1. What is an enrolled actuary?
An enrolled actuary is any individual who has satisfied the qualifications set forth in the regulations of the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries and who has been approved by the Joint Board to perform actuarial services under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974.
2. How do I become an enrolled actuary?
An applicant for enrollment must satisfy certain knowledge and experience requirements, which are set forth at Section 901.12 of the Joint Board regulations and submit an Application for Enrollment, Form 5434 PDF manually or electronically at Pay.gov.
3. How do I register for a Joint Board examination?
The Society of Actuaries performs all administrative duties related to the Joint Board examinations. For information about registering for an exam, exam fees, testing locations, and other administrative matters, contact Society of Actuaries.
4. How do I obtain my Joint Board examination answer sheet?
Exam sheets are available upon request from the Society of Actuaries. Requests must be submitted to the Society of Actuaries within 6 months after the date of the exam. To request a copy of your answer sheet, please send an email to Mark Dulceak. Be sure to include:
- In the subject heading of the e-mail, the reason for the e-mail, for example, "SOA Enrolled Actuaries Answer Sheet Request."
- In the body of the e-mail:
- candidate's name,
- candidate number,
- exam name,
- date of exam,
- exam location, and
- mailing address to be used for regular USPS mail delivery.
Please note that the Society of Actuaries will mail a copy of the answer sheet to the mailing address indicated in the email request. Upon request, the Society of Actuaries will email a .PDF of the answer sheet to the candidate.
5. How do I update my address or other contact information?
Submit a written request, which includes the following:
- Name
- Enrollment Number
- Prior contact information
- Change requested
- Best way to contact you (in case we need to contact you about change)
- Signature
- Date of Request
Requests may be submitted by regular or overnight mail or email.
Our address (regular and overnight mail) is:
Internal Revenue Service
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
SE:RPO, Room 3422
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20224
Our email address is: nhqjbea@irs.gov.
7. How can I find out whether a practitioner is an enrolled actuary in good standing with the Joint Board?
Review the roster of enrolled actuaries in active status XLSX. To report an omission or an error in the roster, please contact us at nhqjbea@irs.gov.
8. What types of behavior could subject an enrolled actuary to disciplinary action by the Joint Board?
In general, there are three types of misconduct that may subject an enrolled actuary to disciplinary action. These are:
- misconduct during the performance of actuarial services under ERISA,
- misconduct related to the enrolled actuary's Federal tax return, and
- misconduct not related to the performance of actuarial services under ERISA.
9. How do I make a complaint against an enrolled actuary?
Please direct all complaints to:
Internal Revenue Service
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
SE:RPO, Room 3422
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20224
10. What type of information should be contained in a complaint?
At a minimum, a referral should contain the enrolled actuary's name, address, telephone number and enrollment number, a detailed description of the allegations, and any supporting documents.
11. How can my organization attain status as a qualifying sponsor of continuing professional education for enrolled actuaries?
To become a qualifying sponsor of continuing professional education for enrolled actuaries, an organization must apply for recognition as a qualifying sponsor and be approved by the Joint Board. To receive additional information, contact nhqjbea@irs.gov.