Make a difference in your community by partnering with IRS and thousands of nationwide organizations to meet individual taxpayers' needs for tax education and assistance. In these tough economic times, tax benefits can offer stronger financial stability for people and the communities in which they live. They can also serve as the starting point in realizing dreams.
Our approach
The Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) office within the Taxpayer Services Division has built a network of national and local partners. Organizations include corporate, faith-based, nonprofit, educational, financial and government. With so many tax benefits available today, taxes can serve as the starting point for a dream leading to stronger financial security for many people.
Partnering organizations prepare tax returns free for those whose incomes are below $54,000. Also check out the partner Outreach Corner for links to newsletter articles, podcasts, widgets and other electronic products to help reach out to customers with timely tax news they may need.
If you represent an organization that works with any of the following populations, why not look further to see how you can become involved?
VITA/TCE benefits
There are many benefits of the VITA/TCE program. Here are a few mentioned by some VITA/TCE partners:
- Save on tax preparation fees by receiving free tax preparation. A 20-year VITA partner stated their low-income VITA clients were previously utilizing tax preparation services that charge an average of $500 to prepare a simple return. This was $500 that could have been used to purchase school clothing, supplies or to pay car insurance so that the taxpayer could legally drive themselves to work or to find work. Their VITA program benefits not just their clients, but also the residents the surrounding counties they serve by mobilizing over $500,000 each year into the hands of clients.
- Help with understanding and meeting tax responsibilities. Helping taxpayers understand and meet their tax responsibilities – even when English is not the taxpayer's first language. This VITA partner provides free tax preparation to hundreds of Spanish-speaking families every year, including those who need to apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Bilingual volunteers ensure that tax clients claim every tax benefit they qualify for, including valuable tax credits for families with children. The volunteers also help those who owe – usually self-employed/small business taxpayers – understand payment options and how to avoid owing in the future.
- Receive financial education and help building assets. VITA is more than just FREE tax preparation. Another VITA partner promotes self-sufficiency through wealth building and debt-reduction programs for those outside the financial mainstream. The program links interested clients to financial institutions and other services including weatherization assistance, career training, job placement services, and additional asset-building opportunities. This includes participation in financial workshops, one-on-one coaching, and first-time homebuyer education.
Populations we serve
- Low- to moderate-income population
- Older Americans
- Students
- Military PDF
- People with disabilities
- Employees
- English as a Second Language
- Free Tax Return Preparation for You by Volunteers
Partner and volunteer resource center
Here you will find links to materials for partners, volunteers and others who assist with free tax preparation or who have communication channels with the populations listed above.
Selected links from our partner and volunteer resource center
- Hot Topics
- VITA Grant Program
- Link and Learn
- Understanding Taxes
- Site Coordinator's Corner
- Volunteer Training Materials
If your group is interested in partnering opportunities in your area, send an email to, and let us help you get started making an impact in your community today!
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer but need to find an organization in your area to link up with, please submit your contact information via our VITA/TCE Volunteer and Partner Sign Up and your information will be forwarded to the appropriate local IRS office.