10.2.9 Occupant Emergency Planning

Manual Transmittal

February 11, 2021


(1) This transmits revised IRM 10.2.9, Occupant Emergency Planning.

Material Changes

(1) This IRM is effective March 1, 2021.

(2) This IRM was updated to reflect current organizational titles, scope, definitions, and authorized use.

(3) Edited, added, and updated links throughout.

(4) Removed all references to the Employee Resource Center (ERC), which is obsolete.

(5) Added link to Code Adam/Amber Alert Program IRS Managers Guide in Related Resources.

(6) Edited managers’ responsibilities in IRM

(7) Added multi-tenant information to IRM, Development of the Occupant Emergency Plan per Interagency Security Committee (ISC) standards.

(8) Added link to IRS Emergency Alert Notification System (AtHoc) in IRM

(9) Added list of factors to consider when determining evacuation procedures in IRM, Evacuation Procedures, per ISC criteria.

(10) Added the TTY IRS Emergency Hotline Number for the Federal Relay Service to IRM, Office Closures.

(11) Moved Earthquakes to, Natural Disasters and Severe Weather.

(12) Added Emergency Evacuation Drill/Shelter in Place Training Record IRM, Emergency Evacuation Drills and Shelter in Place Exercises and Related Resources.

(13) Replaced references to Security Information Management System (SIMS) with Security+.

Effect on Other Documents

This IRM supersedes IRM 10.2.9, dated October 15, 2017.



Effective Date


Richard L. Rodriguez
Facilities Management and Security Services

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. Occupant Emergency Planning (OEP) is an essential physical security program element. It describes responsibilities, contact information, and procedures to follow in case of an emergency. Properly developed plans can minimize emergency event impacts and work disruption.

  2. Purpose: This IRM section provides OEP preparation and maintenance guidelines and requirements for responding to an emergency at an IRS occupied facility. An effective OEP provides occupants with guidance to protect themselves and other personnel in case of an emergency. Personnel safety is the primary OEP focus while also supporting the protection of IRS assets (e.g., facility, property, equipment, and taxpayer information).

  3. Audience: The primary audience is all IRS employees (including contractors with staff-like access) involved in OEP planning and execution.

  4. Policy Owner: Chief, Facilities Management and Security Services (FMSS).

  5. Program Owner: Associate Director (AD), Security.

  6. Primary Stakeholders: IRS employees and contractors.

  7. Program Goals: The OEP program goal is to provide guidance to all IRS facility occupants to protect themselves and IRS assets during an emergency. The facility OEP is an emergency protocol reference. Employees must know and follow their facility OEP procedures, and participate in scheduled training, testing, and exercises that replicate real-world scenarios to sufficiently prepare for various emergencies.


  1. The IRS OEP program complies with 41 CFR 102-74 - Facility Management, and standards established in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The Interagency Security Committee (ISC) also mandates OEP programs for federal facilities. This section provides OEP policy guidance for IRS employees to follow in the event of an emergency. The OEP is a site-specific plan tailored for each facility to address local facility conditions, functions, and requirements.


  1. Chief, FMSS, prescribes and provides oversight of the OEP policy and program.

  2. FMSS AD, Security, plans, develops, evaluates, and validates implementation of the OEP policies and programs.

  3. FMSS Territory Manager(s) (TM) confirm an OEP is developed for each occupied territory facility.

  4. FMSS Security Section Chief(s) (SSC) provide oversight and administration of all aspects of the OEP Program, and territory facility OEP development, maintenance, and implementation.

  5. IRS Managers must:

    1. Review OEP, evacuation, and Shelter-in-Place (SIP) procedures with their employees.

    2. Ensure sufficient OEP Floor Team (OEPFT) coverage and consider employees telework schedules when assigning OEPFT members.

  6. All employees are responsible for:

    1. Familiarizing themselves with their facility OEP.

    2. Following instructions during an emergency.

    3. Participating in drills and exercises.

    4. Advising their manager of their personal status after any drill or incident for accountability purposes.

Program Management and Review

  1. Program Reports: The FMSS Security office generates reports through the designated security database to assess OEP program core deliverable completions, status, and emergency preparedness level of all IRS employees.

  2. Program Effectiveness: To safeguard OEP effectiveness and efficiency, and achieve program objectives:

    1. FMSS Operations:

      1. Develops IRS facility OEP and reviews each facility OEP annually.

      2. Updates OEP emergency contact personnel or responsibilities changes including physical layout of the facility, facility processes or hazards, or codes and regulations.

      3. Ensures that the most up to date OEP is available on the OEP repository.

      4. Manages and conducts recurring Emergency Evacuation Drills (EED), and SIP exercises, at a minimum, annually.

      5. Each FMSS SSC reviews EED and SIP checklists to identify and implement best practices and lessons learned.

    2. FMSS Security:

      1. Maintains policy guidance in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and ISC standards.

      2. Provides oversight of timely completion of annually required OEP.

      3. Conducts quality reviews of OEP and EED/SIP checklists.

  3. Annual Review: FMSS Security will conduct an annual review and assessment of the policies, procedures, and related control activities described in this IRM for continued relevance and effectiveness in achieving program objectives.

Program Controls

  1. FMSS Security:

    1. Conducts quality reviews of at least 10% of OEP, EED, and SIP documents uploaded each month to the designated SharePoint to ensure accuracy and efficiency and notifies SSC of discrepancies.

    2. Reviews monthly Security+ reports to ensure program deliverables are met timely and notifies SSC of identified shortfalls.


  1. Acronym Definition
    AD Associate Director
    AS/AT Active Shooter/Active Threat
    C&L Communications & Liaison
    CCC Child Care Center
    CR Commissioner’s Representative
    DHS Department of Homeland Security
    DO Designated Official
    EED Emergency Evacuation Drill(s)
    FMSS Facilities Management and Security Services
    FPS Federal Protective Service
    GSA General Services Administration
    IAM Individual Accommodation Module
    IC Incident Commander
    ISC Interagency Security Committee
    OEC Occupant Emergency Coordinator
    OEO Occupant Emergency Organization
    OEP Occupant Emergency Plan(s)
    OEPT Occupant Emergency Plan Team
    OEPFT Occupant Emergency Plan Floor Team
    POD Post(s)-of-Duty
    PSS Physical Security Specialist
    SAMC Situational Awareness Management Center
    SCR Senior Commissioner’s Representative
    SIP Shelter-in-Place
    SSC Security Section Chief
    TM Territory Manager(s)

Related Resources

  1. IRM 1.4.6, Managers Security Handbook

  2. IRM 1.4.11, Field Assistance Guide for Managers

  3. IRM 1.4.12, Senior Commissioner’s Representatives Roles in Management of IRS Field and Headquarters Offices

  4. IRM 6.800.2, IRS Telework Program

  5. IRM 10.2.8, Incident Reporting

  6. IRM 10.2.11, Basic Physical Security Concepts

  7. IRM 11.1.3, Contact with the Public and the Media

  8. Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) Servicewide Repository

  9. The Risk Management Process for Federal Facilities: An Interagency Security Committee Standard

  10. Treasury Directive 23-01, Responsibilities with Respect to Emergency Programs

  11. 41 CFR 102-74 - Facility Management

  12. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

  13. Occupant Emergency Programs: Interagency Security Committee Guide

  14. Code Adam and Amber Alert Program IRS Manager's Guide

OEP Development

  1. Each office or facility occupied by IRS personnel must have an OEP.

    1. The Occupant Emergency Plan Team (OEPT) develops a facility OEP. This team can consist of a Building Management representative, Federal Protective Service (FPS) personnel, local FMSS Physical Security staff, technical experts, and local authorities.

    2. The OEPT coordinates with various federal, state, and local agencies and departments that aid during emergencies. Networking with local emergency organizations can increase awareness of local conditions requiring special planning, such as flood, earthquake, and local severe weather hazards.

    3. OEP planning involves all occupant agencies and non-federal tenants. Non-federal building or facility businesses must be invited to participate. If business occupants choose not to participate, the plan can be developed without their input.

    4. Specify the notification process to building management and tenants in the event of an emergency, or potential hazard, such as a fire, water leak, discovery of an explosive device, hazardous material, etc.

    5. At multi-tenant facilities with an established Facility Security Committee (FSC), FSC members should provide the subject matter expertise to staff the OEPFT and oversee OEP development.

    6. When IRS acquires new facilities, an interim OEP should be developed by the Physical Security Specialist (PSS) and be made available to the appropriate business unit employees prior to occupancy, covering at a minimum, emergency evacuation routes and rally points, SIP locations, and emergency phone numbers (i.e., Federal Protective Service (FPS), Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), FMSS Security Office, other local security on premises). A detailed OEP will be developed no later than 60 days after occupancy.

  2. The Designated Official (DO) is the highest-ranking official in a Federal facility or another person agreed on by all tenant agencies. The DO may designate an alternate official(s) to carry out the duties in their absence.

    1. At facilities with a non-IRS DO, the designated IRS facility official coordinates with the DO to develop and maintain the OEP, provide IRS requirements and adequate OEP staffing, and participate in training, drills, and tests.

    2. The local FMSS PSS evaluates the OEP to ensure that it meets IRS standards.

    3. If the OEP does not meet IRS standards and the DO will not make the necessary changes, the FMSS PSS will supplement the OEP with appropriate guidance.

  3. At facilities with a Child Care Center (CCC), the IRS DO or the local FMSS physical security staff collaborates with building management and the CCC Director to develop and post emergency response procedures in accordance with established guidelines in The Risk Management Process for Federal Facilities: An Interagency Security Committee Standard.

Components of the Occupant Emergency Plan

  1. Each facility OEP is unique due to varied functions and sizes of IRS facilities. At a minimum, each facility OEP has an introduction describing the purpose, scope and general content of the plan, and a section for each of the following:

    1. Occupant Emergency Organization (OEO)

    2. Special Assistance Considerations

    3. Telework and Remote Management Considerations

    4. Emergency Communications and Notification

    5. Emergency Services and Medical Assistance

    6. Responses to Emergency Incidents:

      1. Evacuation

      2. SIP

      3. Lockdown

      4. Office Closings

      5. Active Shooter/Active Threat Response (AS/AT)

    7. EED and SIP Exercises

    8. Specific emergency situations posing an immediate threat to life or property and the internal and external resources and procedures that will be utilized and require activation of the OEP, which include:

      1. Fires

      2. Bomb Threats and Explosions

      3. Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Incidents

      4. Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

      5. Demonstrations

      6. Code Adam/Amber Alerts

      7. Hostage Situations

Occupant Emergency Organization (OEO)

  1. The OEO is a cadre of people responsible for implementing the OEP. The OEO coordinates all facility emergency procedures. The overall OEO structure is designed to be flexible to meet the needs of the individual facility. The OEP must identify and provide the contact information for each OEO and OEPFT member.

    1. Designated Official (DO) - The DO supervises the OEP staffing and training. The DO has overall responsibility for managing emergencies during normal duty hours, approves OEP activation, coordinates with all tenants during the incident, and oversees OEP development. At facilities where IRS is the primary federal agency, the highest- ranking IRS official at the site, typically the Senior Commissioner’s Representative (SCR) or their designee, serves as the DO.

    2. Command Center Team - The Command Center Team manages all emergency communication and directs emergency operations. All key OEO members report to the Incident Commander (IC). The Commissioner’s Representative (CR) is the on- site contact for the SCR and acts as the OEP Incident Commander in the SCR’s absence.

    3. Occupant Emergency Coordinator (OEC) - The DO or designee appoints the OEC. The OEC assists and acts for the DO and serves as a liaison with OEO members. The OEC coordinates OEP procedures with other tenants, records emergency procedures used, and provides other administrative services as needed, including soliciting OEPFT members and reviewing Emergency Evacuation and SIP checklists.

    4. Occupant Emergency Plan Floor Team (OEPFT) - Depending on the facility’s size, structure, and function, the OEO also includes an OEPFT. The OEPFT consists of volunteer tenant employees with designated assignments. The OEPFT plays a key response role in emergency events. The teams may be called upon to direct evacuations, communicate information, secure areas, and assist with SIP. The OEP templates outline roles that can be included depending on the facility layout, for example, floor captains and stairwell monitors.

Special Assistance Considerations

  1. Individuals requiring special assistance during emergencies, including those with temporary or permanent mobility impairments, medical concerns, or hearing or vision impairment must be considered and adequately addressed in all aspects of the OEP development, implementation, practical application, and review.

    1. Individuals requiring assistance must self-identify with their manager of record to be included in the OEP planning. This information is only provided to those with a need-to-know basis.

    2. Upon request, the manager of record assigns a special assistance monitor (buddy) to assist the individual during evacuations or SIP. Managers should consider assigning a back-up buddy to provide assistance if the primary is out of the office (i.e. Alternate Work Schedule (AWS), telework, travel, or leave).

    3. The manager of record develops notification and communication procedures and acquires and tests any special equipment needed during an emergency.

    4. The OEP must include evacuation and SIP procedures for individuals requiring assistance. The procedures should be equally effective as those for other occupants of the facility.

    5. IRS Form 15001, OEP Individual Accommodation Module (IAM) provides a template to customize the OEP plan based on specific needs for managers of individuals that may require assistance during an emergency.

Telework and Remote Management Considerations

  1. Telework is a work flexibility agreement for employees performing duties from an approved alternate worksite. Managers must communicate expectations to employees regarding their roles and responsibilities in an emergency, regardless of work location.

  2. The OEPFT must consider and address telework schedules to promote a team approach to OEPFT staffing, ensure adequate emergency personnel staffing and confirm IRS employees are prepared and accounted for in the event of an emergency.


    For additional guidance on manager and employee telework responsibilities, see IRM 6.800.2, Employee Benefits, IRS Telework Program.


    For additional information on emergency preparedness for employees and families, visit www.ready.gov.

Emergency Communication and Notification

  1. The OEP must include occupant emergency reporting procedures, outlined in IRM 10.2.8, Incident Reporting. Emergency communication and notification methods are based on facility-specific needs and resources, and include:

    1. Timely and accurate information transmission and receipt by all OEO members and facility occupants.

    2. Procedures to notify federal and local law enforcement agencies and emergency responders.

    3. Back-up communication protocol (in case of power or phone outages/service disruption).

  2. A pyramid or cascade call system effectively alerts an emergency without wasting communications resources. The DO or responsible designee initiates the emergency action calls by calling one set of individuals who subsequently calls another set of individuals. The number of calls each individual makes varies with organization size. The OEP Planning Team establishes procedures to review contact information accuracy and test the call system.

  3. Emergency alerts and notifications are the initial warning to facility occupants that an emergency situation exists. The OEP Planning Team identifies the notification systems and procedures utilized in the facility. Examples of alerts include:

    1. The audible sounds of a facility fire alarm

    2. Flashing strobe lights

    3. Public address systems

    4. Enterprise alert notifications (AtHoc)

    5. Verbal announcement

  4. Public affairs spokesperson, in coordination with the SCR and DO, responds to media and public inquiries regarding any emergency incident. All media and public responses must be cleared through the Communications & Liaison (C&L) Office, as outlined in IRM 11.1.3, Communications, Contact with the Public and the Media, before release.

Emergency Services and Medical Assistance

  1. The OEP must include contact information for local emergency services and medical assistance.


    In most geographic areas, 911 will activate an emergency response.

Emergency Incidents Response

  1. The OEP Planning Team will address the response for emergency incidents in subsections IRM through IRM


  1. The decision to evacuate depends on the type of threat, its circumstances, and where the danger is or suspected to be. The evacuation procedures must provide the fastest evacuation route(s) for all occupants and specify alternate routes in the event the primary route is inaccessible. The primary goal is moving individuals from the danger area as safely and rapidly as possible.

  2. In some emergency situations, a full evacuation may not be advisable or practical. Often, a partial evacuation is sufficient, e.g., an emergency situation is localized on one floor or area. A full evacuation may be required if an incident escalates and threatens occupants in other parts of the facility. During partial evacuations, OEPFT members must take care not to move individuals from areas deemed safe through hazardous areas.

Evacuation Signals

  1. The OEP must specify the occupant notification method. Available evacuation communications options vary depending on the type of emergency, the building layout, alarm system, and communications systems available. The general facility alarm is typically used for a full evacuation.

  2. Evacuation may be advisable prior to a severe weather condition. Depending on the facility, a method of notification other than the general alarm may be required.

  3. OEPFT members must know the various evacuation signals to promptly direct and notify facility occupants.

Evacuation Procedures

  1. Employees must follow evacuation signals, OEPFT, local FMSS Physical Security staff, and emergency responders’ directions.

  2. Consider the following factors when determining evacuations procedures and processes:

    1. Evacuation triggers

    2. Persons needing assistance

    3. Communications with OEO members and evacuees

    4. Evacuation assembly areas/rally points (primary and secondary)

    5. Evacuation routes and exits

    6. Use and location of SIP rooms or areas when an evacuation is not safe

Evacuation Site and Re-entry

  1. Evacuation assembly areas or rally points will be at least 300 feet from the building and clearly identified in the OEP.

  2. OEPFT members prevent individuals from re-entering the evacuated building/area(s) until determined safe and an "all clear" is announced.

  3. OEPFT members use established notification procedures to contact occupants at off- site locations to notify them of the incident and facility closure until an all-clear is given by federal or local responders.

Shelter in Place

  1. SIP is appropriate when conditions outside are unsafe and a higher degree of protection is available inside. During such events, OEO/OEPFT members, local authorities, or emergency responders may instruct occupants to remain at their desks or move to pre-designated SIP areas.

  2. SIP locations should be identified in advance with a yellow SIP decal and documented in the OEP. Interior rooms away from outside walls and minimal windows and doors are highly recommended. Select SIP locations based on features that are less vulnerable to outside airborne contaminant releases and provide sufficient space based on occupancy.

  3. Unless the specific threat dictates otherwise, SIP is a short-term measure meant to accommodate a situation for only a few hours.

  4. Managers should encourage employees to maintain personal emergency items such as:

    1. Water

    2. Medical prescriptions

    3. Non-perishable food items

  5. SIP may be initiated in the following situations:

    1. Biological or chemical event

    2. Civil disturbance

    3. Fire or explosion (outside)

    4. Natural disaster

    5. Inclement weather

    6. Criminal activity or threat in close proximity

  6. The DO coordinates with federal or local emergency response officials to provide guidance and direction to an event response. The DO activates the SIP plan and determines the level and the duration. The DO communicates with the OEC, who communicates instructions to the OEO/OEPFT.

  7. During a SIP emergency, OEO/OEPFT members must:

    1. Secure entrances and exits.

    2. Direct tenants to designated SIP rooms or locations.

    3. Move occupants away from windows and building entrances/exits.

    4. Use established notification procedures to contact occupants at off-site locations to notify them of the incident and facility closure, until federal or local responders give an all-clear.


  1. A lockdown protects occupants from an active or imminent threat when evacuating is not safe, e.g., active shooter.

  2. A lockdown is designed to prevent an imminent threat; something that is happening now or will happen very soon.

  3. During a lockdown, no one is allowed to enter or exit the facility.

  4. Once a lockdown is declared, OEPFT personnel instructs occupants to move out of all open areas such as hallways and stairwells. Occupants must follow emergency personnel directions.

Office Closings

  1. Severe weather or other adverse conditions may require office closure and employee notification. The IRS Emergency Information Hotline (1-866-743-5748) is the primary source of information.


    For additional guidance on office closings, see IRM 1.4.12, Resource Guide for Managers, Senior Commissioner’s Representatives Roles in Management of IRS Field and Headquarters Offices.

AS/AT Response

  1. An active shooter is an individual or individuals actively engaged in harming or attempting to harm people in a populated area. An active threat is an incident with a perpetrator posing a risk or immediate threat to life safety.

  2. AS/AT plans describe how occupants can most effectively respond to an active shooter situation to minimize the loss of life and provide training on these practices.

  3. The DO, facility managers, physical security staff, emergency management personnel, employees, and federal, state, and local law enforcement coordinate to develop procedures to increase response effectiveness and limit casualties.

  4. An effective AS/AT response plan includes:

    1. Guidance for occupants to identify individuals who may be on a trajectory to commit a violent act.

    2. Guidance for neutralizing the threat and achieving life safety objectives.

  5. Employees are encouraged to participate in AS/AT awareness training, understand the federally endorsed "RUN, HIDE, FIGHT" options and the importance of having a personal plan.


    Contact your local FMSS SSC to request specific in-person training.

Specific Emergency Situations

  1. The OEP must include planning and procedures to address the specific emergency situations in subsections IRM through IRM


  1. All facilities must follow fire prevention measures in OSHA Standard 29 CFR Part 1910 as outlined in the OSHA Field Safety and Health Manual.

Bomb Threats and Explosives

  1. FPS has primary search responsibility if a bomb is suspected in federal space.

  2. Although most bomb threats do not result in an explosion or discovery of an explosive device, developing effective threat evaluation procedures is still critical.

  3. Use Form 9166, Bomb Threat Card, to document the bomb threat information.


    IRS employees will NOT, under any circumstances, attempt to move or examine a suspected explosive device.

Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Incidents

  1. HAZMAT is any substance or material that, when released in sufficient quantities, poses a risk to health, safety, and property. HAZMAT includes chemical, radiological, or biological substances and materials such as water treatment chemicals, detergents, cleaning supplies, explosives, radioactive materials, flammable liquids or solids, poisons, oxidizers, toxins, and corrosive materials.
    For additional information on HAZMAT visit www.OSHA.gov .

Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

  1. Severe weather preparedness plans address the type(s) of weather most likely to cause threatening conditions or disruption of operations, depending on facility location. The types of weather conditions to consider are:

    1. Tornado

    2. Hurricane or windstorm

    3. Winter storm

    4. Severe thunderstorm

    5. Flooding

    6. Tsunami

    7. Earthquake


    For additional guidance on local weather threat procedures, see www.ready.gov.


    For more information on office closures, see IRS Emergency and Safety Office Closures policy or contact the IRS Emergency Information Hotline at 1-866-743- 5748, (Select Option 3 and follow the prompts to select your office location).


    For TTY access via the Federal Relay Service, dial 1-800-877-8339.

Demonstrations/Civil Unrest

  1. The primary consideration for demonstration and civil unrest response planning is minimizing potential violence escalation and avoiding involving IRS employees with demonstrators.

  2. OEO/OEPFT members must contact local law enforcement agencies and FPS to develop coordinated plans to respond to demonstrations. OEO/OEPFT members must also notify on-site IRS enforcement personnel (Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration/Criminal Investigation (TIGTA/CI)) and instruct IRS employees to stay away from windows and doors as much as possible during demonstrations, until additional instructions are given.

Code Adam/Amber Alerts

  1. IRS has procedures for a child missing within or from an IRS facility, in accordance with the Code Adam Act of 2003.

    1. Code Adam is activated when a child is missing within an IRS facility.

    2. Code Amber is initiated when a child is missing from an IRS facility.

  2. Once a child is determined missing "within" an IRS facility, an Adam alert will be initiated in accordance with General Services Administration (GSA) local procedures.

  3. Once a child is determined missing "from" an IRS facility, an Amber alert will be initiated.

  4. For additional guidance, see the Code Adam and Amber Alert Program - IRS Managers Guide and IRM 1.4.11, Resource Guide for Managers, Field Assistance Guide for Managers.

Hostage Situations

  1. Using hostages is a means to gain negotiating advantage. The IRS is particularly vulnerable to this threat due to the public access to many facilities.


    The OEP must emphasize using properly trained law enforcement in hostage situations. Untrained IRS employees MUST NOT make any attempt to negotiate during a hostage situation.

EED and SIP Exercises

  1. Each FMSS SSC is responsible for confirming EED and SIP exercises are scheduled and conducted at all assigned locations to ensure IRS facility occupants’ readiness.

  2. FMSS, in collaboration with other facility OEP stakeholders, conducts an EED and SIP exercise within 12 months of the prior exercise.

  3. If a total facility evacuation cannot be conducted, the drills may be conducted in groups or sections of employees.

  4. Physical evacuation drills are recommended however, a discussion of evacuation routes, duties, and responsibilities may be conducted. Follow these discussions with an evacuation routes "walk-through."

  5. Facilities experiencing a high employee turnover rate, temporary hires, or frequent teleworkers should consider semi-annual drills.

  6. After hours drills should be conducted at a POD with night shift personnel to identify challenges posed by nighttime hours (e.g., finding evacuation areas, communications, accountability).

  7. Each FMSS SSC establishes procedures to notify all appropriate authorities (SAMC, head of office, emergency response services such as fire department, FPS, etc.) when drills are conducted. The notification must include comments about any plan weaknesses or training needs the drill identified.

  8. Use the EED Checklist and SIP Checklist in Security+ to document the exercises or events and record findings following each event.

  9. Use the EED/SIP Training record in Security+ to document completed training.