Form 2848
- Missing Representative and/or Taxpayer signatures or signature dates. (Page 5 of Form 2848 Instructions gives requirement for the signature and date.)
- Line 3. Acts authorized - Non-specific identification of tax periods (tax matters), i.e., generalizations. Example: All Years, All future periods
Page 3 of the instructions outlines several acceptable entries for the Acts authorized, description of tax matters field.
Example: 2012 through 2014 or 2012 - 2014 or 2012, 2013, 2014 - If the Box on Line 6, Retention/Revocation of Prior Power(s) of Attorney, is checked and no copy of the power of attorney is attached to identify the representative that is being retained.
- Missing designation and/or jurisdiction state.
- Missing bar license, certification, registration or enrollment number when applicable.
- Title of business taxpayer signing the POA not indicated.
Form 8821
- Missing taxpayer signature and/or date. (Page 4 of Form 8821 Instructions provides the requirement for the signature and date.)
- Non- specific identification of tax periods (tax matters), generalizations.
Example: All Years, All future periods - Incorrect EIN/SSN for taxpayer.
Form 706
- No representative signature and/or date.