What this notice is about We made changes to your tax return because we believe there's a miscalculation on your return. As a result of these changes, you don't owe us any money, nor are you due a refund. What you need to do Read the notice carefully. It will explain the changes we made. Compare the figures on the notice to the information on your tax return. If you agree with the changes we made, you don’t need to respond to this notice. Correct the copy of your tax return that you kept for your records. We reduced your account balance to zero because the amount owed was so small. Please don’t send a payment. If you don’t agree with the changes, contact us within 10 days from the date of your notice by calling the toll-free number listed on your notice or by mailing the completed contact stub with any correspondence or documentation. Frequently asked questions How can I find out what caused my tax return to change? Call us at the toll-free number listed on your notice for specific information about your tax return. Where can I get forms and instructions? Visit Forms, Instructions & Publications or call 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676). Tips for next year Refer to the instructions for your tax return for required documentation and how to complete your return. Attach all required forms and schedules to your tax return when filing. Consider filing your taxes electronically. Filing online can help you avoid mistakes and save you time. Helpful information Notice 746, Information About Your Notice, Penalty and Interest PDF Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax Publication 542, Corporations Publication 559, Survivors, Executors, and Administrators Publication 598, Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organizations Herramientas de referencia Publicación 1 (SP), Derechos del Contribuyente Tema 651, Avisos Tema 653, Avisos Lista completa de formularios e instrucciones tributarios (en inglés) ¿Desea ayuda? Puede autorizar a alguien (en inglés) para que le represente ante el IRS o para inspeccionar y/o recibir su información tributaria confidencial. Puede ser elegible para recibir la ayuda gratuita del Servicio del Defensor del Contribuyente (TAS, por sus siglas en inglés). Verifique si reúne los requisitos para recibir la ayuda de una Clínica para Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos. Puede solicitar una copia de su carta o aviso en braille o en letra grande (en inglés). Si no puede encontrar lo que necesita en línea, llame al número de teléfono en su carta o aviso.