IR-2023-251, Dec. 26, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service today updated frequently asked questions in Fact Sheet 2023-29 to provide guidance related to the critical mineral and battery component requirements.

IR-2023-211, Nov. 13, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service today issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Fact Sheet 2023-26 updating question 9 to reflect that wrongfully incarcerated United States service members cannot exclude certain payments from gross income.

IR-2023-186, Oct 6, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service issued proposed regulations, Revenue Procedure 2023-33 and frequently asked questions today for the transfer of new and previously owned clean vehicle credits from the taxpayer to an eligible entity for vehicles placed in service after Dec. 31, 2023.

IR-2023-162, Sept. 5, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service today issued a frequently asked question in Fact Sheet 2023-20 to provide guidance to pass-through entities for electronically filing Schedules K-2 and K-3 to the IRS to report negative amounts.

IR-2023-81, April 14, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service today issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide guidance for victims who have received state compensation payments for forced, involuntary, or coerced sterilization, in Fact Sheet FS-2023-11.

IR-2023-64, March 31, 2023 — The IRS today issued proposed regulations related to certain requirements that must be met for critical minerals and battery components for the new clean vehicle credit.

IR-2023-53, March 22, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service today revised frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Form 1099-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions, in Fact Sheet FS-2023-06.

IR-2023-18, Feb. 3, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service today issued Notice 2023-16 that modifies the definitions of certain vehicle classifications for the new, previously owned and qualified commercial clean vehicle credits.

The purpose of this reliance page is to confirm/explain that FAQs generally cannot be relied upon and describe authority that can be relied upon.

Prior year news releases and fact sheets for frequently asked questions (FAQs) (from 2021).