- 2.3.70 Command Code EFTPS
- Program Scope and Objectives
- General Background - Command Code EFTPS
- Terminal Responses
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Number
- Exhibit 2.3.70-1 Command Code EFTPS — REQUEST
- Exhibit 2.3.70-2 Command Code EFTPS — REQUEST
- Exhibit 2.3.70-3 Command Code EFTPS — REQUEST
- Exhibit 2.3.70-4 Command Code EFTPS — RESPONSE
- Exhibit 2.3.70-5 Paging display
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 3. IDRS Terminal Responses
Section 70. Command Code EFTPS
2.3.70 Command Code EFTPS
Manual Transmittal
June 05, 2020
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.70, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code EFTPS.
Material Changes
(1) Editorial Changes have been made throughout this IRM.
(2) IRM - Revised Title.
(3) IRM - Editorial changes to portions of this subsection.
(4) IRM - Revised Title
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.3.70, dated August 28, 2013 is superseded.Audience
Large Business and International, Small Business/Self-Employed, Tax Exempt/Government Entities, Wage and Investment.Effective Date
Nancy Sieger
Acting Chief Information Officer
This sections gives step by step guidance for the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
Purpose: This Transmit revised IRM 2.3.70, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code EFTPS
Audience: All IRS business units.
Program Owner: AD/Submission Processing
Primary Stakeholders: Wage & Investment (W&I), Large & Mid-Size Business (LMSB)
Program Goals: Command Code EFTPS provides IDRS users with the ability to request immediate research of the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
Command Code EFTPS provides IDRS users with the ability to request immediate research of the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
Command Code EFTPS, Definer E requires input of the EFT Number. This is a unique 15 – digit number assigned by the financial agent. See Exhibit 2.3.70-1 for example of input screen.
Command Code EFTPS, Definer R requires the input of a Reference Number (normally the number given to the taxpayer at the time a payment is initiated) and Payment Year (year tax payment was made). An EFTPS trace number can be used as a reference when researching for reversed payments. See Exhibit 2.3.70-2 for an example of the input screen. NOTE: Bulk Filers submit large files of EFTPS payments and use the same reference number for all payment transactions associated with one transfer of funds. Bulk Filer Payments are not displayed if the Reference Number is used for research.
Command Code EFTPS, Definer T requires the input of a TIN, Payment Amount and Payment Date. See Exhibit 2.3.70-3 for an example of the input screen.
Upon successful completion of a valid request, the requested information is displayed. See Exhibit 2.3.70-4 for an example of the response screen.
Messages are displayed for invalid requests. See IRM for an explanation of messages displayed to the terminal operator.
The table below displays the messages that may be received and their explanation.
MESSAGE EXPLANATION INVALID LENGTH IN EFT NUMBER FIELD EFT NUMBER must be 15 digits. INVALID EFT NUMBER EFT NUMBER must be numeric. INVALID LENGTH IN REFERENCE NUMBER FIELD REFERENCE NUMBER must not be greater than 18 digits. INVALID LENGTH IN TIN FIELD OR INCORRECT STARTING POSITION TIN must be 9 digits and entered in position 7 after the definer. INVALID TIN TIN must be numeric and contain 9 digits. INVALID LENGTH IN PAYMENT DATE FIELD PAYMENT DATE must begin in position 17 and must be 8 digits. INVALID PAYMENT DATE PAYMENT DATE must be numeric and format must be MMDDYYYY. INVALID LENGTH IN EFT TRANSACTION AMOUNT FIELD Amount field must not be greater than 14 digits except for reversals. 15 digits are allowed for entry of leading "–" sign. INVALID EFT TRANSACTION AMOUNT Amount entered must be numeric with 2 numbers to the right of the decimal point. DECIMAL POINT REQUIRED OR INCORRECTLY POSITIONED IN EFT TRANS AMOUNT FIELD Decimal point must contain 2 digits to the right. NO ENTRY IN REQUIRED EFT NUMBER FIELD With Definer E, the number must be 15 digits, numeric and in positions 7–21. NO ENTRY IN REQUIRED REFERENCE NUMBER FIELD. Reference number should begin in position 7. NO ENTRY IN REQUIRED PAYMENT YEAR FIELD OR 2 SEPARATE FIELDS REQUIRED Payment year must be entered with a space between payment year and reference number. NO ENTRY IN REQUIRED PAYMENT DATE Field or 3 SEPARATE FIELDS REQUIRED See above NO ENTRY IN REQUIRED EFT TRANS AMT FIELD or 3 SEPARATE FIELDS REQUIRED See above INVALID LENGTH IN PAYMENT YEAR FIELD With Definer R, payment year field is input in position 26–29. NO RECORD OF REQUESTED INFORMATION EFTPS has no record of requested information. NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR YEAR ENTERED: YYYY Payment year must not be less than the current year plus 4 previous years and not greater than the current year. INVALID JULIAN DATE IN EFT NUMBER Julian Date is located in positions 5–7, numeric with a valid range of 001–366 and 401–766. PAYMENT YEAR INVALID Payment year must be numeric. REFERENCE NUMBER MAY NOT BE USED TO RESEARCH BULK FILER PAYMENTS Reference number is not unique for the bulk filer payments. Bulk filer payments are identified by a 7, 8 or 9 in the third position of the EFT Number. INVALID DEFINER! VALID DEFINERS ARE E, R, or T Enter definer E with EFT Number, definer R with Reference Number and payment year and definer T with TIN, payment amount and payment date. REQUESTED DATA OLDER THAN 4 YEARS Information retained on-line for current year plus 4 previous years. REQUESTED DATA GREATER THAN CURRENT YEAR Re-enter with valid year. NOT ABLE TO DISPLAY ALL MATCHES PAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED Only 30 pages are displayed for requested data. NO MORE PAGES End of pages displayed for requested information. EFTPS ERROR — CONTACT ENTERPRISE HELP DESK at 1-866-743-5748 This message will display if a system error occurs within EFTPS. Contact the Enterprise Help Desk at 1-866-743-5748 for assistance. HOST MENU NOT AVAILABLE The EFTPS system is not available. Contact the Enterprise Help Desk at 1-866-743-5748 for assistance.
Each payment transaction is assigned a 15-digit EFT number by the Financial Agent. The EFT number is a unique identifier used to research payments on the Master File and IDRS. DO NOT use the EFTPS DLN to perform research on EFTPS transactions. The EFT number is configured as follows:
The first digit is the Financial Agent Number (1 = Bank One (prior to November 14, 2004), 2 = Bank of America, 3 = Treasury Offset Program, 4 = SSA Levy, 5 = RS-PCC, 6 = Reserved).
The second digit identifies the Payment Method as follows: (0 = IRS E-file (Direct Debit), 1 = ACH Credit (EFTPS Direct), 3 = FTA (Same Day), 4 = (Reserved), 5 = Levy, 6 = Credit Card, 7 = EFTPS Online, 8 = Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Link, 9 = Government Payment (EFTPS for Federal Agencies, Federal Payment Levy Payment or SSA).
The third digit is the Combined Payment Indicator (Input Method). The various values and meanings are dependent on the value of the Payment Method. See the table in IRM
The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh digits represent the Julian Date. It is composed of the last digit of the year plus 001-366. If an overflow condition exists, 401-766 may be used.
The eighth and ninth digits represent the Bulk Provider Number or RS-PCC Originating Location. See the table in IRM
The eighth or tenth through fifteenth digits represent the Serial Number which is a sequentially assigned unique number.
The TEP assigns two additional leading digits to denote the Campus Code of processing (29 for Ogden on and after July 01, 2005; 49 for Memphis from 1996 - June 30, 2005) to make an EFT number of 17 positions for Master File and IDRS research (except command code EFTPS).
Input Screen—Definer E

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Element | Line | Char | Pos | Description |
1 | 1 | 5 | 1–5 | EFTPS |
2 | 1 | 1 | 6 | Definer = E |
3 | 1 | 15 | 7–21 | EFT Number |
Input Screen—Definer R

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Element | Line | Char | Pos | Description |
1 | 1 | 5 | 1–5 | EFTPS |
2 | 1 | 1 | 6 | Definer = R |
3 | 1 | 18 | 7–24 | Reference Number (May be less than 18 characters) |
4 | 1 | 1 | 25 | Space |
5 | 1 | 4 | 26–29 | YYYY (Payment Year) |
Input Screen—Definer T

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description:
Element | Line | Char | Pos | Description |
1 | 1 | 5 | 1–5 | EFTPS |
2 | 1 | 1 | 6 | Definer = T |
3 | 1 | 9 | 7–15 | TIN (NNNNNNNNN) |
4 | 1 | 1 | 16 | Space |
5 | 1 | 8 | 17–24 | Payment Date (MMDDYYYY) |
6 | 1 | 1 | 25 | Space |
7 | 1 | 15 | 26–39 | Amount $$$$$.CC (Decimal must be entered; No commas) Enter leading "-" sign for reversals. |
Display Screen

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Element | Line | Char | Pos | Description |
1 | 1 | 6 | 1–6 | EFTPS Command code with Definers E (EFT Number), R (Reference Number, Payment Year), or T (TIN, Payment Amount, Payment Date). |
2 | 1 | 15 | 20–34 | EFT Number — A unique number used to identify the electronic tax payment. |
3 | 1 | 4 | 52–55 | NAME CONTROL CODE — Four digit code used to identify taxpayer. |
4 | 1 | 11 | 65–75 | TIN — (NN-NNNNNN;NNN-NN-NNNN) — EIN or SSN. |
5 | 3 | 5 | 16–20 | TAX TYPE CODE — The first four digits of the composite number are the actual form number. The fifth position designates type of payment, such as "Deposit" . Example: 94105 = 941 Federal Tax Deposit Payment. See IRM 3.17.277–1 in the Electronic Payments IRM for a complete list. |
6 | 3 | 6 | 43–48 | 43–48 TAX PERIOD DATE — A six digit code used to identify the end of tax period for a given return. |
7 | 3 | 2 | 64–65 | FISCAL YEAR MONTH CODE — The month in which the fiscal year of the entity ends. |
8 | 5 | 15 | 16–30 | FORM NUMBER: — The number used to identify a form type. |
9 | 5 | 9 | 45–53 | DFI NUMBER — A nine (9) digit number which identifies the bank where the taxpayer's account resides. Also known as the Routing Transit Number (RTN). |
10 | 5 | 10 | 65–74 | STATUS— Identifies the current status of a transaction. |
11 | 7 | 10 | 17–26 | PAYMENT DATE— The date the taxpayer will be credited for making a payment. |
12 | 7 | 10 | 51–60 | ORIGINATION DATE — The date the taxpayer gives the payment data to the Financial Agent. |
13 | 7 | 1 | 77 | TRANSACTION INDICATOR — Identifies the type of transaction. |
0 = Payment | ||||
1 = Reversal, taxpayer error | ||||
4 = Reversal, non-taxpayer error | ||||
8 = Unidentified Payment | ||||
9 = Unidentified Reversal | ||||
A = Payment Offset | ||||
B = Reversal Offset | ||||
R = ACH Credit Reversal | ||||
14 | 9 | 10 | 26–35 | ORIGINAL PAYMENT DATE — The payment date of the original transaction; contained only in a reversing transaction. |
15 | 9 | 15 | 61–75 | EFT TRANSACTION AMOUNT — The amount received for application to the taxpayer's account. |
16 | 11 | 10 | 17–26 | BATCH NUMBER — A unique number assigned to each batch of transactions. |
17 | 11 | 18 | 51–68 | REFERENCE NUMBER: A verification number issued to the EFTPS user for each tax report entered successfully into the system. |
18 | 14 | 2 | 1–2 | AUDIT TRAIL SEQUENCE NUMBER: A sequential number assigned to an audit record. |
19 | 14 | 15 | 10–24 | EFT NUMBER — See Element 2 |
20 | 14 | 10 | 27–36 | EFT AUDIT DATE — The date an audit record is created. |
21 | 14 | 16 | 38–53 | ORIGINAL ELEMENT TEXT— The value of a data element before a change has been made. |
22 | 14 | 16 | 55–70 | CHANGED ELEMENT TEXT — The value of a data element after a change has been made. |
23 | 14 | 2 | 73–74 | ELEMENT TYPE — Used on the audit record to identify a field that was changed. |
1 = TIN | ||||
2 = Name Control | ||||
3 = Tax Period | ||||
4 = Payment Date | ||||
5 = Origination Date | ||||
6 = Status | ||||
8 = Tax Type | ||||
9 = FUTA | ||||
10 = Original Payment Date | ||||
24 | 23 | Number of pages displayed |
Paging Display (line 23):
The paging message shows the total number of pages available to view. The number displayed after the literal is the next page available to view.
The cursor is automatically positioned following the literal EFTPG nn.
Keep cursor after page number and hit 'page up' key to go to next page.
To view a specific page, use left arrow key to position cursor over the next page number available. Enter the page number and hit 'page up' key. For example, in the exhibit, EFTPG 02 is shown. Use arrow key to move cursor to 2. Type 5 and the 'page up' key. Page 05 will display.
Message Display (line 24): Messages received from the CRS system displays.