Exempt organization annual reporting requirements: Reporting compensation in Part VII, Form 990, when status changes during year


How should an organization list in Part VII, Form 990, a person who is a current officer or director for part of the year and a former officer or director for the rest of the year - as a current, former or both? What about persons who are key employees or highest compensated employees for only part of the year?

The filer should list in Part VII, Section A, Form 990 PDF, any person who was a current officer or director at any time during the tax year, even if the person is not an officer or director at the end of the year. All of that person’s compensation from the organization should be listed in Part VII, Section A, whether received as a current officer or director, a former officer or director or in another capacity (e.g., independent contractor).  A current key employee or highest compensated employee is a person who was a key employee or highest compensated employee for the calendar year ending with or within the organization’s tax year, even if he or she is not an employee of the organization at the end of that year. A former officer, director, trustee, key employee or highest compensated employee should be listed in Part VII, Section A, only if such person is not listed in Part VII, Section A, in any other capacity.