Understanding Your CP09 Notice


What this notice is about

You may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit but didn't claim it on your tax return.

What you need to do

  • Read your notice carefully.

  • Complete Earned Income Credit Worksheet on Form 15111, Earned Income Credit (CP09) PDF of the notice.

    • If the worksheet confirms you’re eligible for the credit,

      • Sign and date the Form 15111 PDF.

      • Mail the signed worksheet in the envelope provided with your notice.

    • If you're not eligible for the credit,

You can respond online

Send us your documents using the Documentation Upload Tool within 30 days from the date of this notice. Enter the access code from your notice to use the tool.

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Frequently asked questions

What is Earned Income Credit (EIC)?

The EIC is a credit for certain people who work and have earned income. The credit may give you a refund even if you do not owe any tax.

If I'm eligible for the credit, when will I receive my refund?

We’ll mail you a refund check in 6-8 weeks if you don’t owe tax or other debts we’re required to collect. If we deny the credit, we’ll send you a letter of explanation. If you don't hear from us after 8 weeks, you can call our toll-free line at 800-829-0922 to check the status.

Tips for next year

  • Claim the credit if you are eligible.
  • You can ask us to figure the earned income credit for you by writing "EIC" on the EIC line, complete Schedule EIC, and attach it to your return. If you qualify for the credit, we’ll calculate it for you.
  • Write "NO" on the EIC line if you don't want or you don't qualify for the credit.

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