Your organization can help lift individuals in your community out of poverty.
You can get involved by jointly sponsoring a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly site with the IRS, better known as VITA and TCE.
Every year, the IRS works with faith-based organizations, nonprofits, schools, libraries and employers across the country to sponsor sites where volunteers help people file their taxes for FREE. This not only benefits your organization by building partnerships and increasing community involvement but helps bring dollars back to your local area.
These sites are so important because 1 in 5 people don't take advantage of available tax credits. This means these individuals are leaving money on the table. VITA and TCE volunteers can help these folks claim tax credits that can put money in their pockets. Every year, VITA and TCE sites help lift millions of people out of poverty.
The IRS supports VITA and TCE partners by providing tax law curriculum for your volunteers, and the tax preparation software used to file people's tax returns. Your organization will work directly with an IRS employee who will help you recruit volunteers.
If you would like to help your community by sponsoring a VITA or TCE site, go to