- 5.8.12 Independent Administrative Review
- Program Scope and Objectives-
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Transmission of Documents Using the Electronic Offer in Compromise (EOIC) Process (Field Only)
- Documents Required for Review
- Independent Administrative Review Procedure for EOIC (Field Only)
- Submitting the File for Independent Administrative Review
- Initial Process
- The Review
- The Decision
- Rejection Sustained
- Rejection Not Sustained
- Program Scope and Objectives-
Part 5. Collecting Process
Chapter 8. Offer in Compromise
Section 12. Independent Administrative Review
5.8.12 Independent Administrative Review
Manual Transmittal
May 17, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 5.8.12, Offer in Compromise, Independent Administrative Review.
Material Changes
(1) This IRM was updated to reflect various editorial changes, and the following substantive changes:
IRM Reference | Change |
---|---| | Added that it also explains the electronic process for forwarding documents to the Independent Administrative Reviewer | | Audience changed to add Independent Administrative Reviewers (IARs), site ROs, and Appeals | | Added “adhering to” just prior to “processes” | | Added “Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise (SCOIC) program” | | Added the “AOIC” acronym for Automated Offer in Compromise, updated the definition for Monitoring Offer in Compromise (MOIC), and added “RO” for Revenue Officer. | | Removed “it is recommended that”, inserted “must” before “use”, changed “secured” to “encrypted”, and added reference to the Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise Inventory Portal SharePoint site. |, Note | Changed “Secure Messaging” to “encrypted email” | | Updated to remove offer number and last four digits of TIN from email subject line. |, Note | Removed the sentence referencing last four digits of taxpayer TIN | | Updated to change “file” to “scanned consolidated PDF”. | | New reference for use of electronic storage and email process. |, Note | Note added to provide clarity that encrypted email transmission is a field only process. | | Removed printing reference as this is an electronic process. | | Changed “secure messaging” to “encrypted email” and that a copy be forwarded to *SBSE Collection Quality Sample |, Note | Note added to provide clarity | | Updated to change “file” to “scanned consolidated PDF” and electronically sign. | | Updated to include “electronically signed” Form 1271. | | Updated to include the electronic file in place of a physical file. | | Reference added for electronic storage location. | | Sentence reworded for clarity and to change the word “should” to “must” | | Reference added to advise IAR to review timeframes provided for taxpayer responses. | | Reference added to advise the IAR to check for filing and payment compliance. | | Changed the word “should” to “must”. | | Updated to change “file” to “scanned consolidated PDF”. | | Updated to change “file” to “scanned consolidated PDF”. | | Reference added to advise IAR to review taxpayer name, address, and TIN for correctness on the rejection letter. |, Note | Added to advise IAR to check the same information on the POA letter. | | “should” changed to “must” | | Changed “case file” to “AOIC/ICS remarks” and replaced “should” with “must” |, Note | Changed “case file” to “scanned PDF document” and added Secure Messaging as a form of contact | | Added that the IAR will ensure that all offer periods are reflected, the taxpayer’s name, address, and TIN are correct prior to electronically signing the Form 1271. | | Reference removed as it referenced physical files. | | Reference added to address electronic storage process. | | Updated to electronically sign. | | Updated to include electronic Form 5492, scanned consolidated PDF, and electronic storage process. | | Updated to include electronic Form 5492. | | Updated to include electronic Form 5492. | | Updated to include electronic storage process. | | Updated to include electronic Form 5492 and scanned consolidated PDF. |
(2) This revision contains various grammatical changes, editorial changes, and updates throughout.
(3) This revision incorporates the procedures in Interim Guidance Memorandum SBSE-05-1122-0073, Electronic Independent Administrative Review (IAR) Procedures.
Effect on Other Documents
This material supersedes IRM 5.8.12, dated 04-26-2018 and incorporates the procedures from Interim Guidance Memorandum SBSE-05-1122-0073.Audience
SB/SE Compliance and Appeals employeesEffective Date
(05-17-2024)Rocco Steco
Director, Collection Policy
Small Business/Self Employed Division
Purpose: This chapter explains the procedures to be followed by an Independent Administrative Reviewer (IAR) on rejected Offer in Compromise and the process to be followed for electronically sending documents to the IAR:
This IRM provides instruction to conduct an independent administrative review of a proposal to reject an Offer In Compromise in accordance to IRC § 7122 (d) (1).
The review must be conducted prior to the final determination of the rejection being communicated to the taxpayer. See IRM The Decision.
The purpose of the review is to evaluate the case and determine if rejection was the correct decision. The Independent Administrative Reviewer (IAR) is responsible for conducting this review.
Audience: IARs, site Revenue Officers (ROs), Offer Examiners (OEs), Offer Specialists (OSs), and Appeals are the primary users of this IRM.
Policy Owner: Director, Collection Policy, SB/SE is the owner of the policies in this IRM.
Program Owner: Collection Policy – Offer In Compromise, an organization within SB/SE, is responsible for the administration, procedures, and updates related to the program.
Primary Stakeholders: The primary stakeholders are Centralized Offer In Compromise OEs/Tax Examiners (TEs), Field (OS) offer employees, and Civil Enforcement Advice and Support Operations (CEASO) IARs for these procedures.
Program Goals: When the determination is made to reject an Offer In Compromise application, the proposed rejection must first be reviewed by the Independent Administrative Reviewer (IAR). By following the procedures in this IRM, IARs will be able to accurately determine whether the proposed rejection is reasonable, the taxpayer’s rights have been protected, the government’s interest has been protected, and process the proposed rejection appropriately.
The IRM establishes process and procedures to ensure that rejection of an offer in compromise protects the taxpayer’s rights and was performed within the scope of IRM 5.8.7, Return, Terminate, Withdraw, and Reject Processing.
The Secretary of the Treasury is granted broad authority to compromise tax liabilities in IRC Section §7122 (e)(1).
IRM– Delegation Order 5-1 (Rev. 5), delegates the Commissioner's authority to accept, reject, return, terminate, or acknowledge withdrawals of offers.
The Director, Collection Policy is responsible for all policies and procedures within the Offer in Compromise program.
The National Program Manager, Offer in Compromise is responsible for development and delivery of policies and procedures within the program.
IRM authors are responsible for writing the policies and procedures and clearing documents through all affected offices.
OEs, OSs, TEs, and IARs are responsible for adhering to processes and procedures in this IRM.
Operational and program reviews of the Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise (SCOIC) program are conducted on a yearly basis by the Director, SCOIC and Collection Policy with the use of data and reports from the Automated Offer in Compromise (AOIC) system and ENTITY case management system. In addition, ad hoc reports, which provide information on the inventory levels, hours per case, and age of offers in inventory or at time of closure, are also provided. See IRM 1.4.52, Offer in Compromise Manager’s Resource Guide.
Managerial case reviews are also completed as defined in IRM 1.4.52, Offer in Compromise Manager’s Resource Guide.
CEASO managers will conduct reviews of IAR decisions in conjunction with the guidance in this IRM.
National quality reviews and consistency reviews are routinely conducted to ensure case actions are timely and in accordance with the procedures in this IRM.
AOIC is used to track offers submitted by taxpayers and record case actions and history. Ability to take action on AOIC is limited to specific offer employees. Additional permissions are provided based on an employee’s duties and responsibilities.
ICS is used by field employees as a method for inventory control and history documentation.
SCOIC Managers are required to follow program management procedures and controls addressed in IRM 1.4.52, Offer in Compromise Manager’s Resource Guide.
Managerial Requirements for case approval are defined in Del. Order 5-1.(Rev. 5)
IARs will review AOIC, ICS, and supporting case documents to ensure that a rejection disposition is correct.
Common abbreviations, definitions and acronyms used throughout this IRM.
Acronym Description AET Asset Equity Table – A table listing all the taxpayers assets, encumbrances, and exemptions. It then calculates the equity which is included in the reasonable collection potential (RCP) calculation. AOIC Automated Offer in Compromise – Computer application where offers in compromise are recorded and monitored from receipt to closure. History of the offer investigations conducted by COIC employees and of actions taken by Monitoring OIC (MOIC) units are also maintained on this system. CIS Collection Information Statement – A financial statement listing assets, income, liabilities, and expenses submitted by the taxpayer. This financial statement can be submitted on Form 433-A (OIC), Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed Individuals, or Form 433-B (OIC), Collection Information Statement for Businesses. COIC Centralized Offer in Compromise – Units located in Brookhaven and Memphis campus that complete initial processing and work offers to completion. Do not confuse this with MOIC, COIC units do not monitor or default accepted offers. DCSC Doubt as to Collectibility with Special Circumstance – Basis for acceptance of an offer where there is doubt that the tax can be paid in full and special circumstances exist that warrants accepting the offer for less than the reasonable collection potential (RCP). ETA Effective Tax Administration – Basis for acceptance of an offer where this is no doubt that the liability is correct or can be paid in full. However, requiring the taxpayer to fully pay the tax would either create an economic hardship or be a public policy/equity issue. IAR Independent Administrative Reviewer – An independent third party who reviews a decision to reject an offer prior to that decision being conveyed to a taxpayer. This person is not in the chain of command of the employees responsible for the rejection of the offer. ICS Integrated Collection System – Computer application used by Compliance employees to monitor inventory. Histories of OIC investigations conducted by area office employees are maintained on this system. IET Income/Expense Table – A table that lists the income and expenses both claimed and allowed for purposes of calculating reasonable collection potential (RCP). MOIC Monitoring Offer in Compromise Unit – Units located in Brookhaven and Memphis campus that monitor accepted offers for payments and compliance for 5 years OE Offer Examiner – A tax examiner appointed as an offer investigator and located in COIC. OI Other Investigation – Form 2209, Courtesy Investigation, is used for field investigations in locating taxpayers or to gather information in collecting on assigned cases. OS Offer Specialist – A revenue officer appointed as an offer investigator, generally located in an area office. RCP Reasonable Collection Potential – The amount that could reasonably be collected from the taxpayer. RO Revenue Officer SE Self – Employed Offer Examiner- A tax examiner appointed as an offer investigator for self-employed taxpayers and located in COIC.
Additional resources can be found in IRM 5.8, Offer in Compromise.
IRM, Fairness and Integrity in Enforcement Selection, and IRM, Protecting Taxpayer Rights.
Employees can find helpful information on these websites:
Servicewide Electronic Research Project (SERP) - https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov
Internal Management Document site for Interim Guidance Memorandums: https://imdtrack.web.irs.gov/search.aspx
The OS must use encrypted e-mail attachments or the Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise Inventory Portal SharePoint site instead of physically shipping the case file. These methods should result in considerable savings of time and shipping costs while eliminating the possibility of loss of the case file in transit.
Supporting documents should be in one e-mail with the Form 1271, Rejection Memorandum, sent under separate e-mail.
The scanned documents must be reduced to a PDF file for transmittal to the IAR as an e-mail attachment, with Scanned Documents in the subject line. PII can be placed in the body of the e-mail, but cannot appear in the subject line due to PII restrictions. This includes the last four digits of an SSN, EIN, or ITIN.
The below items should be present in the scanned consolidated PDF or documented on ICS / AOIC. In addition, any additional pertinent information that supported or influenced the case decision should also be included, such as correspondence.
Form 656, Offer in Compromise
Form 1271, Rejection Memorandum
Rejection letter
Asset/Equity Table (AET)
Income/Expense Table (IET)
Rejection summary documented in ICS/AOIC, including all issues not in agreement between the taxpayer and the Offer Examiner (OE) or Offer Specialist (OS).
Collection Information Statements (CIS)
Special Circumstance supporting documents and/or correspondence, including any letters explaining or discussing special circumstances.
The scanned consolidated PDF document will be placed in the appropriate electronic storage location or sent by encrypted email for review by the IAR.
If the IAR determines that any information is missing or incomplete that may hinder the review process, the scanned consolidated PDF may be returned or a memorandum may be sent to the OE, OS, or the manager requesting the information.
The IAR receives an e-mail from the OIC group with the PDF files attached, they are for reference during the case review. Since the ICS case history is available in real time, it should be referred to online so that the latest entries are not overlooked.
The IAR should add the case to the reviewers ICS and Automated OIC (AOIC) inventories.
Once the review is complete, the IAR should make a determination as to whether the rejection is appropriate or not. If the rejection is not appropriate, follow procedures defined in IRM, Rejection Not Sustained, below. If the rejection is appropriate, the IAR should:
Electronically sign and save the Form 1271, then
Forward the request back to the originator via encrypted email using Read Receipt to ensure delivery and copy *SBSE Collection Quality Sample <sbse.collection.quality.sample@irs.gov>. As an alternative, the Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise Inventory Portal SharePoint site can also be used to upload the Form 1271.
Prior to the proposed rejection being forwarded to the IAR, the authorized official must have reviewed the scanned consolidated PDF and electronically sign the Form 1271, indicating concurrence with the proposed rejection.
Once the approving official has electronically signed the Form 1271, the offer must be assigned to the IAR pool on AOIC.
Cases forwarded will be placed in the appropriate electronic storage location.
The Field OS following procedures in IRM, Transmission of Documents Using the Electronic Offer in Compromise (EOIC) Process (Field Only) and, Independent Administrative Review Procedure for EOIC (Field Only) above, the Read Receipt on encrypted email must be used.
The Field IAR will load the case onto ICS no later than seven (7) calendar days after receipt.
The IAR will be responsible for updating AOIC to reflect the IAR's assignment number.
The IAR should complete the review and reach a determination no later than thirty (30) calendar days from opening the ICS OI or assignment on AOIC.
Upon completion of the review, the IAR must update AOIC documenting information on the results of the review. In addition, the Field IAR must document the results of the review on ICS and complete the disposition of the assigned Other Investigation(OI).
The results of the review should be communicated in a clear, concise, professional and easy to understand manner.
The IAR must review the employee’s analysis of the taxpayer’s OIC to determine if the basis for the rejection determination was appropriate.
The IAR should consider if the taxpayer's rights have been observed during the offer investigation, in communications, and/or discussions with the taxpayer or Power of Attorney (POA). These considerations should be based on issues that would impact the recommended rejection.
The IAR must consider if the taxpayer has been given reasonable time frames to comply with requests.
The IAR must check to be sure that the taxpayer is in filing and payment compliance.
When reviewing a doubt as to collectability offer, the IAR must compare the offered amount with the RCP in order to determine if the decision to reject is reasonable. Review the Asset/Equity Table, the Income/Expense Table (AET/IET), and the taxpayer’s financial information to determine if the reasonable collection potential (RCP) determination is fully supported by the documented facts and circumstances in the case file; including making sure the OE/OS has fully developed the RCP and discussed all issues with the taxpayer before recommending the rejection.
If the scanned consolidated PDF indicates any circumstances that could impact either future earning potential or allowable expenses, the documentation must support the decision to exclude or include assets, expenses and/or income relating to the taxpayer's circumstances.
If information contained in the scanned consolidated PDF indicates issues were raised that meet either Effective Tax Administration (ETA) or Doubt as to Collectibility Special Circumstance (DCSC) criteria, as defined in IRM 5.8.11, Effective Tax Administration, the case history must address these issues as well as support the rejection decision.
It is not a requirement that the taxpayer specifically ask for consideration of "special circumstances." If the IAR identifies the existence of special circumstances that meet ETA or DCSC criteria, this fact should be addressed. The IAR should be alert to instances of Payroll Service Provider Fraud for ETA Special Circumstance consideration and review the victim's individual unique circumstances.
The IAR must verify that the rejection letter being sent to the taxpayer has the correct address, name, and TIN.
The IAR must ensure that all of the facts and circumstances of the case were considered during the investigation and that the decision to reject the offer is reasonable, based on the case analysis.
The AOIC/ICS remarks must indicate an attempt to communicate the results of the OIC investigation with the taxpayer or POA, prior to recommending the rejection. The IAR must determine whether the communications were reasonable based on the facts of the case.
Communications may not necessarily be telephone calls. In some cases, they may be conducted via electronic means such as Secure Messaging or regular mail by way of letters to the taxpayer or their authorized representative. The scanned consolidated PDF should document these communications and any specific issues that are in dispute.
When circumstances dictate, the OE/OS/TE should use problem solving and professional judgment, and in so doing, consider the taxpayer’s perspective when working toward case resolution.
The below sections provide closing actions for the IAR based on whether the decision to reject the offer was appropriate.
If the proposed rejection of the offer is sustained by the IAR, the reviewer will:
Update the IAR "Main Screen" on AOIC indicating the appropriate disposition.
Review Form 1271 to be sure that all offer periods are reflected, the taxpayer’s name, address, and TIN are correct. The IAR will then sign and date as the reviewer, indicating concurrence with the proposed disposition.
Update AOIC to reflect the results of the completed review. The Field IAR must document the results of the review on ICS and complete the disposition of the assigned Other Investigation.
If the case is closed using EOIC, follow procedures in IRM, Independent Administrative Review for EOIC (Field Only), above.
Once the signed, approved Form 1271 is received from the IAR, the OE/SE or OS must include a copy in the case file.
Cases reviewed electronically will be updated to the correct electronic storage location.
If the proposed rejection is not sustained by the IAR, the reviewer will:
Update the IAR "Main Screen" on AOIC indicating the appropriate IAR disposition.
Prepare Form 5942, providing an explanation of why the determination was not sustained and providing instruction on additional actions required by the investigating employee. Field IARs will complete an ICS history entry noting that rejection was not sustained and the specifics of the review are noted on Form 5942 and close the Other Investigation assignment on ICS.
The IAR manager is required to electronically sign Form 5942.
After the IAR manager approves the Form 5942, the case will be routed as follows:
The electronic Form 5942 and the scanned consolidated PDF will be returned to the OE/OS manager via the 5492 folder on the share drive.
A copy of the electronic Form 5942 will be sent to the OE/SE/OS second level manager.
A copy of the electronic Form 5942 will be retained by the IAR group manager for two years after the year prepared.
The following procedures describe necessary actions once the offer file is received by the OE or OS:
If… Then… Reconsideration of the offer based on recommendations from the IAR results in a determination to accept the offer Process the acceptance recommendation following procedures defined in IRM 5.8.8, Acceptance Processing. Reconsideration of the offer based on recommendations from the IAR results in a determination to continue to recommend rejection of the offer Update the scanned consolidated PDF with the additional case actions and any new information and re-submit to the IAR for a second review via the share drive. The investigating employee determines that the rejection is the correct action without further development, after reviewing the Form 5942 The scanned consolidated PDF will be returned to the IAR for reconsideration. If necessary, additional history should be included on AOIC/ICS to further support the offer rejection. After a second review by the IAR, the rejection is still not sustained and if the OE/SE/OS and the IAR still disagree The decision will be elevated to the second level manager for resolution. -
The IAR manager will forward an electronic memorandum to the Offer Manager with an explanation of why the rejection cannot be sustained.
A copy of the electronic memorandum will be forwarded to the second level manager.
The IAR manager and the second level manager will discuss the issues to reach a resolution.
The final decision will be made by the field second level manager for cases assigned to the field and the second level manager for those cases decided by the COIC sites.
The electronic Form 5942 and any other documentation regarding second level management involvement and decisions must be attached to the scanned consolidated PDF as a record of actions taken during the IAR process.