TIGTA Recommendation #4


Aviso: Contenido Histórico

Este es un documento de archivo o histórico y puede no reflejar la ley, las políticas o los procedimientos actuales.

Details and status

Last updated:  October 24, 2013

No. Recommendation Lead ECD Status*
4 Develop a process for the Determinations Unit to formally request assistance from the Technical Unit and the Guidance Unit. The process should include actions to initiate, track, and monitor requests for assistance to ensure that requests are responded to timely. Director, Exempt Organizations




* Green = On schedule, Yellow = Behind schedule, Red = Significant issues

Update history

Updated October 2013

The long-term plan as noted in the June report was to engage Business Systems Planning to research subsequent electronic solutions to be completed by January 31, 2014.

July 2013

The new process is documented in written procedures, which enables the use of a spreadsheet-based tracking tool. We are closing this recommendation as the required actions have been completed. However, IRS will expand its efforts through development of a long-term plan.

June 2013

  • Formalized the process of coordination between EO Determinations Unit, Technical Unit, and Guidance Unit
  • Short Term:  Designed Excel template to track/monitor “Requests for Assistance.”  Delivered snap shot of key data elements
  • Long Term:  Engaged Business Systems Planning to research subsequent electronic solutions to be completed by January 31, 2014


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