Accessibility guide for the Identity and Tax Return Verification Service



About this guide

This guide is intended to assist individuals with disabilities in their use of the Identity and Tax Return Verification Service. The guide will provide direction in accessing the features available in this service using specific technologies, including screen readers, screen magnifiers, and speech recognition software.

Introduction to the application

The identity verification service is a mobile-friendly digital tool that allows taxpayers who received an IRS 5071C letter, 6331C letter, 5747C letter, or 5447C letter to respond to a series of questions online.

Information for specific technologies

Screen reader technology

Here is some standard guidance for using the JAWS screen reader or VoiceOver. For other screen readers, please refer to the manufacturers guide for basic commands.

JAWS actions and commands

Action Commands
Virtual HTML Features INSERT + F3
List Links INSERT + F7
Next Link TAB
Prior Link SHIFT + TAB
List Headings INSERT + F6
List of Form Fields INSERT + F5
List Buttons INSERT + CTRL + B
List Combo Boxes INSERT + CTRL + C
List Edit Boxes INSERT + CTRL + E
List Radio Buttons INSERT + CTRL + A
List Check Boxes INSERT + CTRL + X
List Tables INSERT + CTRL + T
Read from Beginning of Row to Current Cell INSERT + SHIFT + HOME
Read from Current Cell to End of Row INSERT + SHIFT + PAGE UP
Read the current row SHIFT + UP ARROW
Read the current column SHIFT + NUMPAD 5
List Frames INSERT + F9
List All Ordered, Unordered, and Definition Lists INSERT + CTRL + L


VoiceOver actions and commands

Action Commands
Find the next heading VO - Command - H
Find the previous heading VO - Command - Shift - H
Find the next control VO - Command - J
Find the previous control SHIFT + TAB
Find the next Table VO - Command - T
Find the previous Table VO - Command - Shift - T
Find the next Link VO - Command - L
Find the previous Link VO - Command - Shift - L
Find the next Paragraph VO - Shift - Page Down
Find the previous Paragraph VO - Shift - Page Up
Read the next Sentence VO - Command - Page Down
Read the next Line VO - Down Arrow
Read the previous Line VO - Up Arrow
Read everything visible in the window or the Dock, or on your desktop, depending on your location VO - Shift - W

Screen magnification technology

ZoomText  Actions and Commands

Action Commands
Virtual HTML Features INSERT + F3
Increase magnification ALT + NUMPAD PLUS
Decrease magnification ALT + NUMPAD MINUS
Turn color enhancements on and off CTRL + SHIFT + C
Font Enhancements (xFont, Standard and None) CTRL + SHIFT + F

Voice dictation technology

Dragon Naturally Speaking actions and commands

Action Commands
Turn the microphone on or off Plus key (+) on the numeric keypad
Open the Correction menu Minus key (-) on the numeric keypad
Force words to be recognized as commands Press and hold down the CTRL key
Force words to be recognized as dictation Press and hold down the SHIFT key
Open the Naturally Speaking menu Asterisk key (*) on the numeric keypad
Put the microphone to sleep or wake it up Slash key (/) on the numeric keypad
Press-to-talk Zero key (0) on the numeric keypad

Mobile operating systems


  • TalkBack keyboard commands for Android 4.1 or higher
    • Navigation
      • Move to next item: Alt + Shift+ Right arrow
      • Move to previous item: Alt + Shift + Left arrow
      • Move to first item: Alt + Shift + Up arrow
      • Move to last item: Alt + Shift + Down arrow
      • Click focused element: Alt + Shift + Enter
    • Global actions
      • Back: Alt + Shift + Backspace
      • Home: Alt + Shift + h
      • Recent apps/Overview: Alt + Shift + r
      • Notifications: Alt + Shift + n
      • Search the screen: Alt + Shift + / (forward slash)
      • Next navigation setting: Alt + Shift + Equals (=)
      • Previous navigation setting: Alt + Shift + Minus (-)
      • Open global context menu: Alt + Shift + g
      • Open local context menu: Alt + Shift + L
      • Stop TalkBack speech: Control
      • Pause or resume TalkBack: Alt + Shift + z
  • In the verification questionnaire, when the user selects a Yes/ No radio button, TalkBack announces the "Continue" Button as "Disabled". The button is active and the user can proceed to the next page. This happens only the first time the user interacts with the Continue button. The user may need to clear the cache if the problem persists.

iOS VoiceOver (VO)

  • When the user enters a minus to depict a negative amount in the "Adjusted Gross Income" field, VoiceOver does not read the minus when announcing the amount entered.