- 1.11.1 Internal Management Document (IMD) Program and Responsibilities
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms and Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Internal Management Documents
- Types of IMDs
- Instructions to Staff
- Transparency of Instructions to Staff
- Complying with E-FOIA
- E-FOIA Criteria for Instructions to Staff
- Disclosure Exemptions for Instructions to Staff
- Transparency of Instructions to Staff
- IMD Approval
- IMD Numbering by Business Process
- Numbering IMDs
- IMD Roles and Responsibilities
- IRS Business Unit Executives IMD Responsibilities
- SPDER IMD Program Management
- SPDER IMD Program Office
- M&P Offices of Publishing and Distribution
- IMD Oversight Council
- General Management Responsibilities
- Program Owners with IMD Oversight
- IMD Coordination
- IMD Coordinator
- IRM Coordinator
- IG Coordinator
- IMD Coordination
- IMD Authors
- Exhibit 1.11.1-1 Glossary of Terms
- Exhibit 1.11.1-2 IMD Websites
- Exhibit 1.11.1-3 IMD Contacts and Resources
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 1. Organization, Finance, and Management
Chapter 11. Internal Management Documents System
Section 1. Internal Management Document (IMD) Program and Responsibilities
1.11.1 Internal Management Document (IMD) Program and Responsibilities
Manual Transmittal
October 07, 2022
(1) This transmits revised IRM 1.11.1, Internal Management Documents System, Internal Management Document (IMD) Program and Responsibilities.
Material Changes
(1) IRM, Program Scope and Objectives - clarified policy owner of this IRM is the office of Servicewide Policy, Directive and Electronic Resources (SPDER).
(2) IRM, Background - added clarification that the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) is the primary source of instructions to staff.
(3) IRM, Authority - added IRC 7803(a)(2)(A) as a relevant authority.
(4) IRM, Roles and Responsibilities - removed paragraph 2 and 3 and referred to related IRM subsection IRM
(5) IRM, Program Management and Review - Added reviews and reports conducted by SPDER to oversee and manage the IMD program.
(6) IRM, Program Controls - add subsection and content on IMD program controls.
(7) IRM Terms and Acronyms - merged acronym table with Exhibit 1.11.1-1, Glossary of Terms.
(8) IRM, Instructions to Staff - refined definition and added information related to use of interim guidance and supplemental or local guidance.
(9) IRM, Disclosure Exemptions for Instructions to Staff - removed wording “unless the remaining content is meaningless” about when redacted documents are posted to IRS.gov, to align content better with citation.
(10) IRM, IMD Approval - updated the title of the IRM subsection from IMD Signature Levels to IMD Approval. Title change made to clarify that the IMD signature authority is the same as its approval level. Updated IMD approval levels based Delegation Order 1-69 and changes to Form 2061 as issued in interim guidance memo RAAS-01-0421-0001 based on Delegation Order 1-69 and changes to Form 2061.
(11) IRM, IMD Roles and Responsibilities - changed IRS managers with IMD responsibilities to Program Owners with program responsibilities.
(12) IRM, M&P Offices of Publishing and Distribution - clarified Internal Management Documents Distribution System (IMDDS) and use.
(13) IRM, Program Owners with IMD Oversight - changed subsection title from Managers with Program Oversight to Program Owners with Program Oversight for clarity. No other content changes made.
(14) IRM, IMD Coordination - renumbered content previously in IRM, IMD Coordination to this subsection.
(15) IRM , IMD Coordinator - renumbered content previously contained in IRM, IMD Coordinator. In paragraph (3)a - clarified actions of the IMD coordinator in managing incoming business unit clearance requests.
(16) IRM, IRM Coordinator - renumbered content previously contained in IRM, IRM Coordinator.
(17) IRM, IG Coordinator - renumbered content previously contained in IRM, IG Coordinator.
(18) IRM , IMD Authors - renumbered content previously contained in IRM, IMD Authors. Added a column to the table in paragraph (1) with information about the type of guidance. Paragraph (3)b - Added clarification on official use only (OUO) designation by authorized approving official. Added information about IRM authoring tool’s accessibility checker.
(19) Exhibit 1.11.1-1, Glossary of Terms - Updated table with terms and acronyms previously listed in IRM
(20) Exhibit 1.11.1-2, IMD Websites - Added links to Publishing and Distribution Electronic Publishing Website and IMD E-Clearance Website.
(21) Editorial changes throughout: corrected references; updated links and terms; and revised to conform with plain language standards.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 1.11.1 dated April 15, 2020, is superseded. Incorporated interim guidance memo RAAS-01-0421-0001, Interim Guidance on Redesigned From 2061, into this IRM.Audience
All personnel responsible for IMDs including IRS executives, managers, IMD coordinators, IRM coordinators, interim guidance (IG) coordinators, authors, and reviewers in all business units.Effective Date
(10-07-2022)Holly A. Donnelly
Director, Strategy and Business Solutions (SBS)
Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics (RAAS)
Purpose. This Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) section provides an overview of internal management documents (IMDs) and the IMD process. Specifically, IRM 1.11.1:
Defines IMD, authorities and legal obligations relating to IMD.
Identifies IMD roles and responsibilities for IMD management.
Provides requirements and guidance for IMD management.
Includes a glossary of common IMD terms.
Lists IMD resources.
Audience. The audience for this IRM section includes:
IRS business unit executives and managers.
IRS management officials.
IMD originators/authors.
IMD/IRM/interim guidance (IG) coordinators.
Other personnel responsible for the administration of the IMD program.
Policy Owner. The office of Servicewide Policy, Directives and Electronic Resources (SPDER), within Strategy and Business Solutions (SBS) - Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics (RAAS), owns the policy regarding the management of internal documents.
Program Owner. The office of SPDER manages the IRS IMD process. See IRM, SPDER IMD Program Management, for additional information.
Primary Stakeholders. All business units are stakeholders regarding IMDs.
Program Goals. The goal of this program is to provide the business units with the foundation and structure needed to create and manage IMDs. The policies and processes in this IRM provide consistency throughout the IRS.
This IRM section is authored by the SPDER office. For more information, contact us:
E-mail at SPDER@irs.gov.
Website at https://spder.web.irs.gov/ (click on "Contact Us / Staff" ).
The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 resulted in a complete restructuring and reformatting of the IRM to align with IRS business processes. One of the primary goals of IRS modernization was to restore and maintain the IRM as the single, official compilation of IRS policies, procedures, and guidelines. The IRM is the primary source of instructions to staff.
In 1999, the IRS formed the Office of Servicewide Policy, Directives and Electronic Resources (SPDER), formerly Servicewide Policy, Directives and Electronic Research. SPDER is responsible for designing, implementing, and monitoring a strategic approach to managing and setting Servicewide policy for IMDs.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has authority under IRC 7803(a)(2)(A) and Treasury Order 150-10 to administer and enforce the Internal Revenue laws. The Commissioner provides subordinates certain authorities to act on his behalf by issuing delegations of authority. IRS directors with the authority and responsibility for a program issue IMDs to administer and enforce the Internal Revenue laws.
Several laws define requirements pertaining to the issuance of IMD. For example, federal agencies are required to document, publish, and maintain records of policies, authorities, procedures, and organizational operations. The table below identifies certain legal obligations:
Authorities Obligations Relating to IMD Regulations prescribed by the Federal Records Act and the National Archives and Records Administration (36 CFR 1222): https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/CFR-2012-title36-vol3/CFR-2012-title36-vol3-part1222 Requires that programs, policies, and procedures of the agency are adequately documented (36 CFR 1222.24). 44 USC 3101, Records Management by Federal Agencies: https://www.archives.gov/about/laws/fed-agencies.html Requires agencies to make and preserve records documenting organizational structure, functions, policies, decisions, procedures and essential transactions of the agency. Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552(a)(2)(C)):https://www.justice.gov/oip/blog/foia-update-freedom-information-act-5-usc-sect-552-amended-public-law-no-104-231-110-stat Requires agencies to make available for public inspection (in accordance with published rules), in an electronic format (E-FOIA), administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public. Known as FOIA. Federal Register Act (44 USC 1505): https://www.archives.gov/about/laws/cfr.html Section 1505(a) requires publication of three categories of documents in the Federal Register: (1) Proclamations and Executive Orders; (2) documents having general applicability and legal effect; (3) documents required to be published by Congress. Section 1505(b) requires publication of documents authorized to be published by regulations, excluding comments and news items.For example, The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 USC 553(b)) generally requires that the notice of proposed rule making for substantive rules be published in the Federal Register. Regulations covered by this requirement are commonly referred to as legislative regulations. Open Government Directive M10-06 from the Office of Management and Budget: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/open/documents/open-government-directive Directs executive departments and agencies to take specific actions to implement the principles of transparency, participation and collaboration set forth in the Memorandum. The Attorney General's Memorandum on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) also underscores the government's commitment to transparency in government. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/ag/legacy/2009/06/24/foia-memo-march2009.pdf Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, Public Law 105-206 (RRA 98 1203(b) violations): https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/PLAW-105publ206 If employees do not follow policies or published administrative guidance (including the IRM) for the purposes of retaliating against or harassing a taxpayer, taxpayer representative, or other IRS employee adverse action could result. -
The IRM works as the foundation for fulfilling the legal obligations set forth in 5 USC 552(a)(2)(c), 44 USC 3101 and 36 CFR 1222 and is an essential component for tax administration and enterprise risk management.
The following table lists the executives and their responsibilities for the internal management document process:
Program Owners and Directors: Responsible for: Director of Strategy and Business Solutions (SBS), RAAS Program Manager for SPDER. Director of SPDER Oversight responsibility for the IMD program of the IRS Program owners in each IRS business unit Preparing, maintaining, and archiving IMD affecting their respective programs. Director, Media and Publications (M&P) -
Composing reviews involving numbering, formatting and processing the IRM for publication.
Planning, developing, coordinating, administering and evaluating the policies, systems, procedures and standards to meet IRS publishing needs.
See IRM 1.11.5, Publishing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM).
See IRM, SPDER IMD Program Management, for more information about program owner responsibilities.
SPDER manages the IMD program through the following reviews and reports:
Annual Report on the Internal Management Documents (IMD) Program - An annual memorandum issued to the heads of office on the accomplishments and activities of the IMD program.
Annual IMD Program Assessment - An addendum to the above memorandum, this report provides the status Servicewide of the actions taken by each business unit on the identified areas of risk to the IMD program. SPDER shares a report for each business unit with the IMD executive and IMD coordinator and staff.
IMD Certification - SPDER annually requests the heads of office certify the current status of their IRM, Servicewide delegation order and policy statement content and certify IRM management and internal controls. SPDER compiles the results into a report for senior executives, managers, IMD coordinators, and staff. The report supports and improves IMD program management.
Exhibit 1.11.1-1, Glossary of Terms, contains a table of terms and definitions.
IMDs are official communications that designate authorities and/or provide instructions to staff for IRS officials and employees.
IMDs are based on the following sources:
Primary Source Includes Legal authorities -
Court cases
Administrative guidance -
Notices and announcements
Revenue rulings
Revenue procedures
Business unit operations -
Policy statements
Delegations of authority
Functional statements
The table includes types of IMDs, descriptions of their purpose, and related IRM sections that provide guidance on authoring and issuance.
Type of IMD Description Related IRM Section(s) Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) The IRM serves as the single official source of "instructions to staff." The IRM is based on policies, delegated authorities, procedures, instructions, and guidelines relating to the organization, functions, administration, and operations of the IRS. Policy statements and delegation orders are often used in the IRM. IRM 1.11.2, Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process, describes the process for authoring and maintaining the IRM.
IRM 1.11.6, Using and Researching the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM), describes how to locate information in and use the IRM.Servicewide Delegation Orders (DO), also referred to as Delegations of Authority Servicewide delegation orders are specific delegations of authority issued by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, or on his behalf by either of the Deputy Commissioners, to subordinate officials, with or without restrictions. IRM 1.11.4, Servicewide Delegation Order Process, describes the process of creating, revising, and revoking delegation orders.
Published Servicewide delegation orders are located in IRM 1.2.2, Servicewide Delegations of Authority.Division/Function Delegation Orders Division Commissioners, Chiefs, National Taxpayer Advocate, and equivalent level executives issue these orders to re-delegate authorities delegated to them or their subordinates by or through the Commissioner. IRM 1.11.4, Servicewide Delegation Order Process, provides procedures and guidelines on the development, clearance, and publication of division/function delegation orders.
Division/function delegation orders are published in the IRM 1.2.6X series.Policy Statements (PS) Policy statements advise IRS employees and the public of the IRS commitment to an ideal or value. They are authorized by the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioners. These statements can form the basis for procedures and instructions in the IRM. IRM 1.11.3, Servicewide Policy Statement Process, contains instructions on preparing, clearing, and publishing policy statements.
Published policy statements are located in IRM 1.2.1, Servicewide Policy Statements.Interim Guidance (IG) An official communication conveyed through memoranda or IRM procedural updates (IPUs) used by business units or program offices to convey immediate, emergency or temporary changes to operations or procedures for a defined effective period. IRM 1.11.10, Interim Guidance Process, describes IG standards and processing procedures. Operating Level Directives These directives are instructions to staff issued by head of office executives. Examples include: -
Division/function delegation orders
Business unit operating policies
None -
The IRS designates the IRM as the single, official compilation of IRS policies, procedures, and guidelines. Program offices must place instructions to staff in the IRM, which employees use to carry out their responsibilities in administering tax laws, performing duties, and executing IRS operations. See IRM (2), Internal Management Documents for those sources.
IRS program offices must use interim guidance (IG), as defined in IRM 1.11.10, Interim Guidance Process, to convey new, changed, pilot and temporary procedure, or a deviation from procedure, to employees in situations where there is insufficient time to update and publish the IRM. See IRM, IRM Standards.
IRS program offices may also choose to issue supplemental or local forms of guidance. Program offices are responsible for ensuring that all primary instructions to staff, related to supplemental or local guidance, are contained in the IRM. See IRM, Supplemental Guidance.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC 552, provides public access to agency records unless protected from disclosure by an exemption under 5 USC 552(b). FOIA, 5 USC 552(a)(2)(C) requires "administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public" be available to the public. FOIA, as amended in 1996, requires disclosure to the public in an electronic form and is known as the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA).
The IRS maintains the FOIA Library web page on IRS.gov. Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff, such as the IRM, are posted to the FOIA Library.
Business units that issue instructions to staff outside of the IRM, such as IG, are responsible for identifying content that meet the conditions under FOIA and posting documents on the FOIA Library. See IRM, Complying with E-FOIA, and IRM, E-FOIA Criteria for Instructions to Staff.
Media and Publications automatically posts the published IRM to the FOIA Library on IRS.gov. Content exempt from public disclosure under 5 USC 552(b), which is marked as OUO, is redacted prior to posting to the FOIA Library.
SPDER posts recently issued policy statements and Servicewide delegation orders to the FOIA Library on IRS.gov.
The program owner is responsible for ensuring that all other instructions to staff that meet E-FOIA criteria, including interim guidance memoranda and SERP IPUs, are posted to the FOIA Library web page.
See IRM, Distribute Interim Guidance, for specifics on how to comply and post instructions to staff meeting E-FOIA to the FOIA Library.
A web-based E-FOIA Decision Tool is available on the Internal Management Documents Community site to assist users in determining whether guidance meets E-FOIA criteria and requires posting on the FOIA Library on IRS.gov.
Consult a disclosure advisor when uncertain if E-FOIA applies. Disclosure contacts are found at the Disclosure and Privacy Knowledge Base.
For IMDs to meet 5 USC 552(a)(2)(C) for disclosure to the public and posting to the FOIA Library on IRS.gov, the guidance must meet the following conditions:
Be procedural and communicate directions, guidelines, or standards to employees in the performance of their assigned duties,
Affect how a member of the public files, pays, complies with their tax requirements, or interacts with the IRS, and
Not be exempt from disclosure under 5 USC 552(b). See IRM, Disclosure Exemptions for Instructions to Staff.
If the document restates procedures already available in full on the FOIA Library, then it is not necessary to post the document.
Instructions to staff that affect a member of the public must be made public unless the information is exempt under 5 USC 552(b). IRM, Exemptions, lists the nine FOIA exemptions. Generally, only 5 USC 552(b)(7)(E) applies to instructions to staff. 5 USC 552(b)(7)(E) exempts content, which if disclosed could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law by a member of the public. This content is designated by the IRS as official use only (OUO) and does not require disclosure.
If IMDs contain OUO information and non-OUO information, the OUO information is redacted (removed); the remaining non-OUO content is accessible to the public. See IRM, Official Use Only.
The table below lists IMD approval authorities and circumstances that permit re-delegation. Any delegation for approval authority must be in writing and kept by the delegating office. See IRM 1.2.2 , Servicewide Delegations of Authority forDelegation Order 1-69, Authorization to Approve an Internal Management Document (IMD).
The table below lists the approval level for each IMD.
IMD Type Issuance Type OUO Designation Approval Level Redelegation Authority IRM
IG (interim guidance memo or IPU)
Operating level directiveNew
RevisedWith newly designated
changed OUO contentAn official as designated in Delegation Order 11-1, Administrative Control of Documents and Material, paragraph three (3)
has program oversight of the IMD contentNot allowed per DO 11-1 and DO 1-69 IRM
IG (interim guidance memo or IPU)
Operating level directiveRevised De-designated OUO content An official as designated in Delegation Order 11-1 paragraph six (6)
has program oversight of the IMD contentNot allowed per DO 11-1 and DO 1-69 IRM
IG (interim guidance memo or IPU)
Operating level directiveNew
ObsolescedWithout newly designated
changed OUO contentA member of the Senior Executive Service with program oversight of the IMD content In writing to a supervisory manager with program oversight of the IMD content, per DO 1-69 Servicewide Delegation Order New
RescindedNA The IRS Commissioner or the responsible IRS deputy commissioner Not allowed per DO 1-69 Division/Function Delegation Order New
RescindedNA The responsible division commissioner, deputy commissioner, chief and deputy chief, chief officer and deputy chief officer, director, officer and deputy officer, National Taxpayer Advocate, reporting to the IRS Commissioner or a deputy commissioner Not allowed per DO 1-69 Servicewide Policy Statement New
RescindedNA The IRS Commissioner or the responsible IRS deputy commissioner Not allowed per DO 1-69
IRS business processes are categorized by a unique number for identifying related IMD. The table below names and describes the IMD business processes. Each category is assigned a business process number.
Business Process Number Business Process Category Description of Content 1 Organization, Finance, and Management Strategic planning, budgeting, Servicewide policies, delegations of authority, and functional statements. 2 Information Technology Development, implementation, and maintenance of IRS information systems. 3 Submission Processing Processing of paper returns, electronic submissions, tax payments, and refunds. 4 Examining Process Activities related to conducting examinations of small business, self-employed, large case, employee plans, exempt organizations, and government entities. 5 Collecting Process Activities related to collecting delinquent taxes and securing delinquent tax returns. 6 Human Resources Management Policies, guidelines, and procedures related to workforce issues such as training, hiring, personnel matters, labor relations, etc. 7 Rulings and Agreements Pre-filing agreements, private letter rulings, technical advice, determination letters, and compliance programs. 8 Appeals Administrative appeals processes involving taxpayers’ disputes with the IRS. 9 Criminal Investigation Criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes. 10 Security, Privacy and Assurance All security, safeguard, assurances, and privacy information. 11 Disclosure, Communications, and Liaison Internal and external communications, governmental liaison and disclosure, legislative affairs, and public liaison activities. 13 Taxpayer Advocate Service Processes and activities that assist taxpayers who encounter problems not resolved through normal IRS systemic and/or business processes. 20 Penalty and Interest Assessment and abatement of penalties and interest. 21 Customer Account Services Customer technical and account inquiries received via telephone, e-mail, other written correspondence, and walk-in service. 22 Taxpayer Education and Assistance Processes and activities associated with customer outreach in the business units. 25 Special Topics Processes and procedures that apply to and are used by employees of more than one business unit. 30–39 Chief Counsel Directives Manual (CCDM) Processes and activities associated with the Office of the Chief Counsel.
The numbering structure identified above applies to certain IMDs. The table below identifies and describes the numbering schema for each type of IMD with an example.
In these examples, each document belongs to the organization, finance, and management process, business process number 1. The location of '1' in the Example Number reflects where the business process number is found for each type of IMD.
IMD Type Example Number Title IRM 1.32.14 Gainsharing Travel Savings Program Delegation Order DO-1-30 Authorization and Approval of Official Travel within the United States Policy Statement P-1-48 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses is Authorized for a Guest Attending an Awards Ceremony Divisional Delegation Orders WI 1-30-1 Approval of Travel Advances, Travel and Transportation Services, and Travel Vouchers IG CFO-01-0713-0005 Interim guidance memo on the Approval Process for Event-Related Spending
All business units share responsibility for managing IMD. The information below describes the IMD roles and responsibilities of:
IRS business unit executives
Servicewide Policy, Directives and Electronic Resources (SPDER)
M&P Offices of Publishing and Distribution
IMD Oversight Council
General management responsibilities
Program owners with IMD oversight
IMD coordinators
IRM coordinators
IG coordinators
IRM authors
Business unit executives are responsible for the content and management of IMD affecting their business programs. Executives are expected to institute an effective process to manage their IRM material and other instructions to staff. They must ensure that policies, authorities, procedures, and organizational operations for their business unit are documented and published per legal requirements. See IRM, Authority, for legal authorities.
Executives must establish clear expectations to subordinate offices and empower their IMD staff. These expectations should promote:
Successful overall management of instructions to staff.
Employees’ ability to find critical information.
Adherence to IRM Chapter 1.11 requirements.
Mitigation of potential risks in the IMD program.
Internal control for programs.
To establish an effective IMD program, executives should:
Appoint an IMD coordinator who has the authority to manage the process on the leader's behalf.
Establish a network of employees to support the IMD coordinator within the embedded functions.
Develop and implement procedures and measures to ensure that IMD reflect current operations, policies, procedures, and guidance.
Establish internal controls to make certain that IMD are received and followed by appropriate personnel.
Ensure employees with IMD responsibilities are trained to perform their duties.
SPDER sets the policy for and oversees the IRS IMD process relating to the IRM, policy statements, delegation orders, and IG. SPDER’s IMD program responsibilities are:
Communicating policies, procedures, and information regarding the IMD process.
Serving as principal advisor to IRS personnel on IMD issues.
Leading the IMD Oversight Council and establishing other cross functional councils or steering committees to work on issues related to IMDs.
Coordinating with all business units to resolve IMD issues.
Participating in decisions related to publishing IMD materials.
SPDER manages online resources for the IMD community as described in the following table.
Description Website Address IMD Community of Practice site - provides information on current projects, special topics, and resource material https://organization.ds.irsnet.gov/sites/ras/spder/IMD_COP/SitePages/Home.aspx IMD Electronic Clearance Tool - A SharePoint based system that streamlines the clearance, approval and archiving processes. https://organization.ds.irsnet.gov/sites/ras/spder/IMDEC/SitePages/Home.aspx IMD Tracking System – A restricted database used by business unit interim guidance coordinators to post and remove interim guidance memoranda (IGM) and IRM procedural updates (IPUs) to and from the Search Interim Guidance page and the FOIA library on IRS.gov. http://imdtrack.web.irs.gov/search.aspx IRM Online – provides the IRM on a searchable database https://irm.web.irs.gov/ ReferenceNet – provides Servicewide legal and tax research services to staff https://rnet.web.irs.gov/ Search Interim Guidance Page - A webpage that contains active interim guidance memoranda (IGMs), IRM procedural updates (IPUs), Servicewide delegation orders and policy statements http://imdtrack.web.irs.gov/search.aspx SPDER IMD Community Site – provides resource material to the IMD community https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd VILLA (Virtual IMD Learning Library Application) – provides short training modules about the IMD process as technical support for the IMD community https://organization.ds.irsnet.gov/sites/ras/spder/IMD_COP/V -
Each year, SPDER conducts a review of the IMD process to assess the overall state of the IRM and other instructions to staff. SPDER shares the findings from these annual reviews with IRS leaders and the IMD community to recognize achievements and mitigate potential risks in the IMD program. SPDER posts the annual report on the IMD program home page https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/.
Each year, SPDER facilitates the certification of every IRM section, Servicewide delegation order, and policy statement as “current as published,” “current with IG / IPU,” “in clearance,” or “not current,” and produces a report based on the findings. See IRM, Program Controls.
The SPDER IMD program office is responsible for IMD process management. The SPDER IMD program office monitors and strives to enhance the IMD process relating to the IRM, policy statements, delegation orders, and IG by:
Establishing requirements and policy for the IMD process.
Identifying and implementing business process improvements for the IMD process.
Providing oversight through reviews and analysis of the IRM, at least annually.
Evaluating compliance with FOIA requirements.
Posting recently issued policy statements and Servicewide delegation orders to the FOIA Library on IRS.gov.
Posting IG meeting FOIA requirements on IRS.gov.
Members of the SPDER IMD program office provide coordination, guidance, assistance, and training to all business units. They ensure conformance with IMD procedures by:
Developing and communicating uniform instructions and procedures related to the IMD process.
Maintaining current IMD process and procedures in the IRM.
Providing guidance and training to IMD/IRM coordinators, authors, and management officials.
Providing IRM Authoring software training.
Initiating or providing substantive review, evaluation, and coordination of new and revised policy statements and delegation orders prepared for the approval and signature of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners.
Providing virtual workshops and other forms of training when needed.
A listing of SPDER points of contact can be found at https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/resources/IMDContacts/Default.aspx.
Media and Publications (M&P) IRM Team and distribution coordinators are responsible for publishing and distributing all IRS published products. See IRM, Publishing, and IRM, Distribution.
The IRM Publishing Team is the initial contact for printing and publishing services for all media types. They are responsible for:
Reviewing and processing Form 1767, Publishing Service Requisition, to print and distribute IMD.
Administering the IRM Upload tool, which is used to submit IRMs for publication.
Administering the IRM composition and printing contract.
Managing the electronic IMD files in the Core Repository of Published Products (CROPP).
Establishing the annual IRM Filing Season Production Schedule.
Coordinating with SPDER to incorporate IRM program and customer requirements into the publishing system.
Distributing the electronic IMD files.
Publishing all non-OUO and redacted IRMs on IRS.gov.
Funding all publishing costs associated with the IRM.
M&P's maintains a listing of its IRM team members as well as its distribution coordinators, who provide planning and distribution services for all IRS printed products, including the Internal Management Documents Distribution System (IMDDS). The listing is available at: https://publish.no.irs.gov/pubsys/irm/irm.html#tab=tab1.
The IMD Oversight Council provides a strategic direction for identifying and recommending improvements to the IMD process relating to the IRM, policy statements, delegations of authority, and IG. The Council is responsible for:
Collaborating on and implementing strategies related to the IMD program.
Identifying IMD program needs such as training requirements, delivery of training, IRM content, etc.
Representing concerns from users of the IRM or other IMD related activities.
Promoting ownership and team building among its members.
Supporting the IRS goal to ensure the IRM is the official source of all procedures, policy, directives, delegations, and guidelines.
Monitoring and measuring progress achieving the IRM goals.
SPDER chairs the Council. Members include one or more representatives from each business unit along with representatives from the M&P IRM Team, and SERP. Business unit IMD coordinators are members of the Council.
The Council meetings provide a forum for this cross-agency body to make decisions related to the IMD process.
All IRS managers must ensure that their employees have access to the IMDs defining the policies and procedures necessary to perform their jobs. This begins with an understanding of the IRM.
Managers must ensure employees understand:
How to access the IRM, paper or electronic version.
Where to find IG or SERP updates.
How policies and delegations affect their duties.
It is the responsibility of all IRS managers to support the IMD program and require the use of applicable IRM sections. Managers should also encourage employees to provide feedback regarding the IRM to the authors.
A manager with IMD responsibilities supervises employees who issue IMDs.
IRS program offices responsible for establishing the internal instructions necessary to implement and manage a program area are program owners. They are responsible for:
Reviewing IRM content for accuracy and completeness on a yearly basis.
Analyzing issues that may provoke a change to the IRM, such as new or revised legislation, court opinions, issuance of regulations, or changes in procedure that result from other factors (organizational, operational, technology, etc.).
Determining and prioritizing changes to the IRM.
Approving the issuance of instructions to staff, such as in IRMs, IG, and local procedures.
Complying with FOIA requirements for IG and other IMDs.
Ensuring adequate records management for all IMDs.
Responding to disagreements elevated from the clearance process.
Ensuring a good-faith effort to resolve disagreements that arise during clearance.
IRS managers who manage employees with IMD duties are responsible for:
Verifying that IMDs are issued and maintained in accordance with IRM 1.11.2, IRM 1.11.3, IRM 1.11.4, IRM 1.11.5, IRM 1.11.9, and IRM 1.11.10.
Ensuring IMDs reflect current operations and processes.
Communicating and promoting the importance of the IRM in office business goals.
Confirming IMDs comply with the E-FOIA requirements of electronic public availability and records management guidelines. See IRM, Transparency of Instructions to Staff.
Ensuring IRM authors and/or coordinators have proper training.
Ensuring internal control information is included in each IRM section.
Devoting adequate resources to support the IMD program.
Developing, as needed, internal procedures on managing instructions to staff and communicating them to staff.
Evaluating employees with collateral duties in support of the IMD program, including: IRM authors, IMD/IRM coordinators, IG coordinators, and other management officials, on their performance of these duties.
Business unit directors appoint coordinators to manage and support the IMD program within their business unit. Each office reporting to a business unit may designate an individual to serve as an IRM coordinator and/or IG coordinator for that office. These coordinators and other management officials, as needed, assist the IMD coordinator in the management of the IMD/IRM program.
Management officials support IMD coordination and management of the IMD program. They provide assistance to:
Communicate and promote the importance of the IRM in office business goals.
Comply with legal requirements to document operations and promote transparency to the public.
Develop internal procedures on managing instructions to staff and communicating them to staff.
All employees with IMD responsibility should include these responsibilities in their work plans or commitments to ensure that this work is appropriately evaluated as part of their performance appraisal.
IMD coordinators are members of the IMD Oversight Council and, as such, they are responsible for:
Serving as a business unit representative for employees managing and using IMDs.
Attending IMD Oversight Council meetings, workshops, and training classes.
Communicating information and guidance to business unit IRM coordinators, authors, and management officials.
Assisting with marketing and communications plans within their business units.
Participating in workgroups to address IMD related issues.
IMD coordinators are responsible for administering the business unit’s IMD program. These responsibilities include:
Coordinating the processing of IMDs, including: IRM materials, interim guidance memoranda, delegation orders, and policy statements.
Coordinating IRM review assignments from within and outside their business units (with IRM coordinators or subject matter experts).
Coordinating IMD certification for their business unit.
Facilitating elevated issues between IRM authors and reviewers.
Instituting mechanisms to ensure the IG is timely incorporated into the IRM.
Evaluating current IMDs to update and/or remove obsolete information.
Monitoring the development of functional IMDs to ensure that they are authored and published correctly.
Providing business unit specific training to IRM coordinators and authors.
Communicating and educating business unit employees with Servicewide IMD/IRM changes and IMD resources to improve IMD/IRM products.
IMD coordinators are responsible for coordination and guidance. This is done by:
Managing IMD clearance requests originating within the business unit and those received from external business units.
Keeping IRM coordinators, IMD authors, and management officials informed of all instructions and guidelines issued by SPDER and Headquarters offices.
Ensuring, as a final reviewer of IMDs, that a completed package is assembled and forwarded for printing and distribution based on procedures outlined in IRM 1.11.2, Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process, IRM 1.11.9, Clearing and Approving Internal Management Documents (IMDs), and IRM 1.11.5, Publishing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM).
Ensuring IG is cleared, numbered, and controlled.
Ensuring interim guidance memos meeting FOIA requirements are identified and published on IRS.gov. See IRM 1.11.10, Interim Guidance Process, for detailed instructions.
Facilitating updates using the Editorial Update Process. See IRM 1.11.2, Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process, for detailed instructions.
IMD coordinators are listed on the SPDER intranet site at https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/Resources/IMDContacts/Default.aspx.
IRM coordinators are responsible for providing guidance to IMD/IRM authors by:
Serving as the first point of contact for IMD/IRM authors under their respective areas.
Serving as the liaison between the authors, IG coordinator, and the business unit IMD coordinator.
IRM coordinators are responsible for providing assistance by:
Supporting the IMD coordinator on IMD/IRM issues.
Facilitating issues between IRM authors and reviewers.
Reviewing IRM packages for conformance with the format and procedures provided in IRM 1.11.2, Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process, and IRM 1.11.5, Publishing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM), prior to forwarding to their IMD coordinator or authorized approver.
IG coordinators are responsible for:
Serving as a contact for IG originators under their respective areas.
Serving as the liaison between the authors and the business unit IMD coordinator.
Providing assistance to originators on IG standards, formats, and processing steps found in IRM 1.11.10, Interim Guidance Process, and organizational requirements.
Facilitating issues between originators and reviewers.
Monitoring IG to ensure it is current and timely incorporated into the related IRM, or appropriately reissued or obsolesced following IRM 1.11.10, Interim Guidance Process.
Posting interim guidance memoranda to the IG tracking system.
IRM authors must follow the IMD process contained in the IRM. The following table lists the IMD IRM sections.
IRM Title Guidance IRM 1.11.1 Internal Management Document (IMD) Program and Responsibilities The IMD program, definitions and the roles and responsibilities of IRM authors, IMD/IRM coordinators and their managers. IRM 1.11.2 Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process Describes the IRM authoring process and the procedures for creating or updating the IRM. IRM 1.11.3 Servicewide Policy Statement Process Creating and revising Servicewide policy statements. IRM 1.11.4 Servicewide Delegation Order Processing Creating and revising Servicewide delegation orders and divisional delegation orders. IRM 1.11.5 Publishing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) The publishing and distribution processes. IRM 1.11.8 Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) Issuing SERP IPUs. See IRM, Updating IRMs through an IRM Procedural Update (IPU). IRM 1.11.9 Clearing and Approving Internal Management Documents (IMDs) Clearing IMDs and obtaining approvals. IRM 1.11.10 Interim Guidance Process Authoring, issuing and clearing IGs and the rules for complying with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirements. IRM 10.5.1 Privacy Policy The proper handling of sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information and personally identifiable information (PII). IRM 11.3.12 Designation of Documents Processing IMDs and training materials containing OUO information. -
IRM authors must also:
Follow the IMD/IRM authoring rules and processes.
Contact the IMD/IRM/IG coordinator for training and guidance. IMD coordinators are listed on the SPDER intranet site at https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/resources/IMDContacts/.
Attend IMD training courses. See IMD Community web page for Authors at http://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/authors/Default.aspx.
Ensure the information in IMD is current and accurate.
Collaborate with stakeholders when processes or procedures affect another business unit, group, or external stakeholders.
When creating or managing IRM content, the author must:
Prepare IRM content using the IRM authoring tool (see IRM 1.11.2, Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Process, for authoring instructions).
Identify and mark official use only (OUO) text that is embedded in an IRM section.
Follow the rules in Arbortext 7.1 IRM authoring software to ensure the IRM is compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
When clearing IMD, the author must:
Follow procedures in IRM 1.11.9, Clearing and Approving Internal Management Documents (IMDs).
Coordinate with all stakeholders and resolve any stakeholder concerns.
Prepare an IMD clearance package and secure approval (clearance) of the document through affected business units.
Send the document clearance records to the IRS Historical Research Library.
IMD/IRM authors must contact their business unit’s IMD Coordinator and follow IRM 1.11.5, Publishing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM), for publishing an IRM. They must follow IRM 1.11.10, Interim Guidance Process when determining publication requirements for IG.
IRM authors should include these collateral responsibilities in their work plan or commitments to ensure that this work is appropriately evaluated as part of their performance appraisal.
Contractors developing IMD materials are subject to the same requirements as any IMD originator/author. It is the responsibility of the contractor liaison to ensure the guidelines and processes are followed.
The table below defines some key terms used in the IMD process:
Term | Definition |
Affected Business Units | Business units whose policies or procedures may be changed because of the originator's IMD procedures and revisions. Affected business units include:
Audience | The employees responsible for action or who require knowledge about the program, process or activity. Identify the IRM primary user by job title, role, specific office or business unit. |
Approving Official | The person who gives the final approval to implement the procedures, guidelines, or policy contained in an IMD. |
Business Unit | The highest level operating division or office headed by an executive. |
Clearance | The established, formal process for business units affected by an internal management document to review, comment, and approve that document to ensure it is complete, correct, and does not conflict with another policy, procedure, or process. |
Core Repository of Published Products (CROPP) | A website that provides the extensible markup language (XML) version for the current published IRM section, and IRM portable document format (PDF) file(s) dating back to 1996. The CROPP can be accessed on the Electronic Publishing website. |
De-designate | To determine that content no longer meets the criteria for a official use only (OUO) classification. |
Delegation Order | Specific delegations of authority issued by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, or on his behalf by either of the Deputy Commissioners, to subordinate officials, with or without restrictions. See IRM, Types of IMDs. |
Distribution | The act of delivering the IRM to its users either in hardcopy (paper) or electronic format (PDF). |
E-FOIA Decision Tool | An "interactive" flowchart that helps determine if "instructions to staff," including IG, should be made available to the public. Available on the IMD Community site. |
Extensible Markup Language (XML) | The content markup language used in the IRM authoring tool that identifies the content type and maintains the required structure of the IRM format. |
FOIA and E-FOIA | The Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 USC 551, et seq., requires that an agency keep the general public informed about its operations and record-keeping practices. Section 552 of the APA, known as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that provides public access to agency records unless protected from disclosure by an exemption or exclusion. PL 89-487 (1966) which was codified in 5 USC 552 by PL 90-23 (1967). For exemptions, see IRM, Exemptions. FOIA also requires disclosure to the public in an electronic form, referred to as the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA). |
Form 13709, Privacy, Governmental Liaison and Disclosure (PGLD) Checklist for IMD and Training Materials | Form 13709 is submitted to PGLD to assist with ensuring review by the appropriate subject matter expert(s). |
Form 1767, Publishing Services Requisition | Form 1767 is used to request the publishing, printing, and distribution of an IRM section. |
Form 2061, Document Clearance Record | Form 2061 is used to facilitate review and clearance of IMDs. This form serves as a control, routing slip, and official record of review and clearance for all types of IMDs. |
IMD Community | All personnel responsible for IMD in any capacity – managers, IMD coordinators, IRM coordinators, authors, reviewers, etc. |
IMD Coordinator | An individual designated by a business unit executive to serve as a coordinator of IMD for the entire business unit. For a listing of IMD coordinators, see the SPDER website’s IMD Oversight Council listing. |
Instructions to Staff | Guidelines and procedures issued by program owners. |
Interim Guidance (IG) | An official communication conveyed through memoranda or IRM procedural updates (IPUs) used by business units or program offices to convey immediate, emergency or temporary changes to operations or procedures for a defined effective period. |
Interim Guidance Memo | A type of interim guidance. |
IG Coordinator | An individual designated by a business unit within each office to serve as liaison between originators of IG and the business unit IMD coordinator and provide support to the IMD coordinator, IRM authors, and IG originators. |
Internal Control | A tool routinely used by management or an integral component of a business unit’s management that provides unmodified assurance of achievement for the following objectives:
Internal Management Document (IMD) | An official communication that designates authorities and delineates instructions to staff for IRS officials and employees. Refer to IRM, Types of IMDs. |
Internal Management Documents Distribution System (IMDDS) | The system that controls and manages the distribution of the IMDs of the IRS. |
Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) | The primary source of official IRS policies, procedures, guidelines, and delegations. The IRM contains information available to the public and embedded official use only (OUO) information. |
IRM Authoring Tool | Also referred to as Arbortext Editor or simply Arbortext. The tool used by IRM authors to create and maintain IRM content. |
IRM Coordinator | An individual designated by a business unit within each office to serve as liaison between the authors and the business unit IMD coordinator and to provide support to the IMD coordinator and IRM authors. |
IRM Publishing Package | An organized packet of documents presented in a designated order and used to request publication of an IRM. Refer to IRM 1.11.5, Publishing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM). |
IRM Section | A standalone unit of the IRM that covers a single topic or substantive matter about a program, process or activity. |
IRS Historical Research Library | A repository of IRS organizational history, IRMs from inception in 1952, including background and clearance information, both in electronic and paper format. The online resource is found at: https://oldirm.web.irs.gov/. |
National IMDDS Coordinators | Individuals who administer the distribution system for IMD and are the key contacts for IRM distribution. |
Office of Servicewide Policy, Directives and Electronic Resources (SPDER) | SPDER manages the IMD program. |
Official IRM File | The electronic IRM files and graphics used as the source files used to deliver the IRM in both electronic and paper to internal and external users. The official IRM file is available in the CROPP. |
Official Use Only (OUO) | Sensitive information not made available to the public because it meets a Freedom of Information Act exemption and there is a reasonable expectation that disclosure would harm tax administration or IRS operations or when disclosure is specifically prohibited by law. Refer to IRM 11.3.12, Designation of Documents. |
Originator | An individual, usually the IMD author. This person is the key contact to address any technical questions about content that occur during the clearance process. |
Portable Document Format (PDF) | The Adobe Acrobat computer file format used to create IRM graphics. |
Policy Statement | Policy statements generally advise IRS employees and the public of the IRS commitment to an ideal or value. They are authorized by the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioners. See IRM |
Program Owner | The business unit / program office responsible for establishing the program policy, process, and procedures necessary to implement and manage a program area for the IRS. |
Publish | To prepare and issue printed and electronic material (the IRM) for distribution to employees, vendors, and other users. The official IRM is "published" by a printing contractor who creates the final version and packages the material for distribution. |
Reviewer | Employees from affected offices and business units who review IMDs for accuracy during the clearance process. |
Section 508 | Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 USC 794d), as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (PL 105-220), requires Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. |
Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) | An electronic research source maintained by W&I designed to provide access to current IRMs, updated with interim procedural guidance through IPUs and reference materials. Not all IRMs are on SERP. |
SERP IRM Procedural Update (SERP IPU) | A type of interim guidance issued for IRMs on the SERP platform. |
Subject Matter Expert (SME) | Employee who is familiar with the policies and procedures contained in an IMD and can review that content for accuracy. |
(1) The following resources provide additional information and tools pertaining to procedures for the issuing and maintaining IMD/IRM material:
Resource | Location | Description |
Core Repository of Published Products (CROPP) | https://publish.no.irs.gov/catlg.html | Houses the official IRM, including the electronic IRM files and graphics, used to deliver electronic and hardcopy IRM sections to sites internal and external to IRS. Contains both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) versions for each IRM Section. |
IMD Electronic Clearance Tool | https://organization.ds.irsnet.gov/sites/ras/spder/IMDEC/ | A SharePoint based system that streamlines the clearance, approval and archiving processes. |
IMD Tracking System | http://imdtrack.web.irs.gov/search.aspx | Provides a database of recently published IG, policy statements, and delegation orders. |
IRM Decision Tool | https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/Resources/IRMDecisionTool.aspx | An interactive flowchart to help determine if the information is instructions to staff and should be incorporated into the IRM. |
IRM Online | https://irm.web.irs.gov/ | Houses the currently effective Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) for research. |
IRM Upload Tool | https://caps-as.enterprise.irs.gov/irm/japple?PAGE=gov.irs.publish.irm.Upload | Supports the submission of IRM packages for publishing and the submission of source files used in the development of IRM graphics. |
IRS Published Product Notification | https://caps-as.enterprise.irs.gov/enotify/japple?PAGE=gov.irs.publish.enotify.List | Provides the option for any IRS employee to sign up to receive an e-mail notifying them when a revised IRS published product is issued. This feature is available from M&P's Product Catalog Information page for each individual IRM section, in the box entitled, "Availability." |
Link Creation Tool | https://irm.web.irs.gov/tools/CreateLink/Default.aspx | Assists document authors in creating hyperlinks to IRM Online content. The tool generates a URL that links directly to an IRM section or subsection hosted on IRM Online. |
M&P IRM Program | https://publish.no.irs.gov/pubsys/irm/irm.html | Provides overview of M&P IRM program along with links to related IRM publishing and distribution tools. |
Organizational IMD/IRM Websites | http://irm.web.irs.gov/imd/other/ | Houses IMD/IRM information pages for some business units who maintain their own pages. |
Publishing + Distribution Website | http://publish.no.irs.gov/ephome.html | Provides links to the official core repository of IRS products including the IRM, publishing production time frames for IRMs, IRM production information, FAQs, and other publishing information. |
ReferenceNet | https://rnet.web.irs.gov/ | Provides Servicewide legal and tax research services to staff. |
SPDER IMD Training Website | https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/training/Default.aspx | Provides a complete list of IRM-related training. |
SPDER IMD Website | https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/ | Provides IMD information and access to important memoranda relating to administration of the IMD program. Provides access to training plans and information to strategically manage the IMD program. |
Resource | Location/URL | Description |
IMD Community Mailing Lists | https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/News/Default.aspx | Subscribers receive e-mail alerts on topics related to the IMD program. There is a separate mailing list available for managers of IMD authors or coordinators. |
SPDER IMD Team Members | http://spder.web.irs.gov/officeinfo/contact/ | Contact information for members of SPDER's IMD Team. |
Members of the IMD Oversight Council | https://spder.web.irs.gov/imd/Resources/IMDContacts/Default.aspx?org=None&role=IMD%20Council | Includes business unit IMD/IRM coordinators, NTEU, members of the SPDER IMD Team, and the IRM Publishing Team. |
M&P IRM Publishing Team Members | http://publish.no.irs.gov/pubsys/irm/irm.html#tab=tab1 | Contact information for members of the IRM Publishing Team. |
XML/SGML Help Desk | http://xmlhelpdesk.web.irs.gov/ | The XML/SGML Help Desk provides answers to questions about XML/SGML and the IRM authoring tool. |
M&P National IMDDS Coordinators | http://publish.no.irs.gov/distsys/imdds/imddteam.html | Contact information for M&P National Internal Management Document Distribution System (IMDDS). IMDDS is used to manage IRM distribution requirements. |
Document 12835, The IRM Style Guide | http://publish.no.irs.gov/cat12.cgi?request=CAT1&catnum=54913 | Document 12835 establishes standards and promotes consistency for the IRM. The style guide is intended to help IRM authors improve writing quality and increase the efficiency of the writing process. |
Document 13000, IRM Package Check Sheet | http://publish.no.irs.gov/cat12.cgi?request=CAT1&catnum=57106 | Document 13000 is a check sheet used when forwarding an IRM publishing package. It ensures specific items are completed prior to forwarding for printing and distribution. |