- 3.28.3 Individual Income Tax Returns
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Introduction
- Deviations From This Internal Revenue Manual (IRM)
- Acronyms
- Processing Returns and Accounts of the President and Vice President
- Individual and Gift Tax Return Processing
- Account Data Storage and Access
- Mandatory Examination
- Blind Trust Form 1040 Returns
Part 3. Submission Processing
Chapter 28. Special Processing Procedures
Section 3. Individual Income Tax Returns
3.28.3 Individual Income Tax Returns
Manual Transmittal
November 26, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 3.28.3, Special Processing Procedures - Individual Income Tax Returns.
Material Changes
(1) Minor editorial changes were made throughout
(2) Editorial changes to change Wage and Investment to Taxpayer Services and W&I to TS.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 3.28.3, dated January 1, 2022 is superseded.Audience
Taxpayer Services Submission Processing Campus personnelEffective Date
James L. Fish
Director, Submission Processing
Taxpayer Services Division
Purpose: This Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) provides instructions for processing returns and the accounts of the President and Vice President of the United States of America.
Audience: This IRM is used by tax examiners and clerks in Austin Submission Processing site.
Policy Owner: The Director of Submission Processing (SP)
Program Owner: Taxpayer Services (TS) is responsible for the policies in this IRM.
Primary Stakeholders: Other areas that may be affected by these procedures include (but not limited to):
Information Technology (IT) Programmers
Chief Counsel
Submission Processing
Program Goals: The goal of this IRM is to provide instructions to process the tax returns and accounts of the President and Vice President of the United States of America and process the tax returns of certain political appointees.
This section of the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) provides instructions for processing:
The tax returns and accounts of the President and Vice President of the United States of America.
The tax returns of political appointees who have their assets placed in qualified blind trusts as defined by section 102(f)(3) of Appendix 4 to Title 5 of the United States Code (or any successor provision of the United States Code).
These procedures apply to all functions within the campuses.
The tax returns of the President and Vice President will be mailed to the Field Director, Austin Submission Processing Campus.
The Field Director of Austin can designate the walk - through processing of the President and Vice President's returns to a subordinate. This person must make sure that the original returns are not unnecessarily folded or bent, and the edit marks and stamps are neatly placed on the returns, because they will remain permanent documents in the National Archives.
When filing a political appointee's tax return, the trustees of a qualified blind trust as defined by section 102(f)(3) of Appendix 4 to Title 5 of the United States Code ("blind trust" ) are to follow the "Where to File" Instructions for Form 1040 and file the tax return at the appropriate campus based on the appointee's address.
The President, Vice President, or any political appointee who has placed his/her assets in a blind trust must request permission for the trustee to prepare and file their individual tax return. The request for permission must be in writing and be submitted with the tax return and a properly executed Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative. Permission for the trustee to prepare and file the return will be granted automatically on receipt of the required documents. The IRS does not send an approval letter to the President, Vice President, political appointee or trustee.
Service Center Directors, Headquarter Branch Chiefs, and Headquarter Analysts do not have the authority to approve deviations from IRM procedures. Any request for an exception or deviation to an IRM procedure must be elevated through appropriate channels for executive approval. This will ensure that other functional areas are not adversely affected by the changes and that it does not result in disparate treatment of taxpayers.
See guideline in IRM 1.11.2, Internal Management Documents System, Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process. Request for an IRM deviation must be submitted in writing and signed by the Field Director, following instructions from Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process
Any disclosure issues will be coordinated by the Program Owner. No deviations can begin until they are reviewed by the Program Owner and approved at the Executive Level. All requests must be submitted to the Submission Processing Headquarters IRM Coordinator.
An acronym is an abbreviated word formed from the initials or letters of each major part of the compound term, such as IDRS for Integrated Data Retrieval System.
A list of some of the acronyms and definitions used in this IRM are listed in the chart below.
Acronym Definition CAF Centralized Authorization File DIF Discriminant Index File IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IRM Internal Revenue Manual IRS Internal Revenue Service POA Power of Attorney SB/SE Small Business/Self Employed SP Submission Processing TS Taxpayer Services
Follow the instructions in this subsection of the manual when processing the individual tax returns and accounts of the President and Vice President of the United States in office at the time of filing.
This IRM provides procedures for:
Individual and Gift Tax Returns Processing
Account Data Storage and Access
Mandatory Examination
Follow the normal return processing procedures for all tax returns of the President and Vice President of the United States.
Maintain the privacy of the tax returns of the President and Vice-President at all times during processing.
Ensure that other employees in the immediate area cannot view the returns.
Keep the returns locked in a secure drawer or cabinet while you are away from your work area and the returns are still under your control.
Once the individual income tax return has posted, make a photocopy of the return and stamp "COPY" in the top right margin of the copy. Route the copy to Files.
Forward the original processed individual income tax return in double-sealed envelopes to prevent any damage to the return to:
Internal Revenue Service
Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement
1111 Constitution Ave NW, Room 3000 IR
Washington, DC 20224 -
The tax returns of both the President and Vice President are permanent records under the Records Control Schedules (Doc 12990, RCS 8, Item 12) approved by the Archivist of the United States.
Process gift tax returns in accordance with the same procedures relating to all taxpayers.
Carry the account data of the President and Vice President on the appropriate Master File.
Do not subject the accounts to restricted access procedures.
Individual income tax returns for the President and Vice President are subject to mandatory examinations.
The Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE) Director of Examination will determine the area office responsible for the examination of the return.
Copies of the returns to be examined will be transmitted after the examining office with jurisdiction is selected. Copies of returns must bear the word "COPY" in the top right margin. The transmittal memorandum will contain the following directions:
Regardless of the Discriminant Index Function (DIF) score, the returns will be examined.
IRS personnel, including specialists, will be assigned to the examination as appropriate.
The Examination Area Director, or his/her designee, will arrange for contact with the authorized representatives of the President and Vice President for the beginning of the examination.
All relevant IRM procedures will apply to these return examinations.
The examination papers of the President and Vice President are subject to regular retention procedures.
Follow the instructions in this subsection of the IRM when processing blind trust individual income tax returns.
The instructions include the following procedures:
General Information and Instructions
Blind Trust Tax Return Processing
Document Perfection Procedures
Accounts Management Centralized Authorization File (CAF) Procedures - Processing the Form 2848
The President, Vice President, or a political appointee will be considered to have shown good cause for receiving permission and will automatically be granted permission to have their return filed by a trustee when both of the following conditions are met:
The President, Vice President, or political appointee has an interest in a qualified blind trust as defined by Section 102(f)(3) of Appendix 4 to Title 5 of the United States Code or any successor provision of the United States Code.
The President, Vice President, or political appointee in accordance with Rev. Proc. 2010-11 submits with the income tax return both a letter requesting permission for the trustee to prepare and file the income tax return on behalf of the eligible individual and a power of attorney.
The trustee must attach both of the following to their filed return:
A letter requesting permission for the trustee to prepare and file the President's, Vice President's, or political appointee's return.
A valid power of attorney authorizing the trustee to represent the taxpayer that includes a statement specifically authorizing the trustee to prepare and file the taxpayer's return on behalf of the taxpayer.
The IRS must use extreme caution not to violate a blind trust.
Address all correspondence and refunds concerning the blind trust tax return to the authorized trustee.
Do not disclose any information regarding the source(s) or nature of the blind trust income to the taxpayer.
Generally, the taxpayer's name will be in the Entity, but the address will belong to the trustee to ensure that any correspondence and/or refund is mailed only to the trustee. Any attached Power of Attorney (POA) should be reviewed for completeness using the criteria in IRM Document Perfection Procedures by the Code and Edit tax examiner, then faxed to the Ogden CAF Unit to be posted.
Do not disclose information regarding the source of the blind trust income if contact with the taxpayer is ever required.
Blind Trust returns can generally be identified by the presence of any of the following:
The notation "Blind Trust" in the signature area
An income statement or schedule indicating "Income from Blind Trust"
A trust agreement which specifies "Blind Trust"
A POA attached indicating "Blind Trust," or posted to the CAF with a Blind Trust Authorization Indicator
A letter requesting permission for the trustee to prepare and file the President's, Vice President's or political appointee's return
The letter requesting permission and the POA must be attached to the return. It is the responsibility of the Code and Edit tax examiner to determine that the POA is complete before routing it to the Ogden CAF Unit. If the POA is already posted, the Code and Edit tax examiner should ensure that the Blind Trust Authorization Indicator is posted on the account. See IRM, Document Perfection Procedures.
If the Form 2848 is an original, or the CAF needs to be updated with the Blind Trust Authorization Indicator, the Code and Edit tax examiner will:
Perfect the Form 2848. See IRM for specific procedures.
Call the Ogden CAF Unit Manager to alert him/her that they are faxing a POA for a "Blind Trust" to the unit.
Edit "Blind Trust" in the top margin of the Form 2848
Fax the original Form 2848 to the Ogden CAF Unit
Staple the Form 2848 to the back of the return
If the request letter is attached and the POA is posted correctly, continue processing the return. Leave the request letter (and any POA) attached to the return.
If the POA is posted to the CAF, but the Blind Trust Authorization Indicator needs updating, refer to IRM for instructions on how to contact the Ogden CAF Unit to update that field.
Verify that the letter requesting permission for the trustee to prepare and file the President's, Vice President's, or political appointee's return is present and the POA is attached, if "blind trust" is indicated on the return.
The POA authorization may be contained in the trust agreement when a blind trust agreement is attached. If all of the items required to be included in a valid POA authorization, including the specific acts, are listed in the blind trust agreement, then it is acceptable. Edit the taxpayer's name and social security number (SSN), and "See Attached" on a Form 2848. Then, fax the "Form 2848" package to the Ogden CAF Unit for processing.
If a Form 2848 is attached, check Command Code (CC) CFINK to determine if it is an original or copy of the POA. If the CAF is up to date (including the blind trust Authorization Indicator), then continue processing the return and leave the copy of the Form 2848 attached to the return.
If an originalForm 2848 is attached to the return, the Code and Edit tax examiner will edit "BLIND TRUST" in the top-center margin of the Form 2848 and ensure that the following applicable parts of the Form 2848 are completed.
Line 1 - Taxpayer information: Taxpayer name(s) and address, SSN(s).
Line 2 - Representative(s): Representative(s) name(s) and address, CAF number, telephone number.
Line 3 - Acts authorized: Description of matter (type of tax form number (e.g., Form 1040), tax period (must be only ONE tax period)
Line 4 - Specific use not recorded on Centralized Authorization File (CAF): Box should be checked.
Line 5a - Additional acts authorized - Sign a return box should be checked. A statement should be included granting the trustee permission to sign the tax return. "This power of attorney is being filed pursuant to Treasury Regulation section 1.6012-1(a)(5), which requires a power of attorney to be attached to a return if a return is signed by an agent by reason of specific permission granted by IRS" Line 5a may also include the following authorizations:
Waiver of restriction on assessment or collection
Waiver of notice of disallowance
Consent to extend the period for assessment or collection
Closing agreement
Line 5b - Specific acts not authorized - Should be blank.
Line 6 - Retention/revocation of prior power(s) of attorney: If the box is checked, research CC CFINK to determine if it should have been checked.
Line 7 - Signature of taxpayer(s) and date: The signature of the taxpayer(s) and the date is required.
Part II - Declaration of Representative: Designation, jurisdiction, signature, and date of agent is required. Correspond with the agent if this is missing.
If the Form 2848 is complete:
Detach the Form 2848 from the return and call the Ogden CAF Unit Manager to notify him/her that you are faxing a blind trust POA for expedited processing.
Fax the original Form 2848 to the Ogden CAF unit.
Upon acknowledgement of receipt from the Ogden CAF Unit Manager that the POA was input correctly to the CAF, staple the Form 2848 to the back of the return and continue processing.
Correspond with the political appointee for the missing items or authorizations when the POA does not grant the trustee authority to perform all of the specific acts (Line 5 on Form 2848) on behalf of the political appointee, or any other required items are missing, except Part II. If Part II is incomplete, correspond with the trustee.
The request letter and POA must be present. If either one is missing or incomplete, use the table below to determine the proper action:
If a POA is: and request letter is: Then: Attached, or already correctly posted on the CAF with the Blind Trust Authorization Indicator Attached Continue processing. On the CAF, but the Blind Trust Authorization Indicator is not present Attached Contact the Ogden CAF Unit Manager via Fax at (855) 214-7522. Fax the request letter to them for verification to allow the update to the CAF with the Blind Trust Authorization Indicator. Not found on the CAF, or attached to the return Attached Correspond with the trustee for the missing POA.
Suspend the return while corresponding for the missing POA.Attached, or already posted on the CAF Not attached Correspond with the trustee for a copy of the request letter.
Suspend the return while corresponding for the missing request letter.Not found on the CAF, or attached to the return Not attached There is an indication of a "blind trust" . Code and Edit should correspond with the "trustee" for the missing documents. Suspend the return while corresponding for the missing documents. -
If the request letter is attached, a valid POA has posted, and other correspondence conditions are present on the return, suspend the return and correspond with the trustee.
The Form 2848 (POA) for the "blind trust" can be mailed or faxed directly to any CAF unit by the agent or taxpayer. If any CAF Unit, other than Ogden, receives a Form 2848 (POA) with indication of "blind trust" , they should contact the Ogden CAF Unit Manager, and fax the Form 2848 directly to him/her for processing.
When the Form 2848 (POA) is attached to a blind trust tax return, the Code and Edit tax examiner should review the Form 2848 for completeness, then phone the Ogden CAF Unit Manager and immediately fax the Form 2848 to him/her for input to the CAF. The CAF Unit Manager will acknowledge receipt and input the Form 2848. After input to the CAF, the Code and Edit tax examiner will continue processing the return.
Ogden CAF Unit Only – Process the blind trust POA according to instructions in IRM, Blind Trust Authorizations.