SOI tax stats - 2007 IRS Research Conference


IRS Research Conference

2007 IRS Research Conference

June 13–14
Washington, D.C.

The 2007 IRS Research Conference highlighted research on tax compliance and administration, and facilitated dialogue among IRS researchers, IRS and state tax administrators, tax experts from other countries, academic researchers, Federal agencies, and private sector experts.

The 2007 Conference was held June 13 and 14 at the Hart Auditorium of the Georgetown University Law Center. Hart Auditorium is located in McDonough Hall, at 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C.

Keynote Address PPT

James B. Mackie III

Director, Revenue Estimating Division

Office of Tax Analysis

U.S. Treasury

2007 IRS Research Bulletin PDF

Conference Program PDF

Conference Attendee List PDF

Optimal tax administration

A Framework for Optimal Tax Administration PDF
Alan H. Plumley

Tax policy and tax compliance

Tax Rate Preferences: Understanding the Effects of Perceived and Actual Current Tax Assessments PDF
Peggy A. Hite, John Hasseldine, and Darius J. Fatemi

Charitable Contributions in a Voluntary Compliance Income Tax System: Itemized Deductions versus Matching Subsidies PDF
Alex Turk, Maryamm Muzikir, Marsha Blumenthal, and Laura Kalambokidis

Tax practitioners—Perspectives and impact

Evaluating Preparation Accuracy of Tax Practitioners: A Bootstrap Approach PDF
Kim M. Bloomquist, Michael F. Albert, and Ronald L. Edgerton

Impact of Taxpayer Representation on the Outcome of Earned Income Credit Audits PDF
Jeff A. Wilson, Tom Beers, Amy Ibbotson, Mike Nestor, Mark Hutchens, Carol Hatch, and Mark Everett

The Obstacles of Voluntary Compliance from the Taxpayer’s Perspective PDF
Beanna J. Whitlock

Comments on Tax Practitioners—Perspectives and Impact PDF
John Scholz

Disentangling the tax gap

National Research Program—Methods and Plans PDF
Bob Brown and Drew Johns

Comments on Disentangling the Tax Gap PDF
Eric Toder

Compliance and administrative burdens

Aggregate Estimates of Small Business Taxpayer Compliance Burden PDF
Donald DeLuca, Scott Stilmar, John Guyton, Wu-Lang Lee, and John O’Hare

Tax Complexity and its Impact on Tax Compliance and Tax Administration in Australia PDF
Margaret McKerchar

Comments on Compliance and Administration PDF
Jane Gravelle

Taxpayer service—Preferences and effects

Taxpayer Services and Tax Compliance PDF
James Alm, Michael Jones, and Michael McKee

Taxpayer Service Channel Preferences PDF
Ben Shackleford

Lab Research on Customer Preferences and the Relationship Between Service and Compliance PDF
Kathleen Holland and Howard Rasey

Links to other conferences:

IRS Research Conference