SOI believes in training—to increase both job effectiveness and personal progress toward career goals.
During Orientation
Your first days with us revolve around orientation training. During this time, we’ll talk about SOI program overviews, taxpayer privacy, employee responsibilities, and employee benefits. You’ll also hear from OTA and JCT representatives to learn how they use SOI data.
Computer Courses
As needed, we also offer computer courses, which last between three and five days and occur during normal business hours.
Tax Law
The IRS offers tax law training in many specialized areas, including individuals, estates, exempt organizations, international, and excise taxes. These classes last two to three weeks and take place during normal business hours. Other organizations also offer many specialized training classes for which SOI covers the cost.
Career Development
You have opportunities to author papers and make presentations at professional conferences, including the annual meetings of the American Statistical Association.
You can also take work-related classes in economics, statistics, accounting, Federal tax law, mathematics, computer science, decision science, and management information systems at local universities.