Customers must complete three major steps before their company can take advantage of this service:

  • Step 1: Enroll in the IVES program by completing and submit an IVES application
  • Step 2: Respond with the correct Certification Documents
  • Step 3: Complete the e-Services registration process

Step 1 – IVES enrollment

Each company participating in the Income Verification Express Service must complete Form 13803, IVES Application Form PDF, to enroll in the IVES program. It requests information on the business such as name, address, telephone, and fax number. It also requires the name of the principal, owner, or controlling officer of the company. The principal can be the owner, business manager, or officer who has the responsibility to administer the company’s participation in IVES. The form also requires a primary point of contact that would be available daily in case the IRS needs to contact the company. It requests a responsible official, or the person who manages the IVES program at each business office location. The company can choose to designate a responsible official or only a principal to oversee the IVES process.

Please fax the completed, wet signed enrollment form to the IVES application line: 844-251-8254.

You will be notified of your assigned campus contacts and where to submit your Form 4506-C requests after your acceptance into the IVES Program.

Step 2 – Certification documents

Once the Form 13803, Application to Participate in the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) Program, PDF has been received and the application enrollment process has begun; the IRS will send the Certification Documents for the identified Principal’s signature. Each company is required to supply two Certifications, one from each set as appropriate for your company model and need.

Certification set 1: Compliance certification

IVES Participant End User Certification of Compliance A & B

  • Sign and return this certification if you only use the transcripts in your business operations and do not share them with other third parties.

IVES Participant Certification of Compliance 1, 2, and 3

  • Sign and return this certification if you provide any transcripts to other third parties.

Certification set 2: Electronic signature

Certification D to opt out of using electronic signatures on Forms 4506-C

  • Sign and return this certification if you are only submitting wet signatures.

Certification E to use electronic signatures on Form 4506-C

  • Sign and return this certification if you are submitting a mix of wet and electronic signatures.

With the submission of the Form 13803, Application to Participate in the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) Program, PDF and Certification Documents, the IRS will perform a background investigation and suitability check on the company and individuals listed on the application. The IRS will notify the applicants of the outcome of the background and suitability results.

Step 3 – E-Services registration

Income Verification Express Service (IVES)