Before you get started:

  • For tax year 2023, this tax filing application operates until October 15, 2024.
  • To use the application, you must have a U.S. phone number that accepts text messages.
  • You must create a new account each year.

Check out the fillable forms help page for a list of self-help links to information you may need.

Start Free File Fillable Forms


When Free File Fillable Forms closes after October 20, 2024, you will not be able to access your account to e-file, print or review your information.

If you receive an email saying your return was rejected, you must correct any errors and resubmit your return before October 21, 2024.

After you submit your return, you will receive an email from, that the IRS accepted your federal return.

If your return is not accepted before the application closes, print and mail it.