IR-2021-195, September 28, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service has selected seven new members for the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC).
IR-2021-194, September 27, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that starting Oct. 28, a new $67 user fee will apply to any estate that requests a closing letter for its federal estate tax return.
IR-2021-193, September 24, 2021 — Farmers and ranchers who were forced to sell livestock due to drought may have an additional year to replace the livestock and defer tax on any gains from the forced sales, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
IR-2021-192, September 22, 2021 — The IRS today introduced a new webpage that provides information to taxpayers whose large refunds are subject to further review by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT or Joint Committee).
IR-2021-191, September 22, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service has awarded new contracts to three private-sector collection agencies for collection of overdue tax debts.
IR-2021-190, September 17, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service today explained how expanded tax benefits can help both individuals and businesses give to charity before the end of this year.
IR-2021-189, September 16, 2021 — The IRS today reminds taxpayers about the upcoming October 15 due date to file 2020 tax returns.
IR-2021-188, September 15, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department announced today that millions of American families are now receiving their advance Child Tax Credit (CTC) payment for the month of September.
IR-2021-187, September 15, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service, in response to the continued shortages of undyed diesel fuel caused by Hurricanes Ida and Nicholas, will extend the penalty relief provided in IR-2021-176 when dyed diesel fuel is sold or used on the highway.
IR-2021-186, September 15, 2021 — During National Small Business Week, the Internal Revenue Service reminds business owners that it’s critical to correctly determine whether the individuals providing services are employees or independent contractors.
IR-2021-185, September 14, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service will close its paper return processing center in Fresno, California, permanently at the end of September this year.
IR-2021-184, September 14, 2021 — With many businesses facing a tight job market, the Internal Revenue Service reminds employers to check out a valuable tax credit available to them for hiring long-term unemployment recipients and other groups of workers facing significant barriers to employment.
IR-2021-183, September 13, 2021 — Victims of Hurricane Ida in parts of Pennsylvania now have until Jan. 3, 2022, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2021-182, September 13, 2021 — During National Small Business Week, the Internal Revenue Service wants small business owners to know that information and resources to help them understand and meet their tax obligations are available free at
IR-2021-181, September 10, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers today that the cost of home testing for COVID-19 is an eligible medical expense that can be paid or reimbursed under health flexible spending arrangements (health FSAs), health savings accounts (HSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), or Archer medical savings accounts (Archer MSAs).
IR-2021-180, September 9, 2021 — Victims of Hurricane Ida in parts of Mississippi now have until November 1, 2021, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2021-179, September 8, 2021 — Victims of Hurricane Ida in parts of New York and New Jersey now have until January 3, 2022, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2021-178, September 7, 2021 — The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today issued Notice 2021-53, which provides guidance to employers about reporting on Form W-2 the amount of qualified sick and family leave wages paid to employees for leave taken in 2021.
IR-2021-177, September 7, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service reminds people that September 15, 2021, is the deadline for third quarter estimated tax payments.
IR-2021-176, September 1, 2021 — The Internal Revenue Service, in response to shortages of undyed diesel fuel caused by Hurricane Ida, will not impose a penalty when dyed diesel fuel is sold for use or used on the highway for a number of parishes in the state of Louisiana.
Find previous year news releases and fact sheets from 1997 through last month.