HCTA user name
The Host Country Tax Authority (HCTA) user name was assigned and distributed to your local competent authority. Contact IDES customer support for more information.
The FATCA Entity Sender ID for an HCTA represents each country under an IGA and contains the standard 19-character GIIN format: 000000.00000.TA.<ISO>, where TA (Tax Authority) is the constant category code. The entity number is only used to identify the sender or receiver of an IDES transmission and are elements included in the FATCA metadata schema.
The file name should be the same size and pattern as the standard data elements <FATCAEntitySenderId> and <FATCAEntityReceiverId> and stated in a 19-character format.
Example: U.S. HCTA FATCA Entity ID - 000000.00000.TA.840