The Combined 8871 and 8872 Search can find all electronic submissions of Forms 8871 and Forms 8872. This combined search allows the use of ANY or ALL fields that are common between Form 8871 and Form 8872 in your query.
There are two steps to a Combined 8871 and 8872 search. First, select the field(s) that you want to include in your search by clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate field. Once you have chosen your desired field(s), click the Next Step button, which produces a search form page. Second, use the search form page to enter your criteria into the chosen fields and click the Submit Advanced Search button to obtain your results. If you want to reset your search, click the Reset Search button.
Important: Notice that the fields you choose for your search are listed by the date information is available. If you search fields across multiple date ranges your search results will be limited to the most recent date range. For example, a search for Date Established and Name of Organization will only return Forms 8871 submitted since December 2002 and Forms 8872 since November 2000, the earliest date for which information is available.