What this notice is about
We accepted the information you sent us. We're not going to change your tax return. We've closed our review of it.
What you need to do
- Read your notice carefully.
- You don't have to respond to the notice.
- If you have a payment plan for another IRS debt, keep making your payments.
You may want to
- Keep a copy of your notice for your files.
- Contact us if you don't get a refund for any payment you made on the proposed changes we now aren't going to make.
- Contact us by mail or by calling the toll-free number on your notice with any questions we haven't answered below.
Frequently asked questions
Why did it take you so long to contact me about this matter? (updated Oct. 11, 2024)
Our systems match the information you report on your tax return with information reported by employers, banks, businesses, and others. This matching takes several months to complete.
What if I sent you a payment based on the changes you proposed?
You'll receive a refund check in 4 to 6 weeks as long as you owe no taxes or other debts we have to collect.
What if I petitioned the U.S. Tax Court?
Our Office of Chief Counsel will contact you about closing your petition.
What should I do if you close my case without changing my account and I think you closed it in error?
Please call the toll-free number on your notice.
What should I do if I receive another notice or letter?
If the notice or letter is about this matter, pay no attention to it. If it's about another matter, read it carefully and follow its instructions.
Tips for next year
To file an accurate return:
- Keep complete records.
- Check Forms W-2s, 1098s, 1099s, etc. you get from employers, banks, payment apps or online marketplaces to make sure they're correct.
- Wait until you get all your income documents before you file your tax return.
- Report information you receive after you file your taxes on an amended return.
- E-file your taxes to avoid mistakes and find credits and deductions. You can file for free in many cases.
¿Necesita ayuda?
- Puede usted autorizar a un representante para comunicarse con el IRS en su nombre.
- Vea si usted califica para recibir ayuda de las Clínicas para Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos.
- Si no puede encontrar lo que necesita en línea, llame al número del IRS en la parte superior de su aviso o carta.