- 2.3.1 Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Exhibit 2.3.1-1 Numerical List of Section Titles for IRM 2.3, IDRS Terminal Responses
- Exhibit 2.3.1-2 Alphabetical List of Command Codes for IRM 2.3, IDRS Terminal Responses
- Exhibit 2.3.1-3 Accessing the IRM Catalog
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 3. IDRS Terminal Responses
Section 1. Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses
2.3.1 Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses
Manual Transmittal
May 07, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.1, IDRS Terminal Responses, Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses.
Material Changes
(1) IRM (Program Scope and Objectives) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(2) IRM Updated stakeholder Wage & Investment (W&I) to reflect new name Taxpayer Services (TS)
(3) IRM (Background) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(4) IRM (Authority) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(5) IRM Responsibilities) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(6) IRM (Program Management and Review) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(7) IRM (Program Controls) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(8) IRM (Terms/Definitions/Acronyms) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(9) IRM (Related Resources) Included mandatory internal controls per SPDER IRM 1.11.2
(10) Editorial changes were made throughout the section.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.3.1, dated December 11, 2012, is superseded.Audience
LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE, TS.Effective Date
Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer
This IRM section provides the instructions for searching IDRS Command Codes by alphabetical or numeric order.
Purpose: This transmits revised IRM 2.3.1, IDRS Terminal Responses, Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses
Audience: LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS.
Policy Owner: Project Director-Dean, Information Technology
Program Owner: Taxpayer Services (TS) is responsible for the administration, procedures and updates related to the program.
Primary Stakeholders: These Command Codes are used in Campuses and Area Offices to research or input data related to Delinquency Investigations during the Taxpayer Delinquent Return Notice phase of the investigation or after a TDI (Taxpayer Delinquency Investigation, Form TYD14) has been issued.
Program Goals: Provides such details as the name of the author, section description, and previous versions of the section.
Contact Information: Applications Development, Internal Management, Im Sub Office, Account Services Branch
This revision updates IRM 2.3.1 IDRS Terminal Responses, Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses with the required Internal Controls as outlined by IRM
All IRS systems and applications shall be compliant with Executive Orders (EOs), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Cyber-security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Department of the Treasury, and IRS guidelines as they apply.
IRM 2.3.1, IDRS Terminal Responses, Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses, lists the Command Codes in alphabetical & numerical order and the IDRS Terminal Responses in numerical order.
These Command Codes and Terminal Responses are used in Campuses and Area Offices to research or input data related to Delinquency Investigations during the Taxpayer Delinquent Return Notice phase of the investigation or after a TDI (Taxpayer Delinquency Investigation, Form TYD14) has been issued.
Provides such details as the name of the author, section description, and previous versions of the section
Provides contact information for the responsible branch.
Section titles for IRM 2.3, IDRS Terminal Responses, are listed in numerical order in See Exhibit 2.3.1-1. Command codes are listed in alphabetical order in See Exhibit 2.3.1-2.
Command code users may contact the Information Technology Asset Management System (ITAMS) Help Desk to report a problem or to locate the owner of the command code.
Another avenue available to IRS employees for finding out more about each section is the catalog accessed through the IRS Multimedia Publishing Home Page. The information provided by this online catalog includes such details as the name of the author, section description, and previous versions of the section. See Exhibit 2.3.1-3 for a description on how to access this catalog.
Section Title Number" 1 through 80" Command Code Name "5 Letters"
IRM 2.3, IDRS Terminal Responses | |
Section | Title |
1 | Section Titles and Command Codes for IDRS Terminal Responses |
2 | Introduction to IDRS Terminal Responses |
3 | Reserved |
4 | Reserved |
5 | Reserved |
6 | Reserved |
7 | Reserved |
8 | Standard Validity Criteria |
9 | Command Codes SINON, SINOF, RMODE, LOKME, CMODE, and FIEMP |
10 | Command Codes MFREQ and RECON |
11 | Command Codes TXMOD and SUMRY |
12 | Command Code ACTON |
13 | Command Codes FFINQ, REINF, and REMFE |
14 | Command Codes EINAD and SSNAD |
15 | Command Code ENMOD |
16 | Command Code RFINQ |
17 | Command Code ESTABD |
18 | Command Code ESTABM |
19 | Command Code TFTRA |
20 | Command Code URINQ (URF) |
21 | Reserved |
22 | Reserved |
23 | Reserved |
24 | Reserved |
25 | Command Codes DM1DT and DTVUE |
26 | Command Code TDINQ |
27 | Command Code ECREQ |
28 | Command Code FTDPN |
29 | Command Codes INTST, ICOMP, and COMPA |
30 | Command Code DAILY |
31 | Command Codes CFINK and RPINK for CAF Inquiry |
32 | Command Codes MFTRA |
33 | Reserved |
34 | Command Code PATRA |
35 | Command Code IRPTR |
36 | Command Code SCFTR |
37 | Command Code UPTIN for the GUF System |
38 | Command Code TXCMP |
39 | Command Code FTPIN |
40 | Command Code PICRD |
41 | Command Code PIEST |
42 | Command Code PIFTD |
43 | Command Code PIFTF |
44 | Command Code PIVAR |
45 | Command Code XSINQ |
46 | Reserved |
47 | Command Codes INOLE, EOGEN, and SPARQ |
48 | Command Code UPDIS for the GUF System |
49 | Command Code EICMP |
50 | Command Code LVREQ |
51 | Command Code IMFOL |
52 LEM | Command Code RTVUE |
53 | Command Code PMFOL |
54 | Command Code DDBOL |
55 | Command Codes ELFUP and ELFRQ |
56 | Command Code ESTABR |
57 LEM | Command Code BRTVU |
58 | Command Code SUPOL |
59 | Command Code BMFOL |
60 | Command Codes NAMES and NAMEE |
61 | Command Code AICRQ |
62 | Command Code ESTABS |
63 | Command Codes RPVUE, RPVCU, and RPPRT |
64 | Command Code EMFOL |
65 LEM | Command Code ERTVU |
66 | Command Codes PLINF and PLINQ |
67 | Reserved |
68 | Command Code DUPOL |
69 | Command Code VPARS |
70 | Command Code EFTPS |
71 | Command Code ATINQ |
72 | Command Codes ISIGN, ITAGT, ITDLN, ITNSF, and USIGN |
73 | Command Codes TRDBV, TRERS, and TRPRT |
74 | Command Code DDPOL |
75 | Command Code PTINQ |
76 | Command Code ISTSD |
77 | Command Code ISTSE |
78 | Command Code LOCAT |
79 | CDPWEB—Command Codes CDPTA and CDPTE |
80 | Command Code DDBKD |
IRM 2.3, IDRS Terminal Responses | |
Command Code | Section |
ACTON | 12 |
AICRQ | 61 |
ATINQ | 71 |
BMFOL | 59 |
BRTVU | 57 LEM |
CFINK | 31 |
CDPTA | 79 |
CDPTE | 79 |
CMODE | 9 |
COMPA | 29 |
DAILY | 30 |
DDBOL | 54 |
DDBKD | 80 |
DDPOL | 74 |
DM1DT | 25 |
DTVUE | 25 |
DUPOL | 68 |
ECREQ | 27 |
EFTPS | 70 |
EICMP | 49 |
EINAD | 14 |
ELFRQ | 55 |
ELFUP | 55 |
EMFOL | 64 |
ENMOD | 15 |
EOGEN | 47 |
ERTVU | 65 LEM |
ESTABD | 17 |
ESTABM | 18 |
ESTABR | 56 |
ESTABS | 62 |
FFINQ | 13 |
FIEMP | 9 |
FTDPN | 28 |
FTPIN | 39 |
ICOMP | 29 |
IMFOL | 51 |
INOLE | 47 |
INTST | 29 |
IRPTR | 35 |
ISIGN | 72 |
ISTSD | 76 |
ISTSE | 77 |
ITAGT | 72 |
ITDLN | 72 |
ITNSF | 72 |
LOCAT | 78 |
LOKME | 9 |
LVREQ | 50 |
MFREQ | 10 |
MFTRA | 32 |
NAMEE | 60 |
NAMES | 60 |
PATRA | 34 |
PICRD | 40 |
PIEST | 41 |
PIFTD | 42 |
PIFTF | 43 |
PIVAR | 44 |
PLINF | 66 |
PLINQ | 66 |
PMFOL | 53 |
PTINQ | 75 |
RECON | 10 |
REINF | 13 |
REMFE | 13 |
RFINQ | 16 |
RMODE | 9 |
RPINK | 31 |
RPPRT | 63 |
RPVCU | 63 |
RPVUE | 63 |
RTVUE | 52 LEM |
SCFTR | 36 |
SINOF | 9 |
SINON | 9 |
SPARQ | 47 |
SSNAD | 14 |
SUMRY | 11 |
SUPOL | 58 |
TDINQ | 26 |
TFTRA | 19 |
TRDBV | 73 |
TRERS | 73 |
TRPRT | 73 |
TXCMP | 38 |
TXMOD | 11 |
UPDIS | 48 |
UPTIN | 37 |
URINQ | 20 |
USIGN | 72 |
VPARS | 69 |
XSINQ | 45 |
The URL of the Multimedia Publishing home page is: http://publish.no.irs.gov.
Select: Catalog.
Access information about the section by entering data in one of the three regions of the page:
The sequence of steps described below for each option will retrieve a "detailed" page of information (including author and content description) for each section . In addition to this background information, the IRS employee can choose to view any one of the published/online versions of the section:
Enter the catalog number of the section in the box next to Enter catalog number.
Click on SUBMIT or press ENTER.
Select IRManual from the dropdown menu next to Select Product Type.
Skip the Enter Product Number box.
In the Enter Product Suffix box, enter the number of the IRM to search for. In this case, the IRM number is 2.3.
Click on SUBMIT or press ENTER.
Click the appropriate section entry to access the information page about the section.
Select IRManual from the dropdown menu next to Select Product Type.
In the Enter Search Word(s) box, enter a command code (the entire word) or a phrase such as "command code" to search for.
Click SEARCH or press ENTER.
Click the appropriate document entry to access the information page about the section.
To access the section itself, click on one of the dates listed in the ELECTRONIC AVAILABILITY section of the page.