BEACH | FL | $434,615 | $556,359 | $672,513 | $835,795 |
PASCO | FL | $300,000 | $384,051 | $464,205 | $576,923 |
PINELLAS | FL | $300,000 | $384,051 | $464,205 | $576,923 |
ST. JOHNS | FL | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
ST. LUCIE | FL | $384,615 | $492,359 | $595,179 | $739,641 |
SARASOTA | FL | $453,846 | $580,974 | $702,308 | $872,769 |
SEMINOLE | FL | $362,821 | $464,462 | $561,436 | $697,744 |
SUMTER | FL | $285,897 | $366,000 | $442,410 | $549,795 |
VOLUSIA | FL | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
WALTON | FL | $372,092 | $476,308 | $575,795 | $715,538 |
BARROW | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
BARTOW | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
BRANTLEY | GA | $283,333 | $362,718 | $438,410 | $544,872 |
BUTTS | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
CARROLL | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
CHATTAHOOCHEE | GA | $297,231 | $380,513 | $459,949 | $571,590 |
CHEROKEE | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
CLARKE | GA | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
CLAYTON | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
COBB | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
COWETA | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
DAWSON | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
DEKALB | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
DOUGLAS | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
FAYETTE | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
FORSYTH | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
FULTON | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
GLYNN | GA | $283,333 | $362,718 | $438,410 | $544,872 |
GREENE | GA | $679,487 | $869,846 | $1,051,487 | $1,306,718 |
GWINNETT | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
HARALSON | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
HARRIS | GA | $297,231 | $380,513 | $459,949 | $571,590 |
HEARD | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
HENRY | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
JASPER | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
LAMAR | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
MCINTOSH | GA | $283,333 | $362,718 | $438,410 | $544,872 |
MADISON | GA | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
MARION | GA | $297,231 | $380,513 | $459,949 | $571,590 |
MERIWETHER | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
MUSCOGEE | GA | $297,231 | $380,513 | $459,949 | $571,590 |
NEWTON | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
OCONEE | GA | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
OGLETHORPE | GA | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
PAULDING | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
PICKENS | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
PIKE | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
ROCKDALE | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
SPALDING | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
WALTON | GA | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
HAWAII | HI | $634,615 | $812,410 | $982,051 | $1,220,410 |
HONOLULU | HI | $814,103 | $1,042,205 | $1,259,795 | $1,565,590 |
KALAWAO | HI | $734,615 | $940,462 | $1,136,769 | $1,412,769 |
KAUAI | HI | $793,590 | $1,015,949 | $1,228,051 | $1,526,154 |
MAUI | HI | $810,256 | $1,037,282 | $1,253,846 | $1,558,205 |
ADA | ID | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
ADAMS | ID | $280,769 | $359,436 | $434,462 | $539,949 |
BLAINE | ID | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
BOISE | ID | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
CANYON | ID | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
GEM | ID | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
KOOTENAI | ID | $293,590 | $375,846 | $454,308 | $564,564 |
OWYHEE | ID | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
TETON | ID | $711,538 | $910,872 | $1,101,077 | $1,368,359 |
VALLEY | ID | $474,359 | $607,231 | $734,051 | $912,256 |
BOND | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
BOONE | IL | $347,949 | $445,436 | $538,410 | $669,128 |
CALHOUN | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
CLINTON | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
COOK | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
DEKALB | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
DUPAGE | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
GRUNDY | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
JERSEY | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
KANE | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
KENDALL | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
LAKE | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
MCHENRY | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
MACOUPIN | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
MADISON | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
MONROE | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
ST. CLAIR | IL | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
WILL | IL | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
WINNEBAGO | IL | $347,949 | $445,436 | $538,410 | $669,128 |
CLARK | IN | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
DEARBORN | IN | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
FLOYD | IN | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
FRANKLIN | IN | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
HARRISON | IN | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
JASPER | IN | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
LAKE | IN | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
NEWTON | IN | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
OHIO | IN | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
PORTER | IN | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
WASHINGTON | IN | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
BOONE | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
BRACKEN | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
BULLITT | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
CAMPBELL | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
GALLATIN | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
GRANT | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
HENRY | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
JEFFERSON | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
KENTON | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
MEADE | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
NELSON | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
OLDHAM | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
PENDLETON | KY | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
SHELBY | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
SPENCER | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
TRIMBLE | KY | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
ASCENSION | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
EAST BATON ROUG | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
EAST FELICIANA | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
IBERVILLE | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
JEFFERSON | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
LIVINGSTON | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
ORLEANS | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
PLAQUEMINES | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
POINTE COUPEE | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
ST. BERNARD | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
ST. CHARLES | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
ST. HELENA | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
ST. JOHN THE BA | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
ST. TAMMANY | LA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
WEST BATON ROUG | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
WEST FELICIANA | LA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
BARNSTABLE | MA | $474,359 | $607,231 | $734,051 | $912,256 |
BRISTOL | MA | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
DUKES | MA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ESSEX | MA | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
FRANKLIN | MA | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
HAMPDEN | MA | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
HAMPSHIRE | MA | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
MIDDLESEX | MA | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
NANTUCKET | MA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NORFOLK | MA | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
PLYMOUTH | MA | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
SUFFOLK | MA | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
WORCESTER | MA | $394,872 | $505,487 | $611,026 | $759,385 |
ANNE ARUNDEL | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
BALTIMORE | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
CALVERT | MD | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
CARROLL | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
CECIL | MD | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
CHARLES | MD | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
FREDERICK | MD | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
GARRETT | MD | $448,718 | $574,410 | $694,359 | $862,923 |
HARFORD | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
HOWARD | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
KENT | MD | $352,564 | $451,333 | $545,538 | $678,000 |
MONTGOMERY | MD | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
PRINCE GEORGE’S | MD | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
QUEEN ANNE’S | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
ST. MARY’S | MD | $410,256 | $525,179 | $634,821 | $788,974 |
SOMERSET | MD | $337,179 | $431,641 | $521,744 | $648,410 |
TALBOT | MD | $455,128 | $582,615 | $704,256 | $875,231 |
WASHINGTON | MD | $387,179 | $495,641 | $599,128 | $744,564 |
WICOMICO | MD | $337,179 | $431,641 | $521,744 | $648,410 |
WORCESTER | MD | $448,718 | $574,410 | $694,359 | $862,923 |
BALTIMORE CITY | MD | $574,359 | $735,282 | $888,769 | $1,104,564 |
CUMBERLAND | ME | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
HANCOCK | ME | $279,487 | $357,795 | $432,462 | $537,487 |
KNOX | ME | $286,615 | $366,923 | $443,487 | $551,179 |
LINCOLN | ME | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
SAGADAHOC | ME | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
YORK | ME | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
BERRIEN | MI | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
KALAMAZOO | MI | $293,590 | $375,846 | $454,308 | $564,564 |
LAPEER | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
LENAWEE | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
LIVINGSTON | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
MACOMB | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
MONROE | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
OAKLAND | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
ST. CLAIR | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
VAN BUREN | MI | $293,590 | $375,846 | $454,308 | $564,564 |
WASHTENAW | MI | $353,846 | $452,974 | $547,538 | $680,462 |
WAYNE | MI | $305,128 | $390,615 | $472,154 | $586,769 |
ANOKA | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
CARVER | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
CHISAGO | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
COOK | MN | $303,846 | $388,974 | $470,154 | $584,308 |
DAKOTA | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
HENNEPIN | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
ISANTI | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
RAMSEY | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
SCOTT | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
SHERBURNE | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
WASHINGTON | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
WRIGHT | MN | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
CRAWFORD | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
FRANKLIN | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
JEFFERSON | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
LINCOLN | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
ST. CHARLES | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
ST. LOUIS | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
WARREN | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
WASHINGTON | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
ST. LOUIS CITY | MO | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
CARBON | MT | $298,718 | $382,410 | $462,256 | $574,462 |
FLATHEAD | MT | $309,026 | $395,590 | $478,205 | $594,256 |
GALLATIN | MT | $396,154 | $507,128 | $613,026 | $761,846 |
JEFFERSON | MT | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
LAKE | MT | $308,974 | $395,538 | $478,103 | $594,154 |
LEWIS AND CLARK | MT | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
MADISON | MT | $288,974 | $369,949 | $447,179 | $555,692 |
MISSOULA | MT | $298,718 | $382,410 | $462,256 | $574,462 |
RAVALLI | MT | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
SWEET GRASS | MT | $355,128 | $454,615 | $549,538 | $682,923 |
YELLOWSTONE | MT | $298,718 | $382,410 | $462,256 | $574,462 |
ANSON | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
BRUNSWICK | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
BUNCOMBE | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
CABARRUS | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
CAMDEN | NC | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
CARTERET | NC | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
CHATHAM | NC | $343,231 | $439,385 | $531,128 | $660,051 |
CURRITUCK | NC | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
DARE | NC | $471,795 | $603,949 | $730,051 | $907,282 |
DURHAM | NC | $343,231 | $439,385 | $531,128 | $660,051 |
FRANKLIN | NC | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
GASTON | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
HAYWOOD | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
HENDERSON | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
HYDE | NC | $495,385 | $634,154 | $766,564 | $952,667 |
JOHNSTON | NC | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
MADISON | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
MECKLENBURG | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
NEW HANOVER | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
ONSLOW | NC | $314,103 | $402,103 | $486,051 | $604,051 |
ORANGE | NC | $343,231 | $439,385 | $531,128 | $660,051 |
PASQUOTANK | NC | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
PENDER | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
PERQUIMANS | NC | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
PERSON | NC | $343,231 | $439,385 | $531,128 | $660,051 |
TRANSYLVANIA | NC | $301,282 | $385,692 | $466,205 | $579,385 |
UNION | NC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
WAKE | NC | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
WATAUGA | NC | $292,308 | $374,205 | $452,308 | $562,103 |
BILLINGS | ND | $312,564 | $400,103 | $483,641 | $601,077 |
STARK | ND | $312,564 | $400,103 | $483,641 | $601,077 |
BELKNAP | NH | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
GRAFTON | NH | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
HILLSBOROUGH | NH | $412,821 | $528,462 | $638,821 | $793,897 |
MERRIMACK | NH | $310,256 | $397,179 | $480,103 | $596,667 |
ROCKINGHAM | NH | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
STRAFFORD | NH | $537,179 | $687,692 | $831,231 | $1,033,026 |
ATLANTIC | NJ | $465,385 | $595,744 | $720,154 | $894,974 |
BERGEN | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
BURLINGTON | NJ | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
CAMDEN | NJ | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
CAPE MAY | NJ | $500,000 | $640,103 | $773,692 | $961,538 |
CUMBERLAND | NJ | $415,385 | $531,744 | $642,769 | $798,821 |
ESSEX | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
GLOUCESTER | NJ | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
HUDSON | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
HUNTERDON | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MERCER | NJ | $451,282 | $577,692 | $698,308 | $867,846 |
MIDDLESEX | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MONMOUTH | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MORRIS | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
OCEAN | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
PASSAIC | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SALEM | NJ | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
SOMERSET | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SUSSEX | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
UNION | NJ | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
WARREN | NJ | $412,821 | $528,462 | $638,821 | $793,897 |
LOS ALAMOS | NM | $390,410 | $499,795 | $604,103 | $750,769 |
SAN JUAN | NM | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
SANTA FE | NM | $438,462 | $561,282 | $678,462 | $843,179 |
TAOS | NM | $293,692 | $375,949 | $454,462 | $564,769 |
CLARK | NV | $410,256 | $525,179 | $634,821 | $788,974 |
DOUGLAS | NV | $480,769 | $615,487 | $743,949 | $924,564 |
ELKO | NV | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
EUREKA | NV | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
LYON | NV | $339,744 | $434,923 | $525,744 | $653,333 |
NYE | NV | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
STOREY | NV | $414,103 | $530,103 | $640,769 | $796,359 |
WASHOE | NV | $414,103 | $530,103 | $640,769 | $796,359 |
CARSON CITY | NV | $408,974 | $523,538 | $632,872 | $786,513 |
ALBANY | NY | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
BRONX | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
COLUMBIA | NY | $283,333 | $362,718 | $438,410 | $544,872 |
DUTCHESS | NY | $455,128 | $582,615 | $704,256 | $875,231 |
ERIE | NY | $283,333 | $362,718 | $438,410 | $544,872 |
KINGS | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MADISON | NY | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
NASSAU | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NEW YORK | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NIAGARA | NY | $283,333 | $362,718 | $438,410 | $544,872 |
ONONDAGA | NY | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
ORANGE | NY | $455,128 | $582,615 | $704,256 | $875,231 |
OSWEGO | NY | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
PUTNAM | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
QUEENS | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
RENSSELAER | NY | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
RICHMOND | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ROCKLAND | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SARATOGA | NY | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
SCHENECTADY | NY | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
SCHOHARIE | NY | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
SUFFOLK | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ULSTER | NY | $416,667 | $533,385 | $644,769 | $801,282 |
WESTCHESTER | NY | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
ASHTABULA | OH | $298,718 | $382,410 | $462,256 | $574,462 |
ATHENS | OH | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
BROWN | OH | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
BUTLER | OH | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
CARROLL | OH | $284,615 | $364,359 | $440,410 | $547,333 |
CLERMONT | OH | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
CUYAHOGA | OH | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
DELAWARE | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
FAIRFIELD | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
FRANKLIN | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
GEAUGA | OH | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
GREENE | OH | $278,205 | $356,154 | $430,513 | $535,026 |
HAMILTON | OH | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
LAKE | OH | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
LICKING | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
LORAIN | OH | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
MADISON | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
MEDINA | OH | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
MERCER | OH | $300,000 | $384,051 | $464,205 | $576,923 |
MIAMI | OH | $278,205 | $356,154 | $430,513 | $535,026 |
MONTGOMERY | OH | $278,205 | $356,154 | $430,513 | $535,026 |
MORROW | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
PICKAWAY | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
PORTAGE | OH | $338,462 | $433,282 | $523,744 | $650,872 |
PREBLE | OH | $278,205 | $356,154 | $430,513 | $535,026 |
STARK | OH | $284,615 | $364,359 | $440,410 | $547,333 |
SUMMIT | OH | $338,462 | $433,282 | $523,744 | $650,872 |
UNION | OH | $350,000 | $448,051 | $541,590 | $673,077 |
VAN WERT | OH | $308,974 | $395,538 | $478,103 | $594,154 |
WARREN | OH | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
BENTON | OR | $346,154 | $443,128 | $535,641 | $665,692 |
CLACKAMAS | OR | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
CLATSOP | OR | $356,410 | $456,256 | $551,538 | $685,385 |
COLUMBIA | OR | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
CURRY | OR | $360,256 | $461,179 | $557,487 | $692,821 |
DESCHUTES | OR | $458,974 | $587,538 | $710,205 | $882,667 |
HOOD RIVER | OR | $403,846 | $516,974 | $624,923 | $776,615 |
JACKSON | OR | $433,333 | $554,718 | $670,564 | $833,333 |
JOSEPHINE | OR | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
LANE | OR | $352,564 | $451,333 | $545,538 | $678,000 |
LINCOLN | OR | $320,513 | $410,308 | $495,949 | $616,359 |
MARION | OR | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
MULTNOMAH | OR | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
POLK | OR | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
TILLAMOOK | OR | $352,564 | $451,333 | $545,538 | $678,000 |
WASHINGTON | OR | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
YAMHILL | OR | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
ALLEGHENY | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
ARMSTRONG | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
BEAVER | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
BERKS | PA | $307,692 | $393,897 | $476,103 | $591,692 |
BUCKS | PA | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
BUTLER | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
CARBON | PA | $412,821 | $528,462 | $638,821 | $793,897 |
CENTRE | PA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
CHESTER | PA | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
DELAWARE | PA | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
FAYETTE | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
LANCASTER | PA | $393,590 | $503,846 | $609,026 | $756,923 |
LEHIGH | PA | $412,821 | $528,462 | $638,821 | $793,897 |
MONTGOMERY | PA | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
NORTHAMPTON | PA | $412,821 | $528,462 | $638,821 | $793,897 |
PHILADELPHIA | PA | $430,769 | $551,436 | $666,564 | $828,410 |
PIKE | PA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
WASHINGTON | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
WESTMORELAND | PA | $335,897 | $430,000 | $519,795 | $645,949 |
YORK | PA | $435,897 | $558,000 | $674,513 | $838,256 |
BRISTOL | RI | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
KENT | RI | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
NEWPORT | RI | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
PROVIDENCE | RI | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
WASHINGTON | RI | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
BEAUFORT | SC | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
BERKELEY | SC | $343,590 | $439,846 | $531,692 | $660,769 |
CHARLESTON | SC | $343,590 | $439,846 | $531,692 | $660,769 |
DORCHESTER | SC | $343,590 | $439,846 | $531,692 | $660,769 |
GEORGETOWN | SC | $405,128 | $518,615 | $626,923 | $779,077 |
GREENVILLE | SC | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
HORRY | SC | $293,590 | $375,846 | $454,308 | $564,564 |
JASPER | SC | $397,436 | $508,769 | $614,974 | $764,308 |
LAURENS | SC | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
PICKENS | SC | $302,564 | $387,333 | $468,205 | $581,846 |
YORK | SC | $311,538 | $398,821 | $482,051 | $599,128 |
CANNON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
CHEATHAM | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
DAVIDSON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
DICKSON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
HICKMAN | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
MACON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
ROBERTSON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
RUTHERFORD | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
SMITH | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
SUMNER | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
TROUSDALE | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
WILLIAMSON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
WILSON | TN | $443,590 | $567,846 | $686,410 | $853,077 |
ATASCOSA | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
BANDERA | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
BASTROP | TX | $296,154 | $379,128 | $458,256 | $569,538 |
BEXAR | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
CALDWELL | TX | $296,154 | $379,128 | $458,256 | $569,538 |
COMAL | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
GUADALUPE | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
HAYS | TX | $296,154 | $379,128 | $458,256 | $569,538 |
JEFF DAVIS | TX | $278,205 | $356,154 | $430,513 | $535,026 |
KENDALL | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
MEDINA | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
TRAVIS | TX | $296,154 | $379,128 | $458,256 | $569,538 |
WILLIAMSON | TX | $296,154 | $379,128 | $458,256 | $569,538 |
WILSON | TX | $341,026 | $436,564 | $527,692 | $655,795 |
DAGGETT | UT | $310,205 | $397,128 | $480,000 | $596,564 |
DAVIS | UT | $407,692 | $521,897 | $630,872 | $784,000 |
JUAB | UT | $332,051 | $425,077 | $513,795 | $638,564 |
KANE | UT | $393,590 | $503,846 | $609,026 | $756,923 |
MORGAN | UT | $407,692 | $521,897 | $630,872 | $784,000 |
RICH | UT | $304,308 | $389,538 | $470,872 | $585,179 |
SALT LAKE | UT | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SUMMIT | UT | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
TOOELE | UT | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
UTAH | UT | $332,051 | $425,077 | $513,795 | $638,564 |
WASATCH | UT | $442,308 | $566,205 | $684,462 | $850,615 |
WASHINGTON | UT | $382,051 | $489,077 | $591,179 | $734,718 |
WEBER | UT | $407,692 | $521,897 | $630,872 | $784,000 |
ALBEMARLE | VA | $448,205 | $573,795 | $693,538 | $861,949 |
AMELIA | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
AMHERST | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
APPOMATTOX | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
ARLINGTON | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
BEDFORD | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
BOTETOURT | VA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
CAMPBELL | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
CAROLINE | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
CHARLES CITY | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
CHESTERFIELD | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
CLARKE | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
CRAIG | VA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
CULPEPER | VA | $392,308 | $502,205 | $607,077 | $754,462 |
CUMBERLAND | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
DINWIDDIE | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
ESSEX | VA | $384,615 | $492,359 | $595,179 | $739,641 |
FAIRFAX | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
FAUQUIER | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
FLUVANNA | VA | $448,205 | $573,795 | $693,538 | $861,949 |
FRANKLIN | VA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
FREDERICK | VA | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
GILES | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
GLOUCESTER | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
GOOCHLAND | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
GREENE | VA | $448,205 | $573,795 | $693,538 | $861,949 |
HANOVER | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
HENRICO | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
HIGHLAND | VA | $294,872 | $377,487 | $456,308 | $567,077 |
ISLE OF WIGHT | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
JAMES CITY | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
KING AND QUEEN | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
KING GEORGE | VA | $396,154 | $507,128 | $613,026 | $761,846 |
KING WILLIAM | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
LANCASTER | VA | $558,974 | $715,590 | $864,974 | $1,074,974 |
LOUDOUN | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
LOUISA | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
MADISON | VA | $284,615 | $364,359 | $440,410 | $547,333 |
MATHEWS | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
MIDDLESEX | VA | $338,462 | $433,282 | $523,744 | $650,872 |
MONTGOMERY | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
NELSON | VA | $448,205 | $573,795 | $693,538 | $861,949 |
NEW KENT | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
NORTHUMBERLAND | VA | $402,564 | $515,333 | $622,923 | $774,154 |
ORANGE | VA | $339,744 | $434,923 | $525,744 | $653,333 |
POWHATAN | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
PRINCE GEORGE | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
PRINCE WILLIAM | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
PULASKI | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
RAPPAHANNOCK | VA | $369,179 | $472,615 | $571,282 | $709,949 |
RICHMOND | VA | $307,692 | $393,897 | $476,103 | $591,692 |
ROANOKE | VA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
ROCKINGHAM | VA | $284,256 | $363,897 | $439,846 | $546,615 |
SPOTSYLVANIA | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
STAFFORD | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
SURRY | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
SUSSEX | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
WARREN | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
YORK | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
ALEXANDRIA | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
BEDFORD IND | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
CHARLOTTESVILLE | VA | $448,205 | $573,795 | $693,538 | $861,949 |
CHESAPEAKE | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
COLONIAL HEIGHT | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
FAIRFAX IND | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
FALLS CHURCH | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
FREDERICKSBURG | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
HAMPTON | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
HARRISONBURG | VA | $284,256 | $363,897 | $439,846 | $546,615 |
HOPEWELL | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
LEXINGTON | VA | $303,846 | $388,974 | $470,154 | $584,308 |
LYNCHBURG | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
MANASSAS | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MANASSAS PARK | VA | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
NEWPORT NEWS | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
NORFOLK | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
PETERSBURG | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
POQUOSON | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
PORTSMOUTH | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
RADFORD | VA | $299,590 | $383,538 | $463,590 | $576,103 |
RICHMOND IND | VA | $549,641 | $703,641 | $850,513 | $1,057,026 |
ROANOKE IND | VA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
SALEM | VA | $287,179 | $367,641 | $444,359 | $552,256 |
SUFFOLK | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
VIRGINIA BEACH | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
WILLIAMSBURG | VA | $470,615 | $602,462 | $728,256 | $905,026 |
WINCHESTER | VA | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
BENNINGTON | VT | $284,256 | $363,897 | $439,846 | $546,615 |
CHITTENDEN | VT | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
FRANKLIN | VT | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
GRAND ISLE | VT | $326,923 | $418,513 | $505,897 | $628,718 |
LAMOILLE | VT | $283,077 | $362,359 | $438,051 | $544,359 |
ORANGE | VT | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
WINDSOR | VT | $288,462 | $369,282 | $446,359 | $554,718 |
BENTON | WA | $282,051 | $361,077 | $436,462 | $542,410 |
CHELAN | WA | $351,487 | $449,949 | $543,897 | $675,949 |
CLALLAM | WA | $393,949 | $504,308 | $609,590 | $757,590 |
CLARK | WA | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
DOUGLAS | WA | $351,487 | $449,949 | $543,897 | $675,949 |
FRANKLIN | WA | $282,051 | $361,077 | $436,462 | $542,410 |
ISLAND | WA | $391,026 | $500,564 | $605,077 | $751,949 |
JEFFERSON | WA | $448,718 | $574,410 | $694,359 | $862,923 |
KING | WA | $582,051 | $745,128 | $900,667 | $1,119,333 |
KITSAP | WA | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
KITTITAS | WA | $337,179 | $431,641 | $521,744 | $648,410 |
MASON | WA | $317,949 | $407,026 | $492,000 | $611,436 |
PIERCE | WA | $582,051 | $745,128 | $900,667 | $1,119,333 |
SAN JUAN | WA | $608,974 | $779,590 | $942,359 | $1,171,128 |
SKAGIT | WA | $383,333 | $490,718 | $593,179 | $737,179 |
SKAMANIA | WA | $429,487 | $549,795 | $664,615 | $825,949 |
SNOHOMISH | WA | $582,051 | $745,128 | $900,667 | $1,119,333 |
THURSTON | WA | $370,513 | $474,308 | $573,333 | $712,513 |
WHATCOM | WA | $384,615 | $492,359 | $595,179 | $739,641 |
COLUMBIA | WI | $301,282 | $385,692 | $466,205 | $579,385 |
DANE | WI | $301,282 | $385,692 | $466,205 | $579,385 |
IOWA | WI | $301,282 | $385,692 | $466,205 | $579,385 |
KENOSHA | WI | $420,513 | $538,308 | $650,718 | $808,667 |
MILWAUKEE | WI | $323,077 | $413,590 | $499,949 | $621,282 |
OZAUKEE | WI | $323,077 | $413,590 | $499,949 | $621,282 |
PIERCE | WI | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
ST. CROIX | WI | $374,359 | $479,231 | $579,282 | $719,897 |
WALWORTH | WI | $285,897 | $366,000 | $442,410 | $549,795 |
WASHINGTON | WI | $323,077 | $413,590 | $499,949 | $621,282 |
WAUKESHA | WI | $323,077 | $413,590 | $499,949 | $621,282 |
BERKELEY | WV | $387,179 | $495,641 | $599,128 | $744,564 |
HAMPSHIRE | WV | $487,179 | $623,692 | $753,897 | $936,872 |
JEFFERSON | WV | $748,462 | $958,154 | $1,158,205 | $1,439,385 |
MORGAN | WV | $387,179 | $495,641 | $599,128 | $744,564 |
SHERIDAN | WY | $279,487 | $357,795 | $432,462 | $537,487 |
SUBLETTE | WY | $306,410 | $392,256 | $474,154 | $589,231 |
TETON | WY | $711,538 | $910,872 | $1,101,077 | $1,368,359 |
MANUA | AS | $312,821 | $400,462 | $484,051 | $601,590 |
GUAM | GU | $667,949 | $855,077 | $1,033,590 | $1,284,513 |
NORTHERN ISLAND | MP | $620,513 | $794,359 | $960,205 | $1,193,333 |
ROTA | MP | $485,897 | $622,051 | $751,897 | $934,410 |
SAIPAN | MP | $625,641 | $800,923 | $968,154 | $1,203,179 |
TINIAN | MP | $629,487 | $805,846 | $974,103 | $1,210,564 |
AGUAS BUENAS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
AIBONITO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
ARECIBO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
BARCELONETA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
BARRANQUITAS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
BAYAMON | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CAGUAS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CAMUY | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CANOVANAS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CAROLINA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CATANO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CAYEY | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CEIBA | PR | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
CIALES | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
CIDRA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
COMERIO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
COROZAL | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
DORADO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
FAJARDO | PR | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
FLORIDA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
GUAYNABO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
GURABO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
HATILLO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
HUMACAO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
JUNCOS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
LAS PIEDRAS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
LOIZA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
LUQUILLO | PR | $333,333 | $426,718 | $515,795 | $641,026 |
MANATI | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
MAUNABO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
MOROVIS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
NAGUABO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
NARANJITO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
OROCOVIS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
QUEBRADILLAS | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
RIO GRANDE | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
SAN JUAN | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
SAN LORENZO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
TOA ALTA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
TOA BAJA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
TRUJILLO ALTO | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
VEGA ALTA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
VEGA BAJA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
YABUCOA | PR | $621,795 | $796,000 | $962,205 | $1,195,795 |
ST. CROIX | VI | $336,154 | $430,308 | $520,154 | $646,462 |
ST. JOHN | VI | $639,282 | $818,410 | $989,231 | $1,229,385 |
ST. THOMAS | VI | $457,641 | $585,846 | $708,154 | $880,103 |
All other areas (floor): | $278,000 | $355,897 | $430,154 | $534,615 |
.02 The nationwide average purchase price (for use in the housing cost/income ratio for new and existing residences) is $214,000.
Rev. Proc. 2011-23 is obsolete except as provided in section 6 of this revenue procedure.
.01 Issuers may rely on this revenue procedure to determine average area purchase price safe harbors for commitments to provide financing or issue mortgage credit certificates that are made, or (if the purchase precedes the commitment) for residences that are purchased, in the period that begins on April 25, 2012, and ends on the date as of which the safe harbors contained in section 4.01 of this revenue procedure are rendered obsolete by a new revenue procedure.
.02 Notwithstanding section 5 of this revenue procedure, issuers may continue to rely on the average area purchase price safe harbors contained in Rev. Proc. 2011-23, with respect to bonds sold, or for mortgage credit certificates issued with respect to bond authority exchanged, before May 25, 2012, if the commitments to provide financing or issue mortgage credit certificates are made on or before June 24, 2012.
.03 Except as provided in section 6.04, issuers must use the nationwide average purchase price limitation contained in this revenue procedure for commitments to provide financing or issue mortgage credit certificates that are made, or (if the purchase precedes the commitment) for residences that are purchased, in the period that begins on April 25, 2012, and ends on the date when the nationwide average purchase price limitation is rendered obsolete by a new revenue procedure.
.04 Notwithstanding sections 5 and 6.03 of this revenue procedure, issuers may continue to rely on the nationwide average purchase price set forth in Rev. Proc. 2011-23 with respect to bonds sold, or for mortgage credit certificates issued with respect to bond authority exchanged, before May 25, 2012, if the commitments to provide financing or issue mortgage credit certificates are made on or before June 24, 2012.
Code section 143 requires that the average area purchase prices be based on the most recent 12-month period for which sufficient statistical information is available. In order to ensure that the safe harbors reflect accurate and timely price information, the Treasury Department and the IRS are considering possible changes in the data source and method used for these safe harbors beginning in 2013. The alternative method under consideration would involve the use of certain currently available data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) regarding county median housing purchase prices instead of the FHA loan limits. Certain aggregate HUD price data are available at http://www.hud.gov/pub/chums under CY2012 FHA Forward Limits, and certain HUD price data for individual counties is available at https://entp.hud.gov/idapp/html/hicostlook.cfm.
Absent modifications, the use of HUD data on county median housing purchase prices potentially would result in significant declines in purchase price limits compared to prior limits, particularly in rural areas. The Treasury Department and the IRS are considering certain appropriate modifications to the HUD price data in implementing this alternative method.
One potential modification would be to consider setting floors on purchase price safe harbors. Potential approaches to setting floors on purchase prices might include national average prices, county average prices, rural county average prices, or some percentile of county average prices. For illustrative purposes only, set forth below are the floors on mean purchase prices that would result from using one of these approaches with 2012 data: (1) national average price ($214,000); (2) county average price ($174,862); (3) rural county average price ($112,864); (4) 25th percentile of county average price ($92,308); (5) 50th percentile of county average price ($138,462); or (6) 75th percentile of county average price ($214,103).
Another potential modification would be to consider transitional relief to phase in the effects of the changes over an extended period, as compared with a baseline of the 2012 purchase price safe harbors in section 4.01 of this revenue procedure. Potential phase-in periods might include a period of three years to five years. In addition, a technical modification will make adjustments for differences between HUD median prices and the required average prices.
The Treasury Department and the IRS solicit public comments on this alternative method using current HUD data on county median housing purchase prices, including particularly comments on potential floors on prices and phase-in periods for the method, and on whether other methods or data sources should be used to calculate these safe harbors. Comments should be submitted in writing and can be e-mailed to notice.comments@irscounsel.treas.gov (include “Rev. Proc. 2012-25” in the subject line) or mailed to Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions & Products), Re: Rev. Proc. 2012-25, CC:FIP:B5, Room 3547, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224. The due date for the public comments is July 15, 2012. Comments that are submitted will be made available to the public.
The collection of information contained in this revenue procedure has been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507) under control number 1545-1877.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB control number.
This revenue procedure contains a collection of information requirement in section 3.03. The purpose of the collection of information is to verify the applicable FHA loan limit that issuers of qualified mortgage bonds and qualified mortgage certificates have used to calculate the average area purchase price for a given metropolitan statistical area for purposes of section 143(e) and 25(c). The collection of information is required to obtain the benefit of using revisions to FHA loan limits to determine average area purchase prices. The likely respondents are state and local governments.
The estimated total annual reporting and/or recordkeeping burden is: 15 hours.
The estimated annual burden per respondent and/or recordkeeper: 15 minutes.
The estimated number of respondents and/or recordkeepers: 60.
Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
The principal authors of this revenue procedure are David E. White and Timothy L. Jones of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions & Products). For further information regarding this revenue procedure, contact David E. White at (202) 622-3980 (not a toll-free call).
This revenue procedure provides the 2013 inflation adjusted amounts for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) as determined under § 223 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Annual contribution limitation. For calendar year 2013, the annual limitation on deductions under § 223(b)(2)(A) for an individual with self-only coverage under a high deductible health plan is $3,250. For calendar year 2013, the annual limitation on deductions under § 223(b)(2)(B) for an individual with family coverage under a high deductible health plan is $6,450.
High deductible health plan. For calendar year 2013, a “high deductible health plan” is defined under § 223(c)(2)(A) as a health plan with an annual deductible that is not less than $1,250 for self-only coverage or $2,500 for family coverage, and the annual out-of-pocket expenses (deductibles, co-payments, and other amounts, but not premiums) do not exceed $6,250 for self-only coverage or $12,500 for family coverage.
The principal author of this revenue procedure is Bill Ruane of Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax & Accounting). For further information regarding § 223 and HSAs, contact Leslie Paul at (202) 622-6080 (not a toll-free call). For further information regarding the calculation of the inflation adjustments in this revenue procedure, contact Mr. Ruane at (202) 622-4920 (not a toll-free call).
This announcement notifies filers of Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax and Form 990-EZ, Short Form Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, of a change in the 2011 Form 990-EZ and Form 990 Instructions. Except as noted below, it is now optional for tax year 2011 for filers to report their interests in the income, expenses, and assets of joint ventures and other partnerships in which they have an ownership interest using information from Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, Schedule K-1.
The 2010 Form 990 Instructions state, in Appendix F, that the filing organization should report in Parts VIII, IX, and X its proportionate interests in a joint venture’s or other partnership’s revenue, expenses, and assets in accordance with the organization’s books and records. To promote greater consistency, accuracy, and transparency in reporting this information, including unrelated business income from partnerships, the IRS revised the 2011 Form 990 and Form 990-EZ Instructions to require the filing organization to report such interests using information from the Form 1065, Schedule K-1 provided by the partnership.
Since publishing the 2011 Form 990 and Form 990-EZ Instructions in January 2012, the IRS has received comments from the public arguing that reporting organizations’ interests in partnership assets using the organization’s books and records provides a more accurate value of those assets than does reporting using Schedule K-1 information. Other commenters noted that using Schedule K-1 information can be burdensome and that organizations cannot report information from all Forms 1065, Schedules K-1 they receive because some partnerships do not submit those Forms until after the Form 990 filing due date. To more fully consider these comments, and to determine how best to promote compliance and transparency while minimizing burden in reporting of partnership interests, the IRS has decided to make the new Schedule K-1 reporting instructions for Forms 990 and 990-EZ optional for tax year 2011.
In reporting on the 2011 Form 990 or Form 990-EZ its proportionate interests in the income, expenses, and assets of partnerships in which it has an ownership interest, an organization generally may continue to report these interests based on its books and records. However, as in prior years, organizations that complete Form 990, Schedule H and Form 990, Schedule R must continue to use information from Form 1065, Schedule K-1 in reporting certain partnership information on those schedules, as explained in the instructions for 2011 Form 990, Schedule H and 2011 Form 990, Schedule R.
The IRS welcomes further comments on whether and how the use of Form 1065, Schedule K-1 in reporting certain information on partnerships, as is currently required on Schedules H and R, should be extended to Parts VIII-X of the core Form 990, Form 990-EZ, and/or to other schedules. Comments may be submitted to Form990Revision@irs.gov or to:
Internal Revenue ServiceAttn: Stephen Clarke
(Announcement 2012-19)
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. -
NCA 570-14
Washington, D.C. 20224
The principal author of this announcement is Stephen Clarke of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division. For further information regarding this announcement, please contact Mr. Clarke at (202) 283-9474 (not a toll-free number).
Amplified describes a situation where no change is being made in a prior published position, but the prior position is being extended to apply to a variation of the fact situation set forth therein. Thus, if an earlier ruling held that a principle applied to A, and the new ruling holds that the same principle also applies to B, the earlier ruling is amplified. (Compare with modified, below).
Clarified is used in those instances where the language in a prior ruling is being made clear because the language has caused, or may cause, some confusion. It is not used where a position in a prior ruling is being changed.
Distinguished describes a situation where a ruling mentions a previously published ruling and points out an essential difference between them.
Modified is used where the substance of a previously published position is being changed. Thus, if a prior ruling held that a principle applied to A but not to B, and the new ruling holds that it applies to both A and B, the prior ruling is modified because it corrects a published position. (Compare with amplified and clarified, above).
Obsoleted describes a previously published ruling that is not considered determinative with respect to future transactions. This term is most commonly used in a ruling that lists previously published rulings that are obsoleted because of changes in laws or regulations. A ruling may also be obsoleted because the substance has been included in regulations subsequently adopted.
Revoked describes situations where the position in the previously published ruling is not correct and the correct position is being stated in a new ruling.
Superseded describes a situation where the new ruling does nothing more than restate the substance and situation of a previously published ruling (or rulings). Thus, the term is used to republish under the 1986 Code and regulations the same position published under the 1939 Code and regulations. The term is also used when it is desired to republish in a single ruling a series of situations, names, etc., that were previously published over a period of time in separate rulings. If the new ruling does more than restate the substance of a prior ruling, a combination of terms is used. For example, modified and superseded describes a situation where the substance of a previously published ruling is being changed in part and is continued without change in part and it is desired to restate the valid portion of the previously published ruling in a new ruling that is self contained. In this case, the previously published ruling is first modified and then, as modified, is superseded.
Supplemented is used in situations in which a list, such as a list of the names of countries, is published in a ruling and that list is expanded by adding further names in subsequent rulings. After the original ruling has been supplemented several times, a new ruling may be published that includes the list in the original ruling and the additions, and supersedes all prior rulings in the series.
Suspended is used in rare situations to show that the previous published rulings will not be applied pending some future action such as the issuance of new or amended regulations, the outcome of cases in litigation, or the outcome of a Service study.
Revenue rulings and revenue procedures (hereinafter referred to as “rulings”) that have an effect on previous rulings use the following defined terms to describe the effect:
The following abbreviations in current use and formerly used will appear in material published in the Bulletin.
B.T.A.—Board of Tax Appeals.
C.B.—Cumulative Bulletin.
CFR—Code of Federal Regulations.
Ct.D.—Court Decision.
DC—Dummy Corporation.
Del. Order—Delegation Order.
DISC—Domestic International Sales Corporation.
E.O.—Executive Order.
ERISA—Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
FC—Foreign Country.
FICA—Federal Insurance Contributions Act.
FISC—Foreign International Sales Company.
FPH—Foreign Personal Holding Company.
F.R.—Federal Register.
FUTA—Federal Unemployment Tax Act.
FX—Foreign corporation.
G.C.M.—Chief Counsel’s Memorandum.
GP—General Partner.
IC—Insurance Company.
I.R.B.—Internal Revenue Bulletin.
LP—Limited Partner.
P—Parent Corporation.
PHC—Personal Holding Company.
PO—Possession of the U.S.
PTE—Prohibited Transaction Exemption.
Pub. L.—Public Law.
REIT—Real Estate Investment Trust.
Rev. Proc.—Revenue Procedure.
Rev. Rul.—Revenue Ruling.
S.P.R.—Statement of Procedural Rules.
Stat.—Statutes at Large.
T—Target Corporation.
T.C.—Tax Court.
T.D. —Treasury Decision.
T.I.R.—Technical Information Release.
U.S.C.—United States Code.
A cumulative list of all revenue rulings, revenue procedures, Treasury decisions, etc., published in Internal Revenue Bulletins 2011-27 through 2011-52 is in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2011-52, dated December 27, 2011.
Bulletins 2012-1 through 2012-20
Article | Issue | Link | Page |
2012-1 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 249 |
2012-2 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 285 |
2012-3 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 335 |
2012-4 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 335 |
2012-5 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 348 |
2012-6 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 366 |
2012-7 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 367 |
2012-8 | 2012-7 I.R.B. | 2012-7 | 373 |
2012-9 | 2012-7 I.R.B. | 2012-7 | 377 |
2012-11 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 611 |
2012-12 | 2012-12 I.R.B. | 2012-12 | 562 |
2012-13 | 2012-16 I.R.B. | 2012-16 | 805 |
2012-14 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 721 |
2012-15 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 794 |
2012-16 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 876 |
2012-17 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 876 |
2012-18 | 2012-16 I.R.B. | 2012-16 | 845 |
2012-19 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 | |
2012-20 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 876 |
2012-21 | 2012-19 I.R.B. | 2012-19 | 898 |
2012-22 | 2012-19 I.R.B. | 2012-19 | 899 |
Article | Issue | Link | Page |
2012-1 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 260 |
2012-3 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 289 |
2012-4 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 290 |
2012-5 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 291 |
2012-6 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 293 |
2012-7 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 308 |
2012-8 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 309 |
2012-9 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 315 |
2012-10 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 343 |
2012-11 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 346 |
2012-12 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 365 |
2012-13 | 2012-9 I.R.B. | 2012-9 | 421 |
2012-14 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 411 |
2012-15 | 2012-9 I.R.B. | 2012-9 | 424 |
2012-16 | 2012-9 I.R.B. | 2012-9 | 427 |
2012-17 | 2012-9 I.R.B. | 2012-9 | 430 |
2012-18 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 438 |
2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2012-20 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 574 |
2012-21 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 450 |
2012-22 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 576 |
2012-23 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 483 |
2012-24 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 578 |
2012-25 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 789 |
2012-26 | 2012-17 I.R.B. | 2012-17 | 847 |
2012-27 | 2012-17 I.R.B. | 2012-17 | 849 |
2012-28 | 2012-17 I.R.B. | 2012-17 | 850 |
2012-29 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 872 |
2012-30 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 874 |
2012-31 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 | |
2012-32 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 | |
2012-33 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 |
Proposed Regulations
Article | Issue | Link | Page |
168745-03 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 718 |
109369-10 | 2012-9 I.R.B. | 2012-9 | 434 |
110980-10 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 581 |
113770-10 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 587 |
113903-10 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 486 |
120282-10 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 487 |
130302-10 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 412 |
135491-10 | 2012-16 I.R.B. | 2012-16 | 803 |
149625-10 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 279 |
102988-11 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 326 |
115809-11 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 598 |
124627-11 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 417 |
124791-11 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 791 |
130777-11 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 347 |
132736-11 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 793 |
135071-11 | 2012-12 I.R.B. | 2012-12 | 561 |
136008-11 | 2012-19 I.R.B. | 2012-19 | 881 |
141268-11 | 2012-19 I.R.B. | 2012-19 | 896 |
145474-11 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 495 |
Revenue Procedures
Article | Issue | Link | Page |
2012-1 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 1 |
2012-2 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 92 |
2012-3 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 113 |
2012-4 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 125 |
2012-5 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 169 |
2012-6 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 197 |
2012-7 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 232 |
2012-8 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 235 |
2012-9 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 261 |
2012-10 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 273 |
2012-11 | 2012-7 I.R.B. | 2012-7 | 368 |
2012-12 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 275 |
2012-13 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 295 |
2012-14 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 296 |
2012-15 | 2012-7 I.R.B. | 2012-7 | 369 |
2012-16 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 452 |
2012-17 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 453 |
2012-18 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 455 |
2012-19 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 689 |
2012-20 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 700 |
2012-21 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 484 |
2012-22 | 2012-17 I.R.B. | 2012-17 | 853 |
2012-23 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 712 |
2012-24 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 | |
2012-25 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 | |
2012-26 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 |
Revenue Rulings
Article | Issue | Link | Page |
2012-1 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 255 |
2012-2 | 2012-3 I.R.B. | 2012-3 | 286 |
2012-3 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 383 |
2012-4 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 386 |
2012-5 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 337 |
2012-6 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 349 |
2012-7 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 362 |
2012-8 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 563 |
2012-9 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 475 |
2012-10 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 614 |
2012-11 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 686 |
2012-12 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 748 |
2012-13 | 2012-19 I.R.B. | 2012-19 | 878 |
Treasury Decisions
Article | Issue | Link | Page |
9559 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 252 |
9560 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 299 |
9561 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 341 |
9562 | 2012-5 I.R.B. | 2012-5 | 339 |
9563 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 354 |
9564 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 614 |
9565 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 378 |
9566 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 389 |
9567 | 2012-8 I.R.B. | 2012-8 | 395 |
9568 | 2012-12 I.R.B. | 2012-12 | 499 |
9569 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 465 |
9570 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 477 |
9571 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 468 |
9572 | 2012-11 I.R.B. | 2012-11 | 471 |
9573 | 2012-12 I.R.B. | 2012-12 | 498 |
9574 | 2012-12 I.R.B. | 2012-12 | 559 |
9575 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 749 |
9576 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 723 |
9577 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 730 |
9579 | 2012-16 I.R.B. | 2012-16 | 796 |
9580 | 2012-16 I.R.B. | 2012-16 | 801 |
9581 | 2012-16 I.R.B. | 2012-16 | 798 |
9582 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 868 |
9583 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 866 |
9584 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 |
A cumulative list of current actions on previously published items in Internal Revenue Bulletins 2011-27 through 2011-52 is in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2011-52, dated December 27, 2011.
Bulletins 2012-1 through 2012-20
Old Article | Action | New Article | Issue | Link | Page |
2006-52 | As clarified and amplified by Notice 2008-40, is modified by | Notice 2012-26 | 2012-17 I.R.B. | 2012-17 | 847 |
2006-87 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2006-99 | Superseded in part by | Notice 2012-20 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 574 |
2007-25 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2007-77 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2007-95 | Obsoleted in part by | T.D. 9576 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 723 |
2008-98 | Modified by | Notice 2012-29 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 872 |
2008-107 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2009-86 | Modified by | Notice 2012-29 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 872 |
2010-27 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2010-88 | As modified by Ann. 2011-40, is superseded by | Notice 2012-1 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 260 |
2010-92 | Obsoleted by | T.D. 9577 | 2012-15 I.R.B. | 2012-15 | 730 |
2011-8 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-19 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 440 |
2011-28 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-9 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 315 |
Proposed Regulations
Old Article | Action | New Article | Issue | Link | Page |
208274-86 | Withdrawn by | Ann. 2012-11 | 2012-13 I.R.B. | 2012-13 | 611 |
Revenue Procedures
Old Article | Action | New Article | Issue | Link | Page |
2000-43 | Amplified, modified and superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-18 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 455 |
2003-61 | Superseded by | Notice 2012-8 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 309 |
2007-44 | Modified by | Ann. 2012-3 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 335 |
2010-43 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-22 | 2012-17 I.R.B. | 2012-17 | 853 |
2011-1 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-1 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 1 |
2011-2 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-2 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 92 |
2011-3 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-3 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 113 |
2011-4 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-4 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 125 |
2011-5 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-5 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 169 |
2011-6 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-6 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 197 |
2011-7 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-7 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 232 |
2011-8 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-8 | 2012-1 I.R.B. | 2012-1 | 235 |
2011-9 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-9 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 261 |
2011-10 | Superseded by | Rev. Proc. 2012-10 | 2012-2 I.R.B. | 2012-2 | 273 |
2011-14 | Modified and clarified by | Rev. Proc. 2012-19 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 689 |
2011-14 | Modified and clarified by | Rev. Proc. 2012-20 | 2012-14 I.R.B. | 2012-14 | 700 |
2011-23 | Obsoleted in part by | Rev. Proc. 2012-25 | 2012-20 I.R.B. | 2012-20 | |
2011-37 | Obsoleted in part by | Rev. Proc. 2012-16 | 2012-10 I.R.B. | 2012-10 | 452 |
2011-40 | Corrected by | Ann. 2012-6 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 366 |
2011-49 | Modified by | Ann. 2012-3 | 2012-4 I.R.B. | 2012-4 | 335 |
2011-50 | Corrected by | Ann. 2012-6 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 366 |
2011-51 | Corrected by | Ann. 2012-6 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 366 |
2011-62 | Corrected by | Ann. 2012-17 | 2012-18 I.R.B. | 2012-18 | 876 |
2012-8 | Corrected by | Ann. 2012-7 | 2012-6 I.R.B. | 2012-6 | 367 |
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