- 25.25.13 Account Resolution for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO)
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Program Management and Review
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Account Resolution Overview
- Account Resolution Research
- Previously Identified as Identity Theft
- Resolving Accounts Assigned To 14877XXXXXX
- Resolving Accounts Assigned To 1487755555
- Resolving Accounts Assigned To 1487766666
- Resolving Accounts Assigned To 1487777777
- Manual Referrals
- Prompt Assessments
- Barred Assessments
- Form 9355, The Barred Statute Report
- Erroneous Abatement Procedures for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO)
- Releasing the Refund
- Manual Refund Criteria for Return Integrity Verification Operations
- Manual Refund Procedure - Manual Refund Team Only
- Exhibit 25.25.13-1 STARS Delete Reasons
- Exhibit 25.25.13-2 Transferring Credits to Excess
- Exhibit 25.25.13-3 Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS) Disposition Definitions
- Exhibit 25.25.13-4 Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS) Category Definitions
- Exhibit 25.25.13-5 RIVO Form 4442 Queues
- Exhibit 25.25.13-6 Instructions for Inputting TC 972 AC 134
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 25. Special Topics
Chapter 25. Revenue Protection
Section 13. Account Resolution for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO)
25.25.13 Account Resolution for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO)
Manual Transmittal
September 30, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 25.25.13, Revenue Protection, Account Resolution for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO).
Material Changes
(1) IRM - Added as a source of referrals, OARS since it is one of the more common referrals received in RIVO. IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024.
(2) IRM - Removed the table and created a bullet list of research a TE should follow to determine the case status needed to address and resolve the account issue. Also the reference to IRM 25.25.8 was removed because a policy decision was made that each compliance treatment area would draft procedures within their perspective IRM to address social media scheme related cases. IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.
(3) IRM - Replaced the research instructions with a Table to allow TEs to quickly address the research required to address account referrals and adjustments, while also providing instructions for scheme related inquiries specific to employees not working External Lead inventory and IDT research. IPU 24U0822 issued 07-03-2024.
(4) IRM - Added a reference to the External Lead IRM for cases referred that claimed one of the social media credits since guidance was provided on how these cases will be worked. IPU 24U0359 issued 03-07-2024.
(5) IRM Row 2 & 21 - Added the miscellaneous field indicator 7W1 to be consistent with IRM, which explains those listed may not be an indicator of AQC involvement. IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.
(6) IRM Row 9 - Revised the paragraph to clarify conditions involving TPP cases that should be rejected. IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.
(7) IRM Row 10 - Revised the paragraph to clarify the specific conditions to indicate the TPP issue was resolved, and to ensure the TE focus on the non-IDT issue to resolve the referral. IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.
(8) IRM Table - Moved rows 14 and 15 to row 20 and 21 since most returns are either in STARS or not and so it made sense to move these scenarios to the last option in the table. The movement of the rows, resulted in the table being renumbered and references to those numbers were updated. IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.
(9) IRM Row 1 - Removed the instruction since that was not applicable to the scenario. IPU 24U0822 issued 07-03-2024.
(10) IRM Table Row 5 - Added an Exception to identify that returns that are a true duplicate must be worked by the originator. IPU 24U0612 issued 05-06-2024.
(11) IRM Table Box 10 - Revised the language that was restricting the TE from selecting the correct scenario from the Table to resolve their case. IPU 24U0359 issued 03-07-2024.
(12) IRM Row 15a Then - Rewrote the conflicting guidance listed in the bullets to clarify that referrals in a rejected disposition need to be manually referred again. IPU 23U1170 issued 12-13-2023.
(13) IRM - Removed the Note to stop TEs from resubmitting referrals that were already submitted. IPU 24U0612 issued 05-06-2024.
(14) IRM 3rd bullet - Added to the paragraph, an exception that clarifies previous adjustments that do not increase or decrease the tax, can be manually referred. IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024.
(15) IRM - Added a link for TEs to access the manual referral spreadsheets and a reminder to make sure they are reviewed before sending it to reduce errors and rejects. IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024.
(16) IRM Table - Corrected the tolerance amounts for refunds and credits to comply with the update made to them. IPU 24U0612 issued 05-06-2024.
(17) IRM Table AQC-GATT - Added additional details to the scenario to ensure that all earned income is a condition as oppose to just wages. IPU 24U0612 issued 05-06-2024.
(18) IRM Table WOW Non-Statute Returns - Removed non-statute returns from the referral category name since the WOW tool does not distinguish between statute or non-statute returns. IPU 24U0359 issued 03-07-2024.
(19) IRM Table WOW Statute Returns - Removed the criteria because FRE doesn’t currently use the ASED nor distinguish imminent or ASED expired returns from non-Statute returns, and therefore a separate spreadsheet is no longer needed. IPU 24U0255 issued 02-13-2024.
(20) IRM Table WOW (Non-statute and Statute) - Removed from the criteria no refundable credits to clarify the specific income based refundable credits that do not meet the criteria. IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024.
(21) IRM Table AQC_MISC - Added a Note, for awareness that referrals meeting W&I Exam, will be referred to AQC-MISC moving forward since W&I Exam category was removed. IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024.
(22) IRM Table W&I Exam - Deleted both W&I Exam referral categories since their workplan projection for QRP inventory referrals for FY 2024 was reduced significantly and so there was concern that these referrals would not get worked. IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024.
(23) IRM Updated the time frame for an OAR to Exam referral to appear on AMDISA. IPU 23U1043 issued 10-25-2023.
(24) IRM AQC-MISC - Corrected the thresholds amounts for referrals to AQC-MISC as a result of Exam’s workplan which will result in less returns meeting their criteria for referral. IPU 23U1170 issued 12-13-2023.
(25) IRM Box 1 - Due to the backlog of statute cases requiring various level of signatures, a reference was added that provides the authority for RIVO to get there cases process without having to secure the signatures for their packages. IPU 23U1170 issued 12-13-2023.
(26) Exhibit 25.25.13-3 - Added two new STARS Disposition Definition created to identify for tracking purposes manually referred cases and those that were rejected. IPU 23U1043 issued 10-25-2023.
(27) Exhibit 25.25.13-5 - Added a descriptions to the categories to ensure referrals are sent to the correct queue as it relates to ID theft and non-id theft cases that should be worked by RIVO. IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.
(28) Exhibit 25.25.13-5 - Added a statement to address the SERP Feedback regarding which returns should be placed in the Complex Issue not ID Theft queue. IPU 23U1043 issued 10-25-2023.
(29) Editorial changes were made throughout the IRM for the following reasons:
Title correction for IRM references and organization name.
Grammar including punctuation, spelling, and rewrote to adhere to plain language policies.
Corrected broken links and added new ones.
Revised the format in Tables for a unified look and presentation.
The changes are included in IPUs 24U0612, IPU 24U0189, and IPU 24U0822 throughout the IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 25.25.13 dated August 23, 2023 (effective October 1, 2024) is superseded. This IRM incorporates the following IRM Procedural Updates (IPU) IPU 23U1043 issued 10-23-2023, IPU 23U1170 issued 12-13-2023, IPU 24U0189 issued 02-02-2024, IPU 24U0255 issued 02-13-2024, IPU 24U0359 issued 03-07-2024, IPU 24U0612 issued 05-06-2024, IPU 24U0822 issued 07-03-2024, and IPU 24U0938 issued 08-23-2024.Audience
Campus employees in Return Integrity Verification OperationsEffective Date
(10-01-2024)Denise D. Davis
Director, Return Integrity Verification Program Management (RIVPM)
Taxpayer Service
Purpose and Program Goals: This IRM section provides guidance for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) employees when reviewing Individual Master File (IMF) or Business Master File (BMF) returns for possible identity theft, false income and/or withholding. These returns are scored through the Dependent Database (DDB) or the Return Review Program (RRP) system. These returns may be unable to be worked systemically and therefore will require a manual resolution.
Audience: The intended audience for this IRM is RIVO employees.
Policy Owner: The Return Integrity Verification Program Management (RIVPM) is the policy owner of this program.
Program Owner: RIVPM is the program office responsible for oversight over this program.
Primary Stakeholders: The primary stakeholder is RIVO, and organizations that collaborate with them.
Program Goals: Program goals for the program are in the Operation Guidelines as well as IRM 1.4.10, Return Integrity & Verification Operation Managers Guide.
This section provides guidance for resolving accounts with RIVO involvement.
Return Integrity Verification Program Management (RIVPM) strengthens the integrity of the tax system by:
Protecting the public interest by improving IRS’s ability to detect and prevent improper refunds
Serving the public interest by taking actions fairly and appropriately to identify, evaluate, and prevent the issuance of improper refunds
Helping taxpayers understand the refundable tax credits for which they are eligible
Protecting taxpayer’s rights while protecting revenue
The program has reports to track the inventory, including receipts and closures such as the Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Monthly Performance Comparison Report. Additional report guidance is found in IRM 1.4.10, Return Integrity & Verification Operation Managers Guide.
The Embedded Quality review program is in place to review all processes to ensure accuracy and effectiveness of the program. Goals, measures, and operating guidelines are listed in the yearly Operation Guidelines and in IRM 21.10.1, Embedded Quality (EQ) Program for Accounts Management, Campus Compliance, Field Assistance, Tax Exempt/Government Entities, Return Integrity and Compliance Services (RICS), and Electronic Products and Services Support.
Refer to the following:
IRM 1.2.2, Servicewide Policies and Authorities, Servicewide Delegations of Authority
IRM, Policy Statement 4-21, Selection of returns for examination
IRM, Return Integrity & Compliance Services (RICS)
Various Internal Revenue Codes (IRC) including but not limited to:
IRC 6402(a), Authority to make credits or refunds
IRC 6401, Amounts treated as overpayments
IRC 6404, Abatements of tax
IRC 6213, Requirements for a statutory notice, including math error authority
Return Integrity Verification Program Management (RIVPM) has responsibility for information in this IRM. Information is published in the IRM on a yearly basis.
The Director of RIVPM is responsible for the policy related to this IRM.
The Chief of the RIVPM Policy & Analysis is responsible for ensuring this IRM is timely submitted to publishing each year.
More information can be found in IRM, Return Integrity & Compliance Services (RICS).
For a list of Acronyms used throughout Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO), see IRM, Acronyms.
The related resources listed below may be required for account research and issue resolution. These related resources can be accessed through the IRS Intranet-Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) site.
IRM 25.25, Revenue Protection
IRM 25.23, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance
IRM 21, Customer Account Services
IRM 2, Information Technology
IRM 3, Submission Processing
IRM 4, Examining Process
IDRS restricted access accounts are accounts where a user must request special permissions to access the account through IDRS. Follow IRM, Authorized IDRS Access.
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR) lists rights that already existed in the tax code, putting them in simple language and grouping them into 10 fundamental rights. Employees are responsible for being familiar with and acting in accord with taxpayer rights. See IRC 7803(a)(3), Execution of Duties in Accord with Taxpayer Rights. For additional information, seeTBOR. For additional information about the TBOR, see The IRS outlines the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
This Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) provides the procedures for the Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) function to make adjustments through the Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) involving various Master File Tax Codes (MFTs). The procedures included in this IRM provide account adjustment instructions that may not be covered by procedures in other IRMs.
Adjustments may need to be made to accounts where the process has stopped or failed, and the return has not been treated or completed. General adjustments are changes made on Individual Master File (IMF) and Business Master File (BMF) accounts. Adjustments may be required because of various work streams or referral processes such as:
Withholding Only Work (WOW) - accounts involving only wages and withholding (no refundable credits)
Automated Questionable Credits (AQC) - accounts with refundable credits requiring statutory notice of deficiency processing that protects the taxpayer’s right to petition tax court
Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) - Identity authentication process
Frivolous Return Program (FRP) - Frivolous filings
Statute Imminent or Statute Expired with or without credits
Internal Transcripts
Taxpayer Correspondence
Form 4442, Inquiry Referral
Operational Assistance Requests (OARs)
Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS) and Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS)
Inquiries to Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) can be received from internal sources via Form 4442, Inquiry Referral, OARS, Manual Referrals and Transcripts.
Research is required to determine the processing failure or error that led to the referral. Below is a list of databases, and markers that can be used to research the account and identify the case status.
IDRS must be researched for RIVO markers, transaction codes, letters issued and freeze codes
Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS) and or the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS) notes
Research for potential statute concerns impacting the Assessment Statute Expiration Date or Refund Statute Expiration Date
Research Account Management Services (AMS) notes for taxpayer contact or other relevant information
Once the process that failed/stopped is identified, follow the Table below to resolve the account.
Transcript Inquiries - If you are not trained in the work stream process (i.e., AQC/WOW/Exam), refer the case per IRM, Manual Referrals. If the case is already in the appropriate workstream, and has for example, AQC/WOW markers or letters, or a -L freeze, close your transcript base CLOSE2XXXX. A manual referral is not necessary.
Form 4442 Inquiries - If you receive a Form 4442 in the queue that you are working and it does not belong there, forward the Form 4442 to your Lead, notating the correct queue and IRM reference. If the case pertains to the queue you are working, work the account.
Some of the scenarios in the Table below provide the specific information needed for forwarding the case to your Lead. Those that do not, enter for the note, "Incorrect queue" , reference IRM 25.25.13-5, RIVO Form 4442 Queues and the applicable queue that made it an inappropriate referral.
Form 4442 Inquiry
Transcript Inquiry
Account research shows the account is not identity theft (IDT), but was previously treated as IDT, re-instate the return following normal adjustment procedures using the xMend Tool. See the job aide for more information about the xMend Tool Job Aide. After reinstatement, follow the chart below for either resolving the account or referring the return to the appropriate workstream.
If Then 1. The return verifies per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR. -
Release the refund, follow IRM, Releasing the Refund
Input notes in the Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS) documenting the information received
Update the disposition to "DL" to remove the return from the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS)
Add a note in STARS using the applicable reason as noted in Exhibit 25.25.13-1, STARS Delete Reasons.
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS)
Ensure all Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) control bases are closed
The return doesn’t verify per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR.-
Refer to the appropriate work stream as identified in IRM, Account Resolution Research.
Input notes in EFDS documenting the information received.
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Other functions assign cases to Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) for resolution.
The account is assigned to 1487755555, see IRM, Resolving Accounts Assigned To 1487755555.
The account is assigned to 1487766666, see IRM, Resolving Accounts Assigned To 1487766666.
The account is assigned to 1487777777, see IRM, Resolving Accounts Assigned To 1487777777.
This is inventory reassigned to Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) by Statute because RIVO removed the return data and now new information shows the return was filed by the true owner of the taxpayer identification number (TIN) . Cases assigned to this queue must have more than 120 days remaining on the assessment statute expiration date (ASED).
Confirm that the original return was filed by the TIN owner.
Determine how many days remain on the ASED. If there are less than 90 days remaining on the ASED follow prompt assessment procedures. See IRM, Prompt Assessments. If there are more than 90 days remaining on the ASED, input the adjustment to correct the account back to the original return data.
This inventory is being reassigned to RIVO by Statute because RIVO removed the return data and now new information shows the return was filed by the true owner of the TIN. Cases assigned to this queue must have less than 120 days remaining on the assessment statute expiration date (ASED) or the ASED has expired.
Confirm that the original return was filed by the TIN owner.
If the ASED has not expired, but has 90 days or less remaining, follow IRM, Prompt Assessments.
If there are more than 90 days remaining on the ASED, input the adjustment to correct the account back to the original return data.
If the ASED has expired, follow IRM, Barred Assessments.
This process was developed to address accounts where multiple returns were filed and the returns are not verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR, and the account contains prior RIVO involvement.
The IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with RIVO Involvement, specifically states that the year involved with the case must have prior RIVO involvement. If there is no prior RIVO involvement, the case must be rejected back to the originator.
If And Then 1
The transaction code (TC) 976 income and withholding is verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR, or the income is from Schedule C or Household Help (HSH).-
Reject the case back to the originator.
Re-control the open control base to the originator with "REJECT2AM" in the activity field.
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Update the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS) Category to "5" Disposition "CL" .
The TC 976 income and withholding is not verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR.the TC 976 return is a true duplicate of the TC 150. -
Research the account to determine why the TC 150 did not go through appropriate treatment stream.
Input a TC 290 for .00 with a hold code 4 to remove the -A freeze. Work/refer to the appropriate treatment stream per IRM, Account Resolution Research.
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
The TC 976 income and withholding is not verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR.the TC 976 return is not a true duplicate of the TC 150 and either return was filed by the taxpayer identification number (TIN) owner. -
Reject the case back to the originator.
Re-control the open control base to the originator with "REJECT2AM" in the activity field.
Input/Update AMS notes include which return RIVO deemed IDT and which return was filed by the TIN owner, per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Update STARS Category for returns in STARS to "5" Disposition "CL" .
The TC 976 income and withholding is not verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR.the TC 976 return is not a true duplicate of the TC 150 and neither return was filed by the TIN owner. -
Update the control base activity to "IDTHEFT" and the category to "NCAT" .
Resolve the account per IRM 25.25.4, Integrity & Verification Identity Theft Return Procedures.
The TC 150 income and withholding is verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR, but was backed out in error.the taxpayer’s original information must be restored and the ASED is not expired. -
There are more than 90 days left on the ASED, restore the taxpayer’s account to the original return data and release the refund as appropriate.
If the ASED is not expired, but has 90 days or less remaining, follow IRM, Prompt Assessments.
The TC 150 income and withholding is verifiable per IRM, Income Verification using Command Code (CC) IRPTR but was backed out in error.the taxpayer’s original information must be restored and the ASED is expired. Follow procedures in IRM, Barred Assessments. 7
RIVO receives an E-4442The IDOC is in a Verification status, prior to IRP being fully loaded Follow guidance in IRM, Returns not in EFDS. -
A Manual Referral is an unverifiable return that cannot be referred systemically through the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS). Manual referrals may not have all Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) markers, as the account was stopped somewhere in the process.
Manual referrals, once identified, smust be referred to the appropriate work stream based on the Table in IRM, Account Resolution Research.
General Rules to follow before referring:
Do not refer returns that have a previous adjustment on the account except those with a TC 290 .00 posted. These returns can still be referred.
Do not refer any return that already has a -L freeze on command code (CC) TXMODA, or CC AMDISA is showing an Exam Audit is open.
Do not refer any returns with -A freeze. Follow IRM, Account Resolution Research.
Do not refer through the manual process if you have zeroed out the return.
Do not refer return if it is true identity theft. These must be worked by Tax Examiners.
Do not refer any return that can be sent systemically through the Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS)/STARS.
Do not refer any current processing year return that is disposition in STARS to AA (Accepted by AM) or AE (Accepted by Exam) or MA (Manual Disallowance Adj Necessary Man WOW ref). Prior year can be referred.
Do not refer any international or foreign returns.
If the return is in Disposition identity theft (process status (PS) 49) you can still refer the return if the return being referred is the true taxpayer’s return and is the TC 150.
All returns for all spreadsheets should be pushed into STARS (Mass Push Instructions). See exception for General Agreement on Tariff and Trades (GATT) returns.
Do not update the return dispositions in EFDS/STARS, as this will be done by the National point of contact (POC) once the referral is accepted and it’s updated to E7 for WI Exam, E8 for Small Business Self Employed (SBSE) Exam, E5 for Withholding Only Work (WOW), or E6 for Automated Questionable Credits (AQC).
Reverse any offsets on the account. Follow IRM, What Is a Refund Offset?, for offset types and restrictions.
All income documents in EFDS must be verified and contain notes in EFDS.
You must ensure all refunds have been stopped.
The TC 150 must be posted to CC TXMODA before sending the return through the manual referral process.
If the return originated in the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP), ensure there is a TC 971 AC 052 present on the account and the MISC field is NOT"RRPIDT" . If no TC 971 AC 052 is present, or the account has TC 971 AC 052 with a MISC field "RRPIDT" , release the refund per IRM, The Taxpayer’s Return is Posted, the Refund is Held, and the Account Does Not Contain a Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 052, and do not refer within RIVO (AQC/WOW/EXAM).
For accounts that did not originate in TPP, a TC 971 AC 052 is not required to continue with RIVO processes, determine the reason for the refund hold and ensure the return is referred to the appropriate work stream.
The manual referral spreadsheet can be found on the RIVO Portal Accounts Resolution program page under the selection Manual Referral Spreadsheet. Prior to referring the spreadsheet, the TE will need to review it to ensure it meets the referral category criterion before submitting the referral.
When the spreadsheet is completed, close the Transcript or Form 4442, Inquiry Referral, control base. Open a new control base to your IDRS number with the following information in the chart below:
Do NOT open a new control base on OAR referrals to WOW and AQC. Leave open the existing OAR control and follow procedures in the Table per paragraph 7 below.
Every field must be filled out. There should be NO BLANKS. All Yes and No answers must show as "YES" or "NO" .
Input in the Site column, the TE’s Site name.
Input the tax period in the following format: "20XX12" . It must have all six digits.
Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) must include hyphens.
Do not alter the columns or tabs on the spreadsheet. For example, if you only have submissions for SBSE, do not delete the other tabs.
Enter a note into EFDS, the manual referral spreadsheet and tab completed. For example, AQC tab, "AQC - MISC" .
Send the original spreadsheet to the POC, using the most current revision.
Follow the Table below for Manual Referral criteria:
The thresholds listed in the Table below for manual referral criteria, do not apply to External Lead, Prisoner Lead and Criminal Investigation (CI) case referrals. See IRM 25.25.2-4, Tolerance Chart for the selection tolerance. Use the External Lead tolerance for CI referrals.
If Then WOW – prior year processing year with false or inflated withholding (no income-based refundable credits such as Recovery Rebate Credit, Excess Withholding, Premium Tax Credit with no TC 971-128 with MISC field AQCPTC191 or AQCPTC195) -
Input the information on the WOW spreadsheet on the “WOW” tab
If the case is an Operations Assistance Request (OAR), refer the return to your RIVO OAR liaison for a TAS referral
AQC-GATT – Wages and withholding will always be verified. The return must claim earned income and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and/or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) -
Input the information on the AQC spreadsheet on the "AQC - GATT" tab
If the case is an Operations Assistance Request (OAR), refer the return to your RIVO OAR liaison for a TAS referral
AQC - MISC - Add to this tab any returns with false or inflated wages/withholding with refundable credits (i.e., Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), Making Work Pay Credit (MWP), Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -
Input the information on the AQC spreadsheet on the "AQC - MISC" tab
If the case is an OAR, refer the return to your RIVO OAR liaison for a TAS referral
AQC Statute Returns with Credits - Add to this tab all returns with refundable credits where the statute date has expired or is within one year and one month of expiring. It does not matter if the return would normally go on the EXAM spreadsheet. This tab is for all statute returns or returns with only one year and one month or less left on Assessment Statue Expiration Date (ASED) with refundable credits. -
Input the information on the AQC spreadsheet on the "AQC STATUE RTNS WITH CREDIT" tab
If the case is an OAR, refer the return to your RIVO OAR liaison for a TAS referral
SBSE Exam - Add to this tab returns with Schedule C, Schedule E, or Schedule F, or Form 2106. Must also have wages/withholding that do not verify and credits claimed. May also have HSH income. -
Input the information on the Exam spreadsheet on the "SBSE EXAM" tab.
If return has both Schedule C and HSH, notate in the comments column that there is both Schedule C and HSH. These must meet Exam ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡. These returns must also have wages and or withholding that do not verify.
If referring an OAR to Exam, keep the OAR control base open until the -L freeze posts to CC TXMODA. This process can take up to five weeks from the time the referral is sent to the POC, so request an extension if needed. Five weeks should cover the time from when the referral is made to when the case appears on CC AMDISA.
What is a Prompt Assessment?
A Prompt Assessment is required when the taxpayer identification number (TIN) owners’ return, with a tax greater than zero, was removed (zeroed out) or was not assessed and the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) is within 90 days of expiring.
If Then the TIN owners return was backed out and needs to be re-instated. -
Adjust the account with a transaction code (TC) 290 for .00 and:
Include item/credit reference numbers to reflect the correct amount of exemptions, adjusted gross income (AGI), taxable income (TXI), self-employment tax (SET), etc.
Adjust credits, such as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) etc.
Use a Hold Code 4 to prevent a notice and refund from generating and input a priority code 8. -
Complete Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment.
Input TC 971 action code (AC) 506 "WI PRP OTHER1" and reverse any prior TC 971 AC 506. If TC 971 AC 505 is present and there is a good address reverse and replace with "WI AM OTHER" .
Assemble the Assessment package. See the RIVO portal for detailed instructions.
Route the package to accounting function.
Monitor the account for the adjustment to post.
Once all actions are posted close all RIVO controls.
What is a Barred Assessment?
A Barred Assessment occurs when the taxpayer identification number (TIN) owners return with a tax greater than zero was removed (zeroed out) or was not assessed and the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) has expired. Follow the Table below to correct the account:
If Then 1
For barred assessments of ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ or more.-
Adjust the account with a transaction code (TC) 290 for .00
Include item/credit reference numbers to reflect the correct amount of exemptions, adjusted gross income (AGI), taxable income (TXI), self-employment tax (SET), etc.
Adjust credits, such as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) etc.
Use a Hold Code 4 to prevent a notice and refund from generating and input a priority code 8. -
Issue a manual refund to the taxpayer, including applicable interest, for the overpayment (refund) that the taxpayer is entitled to. See IRM, What Is a Manual Refund?.
Prepare Form 9355, The Barred Statute Report, per IRM, Form 9355, The Barred Statute Report. Barred statute cases attribuTable to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent inventory backlog, see procedures in IRM, Routing and Controlling Form 9355 for controlling, preparing, and routing documents.
Prepare a Form 8758, Excess Collection File Addition, to move any remaining credit (generally the amount of the tax that cannot be assessed) to Excess (6800 Account). See IRM, Preparation of Form 8758.
Input TC 971 action code (AC) 296.
Open a monitoring control, "M" status, with activity "ADJ2POST" , and category "BARD" . Once the adjustment posts update the control to "F8758MMDD" where "MMDD" is 6 weeks from the adjustment date for suspense to track the Form 8758 submission to Excess Collection.
If the return is in the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS), update the disposition to "DL" to have the return deleted from STARS. Add STARS note: "Account backed out as IDT in error. Adjustment reversed. Barred assessment" .
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS): "Account backed out as IDT in error. Adjustment reversed. Barred assessment" .
Prepare the Statute and Accounting packets
Monitor the account for all actions to be completed.
Input TC 290 .00 with blocking code 30 as stated in IRM, Barred Assessment Account Closing Actions.
Close all RIVO control bases after all account actions are complete.
For barred assessments of less than ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡.-
Input a TC 971 AC 090 on command code (CC) TXMODA to identify the under tolerance erroneous abatement. Enter "R" when the cross-reference TIN is the same as the account TIN.
Adjust the account with a TC 290 for .00 and:
Include item/credit reference numbers to reflect the correct amount of exemptions, AGI, TXI, SET, etc.
Adjust credits, such as EITC or ACTC etc.
Use a Hold Code 4 to prevent a notice and refund from generating and input a priority code 8. -
Issue a manual refund to the taxpayer, including applicable interest, for the overpayment (refund) that the taxpayer is entitled to. See IRM, What Is a Manual Refund?.
Prepare a Form 8758, Excess Collection File Addition, to move any remaining credit (generally the amount of the tax that cannot be assessed) to Excess (6800 Account). See IRM, Preparation of Form 8758.
Open a monitoring control in "M" status, with activity "ADJ2POST" , and category "MISC" . Once the adjustment posts update the control to "F8758MMDD" where "MMDD" is 6 weeks from the adjustment date for suspense to track the Form 8758 submission to Excess Collection.
If the return is in STARS, update the disposition to "DL" to have the return deleted from STARS. Add STARS note: "TC 150 was good TP’s return, treated as bad in error."
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Monitor the account for the posting of the Excess transaction.
Close all RIVO control bases after all account actions are completed.
The Form 9355, Barred Statute Report, is prepared and assembled by the organization responsible for the loss of the assessment, or the function/organization responsible for not taking the appropriate action that allowed the tax assessment period to expire without a valid tax assessment being made.
RIVO Tax Examiners will prepare the Form 9355 as appropriate for their function, and then forward it to the RIVO Statute Coordinator for review.
Prior to forwarding the Form 9355 RIVO TEs will take the following actions:
RIVO creates a PDF on the shared drive in the "Form 9355 Package" folder. Use the following naming convention for the folder: date the case was created in YYYYMMDD format, the last 4 digits of the taxpayer identification number (TIN) and the first 4 letters of the last name (Example Case Creation Date 09/30/2020, TIN XXX-00-1234, Taxpayer name Mary Poodle - Folder name 20200930 1234 POOD).
RIVO will prepare the Form 9355.
While most lines on the form are self-explanatory, the Barred Assessment Data section, Lines 9 a - f must be completed as follows:
Line 9a - Enter the tax deficiency amount.
Line 9b - Enter if applicable, the interest on the deficiency computed to the month, day, and year(mmddyy).
Line 9c - Enter if applicable, penalties assessed.
Line 9d - Enter the total of Lines 9a, b, and c.
Line 9e - Enter only the amount of the available nonrefundable credits or payments equal to the amount in 9d. If the available credits exceed Line 9d, document it in the Chronological Sequence of Events section.
Line 9f - Enter only the Net Loss to the Government. Therefore, if nonrefundable credits exceed the total on Line 9d, then enter zero (.00). However, if the nonrefundable credits are insufficient to cover that total, then enter the difference. For example, if Line 9d total $1,000 and available credits and payments are $800, enter $200 as the net loss. -
RIVO will download or scan any supporting documents (including command code (CC) TXMODA after all transactions post and the account is in zero balance. The account MUST be at a zero balance prior to submitting the Form 9355. Include in the order listed, the following when submitting the Form 9355 package:
1. Form 9355
2. Barred Assessment Sheet
3. Form 8758 (Copy of only Part 1 per transfer to XSF)
4. TXMODA print
5. Copy of Tax Return -
When the case file is complete, send to the RIVO Statute Coordinator for review (see below Package Review Steps). If any correction is needed, the Statute Coordinator will place the package in the "Returned for Correction" folder and notify the Manager of the Barred Assessment team.
Package Review Steps:
• Ensure the TIN and tax period are correct on all forms and TXMOD print.
• Ensure the amount totals on the Form 9355, Form 8758 and TXMOD are correct and balance.
• Ensure there are no Freeze codes on the account.Exception:
Freeze Codes beyond RIVO’s purview to reverse/correct. For example, -S (Presidential declared disaster freeze), -O (Disaster freeze), -V (Bankruptcy), etc.
• Ensure the account has a zero balance.
• Ensure there are no pending transactions on TXMOD. -
When the case file is complete, RIVO Statute Coordinator will move the case file to the "Ready for Manager" folder and then notify the manager via e-mail to sign the Form 9355.
The manager will sign the Form 9355 and move the case to the "Ready for Department Manager" folder and then notify the Department Manager via e-mail to sign the Form 9355.
The Department Manager will sign the Form 9355 and move the case file to the "Ready for Operation Manager" signature folder and notify the Operation Manager via e-mail to sign the Form 9355.
The Operation Manager will sign the Form 9355 and move the case file to the "Ready for RIVO Policy and Analysis (P&A) Staff Review" folder and then notify RIVO P&A staff via e-mail that the package is ready for review and the Director’s signature.
RIVO P&A staff will review the package for completeness and move the case file to the "Ready for Director" signature folder and notify the Director via e-mail that the Form 9355 package is ready for signature.
Once the Director signs the Form 9355, RIVO Statute Coordinator will move the package to the folder entitled "9355 Completed" . It will be maintained in a locked filed cabinet for two years.
There may be instances when the taxpayer’s return data has been removed from the tax account due to a clerical error and needs to be reinstated. A clerical error occurs when multiple returns are filed and the taxpayer’s valid return data is removed from the account in a batch process, however the assessment statute is barred. Most of the accounts will be processed as a Barred Assessments. See IRM, Barred Assessments for additional information and guidance.
The batch tool backed out the valid return data due to the identity theft (IDT) document locator number (DLN) in the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS) being a different DLN than the transaction code (TC) 150, resulting in the good return being backed out.
Before working any account as a clerical error, see your lead to ensure it meets clerical error criteria.
If Then 1
For erroneous tax abatements of any amount where the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) has not expired.Adjust the account back to the original return data and release the refund as appropriate. 2
For erroneous tax abatements over ≡ ≡ ≡ and the ASED has expired.-
Adjust the account with a TC 290 for .00 and:
Include item/credit reference numbers to reflect the correct amount of exemptions, adjusted gross income (AGI), taxable income (TXI), self-employment tax (SET), etc.
Adjust credits, such as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) etc.
Use a Hold Code 4 to prevent a notice and refund from generating and input a priority code 8. -
Issue a manual refund to the taxpayer, including applicable interest, for the amount of overpayment the taxpayer is entitled to receive. See IRM, What Is a Manual Refund? for additional information and guidance.
Prepare a Form 8758, Excess Collection File Addition, to move any remaining credit (generally the amount of the tax that cannot be assessed) to Excess (6800 Account). See IRM, Preparation of Form 8758.
Open a monitoring control, with activity "87582EXCES" , and category "MISC" , to track the Form 8758 submission to Excess Collection.
If the return is in STARS, update the disposition to "DL" to have the return deleted from STARS. Add STARS note: "TC 150 return was good TP’s return, IDT batch tool backed out the incorrect DLN, issue meets clerical error criteria."
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Monitor the account for the posting of the Excess transaction.
Close all RIVO control bases after all actions are completed.
For erroneous tax abatement of ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ or less and the ASED has expired.-
Input a TC 971 action code (AC) 090 on command code (CC) TXMODA to identify the under tolerance erroneous abatement.
Adjust the account with a TC 290 for .00 and:
Include item/credit reference numbers to reflect the correct amount of exemptions, AGI, TXI, SET, etc.
Adjust credits, such as EITC or ACTC etc.
Use a Hold Code 4 to prevent a notice and refund from generating and input a priority code 8. -
Issue a manual refund to the taxpayer, including applicable interest, for the overpayment amount the taxpayer is entitled to receive. See IRM, What Is a Manual Refund?.
Prepare a Form 8758, Excess Collection File Addition, to move any remaining credit (generally the amount of the tax that cannot be assessed) to Excess (6800 Account). See IRM, Preparation of Form 8758.
Open a monitoring control, with activity "87582EXCES" , and category "MISC" , to track the Form 8758 submission to Excess Collection.
If the return is in STARS, update the disposition to "DL" to have the return deleted from STARS. Add STARS note: "TC 150 return was good TP’s return, IDT batch tool backed out the incorrect DLN, issue meets clerical error criteria" .
Input/Update AMS notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Monitor the account for the posting of the Excess transaction.
Close all RIVO control bases after all actions are completed.
When a determination is made that a refund stopped by Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) can be released, follow the steps below:
Research payments on the account to ensure the payment(s) belong to the owner of the TIN owner. See IRM, Remittance Transaction Research (RTR) System.
Research for additional freeze codes. Follow IRM 21.5.6, Freeze Codes for procedures.
Research the account for credit elect requirements per IRM, Credit Elect.
"Refiling" the return in the Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS) will generate a transaction code (TC) 972 action code (AC) 134 and will release the refund. If the following conditions are present, the refund will need to be manually released:
The account contains a TC 971 AC 199
The account contains a RIVO computer condition code (CCC) "1" or "3"
The account contains a P- freeze or -K freeze
Analyze the account to determine if the criteria for a manual refund was met per IRM, Why Would a Manual Refund be Needed?. Once a determination is made, follow the Table below:
Before releasing a refund analyze IDRS using command code (CC) TXMODA to determine that another area will not be impacted. Also, if instructed to input a TC 972 AC 134 to Refile the return, see Exhibit 25.25.13-6 for instructions.
If an open IDRS control base is present on the module to a specific employee or multiple ones, contact the controlling employee to coordinate efforts prior to attempting to resolve the account. This will prevent erroneous and/or duplicate adjustment actions. If the control is assigned to a generic control, refer to your manager to have the case assigned. See IUUD: IDRS Unit and USR Database, for assistance with locating the employee. Ensure all generic IDRS control bases are closed.
If Then Manual Refund Criteria is met. See IRM, Manual Refund Criteria for Return Integrity Verification Operations. Manual Refund Criteria is not met, and the refund must be released manually. Input the following based on the account conditions: -
If a transaction code (TC) 150 is not posted to the module AND a TC 971 AC 134 is posted - input a TC 972 AC 134.
If a computer condition code (CCC)"1" or CCC "3" is posted - input a TC 290 for .00 and input a TC 972 AC 134.
If a CC NOREF was input to stop the refund (a P- freeze is posted) - input a TC 290 for .00 and input a TC 972 AC 134.
If a -K freeze is posted - input a TC 290 for .00 and input a TC 972 AC 134.
If a TC 971 AC 199 or a manually input TC 971 AC 134 is posted, input a TC 972 AC 134.
If the DLN Block and Serial number of the TC 570 is anything other than 77777, input a TC 571 and a TC 972 AC 134.
If no TC 971 AC 134 is posted to the account, input TC 571. Do not add a TC 972 AC 134.
If the refund is released and the return is in the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS), update the return disposition to either "DL" or "WL" , to be deleted from STARS. Input a note in STARS explaining the reason for the scheme deletion request per Exhibit 25.25.13-1, STARS Delete Reasons.
The following reasons require a manual refund by Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO):
Deceased Taxpayer accounts
Statute Barred
Large dollar refunds of $10 million or more for IMF and $100 million or more for BMF
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) requests
Research the account for RIVO indicators. Ensure the RIVO issue has been resolved and the taxpayer is entitled to the refund.
Some AQC cases meeting refund release criteria may require a manual refund outlined in IRM AQC employees have verified release criteria, therefore additional income verification is not required for these cases. This will be documented on the case before sending to the Manual Refund Team for processing.
Follow the chart below to resolve the account:
Procedures in this IRM are for Return Integrity Verification Operation (RIVO) teams requesting manual refunds.
Designated teams will follow the procedures below to review, issue and monitor manual refunds. Utilize the Manual Refund Checklist on the RIVO portal.
Action IRM Reference Research the account Follow the instructions in IRM, What Research is Required? Prepare the Manual Refund forms -
Follow the instructions in IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms
See IRM, Case Review and Command Code REFAP (Refund Approval) to satisfy the requirement to add the Return Processable Date when completing IDRS CC REQ54.
Other Manual Refund Requirements Follow the instructions in IRM, Other Manual Refund Requirements for the scenarios below: -
Manual Refunds $1 million or more - follow paragraph 1 - 3
Other scenarios - see paragraphs 4-9 for the applicable scenario to follow
Monitor the manual refund Follow the instructions in IRM, Monitoring Manual Refunds -
STARS Delete Reason | Standard Note |
1 MFT 32 reversal |
"Non-Id Theft" |
2 IDT deemed non IDT and income/withholding verified |
"TP authenticated and income/withholding verified" |
3 WOW/AQC process substantiated information |
"Income/withholding/credits verified by documentation" |
4 Not full year prisoner - not GATT |
"Not full year prisoner" |
5 Income/withholding verified |
"Verifies per IRPTR or Verifies per SSA_ORS Database as applicable" |
Apply credits to tax in the following order:
Credit elect (TC 710, TC 716)
Estimated tax payments (TC 660)
Payments made on or before the return due date (TC 670, TC 610)
Withholding (TC 806, TC 800)
Credit allowance (TC 766)
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (TC 764, TC 768)
Payments made after the return due date (TC 670, TC 640, etc.)
Move credits to excess collections in the reverse order as follows:
Payments made after the return due date (on statute transcripts, do not move off credits less than 3 years old. These could be refundable.)
EITC (TC 764, TC 768)
Credit allowance (TC 766)
Withholding (transaction code (TC) 806, TC 800)
Payments made on or before the return due date (TC 670, TC 610)
Estimated payments (TC 660)
Credit elect (TC 710, TC 716)
When moving credits to excess:
Each credit uses the document locator number (DLN) of that credit
Each credit is moved separately, even if there are two of the same credits
TC 806, TC 766, TC 764, TC 768, etc. are moved as a TC 820
Payments are moved with a reversal such as TC 670 with a TC 672
Always use the received date and DLN of each payment
See IRM, Transferring Credits to XSF
The Table below describes the STARS disposition status codes.
It is critical to check the Category Code and Disposition of each DLN before updating STARS. The correct combination is needed for the systemic processes to work. Please see IRM for additional information.
STARS Disposition NR means the DLN is not referable to AM or Exam through EFDS, and therefore actions must be taken via the Manual Referral Spreadsheet to refer the DLN for further processing.
STARS Disposition Status | Disposition Description | Disposition Usage | Details |
A1 | QRP Category 1 Pending BRO AM Referral | Special Project | |
A2 | QRP Category 2 Pending BRO AM Referral | Special Project | |
A9 | Category 99 manual referrals to AQC (HQ only) | Special Project | |
AA | Resolved (accepted by AM) | Systemic | |
AC | AM Reject Corrected (Austin use only) | Special Project | |
AE | Accepted by Exam | Systemic | |
AF | Bad/Bad IDT Account with minus A freeze on module | Available for update | IDRS has an open control to 1487777777 and all returns are deemed IDT |
AL | Closed (Account Settled on AA) | Available for update | WOW, External Leads & statute process when making an adjustment for disallowance or there is an erroneous abatement and return is being added to DFS spreadsheet |
AM | Referred to BRO Accounts Management | Special Project | |
AP | Adjustment FDCs (Monitoring) | Special Project | |
AQ | ACCEPTED by AQC | Systemic | |
BA | Bundle for AM | Available for update | |
BB | ID THEFT BAD/BAD | Available for update | |
BE | Bundle for Exam | Available for update | |
BG | ID THEFT BG | Available for update | IDT/Good and Open Control to RIVO, (Ex. NCAT, ECAT) (IDT return is TC 150) - no - A freeze present on module |
BQ | Batch AQC | Available for update | |
BT | Below Tolerance | Special Project | |
CA | Corrected for AM (Reject) | Available for update | Used to update a disposition that has been holding in the same status for longer than 60 days, or a return with no disposition (field is blank). The use of these codes is determined by the refundable credits on the account. Returns claiming no credits or refundable credits under $500.00. External Leads rejects and IDT overages also use this in their workflow. |
CC | Returned Refund Check received in Centralized Check Program (CCP) | Available for update | Confirmed IDT TC 841 posted with no money posted and resolved by RIVO |
CD | CADE Return Lost Refund Final | Special Project | |
CE | Corrected for Exam (Reject) | Available for update | Used to update a disposition that has been holding in the same status for longer than 60 days, or a return with no disposition (field is blank). The use of these codes is determined by the refundable credits on the account. Returns claiming refundable credits of more than $500.00. External Leads rejects and IDT overages also use this in their workflow. |
CI | CI ID Theft Inventory Received | Special Project | |
CL | Closed (Account Settled) | Available for update | Account is closed, the case has been fully resolved by RIVO (CAT 7) or another business unit (CAT 5). Must not be changed without manager/lead determination and approval. |
CO | Return Sent to Collections | Special Project | |
CQ | Corrected for AQC (Reject) | Available for update | |
CT | Confirmed ID Theft per TP response | Available for update | |
CX | ID Reject (Return is not Identity Theft) | Special Project | |
DB | CI ID Theft Received Ignore IRP | Special Project | |
DD | Multi DD Ref flip to Paper return Undel treat as IDT | Special Project | |
DE | Deferred Exam Inventory | Special Project | PY2018 QRP Clean-up |
DL | Delete from STARS | Available for update | |
DR | R17 DD Rej Flip to Paper Ref rel rtn Undel trt IDT | Special Project |
E5 | Manual Referral to WOW | Available for update | True TP Withholding and no refundable credits; see Manual Referral Disposition Tab |
E6 | Manual Referral to AQC | Available for update | True TP Wage/WH and refundable credits; see Manual Referral Disposition Tab |
E7 | Manual Referral to WI Exam | Available for update | True TP HSH with refundable credits; see Manual Referral Disposition Tab |
E8 | Manual Referral to SBSE Exam | Available for update | True TP Sch C with refundable credits; see Manual Referral Disposition Tab |
E9 | Category 99 manual referrals to Exam (HQ only) | Special Project | |
EC | Exam QRP case closed | Available for update | |
EL | Closed (Account Settled on AE) | Available for update | |
EO | Account settled on Older Exam (AE) Cases | HQ Only - Special Project | |
ET | Exam Tolerance | Special Project | |
EX | Return Sent to Exam | Special Project | |
FF | FRIV Filer | Special Project | |
GB | ID THEFT GB | Available for update | Good/IDT and either Credit Balance, Zero Balance, or Balance Due |
GT | Gas Tax/Fuel Excise to Exam | Special Project | |
HA | Hold AM | Special Project | |
HE | Hold Exam | Special Project | |
ID | ID Theft AMTAP | Available for update | Used by FRE |
IP | In Process | Available for update | |
JA | AM Referral Rejected by MFDC | Special Project | |
JE | Exam Referral Rejected by CFDC | Special Project | |
LF | Prior -L freeze return to be included in open Exam audit | Special Project | |
LO | Lost Refund Offset | Special Project | |
LR | Lost Refund Final | Special Project | |
MA | Manual Disallowance Adj Necessary Man WOW ref. | Special Project | FRE update only |
ME | Math Error No Refund Remains Final | Special Project | |
MQ | Manual Referral Request | Available for update | |
MR | IDT Return Requiring Manual Review for Resolution | Available for update | Multiple TC 846, Offsets, etc. |
ND | CI Reviewed / Not Deleted | Available for update | |
NG | No Go As EFDS Selected Referral | Special Project | |
NR | Non-Referable Return | Systemic | NR means that the return is non-referable. This disposition indicates that EFDS was unable to refer to any area. Correction or manual referral may be necessary when a return is in this disposition. Review for possible correction before using manual referral process. |
NS | No Selection | Special Project | |
NT | No TC 150 Posted to Master File | Special Project | |
O1 | IDT return with good TP address | Available for update | Address is not to be changed when resolved |
OA | Offset Adjustment Needed | Special Project | |
OM | Operation Mass Mailing | Available for update | |
PA | Pending Referral to AM | Systemic | In the process of being referred; and must not be changed if they are <60 days |
PE | Pending Referral to Exam | Systemic | In the process of being referred; and must not be changed if they are <60 days |
PJ | Identity Theft Project | Special Project | |
PL | Prisoner Listing | Special Project | |
PN | Pending Actions | Special Project | In the process of being referred; and must not be changed if they are <60 days |
PQ | Pending REFERRAL to AQC | Systemic | In the process of being referred; and must not be changed if they are <60 days |
PT | "Premium Tax Credit " | Available for update | Questionable Premium Tax Credit (in process of fraud determination) |
PU | ID THEFT DDB Filter Fraud | Available for update | Unpostable 126 RC 0 DLN is deemed IDT during the TPP process. This is a final disposition and must not be changed unless return posted and is being moved into IDT treatment stream. |
QC | Account settled on Older AQC Case | HQ Only - Special Project | |
QL | Closed (Account Settled on AQ) | Available for update | Same as CL for IDT or PU for TPP |
QX | Rejected while in Waiting for AQC Referral | Systemic | |
R7 | Non-Compliant Rule 7 Filter Cases | Available for update | DDB Non-Compliant filter Rule 7 (with both AOTC and ACTC credits) these are non-income related issues. (In process of fraud determination) |
RA | Referral to AM | Special Project | |
RE | Referral to Exam | Special Project | |
RR | Ready for Release | Special Project | |
RV | Review for identity theft | Special Project | |
RX | Manual Referral Rejection | Only, the National Manual Referral POC is allowed to update | |
S1 | ID THEFT SINGLE BAD NLR | Available for update | |
S2 | ID THEFT SINGLE BAD LR | Available for update | Spreadsheet work done by TEs one TC 846 for the entire refund or part of the refund - may have a Tax Offset (TC 826/896) (Not a TOP Offset) - no good address for the taxpayer |
SB | Single Bad | Available for update | Selected when the TP was deceased prior to the tax year |
ST | Statute Return | Special Project | |
TA | Taxpayer Advocate Case | Special Project | |
TR | ID Theft Triage Required AMTAP | Special Project | |
TT | GATT (full year prisoner claiming unallowable refundable credit) | Available for update | AQC treatment stream for GATT (in process of fraud determination) |
W9 | Category 99 manual referrals to WOW (HQ only) | Special Project | |
WA | Waiting for AM referral (Automation) | Systemic | |
WC | Account settled on WOW (AA) Cases | HQ Only - Special Project | |
WL | Refund released due to workload | Special Project | Headquarter and RIVO POC update only. |
WQ | Waiting for AQC Referral | Systemic | |
XA | Rejected by AM | Systemic | |
XE | Rejected by Exam | Systemic | |
XQ | REJECTED by AQC | Systemic | |
XW | Rejected while in waiting for AM referral (Auto) | Systemic | |
ZA | AM Reject after aging (Austin Use Only) | Special Project | |
ZC | AM REJECT after aging corrected (Austin Only) | Special Project | |
ZF | Z- Freeze | Available for update | |
ZZ | CI Use Only | Special Project |
STARS Category | Category Description |
Category 1 | Nullity |
Category 2 | No refundable credits |
Category 3 | Refundable credits (EITC) |
Category 4 | Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) |
Category 5 | Account worked by another function |
Category 6 | Phishing/Bulk filing |
Category 7 | Identity Theft |
Category 8 | Questionable Refundable Credits including ACA 15 Premium Tax Credit (PTC) |
Category 9 | Return Preparer (RPP) |
RIVO 4442 Queues |
RICS RIVO - Complex Issue not ID Theft - These are non-TPP related cases involving a previous adjustment or back out input by RIVO. |
RICS RIVO - Unresolved Module Freeze Only |
RICS RIVO - ID Theft Issue - A return posted, but the taxpayer has claimed ID theft, and the return needs to be backed out. These cases may involve accounts where a taxpayer received a non-TPP related letter (i.e., CP05A, Letter 4464C, etc.,) and will contain RIVO marker such as a TC 971 AC 134. |
RIVO - External Lead An External Lead involve a questionable federal tax refund or offset (TC 826 or TC 898) that a source has determined it to be suspicious. The source could be from both internal and external sources such as financial institutions, state/federal/or local government agency, various other 3rd party sources. law enforcement, Criminal Investigation, SBSE Collection. |
RIVO - External Lead(cont.): RICS RIVO - CP53A Reject 17 (TC 841 DLN 77711) - Name mismatch reject from bank RICS RIVO - CP53B Reject 18 (TC 841 DLN 77712) - Possible ID Theft identified by bank RICS RIVO - CP53C Reject 19 (TC 841 DLN 77713) - Potential Fraud identified by bank RICS RIVO - CP53B Reject 23 (TC 841 DLN 77714) - Potential ID Theft identified by bank customer |
RICS RIVO - UP 147 RC 6/7 |
RICS RIVO - ITIN ONLY - Wage/WH Verification |
Unresolved TPP - Taxpayer is authenticated, the valid return was moved to to MFT 32 and cannot be moved systemically or the return was Archived/Deleted and needs to be manually processed. |
RICS RIVO - UP 147 RC 8 MeF Returns Only |
RIVO-Frivolous Filer Program (FRP) |
To reverse the TC 971 AC 134 - input a TC 972 AC 134. See the Table below for inputting the TC 972 AC 134.
Only one 972 AC 134 needs to be inputted when multiple TC 971 AC 134s are posted to an account.
The following is an example of command code (CC) FRM77, inputting TC 972 AC 134 |