What this notice is about
Your federal tax is unpaid. We asked you to pay the tax but haven’t received your payment. We issued a notice of levy to collect your unpaid taxes.
What you need to do
- Send full payment to the address on the letter immediately to avoid further penalty and interest charges.
- Call the telephone number listed on the letter to get your total balance due.
- If you've already paid the balance or can’t pay the balance, call the telephone number listed on the letter.
You may want to
Request an appeal to the proposed levy action by following the instructions on the letter.
Frequently asked questions
What if I can’t pay the balance in full?
If you cannot pay the full amount due: Pay as much as you can now and set up an installment agreement for the remaining balance. You must be current on your filings in order to apply for an installment agreement.
Please note: You may also be subject to the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act legislation, which generally prohibits the State Department from issuing or renewing a passport to a taxpayer with seriously delinquent tax debt. Additional information on passport certification is available at IRS.gov/passports.
Can I appeal the balance due?
You may request a Collection Due Process hearing. See the letter for directions.
Tax publications you may find useful
- 您可以授权他人(英文)代表您联系国税局。
- 查看一下您是否有资格获得低收入纳税人诊所的帮助(英文)。
- 倘若您在网上未能找到所需信息,请拨打通知或信函顶部的国税局电话号码。倘若您未收到信函或通知,请使用电话协助。
- 如果您不能自行解决罚款问题,请联系纳税人权益服务处,这是国税局内部的一个独立机构。