- 3.30.127 Workload Scheduling
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Workload Scheduling Overview
- IRM Deviations
- Work Plans
- Scheduling System
- Monitoring Component
- Cumulative History Component
- Scheduling Component
- Definitions and Codes
- STRAWS - Administrative Duties
- STRAWS - Work Plan Module
- Work Plan Data Setup
- STRAWS - Work Schedule Review Module
- Work Schedule Review Data Setup
- Initializing a Scheduling Period and Generating Prior Year History
- STRAWS - Pipeline Scheduling Module
- Pipeline Scheduling Setup
- STRAWS - Campus Work Schedule Module
- Setup of Campus Work Schedule (CWS) from Work Schedule Review (WSR)
- Setup of Campus Work Schedule (CWS) from an Imported Text File
- Workload Scheduling (PCB) Runs
- Weekly Workload and Staff Hour Schedule
- Daily Workload and Staff Hour Schedule
- Workload Schedule Review, Three-Way Comparison Report
- Crystal Reports
- Work Planning and Control
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 3. Submission Processing
Chapter 30. Work Planning and Control
Section 127. Workload Scheduling
3.30.127 Workload Scheduling
Manual Transmittal
July 16, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 3.30.127, Work Planning and Control - Workload Scheduling.
Material Changes
(1) IRM - Updated the Weekly OFP History (PCB 03-40) file to reflect the processing dates for CY2024.
(2) IRM - Updated the Work Schedule PCB9011 - Schedule Analysis Tape Schedule to reflect the transmission dates for CY2024.
(3) Throughout IRM 3.30.20 - Changed references from Wage & Investment (W&I) to Taxpayer Services (TS).
(4) Minor editorial changes made throughout this IRM (e.g., spelling, punctuation).
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 3.30.127, Work Planning and Control - Workload Scheduling, dated May 15, 2023, is superseded.Audience
All organizations within the IRS that develop work plans and work schedules.Effective Date
(07-16-2024)James L. Fish
Director, Submission Processing
Taxpayer Services
Purpose: This IRM describes the operations necessary to develop workload plans and schedules using the Suite of Tools for the Review and Creation of Automated Workplans and Schedules (STRAWS).
Audience: All organizations within IRS that develop work plans and work schedules.
Policy Owner: Director Submission Processing (SP), Taxpayer Services.
Program Owner: Taxpayer Services, Customer Account Services (CAS), Submission Processing, Program Management/Process Assistance (PM/PA) Branch, Resource Section.
Primary Stakeholders: All users who develop work plans and work schedules.
Suite of Tools for the Review and Creation of Automated Workplans and Schedules (STRAWS) replaced Program for Automated Work Plan System (PAWS) as the tool in preparing work plans. In addition, STRAWS replaced System for Automating Work Schedules (SAWS) as the tool in preparing work schedules. STRAWS is a National Standard Application (NSA) and became effective for all organizational use on April 9, 2007. The IRS no longer maintains the programming for PAWS and SAWS. Both applications were retired from further use effective January 1, 2008.
Management within each campus environment must communicate security standards contained in IRM 1.4.6, Managers Security Handbook, to employees and establish methods to enforce them. Employees must take required precautions to provide security for the documents, information, and property they handle while performing official duties.
The Program Management/Process Assistance (PM/PA) Branch, Resource Section, Program Analyst manages IRM 3.30.127, and maintains current information for the operations necessary to develop workload plans and schedules using STRAWS.
Each Headquarters office sets up their organizations work plan data. In addition, each Headquarters office establishes their organization cut-off dates in accordance with the business owner’s (Submission Processing) final transmission dates.
Submission Processing is the business owner of STRAWS. However, each Business Unit’s Headquarters Office will assign, for their organization, one Campus Administrator for each center and a backup, if necessary.
Campus Administrator will perform the campus level administrative requirements of STRAWS.
The table lists commonly used acronyms and their definitions.
Acronym Definition AM Accounts Management AWS Automated Work Schedule AWSRS Automated Work Schedule Review System BMF Business Master File BU Business Unit CAS Customer Account Services CFO Chief Financial Officer CI Criminal Investigation CWS Campus Work Schedule CS Compliance ECC-DET Enterprise Computing - Detroit ECC-MEM Enterprise Computing Center - Memphis ECC-MTB Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg FMSS Facilities Management and Security Services FP Field Proposal FDA Forecasting and Data Analysis IMF Individual Master File IT Information Technology JOC Joint Operations Center NOCP National Office Counter Proposal NSA National Standard Application OFP Organization, Function, and Program PAC Program Activity Code PAWS Program for Automated Work Schedules PCB Workload Scheduling PIMS Pipeline Inventory Monitoring System PM/PA Program Management/Process Assistance SAWS System for Automating Work Schedules SBSE Small Business Self-Employed SP Submission Processing STRAWS Suite of Tools for the Review and Creation of Automated Workplans and Schedules TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service TS Taxpayer Services WP&C Work Planning and Control WSR Work Schedule Review
STRAWS is described in IRM 3.30.19, Work Planning and Control, Production Control and Performance Reporting.
Instructions for developing data for the system hinge upon the use of unique numeric or alphanumeric codes for each Organization, Function, and Program (OFP). For additional information on authorized OFP codes, check the OFP Home Page online at http://ofp.ds.irsnet.gov/index.asp.
This IRM describes the operations necessary to develop workload plans and schedules using STRAWS http://straws.web.irs.gov/
STRAWS is described in IRM 3.30.19, Work Planning and Control, Production Control and Performance Reporting.
Instructions for developing data for the system hinge upon the use of unique numeric or alphanumeric codes for each OFP. For additional information on authorized OFP Codes please check the OFP Home Page online at http://ofp.ds.irsnet.gov/index.asp.
IRM deviations must be submitted in writing following instructions from IRM, Internal Management Documents System - Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process. When Procedures Deviate from the IRM, and elevated through appropriate channels for executive approval.
Congress approves the Financial Plan with which the IRS operates. Accordingly, business operating divisions and remote sites develop a resource plan through their respective headquarters organization. This work plan identifies the amount of work to be performed in each planning period for each program. It incorporates those factors that will influence the amount of work to be accomplished at the individual campuses and remote sites in an upcoming fiscal year.
The work plan process originates within each respective business operating division's headquarters or Joint Operations Center (JOC) resource planning entity. STRAWS is the planning tool currently being used by all organizations in the IRS that develop work plans. The business owner of STRAWS is Taxpayer Services, Customer Account Services, Submission Processing, Program Management/Process Assurance Branch, Resource Section, C:DC:TS:CAS:SP:PM:R.
STRAWS is a database for all applicable organizations, accessed through a web browser located on a single server.
The STRAWS application was developed using a module format. These modules assist the user in development of their work plan. These modules can be used to control the work plan process, input the data, and print reports for review and analysis.
The development of the work plan is a phased process. STRAWS consists of six phases where data can be input or modified. These phases are as follows:
Initial Phase - Includes loading the Previous Prior Year Actual, Prior Year Actual, and Work Plan Base data, and/or any new planning assumptions.
Field Proposal Phase (FP) - The field schedulers input their work plan proposals.
National Office Counter Proposal (NOCP) - The respective headquarters organization reviews the field proposal and inputs their counter proposal.
Field Counter Proposal (FCP) - This phase allows the field schedulers a final opportunity to formally document those unresolved issues where an agreement with theHeadquarters office has not been reached.
Agreed Phase - Headquarters and field organizations conduct a work plan review conference to work out differences between the NOCP and FCP phases. It is at this point where the outstanding issues are either agreed or unagreed.
Final Phase - After the conclusion of the work plan review conferences, Headquarters Resource Planning organizations input post conference adjustments based on late changes, executive decisions or budget availability. This Final Phase of the work plan is generally used as the basis for benchmarking resources for the upcoming year. This data is loaded into the Campus Work Schedule module in STRAWS for development and comparison to the work schedule.
The Workload Scheduling System has three interrelated components:
A monitoring component, which analyzes Work Planning and Control (WP&C) data
A cumulative history component, which produces a history of all weekly WP&C data for previous reporting periods; and
A scheduling component, which produces the work schedules
The monitoring component consists of computer runs which:
Analyze each OFP's cumulative WP&C data; and
Produce the summary reports.
A weekly OFP History Report (Project Literal for Campus Workload Scheduling, Project PCB (562) (PCB-03-40)) provides a summary of the previous reporting period's WP&C data. The report may be generated and used as a planning tool for scheduling purposes. The OFP History Report data is generated by the Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section who initialize the reporting period data by requesting a PCB 00Q Initialization run from the Enterprise Computing Center-Martinsburg (ECC-MTB)/Enterprise Computing Center-Memphis (ECC-MEM) scheduler and a PCB 03H History Dump. The Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section must request these runs within thirty days after the previous reporting period has concluded. See IRM, Initializing a Scheduling Period and Generating Prior Year History.
STRAWS replaced SAWS as the tool in preparing work schedules. The work schedule is developed using both the Work Schedule Review and Campus Work Schedule Modules in STRAWS. These modules are used by various organizations within the IRS that report to the WP&C.
The work plan provides the total volume, rates, and staff hours by OFP Code and reporting period. The work schedule allows schedule workload and resources on a weekly or daily basis within each period. Thus, developing a unique work schedule for each of the three reporting periods of the year. These Work Schedule periods are as follows:
For planning period one, encompassing the first quarter of the fiscal year (October-December).
For planning period two, encompassing the second and third quarters of the fiscal year (January-June).
For planning period three, encompassing the fourth quarter of the fiscal year (July-September).
The first step in the development of a work schedule is to identify any prior year reports that relate to the scheduling period. While the type of reports available might vary, the following is a list of the most commonly used reports.
OFP History (PCB03-40) - This report provides the prior year's comparable period weekly/daily data concerning the activity (OFP) to schedule for the same period.
WP&C Performance and Cost Report (Manager's Report) (PCC60-40) - The Manager's Report is designed to be a tool for evaluating current actual performance against work schedule as well as receipt patterns, production rates, and inventories.
WP&C Program Analysis Report (PCC62-40) - Like the Manager's Report, it is designed to be a tool for evaluating current actual performance against work schedule as well as receipt patterns, production rates and inventories. This report allows review of OFPs that have volume only or OFPs that have less than 0.5 hours, which do not appear on the Manager's Report.
Final Work Plan - The Final Work Plan provides the baseline planning data work schedules. This includes systemic, procedural and legislative changes that were addressed in the work plan.
Work Schedule Guidelines - The Work Schedule Guidelines provide additional program guidance that was not available during the Work Plan process. These guidelines are usually issued in memorandum form by each individual Business Unit's Headquarter Office and will include known changes to specific programs.
Consideration of changes planned for the current work schedule period that are different from the same period last year is a commonsense approach to developing a good work schedule. Some of the examples of known changes are as follows:
OFP Changes
New Programs
Special Projects
Inventory Levels
Tax Law Changes
IRM Procedural Changes
STRAWS currently consists of six modules that will assist the Work Schedule developer. These modules are as follows:
Administrative Module - Used to load and export data, set parameters and control user access.
Work Plan Module - Used to project the staffing needed for each office for a given fiscal year. The work plan process normally begins in July and is completed in August of each year. The work plan is used as the basis for the development of the work schedules.
Work Schedule Review Module - Used to develop each individual planning period (Oct-Dec, Jan-Jun, Jul-Sep). Only totals for the period for each OFP are scheduled. The Work Schedule Review is used as the basis for the Campus Work Schedule.
Campus Work Schedule Module - Used to develop a more detailed weekly and/or daily work schedule for each individual planning period. The data generated in the Campus Work Schedule Module is exported out and used in developing the PCC-60-40 WP&C Managers Report. This report tracks actual data as it compares to the schedule.
Staffing Analysis Module - Allows a campus to project staffing needs based on STRAWS input.
Pipeline Scheduling Module - This module, similar to the "step-down" spreadsheet used by many centers, will assist the users in spreading work from function to function while utilizing various automated options.
The Work Schedule Review (WSR) module in STRAWS is used to schedule only the totals for each period at the parent OFP level. These total hours are then loaded into the Campus Work Schedule module and spread out on a weekly or daily basis at the fifth digit level if applicable.
The Campus Work Schedule module in STRAWS will create a Work Schedule file (PCB 0128.OUT), which is converted to a PCB 0128 Schedule Master File and used in the mainframe PCB runs to print the daily (PCB-04-40) and weekly (PCB-05-40) workload schedules.
The PCB 0128 Schedule Master File is used to generate the Schedule Review Report (PCB-85-40), which is a comparative report of Work Plan, Work Schedule, and Prior Year Actual data. It is sometimes referred to as the Three-Way Comparison Report.
Date records (e.g., PCB 0121 Scheduling Date Master, PCB 0122 and PCB 0124 Schedule Conversion Record) are input by Information Technology (IT) Schedulers. A ticket is initiated to ECC-MTB or ECC-MEM via email from Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section.
Listed below are definitions:
Julian Date - Unless otherwise noted, this date is expressed as a three-digit number, which indicates the sequential day of the year.
ECC-MTB Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg (ECC-MTB) provides Tier 1 computer level service to five of the ten campus locations - Andover, Austin, Brookhaven, Ogden, and Philadelphia.
ECC-MEM Enterprise Computing Center - Memphis (ECC-MEM) provides Tier 1 computer level services to five of the ten campus locations - Atlanta, Cincinnati, Fresno, Kansas City, and Memphis.
OFP - An abbreviation for organization, function, and program codes, which can be numeric or alphanumeric codes used in combination to identify work processes. For additional information on valid organization, function and program combinations, please visit the OFP Home Page online at http://ofp.ds.irsnet.gov/index.asp.
Performance and Cost (P&C) - Data that measures campus production by OFP, as described in IRM 3.30.19, Work Planning and Control, Production Control and Performance Reporting.
Schedule Master File (PCB 0128) - The Schedule Master File is created after the data in STRAWS is validated and an exportable PCB 0128.OUT file is saved. This file is used to create the Schedule Master File (PCB 0128) to produce the various work schedule output reports, and is incorporated into the WP&C system. It provides the baseline against which OFPs are monitored.
STRAWS - This web-based application is used for the development of Work Plans and Work Schedules. It replaces PAWS, SAWS and Automated Work Schedule Review System (AWSRS).
Listed below are new STRAWS terminology that will be used to ensure consistency of terms as they relate to OFP calculations and report outputs:
Term Definition Direct Hours All OFPs except for Function 880 and 990 Overhead Hours All Function 990 Other Direct Direct less the Quality Excluded. Used to calculate the hours for a Quality OFP based on the percent to the Direct Hours. Overhead Direct Direct plus Quality less the overhead excluded. Used to calculate the hours for an Overhead OFP based on the percent to the Direct Hours Overhead Excluded Total hours for OFPs identified as excluded from Overhead Calculations Total Direct Direct plus Quality - excluding all Function 990 (Overhead Hours) Quality All Function 880 programs Quality Excluded Total hours for OFPs identified as excluded from Quality calculations -
Listed below are codes:
Organization Code - A unique five-character numeric or alphanumeric code identifying a campus organization level. All scheduling documents require only the entry of the first two characters, Operations (Submission Processing (SP) and Compliance (CS)) or Department (Accounts Management (AM)).
Function Code - A three-digit number identifying a work action or group of actions.
Program Code - A five-digit number identifying a return or document being processed.
Process Code Or OFP Type - An indicator that tells how the OFP is being processed. The following are a list of the Process Codes:
Process Code OFP Type H Hours Only V Hours with Standard P Production Only S Production with Standard O Overhead Calculated Q Quality Calculated -
Listed below are the available assigned User Types in STRAWS. Contact the Business Unit's Headquarters Office to determine which user type fits best.
Group User Types User Acronym Access Level Business Unit Office/Organization 1 Business Owner BO Full Access, (Read, Write and Delete) All Business Units All Offices / All Organizations 2 Headquarters Administrator HA Full Access, (Read, Write and Delete) By Business Units All Offices / All Organizations 3 Headquarters Reviewer HR Read Only By Business Units All Offices / All Organizations 4 Headquarters User HU Read, Write By Business Units All Offices / All Organizations 5 Campus Administrator CA Full Access (Read, Write and Delete) All Business Units By Office / All Organizations 6 Campus Reviewer CR Read Only By Business Units By Office / By Organization 7 Campus User CU Read, Write By Business Units By Office / By Organization -
Listed below are the available assigned Business Unit Codes in STRAWS. Contact the Business Unit's Headquarters Office to determine the assigned business code.
Bus Unit Code Description Office(s) Org(s) TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service 09 13 CLD Small Business/Self-Employed (SBSE) Communications Liaison and Disclosure 49 JX FMSS Facilities Management and Security Services (formerly known as Agency-Wide Shared Services (AWSS)) All 9X L&E Learning and Education 18 17 OSMA Mission Assurance 17 15 CFO Chief Financial Officer 08 16 CI Criminal Investigation All 51 CPSBSE Compliance - SBSE 17, 19, 28, 29, 49 7X, 8X CPWI Compliance - Wage and Investment 07, 08, 09, 18, 89 7X, 8X AMBMF Taxpayer Services Accounts Management Business Masterfile (BMF) Centers 17, 29 AX, BX, CX AMBREM Taxpayer Services Accounts Management BMF Acct. Remote 29 EX AMIMF Taxpayer Services Accounts Management Individual Masterfile (IMF) Centers 07, 08, 09, 18, 19, 28, 49, 89 AX, BX, CX AMIREM Taxpayer Services Accounts Management IMF Acct. Remote 08, 19, 89 DX AMITLREM Taxpayer Services Accounts Management IMF Tax Law Remote 07, 09, 17, 18, 19, 89 DX, EX, IDTVA Taxpayer Services IDT/Victim Assistance 08, 19 IY, IZ, I1, I2, I3 SPBMF Taxpayer Services Submission Processing BMF Sites 17, 29 12, 2X, 3X, 43 SPIMF Taxpayer Services Submission Processing IMF Sites 07, 08, 09, 18, 89 2X, 3X, 43
Submission Processing is the business owner of STRAWS. However, each Business Unit's Headquarters Office will assign, for their organization, one Campus Administrator for each center and a backup, if necessary, to perform the campus level administrative requirements of STRAWS. Each Headquarters office must also do the following:
Approve all STRAWS requests via the Business Entitlement Access Request System (BEARS) for their organization
Establish cut-off dates and locks for their organization
Importing data to setup Work Plan and Work Schedule Review modules for their organization
Load and copy all of the applicable phases in the Work Plan and Work Schedule Review modules for their organization
Create and delete OFPs
Define percentages to direct for related Quality and Overhead programs for their organization
Define thresholds for requiring narratives and tolerance levels for the hours variance between Work Schedule Review and Campus Work Schedule for their organization
Validate the accuracy of their organizations data prior to final transmissions
Initialize Pipeline Scheduling Module by setting up the Function and Program Templates as well as loading Pipeline Inventory Monitoring System (PIMS) and/or Forecasting and Data Analysis (FDA) data
The following lists some of the assigned duties for all Campus Administrators:
Assign Schedulers
Lockout/Unlock Schedulers
Lockout/Unlock OFPs
Initialize Campus Work Schedule
Import/Export data in the Campus Work Schedule Module
Customize daily spreads in the Campus Work Schedule Module
Set preferences in the Campus Work Schedule Module
Utilize Pipeline Scheduling Module to spread work from function to function.
The work plan is developed to project the staffing needs for each office for the next fiscal year. The work plan is developed in phases allowing input from both Headquarters and the Field Offices. All three periods are planned along with the total for the fiscal year. The work plan normally begins in April and is completed in August each year. It is used as the basis for the development of the work schedules.
The Work Plan Module screens are used to add, update, delete and/or display work plan data. There are five primary screens in the Work Plan Module. Each screen contains the screen title in the first row followed by a drop-down field to navigate to other STRAWS screens:
Query Screen
Individual OFP Tab
Mass Planning Tab
Hours Summary Tab
Query Totals Tab
All valid STRAWS users will have access to the Work Plan Module screens and their user permissions will determine the level of access they are granted. However, only each Headquarter office can import/export, load/copy data within the Work Plan Module.
Only the business owner and Headquarters administrators will have access to the data setup screen.
Each Headquarters office must set up their organizations work plan data. In addition, each Headquarters office must establish their organization cut-off dates in accordance with the business owner's (Submission Processing) final transmission dates.
The data setup screen is used to copy and then move work plan data for a selected Business Unit Office, Organization, Function and Program from one or more Phase/Period and Fiscal Year to another Phase/Period and Fiscal Year.
To begin data setup, each Headquarters office will select the WP Data Setup menu option under the Administration screen. The following steps will assist the user to select, copy and then move Work Plan data at the WP Data Setup screen:
Select/Input a Business Unit, Office, Organization, Function and Program for the record with the data to be copied.
Select a Period to Copy From including the Phase, Period and Fiscal Year.
Select a Period to Copy To including the Phase and Fiscal Year.
Click on the "Start Transfer" button to execute the copy setup action. The screen refreshes and reopens with the Data to Be Transferred information displayed.
Click the "Complete Transfer" button to complete the data setup OR click the "Cancel Transfer" button to cancel the action. The selected data will now be copied to the designated Phase, Period and Fiscal Year for the identified BU/Office/Org/Function/Program in the Work Plan screen.
The Work Schedule Review is developed for each individual planning period. The work plan and any other recent data is used to develop a summary schedule for each OFP. Only totals for the period are scheduled at this time. This is also a phased process.
The Work Schedule Review is used as the basis for the Campus Work Schedule. All valid STRAWS users will have access to the Work Schedule Review screen and their user type permissions will determine the level of access granted.
The Work Schedule Review Module screens are used to add, update, delete and/or display Work Schedule Review data. There are five primary screens in the Work Schedule Review Module. Each screen contains the screen title in the first row followed by a drop-down field to navigate to other STRAWS screens:
Query Screen
Individual OFP Tab
Mass Planning Tab
Hours Summary Tab
Query Totals Tab
All valid STRAWS users will have access to the Work Schedule Review Module screens and their user permissions will determine the level of access they are granted. However, only each Headquarters office can import/export, load/copy data within the Work Schedule Review Module.
Only the business owner and Headquarters administrators will have access to the data setup screen.
Each Headquarters office must set up their organizations work schedule data. In addition, each Headquarters office must establish their organization cut-off dates in accordance with the business owner final transmission dates.
The data setup screen is used to copy and then move work plan data for a selected Business Unit Office, Organization, Function and Program from one or more Phase/Period and Fiscal Year to another Phase/Period and Fiscal Year.
To begin data setup, each Headquarters office will select the WSR Data Setup menu option under the Administration screen. The following steps will assist the user to select, copy and then move Work Schedule Review data at the WSR Data Setup screen:
Select/Input a Business Unit, Office, Organization, Function and Program for the record with the data to be copied.
Select a Period to Copy From including the Phase, Period and Fiscal Year.
Select a Period to Copy To including the Phase and Fiscal Year.
Click on the "Start Transfer" button to execute the copy setup action. The screen refreshes and reopens with the Data to Be Transferred information displayed.
Click the "Complete Transfer" button to complete the data setup OR click the "Cancel Transfer" button to cancel the action. The selected data will now be copied to the designated Phase, Period and Fiscal Year for the identified BU/Office/Org/Function/Program in the Work Plan screen.
Following the completion of each reporting period the Weekly OFP History will be generated thirty days after the conclusion of that period. This listing can be used as a planning tool for preparation of the next year's schedule. The Weekly OFP History contains weekly actual prior year data, by OFP code, for all organizations with Operations and/or Department totals.
In order to produce the Weekly OFP History, the Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section will start the initialization process within thirty days of the end of the OFP History period. The Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section will perform the following steps:
Complete Form 8242, Scheduling Date Master, to create the source document for the PCB 0121. The PCB 0121 establishes the date parameters for the new Work Schedule period.
Complete Form 8244, Scheduling Conversion Record, to create the source document for the PCB 0124. The PCB 0124 establishes the date parameters for the prior year period, the week ending dates and holidays.
Prepare the Automated Work Schedule (AWS) PCB Run Request PCB 00Q Schedule Initialization to initialize the period.
Prepare the Automated Work Schedule (AWS) PCB Run Request PCB 03H History Dump to generate the PCB-03-40 OFP History Report.
Send the Automated Work Schedule (AWS) PCB Run forms (PCB00Q and PCB03H) to the Computing Center Scheduler, using procedures established by ECC-MTB or ECC-MEM.
The following table lists the processing dates for the Weekly OFP History (PCB 03-40) file.
The Pipeline Scheduling Module is a tool that helps track how the work would flow through the pipeline functions. This process, once completely operational, will replace the current step-down process.
The data generated in Pipeline Scheduling Module can be copied to Campus Work Schedule.
This module is currently still in the development stages and is being tested by Headquarters as well as campus schedulers.
Currently only Headquarters administrators will have access to the data setup screen.
Headquarters administrators will oversee the initial setup in Pipeline.
The initial setup includes:
Setting up Program Templates
Setting up Function Templates
Loading PIMS History data or FDA data
The Campus Work Schedule Module is used to develop a more detailed weekly and/or daily work schedule for each individual planning period.
The data generated in the CWS Module is exported out and converted to a PCB 0128 Schedule Master File which is used in the mainframe PCB runs to print daily and weekly workload management reports. These reports assist each campus in comparing, tracking, projecting and negotiating their resource usage.
Each Business Unit Campus Administrator must initialize the CWS for the new scheduling period for their organization.
The CWS Module screen is used to query and display loaded data by period. There are three primary screens in the CWS Module. Each screen contains the screen title in the first row followed by a drop-down field to navigate to other STRAWS screens:
OFP List
Daily Schedule
The first step in creating a new schedule is to load data.
To begin data setup from WSR, each Campus Administrator will select the CWS Data Setup menu option under the Administration screen. The following steps will assist the user in setting up CWS from WSR:
At the CWS Data Setup screen select the Period, BU, and Office to be loaded. Select Prior Year and WSR as the sources from which the data will come from. The Prior Year will set up all of the OFPs from the history and WSR will bring in the most current work schedule data and display that data in CWS.
Click on the View OFP List button.
User will now see a list of all of the OFPs in the selection.
Next, click on the Load OFPs button.
After the OFPs have loaded, click the Return button. This will take the user back to the CWS data setup screen.
User has successfully loaded CWS for the new scheduling period. To retrieve the data just loaded, at the CWS data setup screen do the following:
Click on the black drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner and select Campus Work Schedule.
Select the Period, BU, Office, and Org and then click on the Go button.
User will now see the OFP list screen.
Before importing a text file to load into CWS, user must first format the data to be compatible with the STRAWS application. There are two main steps to creating the file for import to STRAWS:
Formatting the data into the proper file layout in EXCEL
Converting (saving) the file in the correct format (file extension .csv)
The cell format for all fields other than Fields 8 through 15 should be text so the leading zeros are not lost. User will need to select the data and change the format to text by selecting Format from the menu and select Cells, choose Text from the list of categories and then click OK.
Other than Standard, all of the other fields from 8 through 15 should be set as numbers with no decimals and no commas.
Use the following chart to properly lay out the file in Excel.
Field # Field Name Length Description 1 Office 2 2-character Campus Code (07, 17, etc.) 2 Organization 2 Organization Code 3 Function 3 Function Code 4 Program 5 Program Code 5 PAC 2 PAC Code 6 Program Type 1 Program Type Code (P, H, S, or V) 7 Week # 2 Period Week Number 8 Monday 9 Daily Production 9 Tuesday 9 Daily Production 10 Wednesday 9 Daily Production 11 Thursday 9 Daily Production 12 Friday 9 Daily Production 13 Production 9 Total Weekly Production (Volume) 14 Standard 7 Weekly Standard (Rate) (Point, e.g., 152.4) 15 Hours 9 Total Weekly Hours 16 Reporting Period 1 Reporting period (1, 2, or 4) 17 Fiscal Year 4 4-digit fiscal year -
The field lengths for the "Production," "Standard," and "Hours" fields listed above are maximums. User will only need to put the actual numbers in these cells; leading zeros will not be necessary because these fields will be separated by commas when the file is converted.
Please note the following before converting your file to the correct file format to avoid potential errors:
Make sure that the daily totals combined equal your weekly production exactly.
Remove the header row. Each field (1 through 17) must be entered in a separate column and each record in a separate row.
Ensure all data is on one tab/sheet and all other remaining tabs/sheets deleted.
Once all of the above steps have been taken, user is now ready to save your file to a comma-delimited file format:
Choose File, Save As
Change the File Type to .csv (comma delimited)
Close the file.
Verify that the data saved correctly by retrieving the file through Note Pad. At the start menu choose Programs, Accessories, Note Pad.
Retrieve the file. User should now see every field with a comma between each field. This is important because STRAWS looks at the comma to determine which field each piece of data is copied to rather than the total number of characters. The Office and Program numbers should display any leading zeros. The production and standard fields for programs that are Hours Only will all have a zero.
After verification, close the file.
The first step in importing a text file is to UPLOAD the file to the STRAWS server. To begin this process, each Campus Administrator will select the Files Upload - Text File menu option under the Administration screen. The following steps will assist the user in setting up CWS from an imported text file:
At the Text File Upload screen, click on the Browse button and find the file on the hard drive or common drive and double click the file. The file name should then appear in the box.
Next click the Upload File button. The file has now been added to the server and it should be added to the list. User will need to use a unique file name each time you upload a file unless user wants to replace a file with the same name on the STRAWS server.
For the next step, return back to Text File Import screen. This screen will list all of the files that are located on the server.
Locate the file, single click the file to select it and then click the Load CWS button. This will load your schedule data.
User has successfully loaded CWS for the new scheduling period. To retrieve the data just loaded, at the Text File Import screen do the following:
Click on the black drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner and select Campus Work Schedule.
Select the Period, BU, Office, and Org and then click on the Go button. User will now see the OFP list screen.
The data generated in the Campus Work Schedule (CWS) Module is exported out and converted to a PCB 0128 Schedule Master File which is used in the mainframe PCB runs to print daily and weekly workload management reports. These reports assist each campus in comparing, tracking, projecting and negotiating their resource usage.
Prior to submission of the PCB Runs to ECC-MTB or ECC-MEM, the Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section must submit to ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM the Form 8242, Scheduling Date Master, (PCB 0121), and the Form 8244, Schedule Conversion Record, (PCB 0122) for the period being scheduled.
The Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section will create the PCB 0128 Schedule Master Files for each campus and exporting each PCB 0128 file to the ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM for processing. However, each Campus Administrator will validate their schedules via Control-D for accuracy before ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM processes the Work Schedule PCB 9011 Schedule Analysis Tape (Quarterly Data) file for their campus.
Once validation is complete, each Campus Administrator will give the go ahead to ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM to process the Work Schedule PCB 9011 for their campus. In turn, ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM will provide each campus with the PCB 9011 Reel number for their campus. These numbers must then be submitted to the Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section to finalize the work schedule.
The following lists the PCB runs generated by ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM:
PC00S (replaces LC873) - inputs the PCB 0128.OUT Schedule Data and creates the Schedule Master File PCB 0128.
PCB 04 - inputs the Schedule Master File PCB 0128 and Summary Control Record PCB 0129. The output is the Daily Workload and Staff Hour Schedule Report PCB-04-40.
PCB 05 - inputs the Schedule Master PCB 0128 File and Summary Control Record PCB 0129. The output is the Weekly Workload and Staff Hour Schedule Report PCB-05-40.
PCB 80B - inputs the Quarterly PC Tape PCB 7002 and produces the Quarterly PC Disc PCB 8002. The PCB 7002 is the Quarter ending data for each WP&C period.
PCB 80C - a continuation of the PCB 80B and inputs the Work Plan tape 540-81-11 from Work Plan and produces the Work Plan Disc PCB 8001 SC.
PCB 80 - inputs the Quarterly PC Disc PCB 8002, the Schedule Master File PCB 0128, and the SC Work Plan Disc PCB 8001. It takes the Prior Year Actual, Work Schedule, and Work Plan and creates the Schedule Review Master File PCB 8021.
PCB 85 - inputs the Schedule Review Master File PCB 8021 and produces the Service Center Workload Schedule Review Report PCB-85-40, often referred to as the Three-Way Comparison Report.
PCB 90 - inputs the Schedule Master File PCB 0128 and creates the Schedule Analysis Tape (DCC) Quarterly Data PCB 9011, Schedule Master Tape (DCC) Weekly Data PCB 9012, and the Schedule Master Tape (DCC) PCB 9013. The Schedule Master Tape PCB 9013 is later used to create the PCB 93, which is used in the initialization process for each WP&C period.
The Weekly Workload and Staff Hour Schedule is produced by PCB 05. It contains data from the PCB 0128 Schedule Master File, displaying for each OFP code each week’s Work Scheduled volume, production standard, hours, and scheduled staff weeks. Scheduled data for each week, as well as cumulative schedule for the period is displayed. Scheduled OFPs are summarized at the fourth digit of program code, Operations for Submission Processing and Compliance Services, Operations and Departments for Accounts Management, and Branch for Facilities Management and Security Services (FMSS), and Campus total levels.
When a Schedule Summary Control Record PCB 0129, Form 8245, Schedule Summary Control Record, is used to specify the range of OFPs to be printed on the Weekly Workload Schedule and Summary, contact the ECC - Martinsburg/ECC - Memphis scheduler to utilize run condition work T-2.
To print the weekly schedule for organizations 31000 (Receipt and Control Operations), 34000 (Document Perfection Operations), and 35000 (Data Conversion Operations), the first OFP in 31000 and the last OFP in 35000 would be entered on Form 8245. If only direct programs are to be printed, several ranges of OFPs will be entered on Form 8245. There is no limit to the number of Forms 8245 that can be input to Run PCB 05. When a reorganization has occurred, this might impact the OFP range, and will require a new Schedule Summary Control Record PCB 0129, Form 8245 to be input. If a Schedule Summary Control Record is not input, the entire file will be printed.
The Daily Workload and Staff Hour Schedule is produced by PCB 04. It displays the volumes scheduled for each day. This is necessary for those areas that must schedule daily volumes and staff hours.
Schedule Summary Control Record PCB 0129, Form 8245, Schedule Summary Control Record, is used to specify the beginning and ending OFP range to be printed on the Daily Workload and Staff Hour Schedule and Summary. To print the weekly schedule for organizations 31000 (Receipt and Control Operations), 34000 (Document Perfection Operations), and 35000 (Data Conversion Operations), see the instructions in IRM, Weekly Workload and Staff Hour Schedule.
In addition to printing the daily schedule for the OFPs selected, the Daily Workload Schedule and Summary for Submission Processing provides 4th digit program code, function, and operations summary and campus totals. It also provides total direct, total overhead, and total hours for operations summary and campus totals. While only the OFPs specified on the Schedule Summary Control Record are displayed on the daily schedule, the totals and summaries represent the total hours on the Schedule Master File for all OFPs, not just the selected OFPs.
To suppress summary printouts at desired levels, enter slashes (/) in the appropriate columns of Form 8245, Schedule Summary Control Record. If no suppression is desired, columns 1-8 may be left blank. The following chart shows the summary levels that can be suppressed by a slash (/):
"/" in Column Summary Level Suppressed 1 Suppresses summary at 4th digit of Program Code 2 Suppresses summary at 3rd digit of Program Code 3 Suppresses summary at 2nd digit of Program Code 4 Suppresses summary at 1st digit of Program Code 5 Suppresses summary at Function Level 6 Suppresses summary at Department Level 7 Suppresses summary at Operations Level 8 Suppresses 10000/50000 Total and Campus Total
Computer run PCB 85 produces the Workload Schedule Review, Three-Way Comparison Report. This report displays the total hours, volume and production standard scheduled for the period by each OFP code. In addition, Work Plan and Prior Year Actual data are displayed for each OFP, with the difference between Work Schedule and Work Plan, and Work Schedule and Actual for hours, volume, and production standard printed as a "+" or "-" . All OFPs are summarized at each digit of program code, by Function and by Operations for Submission Processing and Compliance Services, and by Department and Operations for Accounts Management, and by Branch for Facilities Management and Security Services (FMSS) and Campus totals. In addition, total direct hours, total overhead hours, and total hours are shown for each Operations and Campus, with variance from Work Schedule to Work Plan and Work Schedule to Prior Year Actual.
Campus officials may use the Workload Schedule Review Module as a convenient tool for reviewing the schedule, and comparing this year's work schedule to work plan and prior year actual data.
Crystal Reports are used to generate all of the STRAWS reports. This software is included in each module of STRAWS and does not require a request for access via BEARS. This software uses advanced technology in producing reports that allows the user to track, manage and improve decision-making of their plan and schedule data.
All of the STRAWS reports are categorized as follows in Business Objects:
Campus Work Schedule
Work Plan
Work Schedule Review
The Headquarters Submission Processing Resource Section will create the PCB 0128 Schedule Master Files for each campus and exporting each PCB 0128 file to the ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM for processing. However, each primary Campus Administrator will be responsible for validating their campus schedules via Control-D for accuracy before ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM processes the Work Schedule PCB 9011 Reel - Schedule Analysis Tape (Quarterly Data) file for their center.
The Work Schedule PCB Reels processed by ECC-MTB / ECC-MEM, are to be transmitted timely to correspond with the chart below. The tapes will be electronically transmitted from ECC-MTB / ECC-MEM to Enterprise Computing Center-Detroit Computing Center (ECC-DET). See IRM 3.30.123, Processing Timeliness: Cycle, Criteria and Critical Dates for Work Planning and Control.
Final Campus Shipping Dates Period Covered June 11, 2024 FY24 J-S Final WS to be transmitted to ECC-DET by C:DC:TS:CAS:SP:PM:R August 27, 2024 FY25 Final WP to be transmitted to ECC-DET by C:DC:TS:CAS:SP:PM:R September 24, 2024 FY25 O-D Final WS to be transmitted to ECC-DET by C:DC:TS:CAS:SP:PM:R December 17, 2024 FY25 J-J Final WS to be transmitted to ECC-DET by C:DC:TS:CAS:SP:PM:R -
The final transmission dates are critical to ensure that a good PCB 90 is available to initialize the new quarter. Without a timely final work schedule PCB 90 available the correct work schedule data will not be shown on the PCC-60-40 WP&C Managers Report. This would necessitate a run after the due date and delay when the correct work schedule data will appear on the PCC-60-40.
When an organization needs to run a work schedule through the PCB process after the due dates, as published above, they will need to request authorization through the system's business owner SE:W:CAS:SP:PM:R. ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM will not process a subsequent work schedule run after the due dates without authorization from the business owner.