- 3.30.18 Reports Teams Instructions for Work Planning and Control
- Introduction
- General Information
- Reports Teams Responsibilities
- References
- Acronyms
- Related IRMs
- Forms
- Control Records and Date Cards
- Employee Master File (EMF) Indicator for TAPS/SETR Processing of PCA Data
- Service Center Codes for ISRP Processing of PCA Data
- Project PCA Production Control Accounting (PCA)
- Daily Verification of Reports
- Work Day 1 (Monday) Initial Pass (1st Pass) Processing
- Employee Master File (EMF) Update Process
- Steps to Generate the EMF Update Records
- Review and Research of EMF Records for Weekly Update
- Form 3081 (3081) Validation and Lockout
- OFP Updates
- Form 6489 IPR Adjustments Review and Processing
- Preparation for Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) Processing
- Work Day 2 (Tuesday) Initial Pass Verification and Correction Pass (2nd Pass) Processing
- Verify Input Counts from Work Day 1 (Monday) Processing
- Print and Research SETR WP&C Exclusion Report
- Print Selected PCA-01-42 Sections, Review and Correct
- Review and Code PCA-03-43
- Review and Code PCA-03-44
- Review and Code PCA-03-45
- EMF Update Correction Process
- OFP Updates
- Form 6489. IPR Adjustment Review and Processing for Correction Pass
- Preparation for ISRP Processing
- Work Day 3 (Wednesday) Correction Pass Verification
- Verify Input Counts from Work Day 2 (Tuesday) Processing
- Verify (Balance) the Weekly PCC-60-40 Managers Report
- Verify and Print PCA-03-43 and PCA-03-44 Registers, Review and Correct
- Print PCA-05-46 Individual Performance History Adjustment Report, Review and Correct
- Early Review of EMF Actions for New Week
- Project PCC Production Control and Performance Reporting (PCC)
- Related PCC Information Listings, Error Registers and Reports
- Adjustment and Control Record Layouts
- Notify Campuses Daily When Batch or Adjustment Records on PCC Daily Registers
- Verify Performance Adjustment Records from Prior Day Input
- Balance the PCC-22-40 Daily Production Report - Program Sequence
- Identification and Correction of Production Errors
- Review for Negative Inventories of Programs That Use Unit Production Records (UPCs)
- Prepare Managers Performance and Abstract Adjustments
- WP&C Maintenance Processes
- Service Center Master POF Listing PCC-01-40 3,9 Record Clean-up
- DPR Program Sequence Control Deck PCC-10-81 Update
- DPR (Org Level) Control Deck PCC-24-80 Update
- Selected Master Data File Fast Print Control Record PCC-26-40
- Employee Category Record PCC-46-80 Update
- Summary Performance and Cost Control Record PCC-60-81 Update
- End of Quarter (EOQ) and End of Year (EOY) Special Processing
- End of Quarter Physical Inventory Requirement
- End of Year Cutover and Adjustments
Part 3. Submission Processing
Chapter 30. Work Planning and Control
Section 18. Reports Teams Instructions for Work Planning and Control
3.30.18 Reports Teams Instructions for Work Planning and Control
Manual Transmittal
January 09, 2017
(1) This transmits new IRM 3.30.18, Work Planning and Control, Reports Teams Instructions for Work Planning and Control.
This IRM provides procedures for Reports Teams to adjust, verify and maintain Integrated Management Planning and Information (IMPIS) Work Planning and Control (WP&C) reports and processes.
Material Changes
(1) This is the first publishing of this IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
This IRM is new and should be used with IRM 3.30.19, Production Control and Performance Reporting and 3.30.50, Project PCA Production Control Accounting by Reports Teams to process WP&C data.Audience
The Reports Teams that update and correct WP&C data used in creation of performance and production reports.Effective Date
Linda J. Brown
Director, Submission Processing
Wage and Investment Division
This IRM includes instructions for Reports Teams that perform support functions for Integrated Management Planning and Information System (IMPIS), Work Planning and Control (WP&C).
Support functions include adjustment of performance and production information, verification of report data, balancing of reports, and maintenance of databases.
WP&C is utilized for workload and resource planning by many of the Business Operation Divisions (BOD’s). Refer to IRM, IMPIS Overview for a complete list of BOD’s that utilize WP&C.
Two mainframe Unisys computers, one at Enterprise Computing Center (ECC-MCC) located in Martinsburg, West Virginia and the second at Enterprise Computing Center (ECC-MEM) located in Memphis, Tennessee support WP&C processing. Each mainframe is partitioned with five separate operating processes that create a total of ten sets of WP&C reports. Data sent to each of the mainframe computers is divided by an Employee Master File (EMF) Indicator or by a Service Center Code.
WP&C encompasses four separate component systems, Project PCA Production Control and Accounting (PCA), Project PCB Workload Scheduling (PCB), Project PCC Production Control and Performance Reporting (PCC), and Project PCD Control Data Analysis(PCD).
Project PCA Production Control and Accounting and Project PCC Production Control and Performance Reporting are overseen by Submission Processing, Program Management Process Assurance Branch, Quality Section (SE:W:CAS:SP:PM:Q). Reports Team Managers should refer issues with Project PCA and Project PCC procedures and reports to the Submission Processing Headquarters WP&C Coordinator.
Project PCB Workload Scheduling is overseen by Submission Processing, Program Management Process Assurance Branch, Resource Section (SE:W:CAS:SP:PM:R). Reports Team Managers should refer issues with scheduled (Project PCB) receipts and production information in WP&C reports to the Submission Processing Headquarters WP&C Coordinator.
Project PCD Control Data Analyses is overseen by Submission Processing, Program Management Process Assurance Branch, Monitoring Section (SE:W:CAS:SP:PM:M). Reports Team Managers should refer issues with Project PCC reports balancing related to Project PCD data and procedures to the Submission Processing Headquarters WP&C Coordinator.
In the past Project PCE Individual Quality Review, was also supported by the Reports Teams. Project PCE became obsolete in October, 2013 when the Total Evaluation Performance System (TEPS) became obsolete. As a result, all processes and procedures relating to Project PCE have been discontinued.
This IRM is to be used in conjunction with IRM 3.30.19, Production Control and Performance Reporting and IRM 3.30.50, Project PCA Production Control Accounting. Important explanations, information, and instructions are included in these IRMs.
Reports created by the four mainframe computer projects are numbered and the first three alphabetical digits of the report indicate what project (or string) of the computer run that creates the report. For example, PCC-60-40 is the weekly Managers Report created from the weekly Project PCC run.
Mainframe output (reports) created include information listings, error registers, and reports used to monitor resource and production information. Lists of output can be found in the section of this IRM for each Project.
The PCC daily reports have control records that tell mainframe programming what organization and/program codes to print on the report. PCC weekly reports have control records that tell mainframe how to compile or roll-up the data.
PCA and PCC reports have date records that are maintained by Information Technology. These records or “date cards” as they are referred to, tell the mainframe what date to put on the report and how to compile the cumulative data.
Where procedures reference a day or days, those days are always to be considered work days unless otherwise specified as calendar days. Work days or business days are defined as non-holiday Monday through Friday days, unless otherwise specified.
When Monday falls on a holiday, WP&C weekly processing is moved one day from Monday and Tuesday to Tuesday and Wednesday.
IRM deviations must be submitted in writing following instructions from IRM, Internal Management Documents System - Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process, IRM Standards, and elevated through appropriate channels for executive approval.
It is the responsibility of the user of information from the Project PCA system to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from unauthorized use, access, disclosure or sharing (IRM 10.5.1, Privacy and Information Protection, Privacy Policy).
This IRM cannot address every possibility that may arise while adjusting, verifying and maintaining WP&C reports. It may be necessary to refer the issue to your designated Subject Matter Expert (SME), lead and/or manager to determine the proper corrective action.
Verify all output from WP&C daily and weekly runs are loaded to Control-D, that reports are dated correctly and contain the accurate input files.
Prepare, review and monitor posting of employee salary information to the Employee Master File (EMF) via personnel actions received from HRConnect.
Prepare, review and monitor Form 3081, Employee Time Report (3081) information input through Totally Automated Personal System (TAPS) Single Entry Time Reporting (SETR).
Review, maintain, and update children function and program codes in the OFP (Organization Function Program) Consistency File.
Review, maintain, and monitor posting of individual performance data.
Verify and adjust daily production information.
Ensure accurate posting of data from error registers.
Verify that reports that are rerun are accurate and complete.
Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from unauthorized use, access, disclosure or sharing (IRM 10.5.1, Privacy and Information Protection. Privacy Policy).
Exercise sound judgement when responding to questions regarding WP&C processes from managers, analysts and other employees.
A specific list of Reports Teams duties are maintained by the Reports Team Managers.
This section contains acronyms, related IRMs, forms, date cards, control records, EMF Indicators and Service Center Codes.
LETTERS Description ABC Alpha-Numeric Block Control BBTS Batch Block Tracking System ISRP Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing FA Functional Area IPR Individual Performance Report MEPS Measured Employees Performance System OFP Organization Function Program PCA Production Control Accounting PCC Production Control SETR Single Entry Time Reporting TAPS Totally Automated Personnel System UPC Unit Production Record
The following IRMs provide additional instructions.
IRM Section Number Project Section Title 3.24.30 PCD Data Controls 3.24.50 PCA Campus Performance Evaluation Reporting System 3.30.19 PCC Production Control and Performance Reporting 3.30.20 PCA-02 Organization, Function, and Program (OFP) Codes 3.30.50 PCA Project PCA Production Control Accounting 3.30.126 PCD Control Data Analysis 3.30.127 PCB Workload Scheduling
The following Forms are referenced throughout this IRM.
Form Number Form Title 3081 Employee Time Report (with last 4 digits SSN) 3081-A 3081 Back-up Sheet 3081-B (ISRP) 3081 for ISRP (with Full SSN) (Electronic Only) 4464 Daily Performance Adjustments Log (Electronic Only) 4465 Daily Production Adjustments Log (Electronic Only) 5406 Batch Profile Adjustment Log (Electronic Only) 6489 IPR Adjustments (Electronic Only) 8069 Managers Performance Adjustments Log (Electronic Only) 8209 Employee Detail Adjustments Log (Electronic Only)
The following date cards and control records are referenced throughout this IRM.
Control Record Number Control Record Name Frequency PCA-03-31 Process Control Record (Weekly Date Card) Weekly PCC-01-80 Weekly Date Record (Weekly Date Card) Weekly PCC-10-80 Daily Date Record (Daily Date Card) Daily PCC-10-81 Daily Production Report Program Sequence Control Deck Variable PCC-24-80 Daily Production Report Organization Sequence Control Card Variable PCC-26-80 Selected Master File Print Control Records Variable PCC-46-80 Employee Category Record Variable PCC-60-81 Performance and Cost Control Record Variable
Following are the EMF Indicators used in TAPS/SETR to separate records for each WP&C.
Assigned Campus WP&C EMF Indicator Andover Campus ANSC Atlanta Campus ATSC Austin Campus AUSC Brookhaven Campus BSC Cincinnati Campus CSC Fresno Campus FSC Kansas City Campus KCSC Memphis Campus MSC Ogden Campus OSC Philadelphia Campus PSC Organizations Not On WP&C XWPC
Following are the Service Center Codes used in ISRP transcription to separate the work for each WP&C.
Campus Location Service Center Code Number Andover Campus 08 Atlanta Campus 07 Austin Campus 18 Brookhaven Campus 19 Cincinnati Campus 17 Fresno Campus 89 Kansas City Campus 09 Memphis Campus 49 Ogden Campus 29 Philadelphia Campus 28
On the first work day of the new week PCA employee hours, employee volume, and adjustment data is filtered through the PCA-01 Employee Master File table and the PCA-02 OFP table. Costing data is calculated using each employee’s PCA-01 Employee Master File information. Data that does not pass the validity checks falls out to the PCA-03 error register and is worked by Reports Teams. After the corrections are re-entered the PCA hours and cost are combined with the cumulative PCA data. PCA data is compiled with the weekly PCC data to create the weekly WP&C output reports.
The project contains raw employee hours and employee production counts received from SETR, adjustment data input through ISRP and the PCA-01 Employee Master File. The EMF is updated through SETR.
The project also contains the PCA-02 Organization Function Program Consistency File. The PCA-02 is updated through the OFP Website and ISRP.
Related PCA information listings, error registers and reports.
Report Number Report Name Run Frequency PCA-01-42 Employee Master Adjustments and Analysis Report Weekly M., Tu. PCA-01-43 Employee Master Adjustments and Salary Updates Control Listing Weekly M., Tu. PCA-01-44 Employee Master List Report Weekly M., Tu. PCA-01-45 Employee Status List Report Weekly M., Tu. PCA-02-41NO OFP Consistency File Update Report (National) Weekly M., Tu. PCA-02-42NO OFP Consistency File List (National) Weekly M., Tu. PCA-02-43NO Sub-Functions Without Parents List and Missing Parent Functions (National) Weekly M., Tu. PCA-02-41 OFP Consistency File Update Report (Campus) Weekly M., Tu. PCA-02-42 OFP Consistency File List (Campus) Weekly M., Tu. PCA-02-43 Sub-Functions Without Parents List and Missing Parent Functions (Campus) Weekly M., Tu. PCA-03-41 Period Data and Cum File Adjustments Controls Listing Weekly M., Tu. PCA-03-43 Final Time Error Register Report Weekly M., Tu. PCA-03-44 Final Adjustment Error Register Report Weekly M., Tu. PCA-03-45 Final No Time Error Register Report Weekly M., Tu. PCA-04-41 Individual Detail Summary Report Weekly Tues. PCA-04-42 Employee Time Report Weekly Tues. PCA-05-41 Special Employment Programs Register Weekly Tues. PCA-05-42 Special Employment Programs Summary Report Weekly Tues. PCA-05-43 Current Grade to Prior Grade Transfer History Listing Weekly Tues. PCA-05-45 Period Data Posting Mismatch/Error Register Weekly Tues. PCA-05-46 Individual Performance History Adjustment Report Weekly Tues. PCA-05-47 Cum Files Updates Controls Listing Weekly Tues. PCA-07-43 Cum File Leveled Performance Report Weekly Tues.
At the beginning of each work day verify that all of the reports from the previous evenings runs are loaded to Control-D.
A master list is maintained in a Reports Team job aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint.
Open the Control-D Reports Team Verification file and initial beside each report on the listing after verifying that the report number, report or run date and all data is present.
Save the weekly listing with the file name as instructed in the Reports Team Control-D Reports Job Aid and file the completed report in the Control-D folder for the appropriate campus. The Control-D Job Aid is located on the Reports Team Sharepoint.
WP&C weekly processing begins with Initial Pass processing on Monday evening. The following systems provide input files.
System File Name Input Data OFP Web PCA-02-21 National OFP updates ISRP ISR-01-22 Campus OFP updates, IPR Adjustments TAPS/SETR PCA-01-32 EMF updates TAPS/SETR PCA-03-11 employee hours and volume PCA-03 Initial Pass error registers (PCA-03-41 through PCA-03-45) are created by mainframe processing.
On the first work day of the new week, access the Reports Unit EMF module in SETR and generate, review and input EMF updates. Directions for inputting these updates can be found below in IRM, “Steps to Generate the EMF Update Records”.
The actions provided by SETR are received from daily transmissions of employee Personnel Actions (PAR) information from HRConnect.
Review and research update actions in the SETR EMF Reports Unit module for inconsistencies in the information provided. HRConnect is a world-class human resource system owned by the Department of Treasury.
When determining the correct employee information to post to the PCA-01 EMF, HRConnect is the system of record. If the information in the SETR EMF and/or SETR history does not agree with the information in HRConnect, post the data from HRConnect to the PCA-01 EMF.
Additional information regarding the Employee Master File may be found in IRM, Employee Master File.
The elements of the Employee Master File record will be found in IRM Master Adjustment Record.
Take the following actions to generate the SETR EMF Update Records.
Step Action 1 After you have logged on to SETR successfully. Use the EMF Job Aid located on the Reports Team Sharepoint to access the EMF Reports Unit module. 2 Print the delete records generated by SETR EMF programming.
From the SETR main menu
Select the EMF Reports Unit module
Select the EMF List
Select Query
Use the Query EMF Listing or the EMF Job Aid to check mark the required fields in the EMF List
Input the 3 or 4 digit EMF Indicator
Click on the radio button in front of Abbreviated
When the EMF List appears, click the Print button in the right hand corner of the screen.3 Delete the SETR EMF cron.
From the SETR main menu, select the EMF Reports Unit module.
Select the EMF List
Click on the Delete Tab
When the Delete EMF Screen appears select the campus for deletion from the scroll down box
Click the EMF Date and Count and Submit
A message indicating the delete is successful will appear in the Delete EMF Window
Click on the Close Window button4 Generate the SETR EMF update records. Verify the EMF Date is the current Monday date. Use a range of dates that includes the previous two weeks.
From the Delete the EMF Window, click on the EMF Menu from the drop down window
Select Generate EMF Records
An EMF box will open
Select the campus for generation
Check the EMF Date to ensure it is correct
Enter the Start Date and End Date for the current two week period that begins on the second Sunday prior to the current week day. The end date will be the first Saturday prior to the current week day. For End of Quarter split week processing input the date range provided by the WP&C Coordinator on the End of Quarter Processing Calendar.
Click Submit
A display window will open and the message “EMF generating, this may take some time” will display. When the message changes to “DONE” generation is complete.5 Print the EMF records with Inconsistent elements.
See the Query EMF Listing in the EMF Job Aid for the combination of elements to query and print for review and research.
Review and research all lists printed including the list of deletes printed prior to generating the EMF.
Step Action 1 Review Review all EMF Lists Generated. 2 Research When an inconsistency is present in the Transaction Code and the Work Status:
Review the employees 3081 Time Record for the week being processed against the work status discrepancy.
Determine if the time posted matches the EMF information.
Access HRConnect to verify if the current action information matches the information in the SETR EMF update.3 Contact
If the action history does not match the 3081 Time Record, contact the Manager to determine the correct information.4 Record
Record the changes needed on the printed list for use when inputting the change to the SETR EMF record.5 Correct
Verify that the SETR EMF record that is present has an EMF Indicator for the EMF being worked and update the Work Status to reflect the outcome of research.Note
For more information and guidance refer to the EMF Job Aid located on the Reports Team Sharepoint. -
Review and update the following EMF records from EMF generation each week for inconsistencies.
EMF Query Action 00XXX Organization (Org) Codes Look for grades that are not valid alpha or numeric characters in SETR. If the EMF contains either ESO or SES they must be changed to SE1 in order for it to be a valid action. If the grade does not contain the proper 3 digit grade/step (i.e. 073 which is Grade 7 step 3), research HRConnect for Employee's grade and step and input the correct grade and step. Type Change - blank, Work Status - Non Work Review employee's 3081. If the T&A Org Code field reflects 9XXXX no action is required. If employee has hours reported other than furlough (59815) or suspension (59845), code as WORK STATUS "Working". If employee is reporting hours to furlough (59815) or suspension (59845) and the "No Hours Reported" box is checked, no action is required. If employee no longer works for the Service, code as Type Change "TER" and WORK STATUS "Terminated". Type Change - blank, Work Status - Terminated From the generated list, click on Action and review employee's history. Review employee's 3081 to see if employee is reporting any time. If time reported on 3081, change Type Change "RPT" and WORK STATUS to "Working". Check HR Connect to verify the date the employee terminated, if it matches the effective date in the employee's EMF history, no action required. Type Change - blank, Org Code - 00* 00* are not WP&C Orgs, therefore the Org Code needs to be updated to reflect a valid WP&C Org. Review HRConnect to locate the assigned Org Code, if they do not match, contact employee to verify which Org Code is correct. Change org code and functional activity to reflect correct information, verify the EMF date and the EMF indicator, if correct, submit. Type Change - blank, Transaction Code - ADD Check to see if employee is on the PCA-0144. If they are on the PCA0144, change TRANS CODE to "Change" and submit the action. If they are not on the PCA0144, check HR Connect for employee's assigned org or if employee is detailed to your Service Center. Input correct Org Code and Functional Activity. Place a zero (0) in the Saved Rate indicator field, verify EMF date and input correct EMF Indicator, submit the action. Type Change - blank; Work Status - Working, Non-Working, Terminated; Detail Status - Inside Service Center Check to see if employee is on the PCA-0144 and in working status or work status 1. Check HR Connect to verify if employee is detailed to your Service Center. If information matches, no action required. If information does not match, contact employee or manager to verify which Org Code employee should use to report their time. Update action to reflect correct data. Type Change - blank; Work Status - Working, Non-Working, Terminated; Detail Status - Outside Service Center Check to see if employee is on the PCA-0144 and in working status or work status 1. Check HR Connect to verify if employee is detailed to your Service Center. If information matches, no action required. If information does not match, contact employee or manager to verify which Org Code employee should report their time. If the employee is on your PCA0144 and does not belong to your Service Center, update action to reflect correct data either Work Status "Non-working" or Work Status "Terminated". Type Change - APP, Work Status - Working, Non-Working, Terminated Review employee's 3081 to verify T&A/3081 Org Code flowing to your Service Center's WP&C. Research HRConnect for assigned Org Code it should match the T&A/3081 Org codes in SETR. If all information matches, no action is required. If information does not match, update the action to the correct Org Code and submit the corrected information. Type Change - DEA, Work Status - Working, Non-Working, Terminated Research HRConnect to verify the effective date matches the EMF action. Review employee's 3081 to verify if any time was charged for the week. If the employee has reported time on their 3081 then the Work Status should reflect "Working". If there is no time reported on the 3081 then the Work Status should reflect "Terminated". Type Change - FUR, Work Status - Working, Terminated "FUR" type changes should never go through as WORK STATUS "Working" or "Terminated". Review employee's 3081. If employee has hours reported other than furlough (59815), change Type Change to reflect prior working action (See below for list of Type Change actions), code as WORK STATUS "Working" and submit corrected information. If employee is reporting all hours to furlough (59815) and the "No Hours Reported" box is checked, change WORK STATUS to "Non-working". If employee no longer works for the Service, code as Type Change "TER" and WORK STATUS "Terminated". Type Change - LWP, Work Status - Working, Terminated Review employee's 3081. If employee has hours reported to LWOP (59811, 59812, 59813, 59814), no action is required for employees in "Working" Status. Research HRConnect to verify if employee has been terminated, no action is required if employee is in "Terminated" status. Type Change - RTD, Work Status - Working, Non-Working, Terminated "RTD" type changes should never go through as WORK STATUS "Non-Working" or "Terminated". Review employee's 3081 to ensure time is reported for prior week. If employee has reported any time and is in "Working" status, no action is required. If employee has no time reported on their 3081, and is in "Non-working" status or "Terminated" status, update Type Change field to "RPT" or "TER", and submit the new action. Type Change - SUS, Work Status - Working, Non-Working, Terminated "SUS" type changes should never go through as WORK STATUS of "Working" or "Non-Working". Review employee's 3081. If employee has hours reported other than suspension (59845), update Type Change Field to "RPT" and code as WORK STATUS "Working". If employee is reporting all hours to suspension (59845) and the "No Hours Reported" box is checked, no action is required. If employee no longer works for the Service, code as Type Change "TER" and WORK STATUS "Terminated". Type Change - TER, Work Status - Working, Non-Working "TER" type changes should never go through as WORK STATUS of "Working" or "Non-Working". Research 3081 to verify whether hours are reported, if so update Type Change field to "RPT" and submit the new record. Verify effective date in HRConnect and update WORK STATUS from "Non-Working" to "Terminated". Upon completion of review, count and record the number of SETR EMF records that will be output.
Check the SETR EMF generation counts to determine if additional delete records have been generated by Reports Teams that generated the EMF after the site that is being worked. If additional delete records are present, verify that the record was worked when the original delete list was worked and if so, delete the additional record generated.
All employees for Organizations that report to WP&C are required to input 3081 hours and volume information into SETR by close of business on Friday. Managers are required to validate this information in SETR by close of business on Friday and make corrections no later than 10 a.m. Local Campus Time the first day of the work week (Monday) and re-validate. When the 3081 data is for Week 2 of the Pay Period, Managers are required to validate and sign. WP&C processes data for Week 1 and Week 2 of the Pay Period separately. Payroll processes the data for both Week 1 and Week 2 of a Pay Period at the end of Week 2.
The Non-Validated Org Code List is generated from the SETR Reports Unit module. The report provides a list of Organizations that have not validated in Week 1 of the Pay Period and have not validated and/or signed their 3081 data in Week 2 of the Pay Period.
Reports Teams monitor the Non-Validated Org Code List and contact Managers of Non-Validated and Unsigned Organizations that report to WP&C. The SETR Representatives monitor and contact Managers of Non-validated Non WP&C Organizations.
At the beginning of the shift on Monday morning (or the first day of the work week) Reports Teams will run a Non-Validated List to get a baseline list of Organizations not validated.
Starting at 8:00 a.m. Local Campus Time, another report should be run and emails should be sent to Managers of Organizations that have not validated.
At 9:45 a.m. Local Campus Time, another report should be run and Managers should be contacted via OCS or telephone.
At 10 a.m. Local Campus Time, a final report should be run. Send the Reports Team Managers a list with the Level 2 Level 3 Organization Code and the name of the Managers that are repeat offenders by email.
Annotate the repeat offenders on the Repeat Offenders List located on the shared drive.
At 2 p.m. Eastern Time when all Organization Codes have validated notify the Reports Teams Manager that all Organization Codes are validated. The Reports Team Manager will lock SETR by EMF Indicator.
All EMF Indicators must be locked no later than 3 p.m. Eastern Time on the first Monday of the Pay Period. This is the time that SETR begins to transmit payroll data to the National Finance Center.
Updates to the PCA-02 OFP Consistency File are processed in the evening of the first work day (usually Monday) and second work day (usually Tuesday) of the work week. Updates are provided on Form 5948, OFP Consistency File Input update.
Upon receipt of updates to children level function and program code combinations, review the information for completeness.
Source of data Action If Form 5948 was received Check the current PCA-02-42 OFP Consistency File List to verify that the parent OFP combination exists, and prepare the form for ISRP processing.
If the parent OFP combination does not exist, contact the HQ OFP Coordinator to set up the parent OFP combination before processing the Form 5948.If no Form 5948 Check the current PCA-02-42 OFP Consistency File List to verify that the parent OFP combination exists, and then contact the User to complete a Form 5948. If the OFP combination does not exist, have the User contact the HQ OFP Coordinator to set up the parent OFP combination. Upon it’s return prepare the form for ISRP processing. Prepare the Form 5948 for ISRP transcription. Refer to IRM, Preparation for ISRP Processing, below for instructions on Preparation for ISRP Processing.
On the morning of the second work day (usually Tuesday) and/or the morning of the third work day (usually Wednesday) after a Form 5948 OFP update has been sent to ISRP for transcription check the PCA-02-41 OFP Consistency File Update Report to verify the records successfully updated.
When a Manager makes a correction to an employee’s Time and Attendance information after the hours and volume have been output to WP&C a Form 6489, IPR Adjustments is required to adjust the employee’s time that posted to WP&C.
Print forms received by email and combine them with paper forms received by other means, interoffice mail or from a drop-box.
Review forms per the following instructions.
Step Action Check for contact information: Preparer Name, Title, Phone Number, and Date If blank, check the email or mail attachment for the information and record it on the form in Box 1 through Box 4. Check that the following Columns have data. Column C through Column I (only Volume if adjusting), Column L, Column M, Column O through Column Q. If missing data, continue verification and research to gather all information needed before contacting the preparer. Verify the Organization Code, Employee Name and SSN, OFP, Hours and Time Code in SETR. If the adjustment is for week one of the Pay Period check the PCA-04-42 to verify whether any changes were made during week two. If there are inconsistencies, make a note and continue verification and research to gather all information needed before contacting the preparer. Verify the Grade for the Week Ending the Adjustment is for in PCA-01-44. If the grade does not match the Grade on the PCA-01-44 for the Week Ending adjusted, check HRConnect to verify the correct grade and then contact the preparer for information. The Grade on the PCA-01-44 for that week was the grade (even if it was wrong) that determined the cost for that week so that is the Grade that should be used in the adjustment. Prepare all forms collected for the week and send them to ISRP for transcription per the instructions in IRM Preparation for Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) Processing.
Data records presented to ISRP for transcription are output on the first and second work day of each week.
Present the records to ISRP according to the agreed Control Procedures for each Campus ISRP Operation.
Compile the data records by type into batches. Each line should be numbered consecutively starting with 00 and proceeding through the agreed total count for each different Control Document. Each Control Document or numbered batch should have a 3 digit alpha identifier.
All documents presented for ISRP transcription must be clearly marked with the Format Code for the data record(s) to be transcribed and contain a Service Center Code (see IRM, Service Center Codes for ISRP Processing of PCA data). The format codes follow.
Record Type Format Code Frequency Form 5948 OFP Update 057 1st Work Day, 2nd Work Day PCA-03 Correction Record 058 2nd Work Day Form 6489 IPR Adjustment 060 1st Work Day, 2nd Work Day Only transcribed records that are both Original Entry (OE) and Key Verified (KV) by ISRP will be output on the daily ISR-01-22 file.
The records for each Campus are separated for PCA processing by the Service Center Code. If an emergency occurs and a Campus ISRP Operation transcribes work for a Reports Team other than the regularly scheduled process, the WP&C Coordinator must be notified as early as possible in order to coordinate the PCA runs for that work day with Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Scheduling. The regularly scheduled PCA process to collect for each campuses output follows.
Campus ISRP PCA Programming Collect the following Sites Data Austin AUSC Cincinnati BSC, CSC, and MSC Fresno ANSC, FSC Kansas City ATSC, KCSC Ogden OSC and PSC PCA programming is set up to collect the records contained in the ISR-01-22 file only on the days indicated by the frequency listed above. If Format Code 058 records are transcribed and output by ISRP on any day other that the 2nd work day of the week the records will not be collected and will be lost.
Refer to ISRP IRM 3.24.50 ISRP System, Campus Performance Evaluation Reporting System for the related transcription instructions.
At 6 a.m. Local Campus Time check Control-D to verify that all reports from the evening runs have generated and appear in Control-D. Record on the Control-D Reports Team Verification List all reports present. Follow the instructions in the Reports Team Job Aid located on the Reports Team Sharepoint for a list of the elements to verify in each report.
If no PCA-03-41, PCA-03-43, PCA-03-44, or PCA0345 Registers are present in Control-D notify the Reports Team Manager immediately so that the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator can be contacted to acquire the listings.
Compare the Adjustment Records Input count on the PCA-01-43 Employee Master Adjustments and Salary Updates Control Listing to the prior days total count of EMF Update Records.
The total count of EMF Update Records is located in the SETR Reports Unit EMF module.
Select the EMF Reports Menu, Reports, EMF Change Notice and from the drop down window, note the count of the records by the EMF Indicator and work date.Compare the counts of the Form 5948, OFP Consistency File Input sent to ISRP.
Compare the counts of the Form 6489, IRP Adjustments sent to ISRP.
Compare the counts of the Form 6489, IPR Adjustments from PCA-05-46 corrections sent to ISRP.
Generate and print the WP&C Exclusion Report in the SETR Report Unit, Miscellaneous Reports Option 2.
Compare the employee records on the Exclusion Report to the PCA-03-45. If the employee listed on the Exclusion Report is also on the PCA-03-45 notate on the report and no action is needed for the Exclusion Report. When the PCA-03-45 is worked the employee’s time will be prepared and sent to ISRP for transcription. If the employee is not on the PCA-03-45, research SETR Prior Week 3081 and HRConnect to determine work status. Update the EMF record as appropriate.
Invalid fields and Unpostable records in the EMF reflected on the PCA-01 reports can negatively impact the PCA-03 error register reports generated as part of the Initial and Correction process. They represent missing data from the Employee Master File.
The EMF PCA-01-42 Employee Master Adjustments and Analysis Report contains four sections. Three represent the three Transaction Codes that are types of record updates. The fourth represents the records that Project PCA automatically removes from the Master File when a 9 month retention period is met. These are the four sections.
Review each update record for invalid fields and unpostable errors. The Disposition column reflects the status of the update for each record. Successful deleted records display “Record Deleted”, successful added records display “Record Added”, successful changed records display “Record Changed” and successful removed records display “Record Removed”. The error messages and disposition follow.
Error Message or Indicator Action INVALID FIELD(S) Look at the column that contains the asterisks (*). The (*) represents the field that contains the error. Research HRConnect and the PCA-01-44 or PCA-01-45 to find the valid information and update appropriately. Invalid records must be fixed from this listing. They will not generate again the next time the process is run. UNP-NO MATCH SSN An action has been entered on the EMF update with a change and the employee is not on the EMF. Research HRConnect and SETR to ensure the employee belongs to the EMF being worked and then add the employee to the EMF. This error will cause the employee’s time to generate to the PCA-03-43 Final Error Register Report. UNP-EXISTING SSN An action has been entered on the EMF update to add an employee and the employee already exists on PCA-01 EMF. They can be found on the PCA-01-44 or PCA-01-45 report. Research HRConnect and SETR to ensure the employee belongs to the EMF being worked and then change the EMF update record from an "Add" to a "Change". This errors will cause the employee’s time to generate to the PCA-03-43 Final Error Register Report. UNP-DATA MISSING An action has been entered on the EMF update to add an employee and the "Saved Rate Indicator" box does not have a zero. Research PCA-01-44 or PCA-01-45 and if the record does not exist add a zero in the indicator box. This error will cause the employee’s time to generate to the PCA-03-43 Final Error Register Report.
Print the PCA-03-43 Final Time Error Register Report from Control-D.
Analyze the error, determine the resolution and record the change needed to make the record correct. Follow local procedure to number the line items that need to be re-input and add the additional codes for transcription of the correction record.
When research of time records reflects that the employee has charged time on two different WP&C’s the Reports Team that identifies the incident should contact the other Reports Team(s) to verify that the resolution does not result in duplicate posting of time.
Error Code and Actions
Error Code Action 1 - Inconsistent Organization, Function, and/or Program code combination. When validating the 3081 data, SETR will identify OFP's that are not on the PCA-02-42 and can be corrected at the time of input. If a program is deleted during the Initial Pass (Monday night) and the program has been entered into SETR, the program will be listed on the error register. Obtain the correct OFP from the Manager, the OFP Coordinator or the individual who requested the program be deleted. Line through incorrect OFP and write the correct OFP on the register and prepare for transcription for ISRP. Time entered into OFP 800-11111 does not flow to the WP&C and therefore, should not go to ISRP for data transcription. A - Hours reported are less than TOD in SETR. Due to rounding and validation criteria in SETR a .1 (one tenth) must be added to a non-production program so 40.0 hours will post to the WP&C. Research SETR for correct TOD and look at prior week's timesheet. If the timesheet has .1 (one tenth) less than the stated TOD hours, contact the manager for the correct placement of hours. If after a reasonable attempt has been made without resolution, add .1 (one tenth) under an overhead code (59XXX) and submit the register to ISRP. If the timesheet has hours flowing to multiple WP&C’s, but the TOTAL hours equal the employee's TOD, no action required. B - Hours reported are more than TOD. Research SETR to determine correct TOD. If any time is charged to a LWOP program (598XX) or travel code (59531/59532/59533) no action is needed. If time is charged over TOD hours, contact the employee's manager and instruct them to submit an IPR adjustment removing and/or correcting the hours. If the employee's grade has exceeded the overtime ceiling no action is needed. E - The employee is in ”Work Status” on the EMF PCA-01 but no hours have been reported for the week being processed. Check the PCA-01-44 or the PCA-01-45 to determine what work status the employee is in or if the employee is present on the listing. Research HRConnect to determine the employee’s correct organization code. Research SETR to determine where the employee's 3081 time posted. If it is different from HRConnect, contact the Manager (or the employee) to determine the correct organization. If employee is on the PCA-01-44 and the hours should report to the WP&C, change the EMF record to place them in work status. If the employee is not on the PCA-01-44 and the hours are flowing to the WP&C, then the employee will need to be "ADDED" to the EMF. If the T&A Org Code is for the WP&C being worked and is different from their 3081 Org Code, contact the employee or the manager to determine the correct Org Code. If after contacting the employee, the hours should flow to the WP&C being worked, submit the register to ISRP for transcription. If the hours are determined to not belong to the WP&C, no action is required.
Print the PCA-03-44 IPR Adjustment Register from Control-D.
Analyze the error, determine the resolution and record the change needed to make the record correct. Follow local procedure to present the corrected record for ISRP for transcription.
If there is are no IPR Adjustment errors in the Initial Pass run a PCA-03-44 will not be generated.
Error Code and Actions
Error Code Action 1 - Inconsistent Organization, Function, and/or Program code combination. Research original IPR for transcription errors. Research SETR Prior Week 3081 or team information for any indication of correct OFP. Research prior weeks PCA-04-42 as another indication of correct OFP. Contact employee and/or manager for correct OFP. Research prior PCA-02-42 to see if OFP may have been deleted. Write correct OFP on error register and submit to ISRP. E - Employee SSN does not match PCA-01-44. Research original IPR to verify correct SSN. Edit error register with correct SSN and submit to ISRP for data entry. J - Incorrect grade. Research PCA-01-44 for week ending of IPR and match to IPR. If the grade doesn't match, update grade on error register and submit to ISRP for data entry. If the grade does match, research the current PCA-01-44 to verify employee's current grade and change the R/C PERS column on the register to a "2" to indicating a change to the prior grade and submit error register to ISRP for entry. NOTE: If current PCA-01-44 is incorrect, a "Change" transaction will need to be completed in the EMF to update the correct grade on the following Monday. V - Either data entry error or adjustment is missing information. An asterisk (*) indicates the error. Research the original IPR for missing or incorrect information. Follow the IPR job aid located on the Reports Team Sharepoint for researching IPR’s to correct error indicated by asterisk. Correct error register and submit to ISRP for data entry. If unable to determine cause of error, then contact the originator of the IPR.
Print the PCA-03-45 Final No Time Error Register from Control-D.
Analyze the error record, determine the resolution and follow local procedure by printing the time sheet from the Prior Week 3081 option to provide ISRP with the weekly employee data for transcription. Ensure that employees listed on the SETR WP&C Exclusion List have been included in the time sheets sent to ISRP.
This report lists employees in SETR who had no time entered for the week and who are in work status on the PCA-01-44 or have time flowing to another WP&C. If the employee's hours flow to multiple WP&C's, contact the employee to verify which WP&C hours should flow to. Contact the other sites Reports Team to ensure the resolution does not result in duplicate posting of time. All Class Code 3 are intermittent employees who did not work the previous week. These will not need any action taken. NOTE: If the employee is charging all time to a 59815 or 59845 programs, update the EMF to "Non-Work Status".
Research SETR Prior Week 3081 to determine if any time was input and the 3081 Assigned Org Code that the hours were reported to. Research in HRConnect to verify the employee’s Org Code.
If Then If the 3081 hours should post to the WP&C being worked Print the Prior Weeks 3081, prepare and submit to ISRP for transcription. Update the EMF to place the employee in “Work Status”. If the 3081 hours should post to a different WP&C that the one being worked No Action is needed to correct the error register but the Reports Team for the different WP&C should be contacted to ensure the time is posted to that WP&C. Update the EMF to place the employee in “Non Work Status.” If the employee has been reassigned, realigned and/or promoted to another campus WP&C or to Non WP&C Update the EMF to place the employee in “Terminate” status on the WP&C being worked and contact the Reports Team for the other WP&C to ensure the employee is in the correct work status.
When an EMF update record is needed to correct an employee’s Work Status on the PCA-01 EMF so time will post to the WP&C, review the SETR EMF records generated on the first work day (Monday) and if a record is present update the Work Status and change the EMF Date on the record from the first work day date (Monday) to the second work day date (Tuesday). If a record is not present for that employee add a “Change” Transaction Record with the second work day date for the EMF Date.
On day two of the work week only SETR EMF update records with an EMF Date of the second work day will output on the SETR PCA-01-32 file.
Changes to grade and step elements of the PCA-01 EMF record can only be made on the first work day of the new week. If an employees grade and step needs to be changed on day two of the work week record a note so that the change can be made the following Monday (or first work day of the next week). Changes made to grade and step on the second work day will appear on the PCA-01-44 and PCA-01-45 prints but the data will not actually be changed in the PCA-01 master record.
Do not make changes to a SETR EMF record that has the EMF Indicator of a campus different than the PCA-01 EMF being worked. The SETR EMF record belongs to the PCA-01 EMF reflected by the EMF Indicator. Changes to a record that do not have the EMF Indicator that is currently being worked must be coordinated with the Reports Team responsible for the EMF Indicator. Contact via phone or email must be made to arrive at an agreement. If the SETR EMF record present is not needed for a correction for the PCA-01 EMF that owns the record, the Reports Team will agree to let the other Reports Team change the record including the EMF Indicator.
Refer to the instructions in IRM OFP Updates. These instructions are the same to process OFP change requests whether completed on the first work day (Monday) or the second work day (Tuesday). OFP change requests are only processed on the first and second work days.
Review Form 6489, IPRs that were received after the forms sent to ISRP for transcription on the first work day (Monday).
Send new forms to ISRP for transcription before the second work day (Tuesday) cut-off.
At 6 a.m. Local Campus Time check Control-D to verify that all reports from the Work Day 2 evening runs have generated and appear in Control-D. Follow the instructions in Work Day 2 (Tuesday) Initial Pass verification section.
If no PCA Weekly or PCC Weekly Registers are present in Control-D notify the Reports Team Manager immediately so that the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator can be contacted to acquire the listings.
Refer to IRM, Work Day 2 (Tuesday) Initial Pass Verification and Correction Pass (2nd Pass) Processing. (1) Verify Input Counts from Work Day 1 (Monday) Processing, in the Work Day 2 (Tuesday) Initial Pass verification section for the list of reports from the Correction Pass and the counts to verify.
In order to confirm that the correct input files were included in the PCC Weekly runs that generate the WP&C weekly reports complete the following steps.
Steps Manager Report Balancing Actions 1. Collect
Total of Managers Performance hours and cost adjustment records input into BBTS by Operation and the overall total.
PCC-60-40 Managers Report for the prior week ending.
PCC-60-40 Managers Report for the current week ending.2. Calculate Hours
Prior Week Actual Cum Hours
Plus Current Week Period Hours
Minus Managers Performance Hours Adjustment Totals (exclude Programs 598XX)
Equals the Current Weeks Cum Hours (Each Campus WP&C has developed a reasonable tolerance due to rounding these counts will never be exactly the same.)3. Calculate Cost
Prior Week Actual Cum Cost
Plus Current Week Period Cost
Minus Managers Performance Cost Adjustment Totals (excude Program 598XX)
Equals the Current Weeks Cum Cost (If the cost totals do not match exactly research to identify the difference.) Refer to the Managers Report Balancing Job Aid located on the Reports Team Sharepoint for instructions to identify the inconsistency.4. Verify Production Data
Check the PCC-10-41 Listing from the Saturday Supplemental Run and verify that two or three UPC records have posted.
Check the period receipts production counts on the Current Managers Report.
If the records are present, refer to the Managers Report Balancing Job Aid for instructions on identifying the inconsistency.5. Notify
If the out of balance condition cannot be identified, report the incident to the Reports Manager who will verify the out of balance condition and report the issue to the WP&C Coordinator as early as possible for resolution.
If errors from Work Day 2 were not resolved correctly they will error out a second time and PCA-03-43 and PCA-03-44 registers will generate during Work Day 2 PCA processing.
When these registers are present corrections must be made by processing a Form 6489, IPR Adjustments.
The Reports Team technician that worked the PCA-03-43 Final Time Error Register Report on Work Day 2 is responsible to review and correct the PCA-03-43 Final Time Error Register Report generated the evening of the 2nd Work Day.
Print the PCA-05-46 Individual Performance History Adjustment Report.
Analyze the error, determine the resolution and record the change needed to make the record correct. Complete a Form 6489, IPR Adjustments and send to ISRP for transcription in the next weeks processing cycle.
Follow local procedure to number the line items that need to be input and add the Format and Service Center Codes for transcription.
Refer to the Correction Pass Register Job Aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint for additional instructions.
After the Work Day 1 and Work Day 2 correction passes have been completed, the Weekly Manager’s Report verified and adjustments that have been received are ready for processing or in anticipation of receipt of a large amount of PAR actions, Reports Teams can perform early review of EMF action updates.
Follow the general instructions for generating EMF actions excluding the instructions to delete the “cron” job from Saturday. Refer to IRM, Steps to Generate the EMF Update Record, Steps 4 and 5. Follow IRM to review and research the EMF Records. DO NOT input new records or make changes to the records. Make notations on the lists printed and make corrections on the next Monday from the lists.
Each day PCC production and adjustment data is compiled. PCB schedule and PCD processed counts are added. Many PCD adjustments require that a separate PCC adjustment is made in parallel. Daily PCC production, adjustment data and daily PCD production data are filtered through the PCA-02 OFP table. Data that does not pass the validity checks falls out to daily error registers that are worked by Reports Teams.
The project contains daily production and adjustment counts input through BBTS and compiled weekly hours from PCA, schedule data from PCB, and cumulative hours, production and adjustment data from the mainframe cumulative history files.
Related PCC information listings, error registers and reports.
Report Number Report Title Run Frequency PCC-01-40 Service Center Master File POF List Quarterly PCC-10-40 WP&C Preliminary Error Register (during reinput processing retitled as Correction Error Register) Daily PCC-10-41 WP&C Production and Performance Adjustment List Daily PCC-10-89 WP&C Daily Transaction Records List Daily PCC-15-02 WP&C Valid Transactions and Rollback Listing Daily PCC-15-40 Batch Production Control Posting Errors and Rollback Errors Daily PCC-20-41 WP&C Daily Adjustment Error List Daily PCC-22-40 Daily Production Report - Program Sequence Daily PCC-24-40 Daily Production Report - Organization Sequence Daily PCC-26-40 Selected Master Record List (Project 563) for WP&C Master File Variable PCC-32-40 Service Center Batch Profile Report Daily PCC-42-40 Employee Detail Summary Weekly - Tues. PCC-46-40 Abstract Report Weekly - Tues. PCC-60-40 Managers Report Weekly - Tues. PCC-62-40 Program Analysis Report Weekly - Tues.
PCC daily registers contain listings of the different types of performance and production records utilized by Project PCC. The information in the records requires a key to read the record and must be deciphered in order to determine what data and counts were processed. Refer to IRM 3.30.19, Production Control and Performance Reporting Exhibit-12 through Exhibit-15 Adjustment and Control Record Layouts.
When batch and/or adjustment records for a Submission Processing Campus are listed on the daily PCC-10-40, SC WP&C Preliminary Error Register, PCC-15-40, BPC Posting Errors and Rollback Error Register and/or the PCC-20-41, WP&C Daily Adjustment Error List, attach the file to an e-mail and forward it to the Production Monitor.
When adjustment records for an Operation other than Submission Processing are listed on the daily PCC-10-40, SC WP&C Preliminary Error Register or the PCC-20-41 WP&C Daily Adjustment Error List, research to identify the contact that provided the adjustment and contact them to determine the appropriate steps for correction.
When Performance Adjustment records have been input into BBTS verify the next morning that they were output from the BBTS system to PCC daily processing.
Verify the record count from the prior day print of the Daily Performance Adjustment Log Report against the record count on the PCC-10-41 WP&C Production and Performance Adjustment List.
If records are missing, check the PCC-10-40 or PCC-20-41 for unposted Performance Adjustment Records. If the records are not present on those registers, check the PCC-10-89 for the same day to see if the transaction record is present. If the transaction record is not present, check the time of the input on the record and the time that the PCC-10-90 BBTS file was output for that day.
If research is unable to identify the presence of the Performance Adjustment Record report the incident to the Reports Team Manager who will report the incident to the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator.
Each morning the Daily Production Report (DPR) will be balanced to verify that each posting was processed. Review the three daily production error correction registers, PCC-10-40, SC WP&C Preliminary Error Register, PCC-15-40, BPC Posting Errors and Rollback Error Register, and PCC-20-41, WP&C Daily Adjustment Error List for records that have not posted. Research for the reason the production record did not post and correct the issue(s).
Verify the inventory for each function on the PCC-32-40 Batch Profile Report (BPR) against the inventory on the PCC-22-40 Daily Production Report.
Step Action 1. Compare BPR Cleared DIS Today at the end of each Sub-Program Code to DPR Function 610 Closing Inventory for the Sub-Program. They should be the same. 2. Compare the total BPR Volume for each Function at the end of each Sub-Program to the DPR Closing Inventory total for any Pipeline Function included in the batch routing. They should be the same. The BPR Function 610 volume will not match the DPR Function 610 Closing Inventory. 3. Note whether any minus daily closing inventories appear on the DPR. These may be due to any of the following: 4. Annotate any differences above the printed figure on the DPR and monitor. If the difference has not resolved itself within two work days, perform research and input adjustments to resolve the issue. -
Balance the Block Proof Summary PCD 03 outputs and the Daily Production Report. Since data for Functions 910 through 970 is generated from Project PCD (565), it is important to reflect any manual changes made to the Block Proof Summary as manual adjustments to the DPR in order to keep these reports in balance. See Exhibit 3.30.19-9 for do’s and don’ts of Function 9XX adjustments.
Step Action 1. Compare data for Functions 910 through 970 (on the DPR) with the totals from Project PCD (565) per the following list. For more information see IRM 3.30.126, Control Data Analysis. a) DPR Function 910 Closing Inventory equals Block Proof Summary and Error Analysis PCD-03-40 Current Error Inventory or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Current Error Inventory. b) DPR Function 910 Cumulative Actual Receipts equals Block Proof Summary and Error Analysis PCD-03-40 Cum Raw Errors or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Cum Raw Errors. c) DPR Function 920 Closing Inventory equals Block Proof Summary and Reject Analysis PCD-03-41 Current Reject Inventory or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Current Reject Inventory. d) DPR Function 920 Cumulative Actual Receipts equals Block Proof Summary and Reject Analysis PCD-03-41 Cum Raw Rejects plus Cum Unpostable Rejects or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Cum Unpostable Rejects plus Cum Raw Rejects. e) DPR Function 930 Closing Inventory equals BOBS Analysis PCD-03-43 Current BOBS Inventory or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Current BOBS Inventory. f) DPR Function 930 Cumulative Actual Receipts equal BOBS Analysis PCD-03-43 Cumulative BOBS or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Cum BOBS. g) DPR Function 940 Closing Inventory equals Block Deletion Analysis PCD-03-42 Current Block Deletion Inventory or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Current Block Deletion Inventory. h) DPR Function 940 Cumulative Actual Receipts equal Block Deletion Analysis PCD-03-42 Cumulative Block Deletions or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Cum Block Deletes. i) DPR Function 950 Cumulative Actual Production equals Block Proof Summary and Error Analysis PCC-03-40 Cumulative Good Transaction Items or Balance Forward Listing PCD-03-44 Cum Good Transactions. j) DPR Function 960, Program Deletes and Function 970, Re-input receipt and production figures are taken from Project PCD (565). See IRM 3.30.126, Control Data Analysis. 2. Annotate any differences above the printed figure on the DPR. Contact Data Control to verify if Form 8350, Correction to Block Proof Summary Balance Forward Records was processed to make corrections to PCD-03 data. If corrections were made to PCD-03, input adjustments to the PCC data using Exhibit 3.30.19-9, Guide for Adjusting DPR from Changes Written on Control Data Analysis Report (PCD 565). If no corrections were made to PCD-03, contact the Production Monitor for assistance in determining the appropriate adjustments. Using the Summary X level program code verify that the DPR Function 910 through Function 970 are in balance with Function 610. The cumulative Actual Production for Function 610 equals the sum of: Cumulative Actual Receipts for Functions 970, 960 and 950 plus the Closing Inventories for Functions 940, 930, 920 and 910.
Using the Summary X level program code verify that the DPR Functions 110 – Function 610 are in balance with Function 110 Receipts. The cumulative Actual Receipts for Function 110 equal the sum of: Cumulative Actual Production for Function 610 plus the Closing Inventories for Functions 610, 230, 190, 210, 180 and 170 minus Function 970 Cum Receipts. If the site uses BBTS routes that include Function 300, 340, or 880, the inventories from those functions should also be included in the calculation.
At least once per week verify that the DPR child level sub-program codes are in balance. These programs will have routes (function codes) through each pipeline function but will have PCD-03 Function 950.
Step Action a) At the sub-program level verify that Function 950 Cumulative Actual Receipts equal the Function 610 Cumulative Actual Production. b) Verify that Cumulative Actual Production for Function 610 plus the Closing Inventory for Functions 610, 230. 190, 210, 180 and 170 plus any additional functions that were in the route (300, 340, or 880) equal Function 110 Cumulative Actual Receipts and Cumulative Actual Production. -
On a daily basis, once steps 1 through 5 have been completed and the reasons for the differences are identified, notate the volumes and input the adjustments.
Do not automatically input adjustments for Functions 110, 170, or 180 for programs that are monitored via the Pipeline Inventory Monitoring System (PIMS). Function 110 should never have an inventory. WP&C Reports Teams will contact the Production Monitor when adjustments to those functions are needed.
When a adjustment record appears on the PCC-10-40 SC WP&C Preliminary Error Register check the Record Code and the Error Message to determine the reason the record did not post. If the reason is not obvious research to determine what is needed to post the record. Refer to the Production Adjustment Job Aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint for more information.
Record Code Record Type Error Message IRM Reference 2 WP&C Abstract and Manager’s Performance Adjustment 3 WP&C and Daily Production Adjustment 4 Employee Detail Adjustment 7 Production and Batch Control Record, Unit Production Record and/or Batch Profile Record Adjustment and PCC-15-40 BPC Posting Errors and Rollback Errors Register lists Mis-Matched Batch Profile Records. The Error Message with be “Unmatched Adjustment”. These adjustment records are usually changes made to Received Date, Cycle Number and/or the Volume by the Campus Production Monitor. No action is required to correct these records. Refer to IRM for Special Batch Control Record and Batch Profile Adjustment (Record Code 7, Adjustment Code 2, Type Code 3) error codes and their descriptions. Refer to the Production Adjustment Job Aid located on the Reports Team Sharepoint for more information.
PCC-20-41 WP&C Daily Adjustment Error List lists “Mis-Matched Adjustments” that are not posted. Refer to IRM for WP&C and Daily Production Adjustment (Record Code 3) error codes and their descriptions. Refer to the Production Adjustment Job Aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint for more information.
When the research has been completed and a production adjustment is required follow the General Rules for Production Adjustments in IRM DPR Production Adjustments.
Programs that are not batch controlled receive the volume counts for receipts and production from UPC records that are input into BBTS by the Campus Users. PCC daily programming calculates inventory from the counts provided on the daily UPC records. When Users make changes to UPC records on a day other then the day the original record was input, the correct inventory change may not be reflected.
At least once per week review the PCC-24-40 DPR to identify OFP combinations with negative inventories.
Research the UPC Listing in BBTS for the OFP combination in question to identify any obvious inconsistencies or finger errors made during input by the User.
Contact the Operation area responsible for inputting the UPC record and assist the Operation with the proper procedure for providing the correction.
Refer to the Production Adjustment Job Aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint for additional information in correcting erroneous production data.
Prepare Form 8069, Managers Performance Adjustment Log for adjustments received on Form 6489, IPR Adjustment.
Record on the Form 6489 the employee’s salary, Management Activity Code and Funding Code from the PCA-01-44 for the week ending on the adjustment.
Combine the total hours by OFP combination on the From 8069.
List the hours and rate for each entry on the IPR for an OFP combination in the Hourly Rate field, calculate the hours times the rate, list the total and add the totals together to arrive at the overall cost for each OFP combination.
Input the combined totals into the Managers Performance Adjustment Log screen in BBTS.
Refer to the Performance Adjustment Job Aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint for additional information on correcting erroneous performance data.
Set up of control decks, clean-up of data files and special End of Quarter and End of Year processes are valuable actions required to maintain the integrity of WP&C reports.
The Master POF Listing contains every POF combination on the Master File at the completion of End of Quarter processing and it’s closing inventory.
Refer to, Selected Master Data File Fast Print Control Record, for more information regarding this process.
3,9 Adjustments are processed to remove inactive POF combinations from the database.
Review a complete listing for each campus of the PCC-01-40, Service Center Master File POF List and perform maintenance clean-up at least twice per year, once during the January – June period and once during July – December.
Contact the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator for approval prior to input of any final 3,9 Adjustments.
The PCC-10-81 Control Deck controls the printing of detail records and Summary Totals on the PCC-22-40 DPR.
Refer to IRM, Daily Production Report Control Records for more information on the Daily DPR Control Deck “RJ” records.
When contacted by a Campus that requests to add program and function updates to the control deck notify the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator via email with a copy to the Reports Team Manager requesting the update. The Headquarters WP&C Coordinator will open an incident ticket requesting the changes and coordinate the process with the Reports Team.
When program function combinations added to the deck have no previous activity and are new OFP’s, Reports Teams will be asked to input adjustments to add a count of 1 to receipts and production for each new OFP combination with an Adjustment Code of 2 to establish the count. Verify the next day that the counts have posted and then input adjustment to remove the counts of one from receipts and production to reverse the transaction. This will establish the production record on the database and eliminate the counts falling out to the PCC-10-40 WP&C Preliminary Error Register the first time a batch of work tries to post to the new OFP combination.
Refer to the PCC-10-81 DPR Control Deck Job Aid on the Reports Team Sharepoint for additional information.
The PCC-24-80 Control Deck controls the printing of Organizational records on the PCC-24-40 DPR.
Refer to IRM, Daily Production Report Control Records for more information on the Daily DPR Control Deck “RP” records.
When Organizations move from one WP&C to another or when new Organizations are formed and/or if contacted by a Campus that requests an Organization is added to the control deck notify the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator via email with a copy to the Reports Team Manager requesting the update. The Headquarters WP&C Coordinator will open an incident ticket requesting the changes and coordinate the process with the Reports Team.
Selected Master Data File Fast Print Control Records are used to obtain a fast print PCC-26-40, Selected Master Record List for WP&C Master File of specified records on the Master Data File to research and determine what data is present to reconcile balancing.
Reports Teams will contact the Headquarters WP&C Coordinator via email with a copy to the Reports Team Manager to order a listing if it is determined that one is needed for research.
The Employee Category Record assigns titles for employment category (Funding Code and Temporary Category Code) sections of the PCC-46-40 Abstract Report. This record should be updated when Organizations add new Funding Codes.
When contacted by a Campus that requests changes or additions for new codes notify the WP&C Coordinator via email with a copy to the Reports Team Manager requesting the change. The Headquarters WP&C Coordinator will open an incident ticket requesting the change and coordinate the process with the Reports Team.
The Performance and Cost Control Record is used by some Submission Processing functions, such as Batching and Numbering, to summarize volume data for programs with no actual or scheduled hours to Program Code 00000 on the PCC-60-40 Managers Report.
When contacted by a Campus that requests changes or additions for programs to this control card notify the WP&C Coordinator via email with a copy to the Reports Team Manager requesting the change. The Headquarters WP&C Coordinator will open an incident ticket requesting the change and coordinate the process with the Reports Team.
Refer to IRM, Managers Report Performance and Cost Control Record for additional information.
Programming for processing of the last week of the three periods for WP&C reporting, referred to as End of Quarter, requires changes to the run schedule and output times of the files output from systems that provide raw data (SETR, ISRP, and BBTS). Changes to the availability of the systems during End of Year processing also require changes to the run schedule for the last few days of the old year and the first few days of the new year. The WP&C Coordinator coordinates this process with Submission Processing Specialty Programs Branch, Technical Support Section; Information Technology Enterprise Computing Center, Mainframe Operations Branch, Service Center Support Section (CSA’s); Paper Processing Branch, Mail Management and Data Conversion Section (BBTS and ISRP); and the Human Capital, Payroll and Personnel Systems Branch, Technology Reporting Section (TAPS/SETR).
Split-week processing is required when the last day of the period, June 30, September 30, or December 31, falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Then it is necessary to produce a set of quarterly reports dated the last day of the period and a set for the remaining days in the week. Refer to IRM Midweek Quarter Ending Reports for an explanation of the changes to the run schedule when split-week processing is required.
The WP&C Coordinator will provide the Reports Teams with an EOQ and EOY PCX processing schedule and Managers Alert. The coordinator will schedule a briefing to review the changes in processes and answer questions.
Reports Teams will review the EOQ PCX Processing Calendar provided by the WP&C Coordinator to monitor changes to EMF creation dates and time frames, SETR Lockout time frames, changes to receipt of daily, weekly and quarterly reports, cutoffs for input of adjustment data and changes to requirements for balancing of reports.
Reports Teams will review the EOQ Managers Alert provided by the WP&C Coordinator to monitor changes to the system time frames for the Managers and Users in order to answer phone inquires.
To meet the IRM,Quarter, Annual, and Basic Cut Over Procedures requirement for a verification of the inventory for programs that report receipts and production via Unit Production Records (UPC’s) Reports Teams are responsible to coordinate a physical inventory a minimum of three times a year. Once per reporting period (January to June, July to September, and October to December) Reports Teams will ask each Operation to provide the results of a physical inventory and the adjustments if needed for receipts, production and/or inventory.
The Operations will be sent instructions and a form that they will use to record the physical inventory count and list the changes needed to receipts, production and/or inventory. The date to perform the physical inventory and the date that the completed form is due to the servicing Reports Team will be provided in the instructions.
As the forms are sent from the Operations record receipt of the form on the sites Physical Inventory Tracking Form. Record by Operation each step of the process as it is completed. Record if they were contacted for non-receipt or with questions,negative responses, when adjustment review is completed, and when the adjustments have been input.
Upon receipt of the completed inventory form Reports Teams will perform the following actions.
Perform a review of the adjustment record and determine if the written adjustment follows normal guidelines for production adjustments. Refer to IRM for General Rules for production adjustments. Since this is a special circumstance, it may be appropriate to adjust only the inventory figure. After contacting the Organization for clarification follow the campuses’ intent.
Review records with negative counts in receipts, production or inventory against the PCC-62-40 Program Analysis Report to determine if the cum Receipts, Production and/or Inventory record for this OFP has volume to cover the decrease.
Is the OFP listed on the PCC-62-40? Was the OFP used during this reporting period? If it did not previously have counts reported to it and an adjustment is appropriate it will require an Adjustment Code 2 for the adjustment to post.
Contact the Customer for clarifications or corrections if adequate counts are not present and posting the adjustment will result in negative counts. Confirm that the Customer used the correct week ending WP&C to calculate the adjustments. Confirm the inventory counts that the Customer is reconciling to.
Input the adjustments into the Daily Production Adjustment Log screen in the Batch Block Tracking System (BBTS).
On the same day, prior to output of the daily BBTS file (or Supplemental File, if appropriate) print the Daily Production Adjustment Log Report from BBTS and verify the adjustment records input against the WP&C Physical Inventory Forms provided by the Operations. Make corrections to incorrect entries.
On the same day, notify the customer via email that the adjustment has been input and remind them to verify the counts on the appropriate (provide the week ending date) WP&C.
The next work day verify that the adjustments input are not present on the PCC-10-40 WP&C Preliminary Error Register or the PCC-20-41 WP&C Daily Adjustment Record List. Reports Teams supporting campus WP&C’s with Submission Processing should also review the PCC-15-40.
The next work day verify that the record counts for the adjustments listed on the PCC-10-41 WP&C Production and Performance Adjustment List match the record counts for adjustments listed on the prior days Daily Production Adjustment Log Report.
Research any adjustment records listed on the PCC-10-40 or PCC-20-41 to determine why they fell out on the registers, contact the Operation, if needed, and re-input the adjustment.
File the Daily Production Adjustment Log Reports, the WP&C Physical Inventory Forms and the Physical Inventory Tracking Form in the EOQ Physical Inventory folder for the campus.
To start the WP&C accurately at the beginning of the calendar year post different combinations of receipts volume, receipts and production volume, or receipts and inventory volume to programs based on whether the program is categorized as batched controlled (on BBTS) or un-controlled (receipts and production volume via Unit Production Records (UPC’s). Four sets of cutover adjustments, three sets for the PCC-22-40 Daily Production Report - Program Sequence and one set for the PCC-24-40 Daily Production Report - Organization Sequence.
The beginning of year WP&C process (PCC-01Q) zeros out the prior year Receipts, Production and Schedule data for all Program, Organization, Function combinations on the WP&C Master File. It also rolls the prior year closing inventory to the new year opening inventory. Special BBTS programming creates a special end of year file, titled PCC1090EOY, that provides each program and function with receipts and production counts from the batches of work remaining in the pipeline after the last daily process is run for the year. The special BBTS programming also creates production adjustment records to zero out the inventory counts for program codes with Functions 910 through 970 and the Organization Code of 43000 if the program (and child program) have a DLN Reference built in BBTS. Refer to IRM End of Year Adjustments and the Job Aid for PCC End of Year Cutover and the Job Aid for PCD End of Year Cutover located on the Reports Team Sharepoint for additional information.
Cutover of Batch Controlled Pipeline Programs. Post cutover adjustments to start the PCC-22-40 DPR and bring the top and bottom portions of the report into balance for each campus that has Submission Processing Organizations on the WP&C. This includes the following Campuses: AUSC, CSC, FSC, KCSC and OSC. The Reports Teams with responsibility for the two consolidated campuses that have programs for Electronic Forms processing will also need to post cutover adjustments for those two campuses. This includes ANSC (cutover by Fresno Reports Team) and PSC (cutover by Ogden Reports Team).
For each adjustment post only to January Receipts (not Quarter Receipts) and Year Production Count (not Period Production Count) in the BBTS Daily Production Adjustment Log Screen.
If the program is controlled by the Pipeline Inventory Management System (PIMS) the adjustment will require a received date for the count to be applied to. Use the last day for PCC processing of the prior year as the received date.
For each program post a receipt and inventory count to PCD Function 910 through Function 940 based on the inventory count provided by the campus Data Control Team on the Form 8350 Correction to Block Proof Summary Balance Forward Records used to post the PCD beginning of year counts from the EOY conversion runs.
For each program add the inventory counts from PCD Function 910 through Function 940 and post the total to receipts and production to pipeline Function 110 through Function 610.
Zero out Function 910 through Function 970 receipts, production and inventory for programs that were not zeroed out by the special BBTS programming. For example, program codes for electronic processing do not have a Document Locator Number (DLN) Reference so they will not be zeroed out. This includes Program 11280 XML, Program 12340 MeF, Program 43510 Form 1040 MeF, Program 44340 IRP SCRIPS, etc.
Cutover of Non-Pipeline Programs. Post cutover adjustments for the 10 campus WP&C’s to start the PCC-24-40 DPR and bring the Program, Organization, Function record into balance across.
For each adjustment post only to January Receipts (not Quarter Receipts) in the BBTS Daily Production Adjustment Log Screen.
If the program is controlled by the Pipeline Inventory Management System (PIMS) the adjustment will require a received date for the count to be applied to. Use the last day of the prior year as the received date.
Post a receipt count equal to the inventory volume reflected for each POF combination listed on the January 1 report.
If your site has a PCC-22-40 DPR (controlled by another site) please be aware that the PCC-24-40 will also reflect the Program Organization Function (POF) combinations that are on the PCC-22-40. Attention must be give to only non-pipeline programs that reflect an inventory count. Do not adjust POF combinations that appear on the PCC-22-40.
For any organizations that are changing program codes, inventories (and receipts) should be moved from the old program code to the new program code(s) at this time.
Cutover adjustments should be completed as soon as the January 1 PCC 2240 Daily Production Report and PCC 2440 Daily Production Report have been verified as good. The date that the cutover should be completed will be listed on the EOY PCX Processing Calendar.