- 7.20.4 Automatic Revocation and Other Special Determination Issues
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Controls
- Common Abbreviations
- Other References
- Automatic Revocation
- Determining Automatic Revocation Status/Impact
- Reinstatement Effective Date and Other Case Processing
- Closing Automatic Revocation Cases
- Group Ruling (GEN) Subordinates
- New Organization
- Tax Exempt Organization Search Corrections
- Erroneous Revocations
- Old EIN Establishment Date
- Valid Second Automatic Revocation
- Exempt Religious or Apostolic Associations under 501(d)
- Farmers’ Cooperatives Case Processing
- Foreign Organizations
- Case Development and Processing
- Qualification under Section 501(c)(3)
- Processing Canadian Charities
- Processing United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Organizations
- Qualification under Section 501(c)(3)
- Case Closing
- Case Development and Processing
- Optional Expedited Process for IRC 501(c)(4) Applicants
- Optional Expedited Case Processing
- Subordinates Leaving a Group Ruling for Individual Exemption
- Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4)
- Processing Form 8976
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 7. Rulings and Agreements
Chapter 20. Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Program
Section 4. Automatic Revocation and Other Special Determination Issues
7.20.4 Automatic Revocation and Other Special Determination Issues
Manual Transmittal
December 05, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 7.20.4, Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Program, Automatic Revocation and Other Special Issues.
Material Changes
(1) Incorporated editorial changes throughout the IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
This IRM supersedes IRM 7.20.4 dated May 20, 2023.Audience
Tax Exempt and Government EntitiesExempt Organizations
Effective Date
(12-04-2024)Stephen A. Martin
Director, Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements
Tax Exempt and Government Entities
Purpose: This manual describes procedures for special issues Exempt Organizations Determinations (EOD) employees encounter when processing determination letter requests and Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4), which is not a determination letter request. Special issues are issues or processes that may not apply to every case. They require procedures unique to that issue or process. Topics in this manual include:
Automatic revocation
Applications from foreign organizations
Optional expedited process for qualifying IRC 501(c)(4) applicants
Subordinate organizations (in group rulings) seeking individual rulings
Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4)
The procedures in this manual supplement the case processing procedures described in:
IRM 7.20.1, Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Overview
IRM 7.20.2, Determination Letter Processing of Exempt Organizations
IRM 7.20.3, Processing Foundation Classification and Miscellaneous Requests
IRM 7.20.5, Review Procedures for EO Determinations
IRM 7.20.6, Anti-Terrorism and Other Emerging Issues
IRM 7.20.9, Processing Form 1023-EZ
Processing time frames outlined in the above IRMs also apply to the procedures in this IRM (unless specifically stated otherwise).
Audience: The procedures in this manual apply to all Exempt Organizations (EO) employees processing determination requests and Form 8976.
Policy Owner: Director, Exempt Organizations
Program Owner: Director, Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements
Primary Stakeholders: Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements
EO includes two primary operational areas: Rulings and Agreements and Examinations.
EO Rulings and Agreements (R&A) issues determination letters on exempt status, foundation classification, and other determinations related to exempt organizations. EO R&A also reviews and processes Form 8976.
Organizations submit applications for recognition of tax-exempt status either electronically through Pay.gov when required (such as, Forms 1023, 1023-EZ, 1024, 1024-A, and 8940) or through the Cincinnati Accounts Management Campus Support (Campus Support) for all other requests. Form 8976 is submitted electronically via the Form 8976 Electronic Notice Registration System.
Campus Support processes the user fee payment in the Letter Information Network and User Fee System (LINUS) and scans the application/request into the Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS). MEDS transmits the information to the Employee Plans/Exempt Organizations Determination System (EDS).
Campus Support sends open hard copy case files to an IRS facility in Ogden, UT.
Cases are generally processed electronically in MEDS. See IRM 7.22.4, Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS) User Manual, for specific instructions on using MEDS, including how to process cases.
Rev. Proc. 2023-5, updated annually, sets forth procedures for issuing determination letters on issues under the jurisdiction of the Director, EO Rulings and Agreements. It explains the procedures for issuing determination letters on exempt status in response to applications for recognition of exemption from federal income tax under IRC 501 or IRC 521 (other than those subject to Rev. Proc. 2023-4, updated annually), private foundation classification, and other determinations related to exempt organizations. Rev. Proc. 2023-5 also provides guidance on the exhaustion of administrative remedies for purposes of declaratory judgment under IRC 7428 and guidance on applicable user fees for requesting determination letters.
The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 created IRC 506 requiring an organization described in IRC 501(c)(4) to notify the Secretary no later than 60 days after the organization is organized that it is operating as a IRC 501(c)(4) organization. The requirement to submit the notification applies to organizations that are described in IRC 501(c)(4) and organized after December 18, 2015, and to certain IRC 501(c)(4) organizations existing on that date. Additionally, Rev. Proc. 2016-41 sets forth procedures for IRC 501(c)(4) organizations submitting the notification required by IRC 506.
EO Rulings and Agreements is responsible for issuing determination letters on exempt status, private foundation classification, and other determinations and issues related to exempt organizations. EO Rulings and Agreements is also responsible for reviewing and processing Form 8976.
Exempt Organizations Determinations Quality Assurance (EODQA) reviews determination cases to ensure:
Technical accuracy
Adherence to written procedures
Uniform and impartial treatment of exempt organizations' interests while protecting the government's interest
Identification of unfavorable case patterns, trends affecting processing quality, problem areas, unique issues, and new or novel techniques that EOD specialists develop
Commonly used abbreviations include:
Abbreviation Name CCR Case Chronology Record EDS EP/EO Determination System EIN Employer Identification Number EO Exempt Organizations EOD Exempt Organizations Determinations EODQA Exempt Organizations Determinations Quality Assurance FYM Fiscal Year Month FTE Failure to Establish IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IRC Internal Revenue Code LINUS Letter Information Network and User Fee System R&A Rulings & Agreements MEDS Modified EO-EP Determination System, also known as TEDS TEOS Tax Exempt Organization Search
The procedures in this manual supplement case processing procedures described in:
IRM 7.20.1, Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Overview
IRM 7.20.2, Determination Letter Processing of Exempt Organizations
IRM 7.20.3, Processing Foundation Classification and Miscellaneous Requests
IRM 7.20.5, Review Procedures for EO Determinations
IRM 7.20.6, Anti-Terrorism and Emerging Issues
IRM 7.20.9, Processing Form 1023-EZ
The Pension Protection Act of 2006:
Introduced an annual notice filing requirement for small tax-exempt organizations previously not required to file annual returns, the Form 990-N (e-Postcard) (see IRC 6033(i)).
Includes a provision that automatically revokes an organization’s tax-exempt status when it fails to file a required annual return or notice for three consecutive years effective for taxable years beginning after 2006 (see IRC 6033(j)).
An organization that is required to file a Form 990-series annual return or notice and fails to do so for three consecutive years has its tax-exempt status automatically revoked whether or not it was previously recognized as tax exempt. The IRS mails Notice CP 120A, Revocation Notice for Failure to File An Annual Information Return for 3 Years, to an automatically revoked organization’s last known address to notify it of its loss of tax-exempt status.
Some organizations are excepted from filing a Form 990-series return or notice. See IRC 6033, Treas. Reg 1.6033-2(g), Treas. Reg. 1.6033-2(h), Treas. Reg. 1.6033-6, and Rev. Proc. 83-23 supplemented by Rev. Proc. 95-48 and Rev. Proc. 96-10. However, an organization that claims exception from filing but isn't on record with the IRS as having established this exception (such as via a determination letter or otherwise) may be included on the Automatic Revocation of Exemption List.
An organization’s automatic revocation date is the due date of the third consecutive return or notice that isn't filed (15th day of the fifth month after the end of the third fiscal year). The earliest possible automatic revocation date is May 15, 2010.
The IRS maintains a list of automatically revoked organizations on its website, Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS). TEOS lists the automatic revocation date, the date of posting to TEOS, and the date of any reinstatement for each automatically revoked organization.
Automatically revoked organizations are in Status 97 on IDRS.
An automatically revoked organization may be subject to federal income tax as of its revocation date. In addition, donations to organizations previously eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions are no longer tax-deductible to donors as of the date the IRS posted its name on the Auto-Revocation list on TEOS.
Organizations that had their tax-exempt status automatically revoked can request to have their tax-exempt status reinstated using procedures in Rev. Proc. 2014-11. To request reinstatement of tax-exempt status, an organization must submit:
The appropriate application form (Form 1023, 1023-EZ, 1024, or 1024-A);
All required supplemental information; and
The appropriate user fee.
Conduct or obtain IDRS research on all cases to determine whether an organization is currently automatically revoked or actions need to be taken to prevent an erroneous automatic revocation. Research IDRS command code BMFOLO and BMFOLI. Research BMFOLT as necessary.
Import the IDRS research into the MEDS Non-Disclosable folder.
Review IDRS research and information in the case file to determine if the organization is correctly in Status 97 based on:
Its date of formation
Its fiscal year month
Prior case processing information (such as ruling and effective date)
Whether returns were filed
An organization’s filing of a return (for any one of the three years in question) by the return due date of the third year (including filed extensions) meets the filing requirement for those years to avoid automatic revocation.
In general, if the organization didn’t file for exemption within 27 months of formation, do not push to Status 97. Grant exemption from submission date and send an email to the EO Correspondence Unit to have a TC 590 input. The subject line of the email will be "NON AR TC 590." The body of the email must include the organization’s name, EIN, Effective date, and Fiscal Year Month (FYM). See IRM, Effective Date of Exemption. Import the email into the MEDS Non-Disclosable folder.
Request additional information if the organization’s date of formation and/or fiscal year month are unclear or unknown.
Rev. Proc. 2023-5, updated annually, provides that relief available to IRC 501(c)(3), (9), (17), or (29) under Treas. Reg. 301.9100-3 won’t be granted in the following situations:
If granting relief would result in the organization's exemption being automatically revoked effective before the date of application.
If the period of limitation on assessment under IRC 6501(a) for any taxable year for which the organization claims exemption has expired prior to the date of application. The statute is generally three years.
If the organization is not required to apply for recognition of tax-exempt status in order to be tax-exempt.
If you’re approving the case, but denying relief under Treas. Reg. 301.9100-3 because one of the three situations described above applies:
Discuss the denial of relief with your manager.
Call the organization to discuss.
Prepare a Memo to File documenting the reason for the denial of relief.
Send the correct determination letter (for example, Letter 947), along with Letter 6392, 9100 Effective Date.
Have a TC 590 input, as explained above.
Document each action taken in the CCR.
Select the appropriate MEDS case category for why 9100 Relief wasn’t granted (for example, 9100 Relief - Not granted (not required to apply)).
Determine whether automatic revocation is correct.
If the organization Then Re-formed as a new organization since it was originally created See IRM, New Organization. Is correctly revoked and is in Status 97 on IDRS Review TEOS to ensure the organization’s automatic revocation date is listed and correct. -
If the revocation date on TEOS is correct, see IRM, Reinstatement Effective Date and Other Case Processing.
If the revocation date on TEOS is later than the correct revocation date, see IRM, Tax Exempt Organization Search Corrections.
If the revocation date on TEOS is prior to the correct revocation date, see IRM, Erroneous Revocations.
Is subject to automatic revocation on or after the application date but before issuance of a favorable determination letter (“no gap”) Review IDRS and if an appropriate return has not been filed (or a filing extension requested), follow the relevant “no gap” information in IRM, Reinstatement Effective Date and Other Case Processing, and IRM, Closing Automatic Revocation Cases. Update the organization to Status 97. Email the EO Correspondence Unit: -
Subject: Update to Status 97
Organization name
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Subsection requested
Date of formation
Fiscal year month
Proposed revocation date
May have been erroneously revoked, including errors related to prior incorrect case processing See IRM, Erroneous Revocations. Shouldn’t be automatically revoked and the EIN Establishment Date is a tax year prior to the effective date Email the EO Correspondence Unit: -
Subject: NON AR TC 590
Organization’s name
Effective date
Submitted its application within three months of the due date of its third year required return, it will be automatically revoked if it doesn't file a return by that date, and it otherwise qualifies for exemption Notify the organization of its filing responsibility to avoid pending automatic revocation. Call the organization or, if sending a Letter 1312 include the information in the letter. Explain if it files a return for any of the 3 most recent tax years before _(the due date of the third year return), then it won’t be automatically revoked. Before closing the case: -
If closing the application after the filing due date of the third year, conduct or obtain IDRS research to determine if an appropriate return has been filed.
If an appropriate return has been filed, follow non-auto revocation case processing procedures.
Determine the appropriate reinstatement effective date following the procedures listed in Rev. Proc. 2014-11. Tax-exempt status may be reinstated under Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 4, 5, 6, or 7.
If the organization submits Form 990 Schedule B as its financial data required for the reinstatement process or otherwise references the Form 990 for its financial information:
Call or write to the organization to explain Form 990 isn't considered part of the application package, but if used, it’s available for public inspection.
Include a concise summary of any phone conversation on the case chronology record (CCR) documenting whether the organization agreed to use the Form 990 as its financial data.
Send a letter to the organization requesting written confirmation if unable to contact by phone or if the organization doesn’t want to disclose Schedule B.
Follow the chart below to determine under which section of Rev. Proc. 2014-11 the organization qualifies for reinstatement.
Step Question Action Step 1 Is the automatic revocation date after the submission date of the application? Yes. Consider whether "no gap" procedures apply (see paragraph (8) for "no gap" requirements and effective date information). If "no gap" procedures don't apply, the effective date of exemption is the automatic revocation date if the organization otherwise qualifies for exemption as of that date.
No. Go to Step 2.Step 2 Did the organization request reinstatement as of the application’s submission date? Yes. See paragraph (7) for Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 7 requirements.
No. Go to Step 3.Step 3 Did the organization apply no later than 15 months after the later of the date: -
Of the automatic revocation letter or
The date on which the IRS posted its name on the Auto-Revocation List under Revocation Posting Date (Tax Exempt Organization Search)?
Yes. Go to Step 4.
No. See paragraph (6) for Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 6 requirements.Step 4 Was the organization eligible to file either a Form 990-EZ or Form 990-N for each of the three consecutive years that it failed to file? Yes. See paragraph (4) for Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 4 requirements.
No. See paragraph (5) for Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 5 requirements. -
The organization meets the requirements for retroactive reinstatement under Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 4, if:
It was eligible to file either Form 990-EZ or Form 990-N for each of the three consecutive years that it failed to file;
It didn’t previously have its tax exemption revoked per IRC 6033(j);
It submitted its application for reinstatement and user fee within 15 months from the later of the date of the automatic revocation letter or the date the IRS posted its name on the auto-revocation list on TEOS; and
The organization’s failure to file was not intentional and that it has put in place procedures to file in the future.
The organization meets the requirements for retroactive reinstatement under Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 5, if it:
Isn’t eligible to apply under Section 4;
Submits the appropriate application and user fee for reinstatement within 15 months from the later of the date of the automatic revocation letter or the date the IRS posted its name on the auto-revocation list on TEOS; and
Includes a reasonable cause statement (described in Section 8.01 of Rev. Proc. 2014-11) sufficient to establish reasonable cause for failing to file a required annual return or notice for at least one of the three consecutive years in which it failed to file.
The organization meets the requirements for retroactive reinstatement under Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 6, if it:
Submitted its application for reinstatement and user fee more than 15 months from the later of the date of the automatic revocation letter or the date the IRS posted its name on the auto-revocation list on TEOS; and
Includes a reasonable cause statement (described in Section 8.02 of Rev. Proc. 2014-11) sufficient to establish reasonable cause for failing to file a required annual return or notice for each of the three years in which it failed to file.
Submission date will be granted under Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 7, if they check the appropriate box on the application and include the appropriate user fee.
Process the organization’s application as a "no gap" reinstatement if it:
Submits the appropriate application before the due date of its third required return (based on its formation date);
Isn’t approved before the due date of the third return (based on its formation date); and
Has not filed appropriate returns to prevent automatic revocation.
Determine the effective date of exemption as follows:
If the organization Then Is in Status 97 Determine the appropriate reinstatement effective date following the procedures listed in Rev. Proc. 2014-11. See IRM Submitted application within 27 months from the end of the month in which it was organized Use the formation date as the effective date of exemption and year of deductibility. Submitted application more than 27 months from the end of the month in which it was organized, not in Status 97, and did not request an earlier effective date than the submission date Use the submission date as the effective date of exemption and year of deductibility. Is applying for exemption under IRC 501(c)(3), (9), (17), or (29) more than 27 months from the end of the month in which it was organized, is not in Status 97, and requested an earlier effective date than the submission date Determine the appropriate effective date following the procedures listed in Rev. Proc. 2023-5, updated annually. See IRM and IRM Is applying for exemption under a subsection other than IRC 501(c)(3), (9), (17), or (29) and submitted its application more than 27 months from the end of the month in which it was organized Use the submission date as the effective date of exemption and year of deductibility. See section 6.08(4) of Rev. Proc. 2023-5, updated annually. -
When closing a case with a request for 9100 relief:
Select the appropriate MEDS case category:
9100 Relief - Approved (requires manager concurrence)
9100 Relief - Not granted (relief would result in Auto Rev)
9100 Relief - Not granted (period of limitation expired)
9100 Relief - Not granted (not required to apply)
9100 Relief - Not granted (other)
Prepare a Memo to File documenting whether relief was granted and why.
Ensure that a TC590 is input, if appropriate, to prevent the organization from being erroneously revoked.
Continue to process cases using "no-gap" procedures as described in IRM and push to Status 97 if the taxpayer’s exemption is automatically revoked under IRC 6033(j) on or after the application date but before issuance of a favorable determination letter.
Follow case closing procedures in IRM 7.20.2 except as otherwise specified.
Enter the appropriate effective date and include the required selective paragraphs on the determination letter. Enter the appropriate effective date and deductibility date on the MEDS Closing Tab following the chart below:
Qualifies for Effective date on letter Effective date on MEDS Closing Tab Deductibility year on MEDS Closing Tab (if applicable) Retroactive Reinstatement Revocation date Revocation date Original deductibility year on IDRS (or revocation year if not listed on IDRS) Submission date reinstatement Submission date Submission date Submission year New subsection in addition to retroactive reinstatement under previous subsection Generally submission date (use selective paragraphs for prior subsection reinstatement from revocation date) Revocation date Original deductibility (if original and current subsection deductible) or submission date (if original subsection not deductible, or no year listed on IDRS) No gap Effective date as determined without regard to automatic revocation Revocation date Year of effective date on letter -
Include a selective paragraph or addendum specifying the revenue procedure under which reinstatement is granted on all reinstatement case determination letters.
Use other automatic revocation selectable paragraphs, as necessary.
For automatic revocation cases, send an encrypted email to the EO Correspondence Unit to have a TC 590 posted. The subject will read "AR TC 590" . The body of the email must include ALL of the following:
If the organization was a parent or a subordinate in a group exemption, complete a Form 2363-A, Request for IDRS Input for BMF/EO Entity Change, to remove the group exemption information. See IRM, Subordinates Leaving a Group Ruling for Individual Exemption, for instructions on completing Form 2363-A.
If an organization didn’t respond to a request for additional information, follow failure to establish (FTE) or incomplete response denial procedures in IRM 7.20.2. Close FTE cases in Status 12.
If a subordinate’s tax-exempt status is revoked for failure to file for three years, the subordinate must apply for individual exemption in order for it to have its tax-exempt status reinstated.
A subordinate can’t have its tax-exempt status reinstated through the group ruling holder (parent organization) adding it back onto the group exemption roster. The IRS won’t add currently revoked subordinates to a GEN.
Process subordinate reinstatement requests using the procedures for automatic revocation and IRM, Subordinates Leaving a Group Ruling for Individual Exemption.
Subordinates of a group ruling whose parent organization’s individual exemption is automatically revoked must apply for individual exemption (or join another group exemption). IDRS updates a subordinate who was in good standing but whose parent is automatically revoked to Status 27. These applications aren’t processed as reinstatement cases. Follow standard case processing procedures in IRM, Subordinates Leaving a Group Ruling for Individual Exemption.
A tax-exempt organization that changes its form or place of organization (for example, a trust incorporates) may need to submit a new application for exemption.
Generally, if a Section 501(c) exempt domestic business entity (classified as a corporation) restructures (for example, unincorporated association to corporation or reincorporation in a different state), the surviving organization isn’t required to file a new exemption application if the surviving organization is a domestic business entity (classified as a corporation) and is carrying out the same purposes as the exempt organization that restructured. See Rev. Proc. 2023-5, updated annually, and Rev. Proc. 2018-15 for specific new application requirements.
The effective date of exemption for the new organization is generally the formation date of the new organization if it timely filed the application and otherwise meets requirements for exemption.
If a new organization is formed (for example, a trust incorporates), the new organization is required to obtain a new EIN. An organization is generally not required to obtain a new EIN for any other changes in form or place of organization (for example, an association incorporates or a corporation reincorporates in a different state). (IRM, Employer Identification Numbers). See IRC 6109, Publication 1635, and Rev. Proc. 2018-15.
If an organization is in Status 97 and the revocation date on TEOS is later than the correct revocation date, send an encrypted email to the EO Correspondence Unit with the following information:
Subject line: Revocation Date Correction
Organization name
Revocation date listed on Tax Exempt Organization Search
Correct revocation date
Formation date
Fiscal year end
Import the email into the MEDS Non-Disclosable folder.
Continue processing as an automatic revocation case.
An organization could be automatically revoked in error or prematurely for a number of reasons, including:
The organization’s EIN establishment date on IDRS is before the tax year of the organization’s date of formation.
The organization had a determination letter indicating it wasn’t required to file annual returns but IDRS was incorrectly coded.
A prior application for exemption was incorrectly processed.
The organization was affiliated with a governmental entity as described in Rev. Proc. 95-48.
An organization that meets a filing exception under Rev. Proc. 95-48 may, but isn't required to, notify the IRS that it meets the requirements (Rev. Proc. 95-48, Section 5.02). Therefore, the system could "erroneously" revoke the exemption. If the organization can show that it met the requirements of Rev. Proc. 95-48 during the period for which it was revoked, treat the revocation as erroneous. In this situation, refund any user fee that was paid.
TC 590s weren’t appropriately entered when closing a prior case.
Items that may identify an organization as erroneously revoked include:
Revocation within one year of ruling date
Second revocations
Organization indicates it was erroneously revoked
Secure your manager’s concurrence when you determine erroneous revocation due to IRS error.
If the revocation is erroneous, send an encrypted email to the EO Correspondence Unit with the following:
Subject line: Erroneous Revocation
Organization name
Formation date
Fiscal year month
Revocation date
Explanation of why the revocation is erroneous
Statement whether the case is closed as Status 12 with a user fee refund or if it is being processed for exemption
Import the email into the MEDS Non-Disclosable folder.
The chart below describes the special processing procedures that apply to an erroneous revocation.
If the erroneously revoked organization Then Requested reinstatement under the same subsection shown in IDRS prior to the erroneous revocation -
Contact the organization to tell them:
The revocation was erroneous and to ignore Notice CP 120A (if received),
Their name will be removed from the TEOS Auto-Revocation list, and
We’ll refund their user fee.
Prepare superseding determination letter if original determination letter is wrong.
Complete Form 14268, User Fee Refund.
In MEDS, select "Other Internal Forms" for Document Type and "User Fee Refund Request" for Document Name.
In MEDS, select the Case Category *Forward Form 14268 - User Fee Refund.
Have a TC 590 input if it appears the organization may be automatically revoked again.
Close the case Status 12.
Wasn’t exempt before the erroneous revocation -
Contact the organization to tell them:
Their revocation was erroneous and to ignore CP120A (if received) and
Their name will be removed from the TEOS Auto-Revocation list.
Follow standard case processing procedures in IRM 7.20.2.
Requested a change in subsection -
Contact the organization to tell them:
About the erroneous revocation and to ignore Notice CP 120A (if received) and
Their name will be removed from the TEOS Auto-Revocation list.
Follow standard case processing procedures in IRM 7.20.2.
Wasn’t erroneously revoked (but claimed it was) -
Contact the organization to explain why their revocation wasn’t erroneous.
Follow standard automatic revocation case processing procedures.
Currently, IRS systems use an organization’s EIN establishment date rather than its formation date to determine when to automatically revoke an organization's exempt status. See the chart below for specific guidance.
If Then The organization’s EIN establishment date is before the beginning of the fiscal year of the organization’s effective date and the organization isn't currently revoked Send an encrypted email to the EO Correspondence Unit with the subject line "NON AR TC 590." Include ALL of the following in the body of the email: -
Organization’s name
Effective date
Fiscal Year Month
The organization was prematurely revoked based on its EIN establishment date Follow procedures under IRM, Erroneous Revocations. The organization’s EIN establishment date is in or after the same fiscal year of the organization’s effective date Follow standard case processing procedures in IRM 7.20.2. -
An organization that was automatically revoked more than once isn't eligible for reinstatement under Rev. Proc. 2014-11, Section 4, but may be reinstated under the procedures in other sections. Items that may identify an organization that was or should be automatically revoked more than once include:
A prior reinstatement approval case on EDS
BMFOLO lists 97 as the current status and the current status date is after 2014-06
Tax Exempt Organization Search lists old revocation, revocation posting, and reinstatement dates
The IRS isn't systematically updating TEOS to reflect multiple automatic revocations. To manually update TEOS, send an encrypted email to the EO Correspondence Unit with the following:
Subject line: Add to TEOS
Organization name
Formation date
The most recent revocation date
A statement confirming that the organization was correctly revoked a second time
Import the email into the MEDS Non-Disclosable folder. Close the case following the IRM, Closing Automatic Revocation Cases, procedures.
An organization requesting exemption recognition under IRC 501(d) as a religious or apostolic association or corporation is required to submit Form 1024 with Schedule L and the appropriate user fee.
Follow case processing procedures described in IRM 7.20.2 except as indicated here. If exemption is recognized, prepare Letter 5051, Determination Letter for Exempt Religious and Apostolic Association under 501(d).
A religious or apostolic association or corporation must file a Form 1065 tax return. Select "1" in the 1065 field on the MEDS EO Closing Data tab to establish the 1065 filing requirement.
An organization requesting exemption recognition under IRC 521 as a farmers' cooperative is required to submit Form 1024 or Form 1028, and the appropriate user fee.
Follow case processing procedures described in IRM 7.20.2 except as indicated here. If exemption is recognized, prepare Letter 949, Determination for Farmers Cooperative Exempt under Section 521.
A farmers’ cooperative must file income tax returns on Form 1120-C. Enter "20" in the 1120 field on the MEDS EO Closing Data tab to establish the 1120-C filing requirement.
An organization formed under foreign law may qualify as an exempt organization under IRC 501(a), if it meets exemption requirements. However, certain subparagraphs of IRC 501(c) only apply to domestic entities or allow for organizations formed in U.S. territories (see chart below).
Subsection Applies only to IRC 501(c)(10) Domestic organizations IRC 501(c)(19) Organizations organized in the U.S. or its territories IRC 501(c)(21) and
IRC 501(c)(22)Trusts created or organized in the U.S. IRC 501(c)(26) and
IRC 501(c)(27)Qualified state-sponsored organizations -
A domestic organization (association, corporation, or partnership) is formed in or under the law of the U.S., or of any state (unless otherwise provided by regulation). (IRC 7701(a)(4))
The term "foreign" when applied to a corporation or partnership is a corporation or partnership which is not domestic. (IRC 7701(a)(5))
A trust is generally treated as domestic under the Code if a U.S. court is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust and one or more U.S. persons have authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust (IRC 7701(a)(30)(E)). However, a trust created or organized in or under the law of the U.S., any state, or a U.S. territory is treated as domestic for purposes of IRC 170 and Chapter 42 (including IRC 4948(b)). (IRC 170(c)(2)(A))
An organization formed in a U.S. territory is considered a foreign organization because IRC 7701(a)(9) defines the U.S. as including only the 50 states and the District of Columbia. U.S. territories include Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. To approve an organization formed in a U.S. territory, use the correct closing letter as indicated in IRM, Case Closing.
An organization organized on a U.S. military base or embassy abroad may be domestic (see Rev. Rul. 68-521).
A domestic organization formed by foreign persons (corporations, trusts, or individuals) and operated outside of the U.S. isn't a foreign organization. See Bilingual Montessori School of Paris v. Commissioner, 75 T.C. 480 (1980).
When processing an application from a foreign organization, make sure the application for recognition of exemption includes:
Where the organization was formed or created and why it’s seeking U.S. tax exemption.
English translations of information/documents written in a foreign language.
All financial data in U.S. dollars.
In general, foreign organizations are subject to automatic revocation of exemption for failure to file annual returns for three consecutive years, similar to domestic organizations.
If a foreign organization files an application to be recognized as exempt only from the submission date of application, follow standard case processing procedures.
If a foreign organization applies for exemption within 27 months of its formation date, recognize exemption as of the formation date (if it otherwise qualifies for exemption).
Foreign organizations and organizations located in U.S. possessions, whose gross receipts from sources within the U.S. are normally $50,000 or less and which didn’t engage in significant activity in the U.S. (other than investment activity), if they claim U.S. tax exemption or are recognized by the IRS as tax exempt, are generally required to submit Form 990-N if they choose not to file Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Request that a NON AR TC 590 is input at case closing to prevent the organization being placed on the auto-revocation list.
Foreign organization approvals (not including those formed in U.S. territories) are subject to mandatory review. See IRM
A foreign organization that applies for recognition of exemption must meet the same organizational and operational tests as a domestic organization. If an organization doesn't want to amend its organizing document to satisfy the organizational test under IRC 501(c)(3), discuss IRC 501(c)(4) status with the organization (as contributions to foreign organizations generally aren’t deductible under IRC 170(c)(2)(A)).
A foreign school must comply with Rev. Proc. 75-50.
If a foreign school demonstrates that it can’t collect the information required under Rev. Proc. 75-50 because collecting it is illegal under foreign law or impractical under the circumstances and it submits proof, the IRS may waive parts of Rev. Proc. 75-50. However, the school must adopt an internal racial non-discriminatory policy meeting the language requirements of Rev. Proc. 75-50 and operate in a nondiscriminatory manner as to students.
A foreign organization must satisfy the notice requirement under IRC 508(a) within the time period established by the regulations under that section unless it:
Meets one of the exceptions in Treas. Reg. 1.508-1(a)(3).
Receives 15 percent or less of its support (other than gross investment income) from U.S. persons from its creation date (IRC 4948(b)).
If a foreign private foundation receives 15 percent or less of its support from U.S. sources from its creation date, it’s excepted from IRC 508(e) governing instrument provision requirements (IRC 4948(b)).
A foreign private foundation is subject to a 4% excise tax on net investment income derived from sources within the U.S., per IRC 4948(a), instead of the standard 1.39% under IRC 4940.
Contributions to charitable organizations formed in U.S. territories are deductible by donors (IRC 170(c)(2)(A)).
Contributions to foreign organizations, other than to organizations created or organized in U.S. territories, aren’t deductible by donors unless the organization is located in a country that has a tax treaty with the U.S. providing for deductibility of contributions. For additional information on the deductibility of contributions to foreign organizations, see Pub 597, Information on the United States-Canada Income Tax Treaty, and Pub 526, Charitable Contributions.
For consideration of deductibility of contributions, an organization (other than a Canadian organization) must state which treaty governs deductibility of contributions to it. If the application doesn’t have this statement, contributions to the organization won't be tax deductible, and the organization won't have protest or declaratory judgment rights on the issue.
If the claim covered by a treaty is questionable, develop the issue by sending an information request letter and/or a discussing it with the organization before issuing a determination letter.
Find the complete text of all the tax treaties on the U.S. Department of the Treasury website.
A Canadian charity registered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is automatically recognized as tax exempt under the United States-Canada Income Tax Convention (Treaty). Canadian charities are presumed to be private foundations.
Donors can deduct contributions (within limitations) to Canadian charities under treaty provisions.
An initial ruling on foundation status and listing on TEOS is submitted on Form 8940 and doesn’t require a user fee. It is established in MEDS as an "A" case.
For a request to be listed as a Section 501(c)(3) organization on TEOS and/or a request for classification as a public charity, rather than a private foundation, a Canadian charity must provide must provide:
A letter stating the organization's request (listing as a Section 501(c)(3) organization on TEOS or classification as a public charity);
A copy of their Notification of Registration from the CRA;
Registered Canadian charities are listed on CRA’s website. If the organization doesn’t submit its Notice of Registration but is listed on CRA’s website, print the relevant page of the website and place it in the MEDS Non-Disclosable folder.
Form 8833, Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b), or a separate statement indicating that the charity is claiming exemption pursuant to Article XXI of the Treaty;
Their legal name, complete mailing address, and EIN;
The month their fiscal year ends;
Their date of formation;
A contact name and telephone number;
The public charity status they are requesting (if applicable) and information demonstrating how it meets the requirements of that status;
Penalty of perjury statement; and
Signature of an officer, director, trustee, or other authorized person.
Process the foundation classification issue as usual. If they don’t submit sufficient information to establish the requested foundation classification, develop the issue following case processing procedures in IRM 7.20.2 .
When approving a Canadian organization as a public charity, Prepare Letter 5048, Determination Letter for Foreign Organizations 501(c)(3) Public Charity. If the organization is a private foundation, Prepare Letter 5049, Determination Letter for Foreign Organizations 501(c)(3) Private Foundation, using the selectable paragraphs applicable to Canadian organizations.
When processing applications for exemption from organizations formed in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), follow standard case processing procedures.
In addition to any closing procedures specified above, follow standard case closing procedures (see IRM 7.20.2, Determination Letter Processing of Exempt Organizations) with the following exceptions noted in this section.
If approving the determination request for recognition of exemption of a foreign organization, including those formed U.S. territories, prepare:
Letter Number Letter Name Letter 5048 Determination Letter for Foreign Organizations 501(c)(3) Public Charity Letter 5049 Determination Letter for Foreign Organizations Section 501(c)(3) Private Foundation Letter 5050 Determination for Foreign Organizations Non-501(c)(3) -
Enter Form 990, Form 990-PF, and Form 990-T filing requirements similar to those applicable to domestic organizations. For circumstances where a foreign organization may be eligible to file Form 990-N, see Rev. Proc. 2011-15.
For organizations with employees, enter the following employment tax filing requirements:
Organization formed in: 941 requirement (Non (c)(3) only) 940 requirement Puerto Rico 07 7 U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, or American Samoa 06 1 Any other U.S. territory 01 1 Foreign country (non U.S. territory) with U.S. based employees or employees who are U.S. residents 01 1 -
If contributions to a foreign organization are deductible by donors under a tax treaty (for example, Canada), enter a deductibility code of "4."
If the organization doesn’t qualify for exemption, follow the adverse case closing procedures in IRM, Adverse Determinations.
If closing a case as failure to establish (FTE):
Prepare Letter 1314, EO Determination Request Closed - Failure to Establish, using the appropriate selective paragraph.
Enter closing Status 11 if the case involves a U.S. territory and Status 12 for other foreign organizations.
Input the appropriate Form 1120 or Form 1041 filing requirements only if the organization has U.S. income.
Foreign organizations (not including those formed in U.S. territories) are subject to mandatory review. See IRM, Cases Subject to Mandatory Review.
EO Rulings and Agreements has a process to expedite certain exemption applications under IRC 501(c)(4). This process applies to applications for IRC 501(c)(4) exemption that show:
The organization could potentially be engaged in political campaign intervention (PCI) or providing private benefit to a political party (referred to as "political issues" ) to an extent that can’t be determined and
Doesn't otherwise present any issues about tax-exempt status.
This process lets an organization make representations to the IRS on its past, current, and future activities and receive a determination letter based on those representations.
An organization attests to these representations in Letter 5228, Applicant Notification of Expedited 501(c)(4) Option.
Review the case to ensure the application:
Is complete.
Contains no indication of inurement.
Contains no other potential issues (other than potential political issues).
Process the application according to the situations described below:
If Then You approve the application (including one with potential political issues) without development Issue Letter 948 and follow the procedures in IRM, Case Closing. The application presents inurement issues -
Discuss a potential adverse position with your manager.
Develop the case using case processing procedures in IRM, Adverse Determinations.
The application presents issues other than potential political issues -
Request additional information for the other issues using Letter 1312, Request for Additional Information. If the organization’s response doesn't resolve those issues, discuss a potential adverse position with your manager.
If the organization sends a response that resolves the other issues for example, non-political issues) and you approve the application without further development, issue Letter 948 and follow the procedures in IRM, Case Closing. If potential political issues present an obstacle to a favorable determination, refer to the next option in this table.
Potential political issues are the only obstacle to a favorable determination, and you can’t determine whether the applicant is primarily engaged in PCI activities (or providing private benefit to a political party) Prepare Letter 5228, Applicant Notification of Expedited 501(c)(4) Option with a 28 day response due date. The organization signs and returns the representations on Letter 5228 -
Prepare Letter 948-E, Determination Letter for Organizations Eligible Under the Optional Expedite Process.
Prepare the case for closing per IRM, Case Closing.
The organization doesn't respond to Letter 5228 or states it doesn't want to sign the representations Develop the case per case processing procedures in IRM 7.20.2. Do not close the case as an approval if the organization does not respond to Letter 5228. Issuing Letter 5228 means that we do not have enough information to make a determination. -
To establish their own individual exemption, a subordinate organization must submit the appropriate form (for example, Form 1023) and the appropriate user fee.
The organization must meet all organizational and operational requirements of the requested subsection. When processing the application for individual exemption:
Verify the organization is (or was) covered under a group ruling.
Review for automatic revocation issues (see IRM, Automatic Revocation).
Determine the effective date of the individual exemption (if not automatically revoked).
If Then the effective date of individual exemption (listed on the determination letter) is The parent organization notified the subordinate that it’s no longer covered under the group exemption The notification date that the subordinate was no longer covered under the group exemption (or other date specified in the notification), unless otherwise provided under IRC 508(a). The subordinate chose to withdraw from coverage under a group exemption and notifies the parent organization The date the subordinate notified the parent organization (or other date specified by the subordinate), unless otherwise provided under section 508(a). The subordinate hasn’t sent or received notification to or from the parent organization prior to submitting its application for exemption The date the subordinate notifies the parent organization or the date it specifies in the notice. -
In addition to standard closing procedures:
Add the appropriate selective paragraph(s) and/or addenda to the determination letter.
For an organization that isn’t automatically revoked, enter the effective date of exemption on the MEDS Closing Data tab as the formation date or the date the organization was included in the group ruling, whichever is later. Enter the ruling date as the date the determination letter is issued to the individual organization.
Prepare Form 2363-A to remove the GEN from the organization’s EO submodule by completing the following fields:
Field Number Field Element Field Input 1 EIN NN-NNNNNNN (EIN) 2 Name Control XXXX (Name Control) 3 Document Codes 80 4 Transaction Codes 016 5 Def Codes ABC 6* Posting Delay 1 7* New Name Control XXXX (new Name Control) 8* Primary Name Only fill in if name has changed from current Master File entry 10* Sort Name Delete Sort Name (if applicable) 20 Affiliation Codes 3 22 Status Code and Date 01YYYYMM (01 and effective date of determination letter) 23 Ruling Date YYYYMM (ruling date of individual exemption) 26 From GEN XXXX 27 New GEN 9999 39 Remarks Subordinate leaving group ruling for individual exemption or Group Exemption Lost Due to Auto Revocation -
The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 created IRC 506 requiring an organization described in IRC 501(c)(4) to notify the Secretary no later than 60 days after the organization is organized that it is operating as a 501(c)(4) organization. The requirement to submit the notification applies to:
Organizations described in IRC 501(c)(4) and organized after December 18, 2015.
Certain IRC 501(c)(4) organizations existing on that date.
Rev. Proc. 2016-41 lists procedures for IRC 501(c)(4) organizations submitting the notification required by IRC 506.
Review electronically submitted Form 8976 notifications in submission date order.
Ensure all required fields have been completed.
Verify the correct user fee was paid.
Perform IDRS research.
After review:
If Then Information is complete and there’s no reason for non-acceptance Form is incomplete or organization: -
Submitted Form 990 or Form 1024 before enactment of PATH Act
Previously submitted Form 8976 (doesn’t include previously not accepted form)
Has EIN issues that won’t allow the form to be processed
Submitted a user fee that didn’t process
Is exempt under another subsection
Has another pending application (other than Form 1024-A)
Will be formed at a future date
Issue Letter 5823, Rejection of Receipt of Form 8976.
Refund any user fee paid.
Time frames for processing From 8976:
The tax examiner processes the form within 2 workdays.
The group manager either approves it or returns it to the tax examiner within 2 workdays.
When rejecting a Form 8976: