What this notice is about We received information that is different from what you reported on your tax return. This may result in an increase or decrease in your tax. The notice explains how the amount was calculated, what to do if you agree or disagree, and how you can challenge it in U.S. Tax Court, if you choose to do so. What you must do Read the notice carefully. It explains the proposed increase or decrease in your tax. Note: The amounts shown as due on the enclosed Form 5564, Notice of Deficiency – Waiver, may not match your previous notice amount due because you can't challenge all items in U.S. Tax Court. Respond to the notice. Complete and return the response form and state whether you agree or disagree with the notice. You can submit your response by: Mail using the return address on the enclosed envelope, or Fax your documents to the fax number in the notice using either a fax machine or an online fax service. Protect yourself when sending digital data by understanding the fax service’s privacy and security policies. If you agree with the changes, follow the instructions to sign the enclosed Form 5564 and return it to us. We require both spouses' signatures if you filed married filing jointly. If you disagree or have additional information: For us to consider additional information, mail or fax the information with the enclosed Form 5564 to the address or fax number on the notice. We will work with you to resolve your issues during the 90-day response period. If the income in question was later deemed nontaxable due to a state relief payment, financial assistance allocated under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts, or similar language, provide a signed statement with the response form. If you don't agree, you have the right to challenge the proposed changes by filing a petition with the U.S. Tax Court no later than the date shown on the notice. Again, we will work with you to resolve your issues during the 90-day period, but this won’t extend the time you have to file a petition in Tax Court if you choose to do so. Please note the court can't consider your case if you file the petition late. You may want to Make sure your other returns don't have the same mistake. If they do, file Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return PDF, to correct the mistakes. Contact us with any unanswered questions you have. Keep a copy of the notice for your files. Correct the copy of your tax return you kept for your records. Review Publication 5181, Tax Return Reviews by Mail: CP2000, Letter 2030, CP2501, Letter 2531 PDF Order a transcript of your return, if needed. Learn more about your payment options, if you owe additional taxes. Learn more about payment plans and installment agreements if you can't pay the full amount of taxes you owe. Learn more about Offers in Compromise if you can't pay the full amount of taxes you owe. Frequently asked questions Expand/Collapse All Why did I receive the notice? We received information from a third party, such as employers or financial institutions, that doesn't match the information you reported on your return. Is the notice a bill? (updated September 27, 2022) No. It is a proposal and informs you about the information we've received and how it affects your tax. It also provides you the option to agree or supply additional information for consideration if you disagree. Can I get an extension of time to respond? (updated March 7, 2024) No. But, if you have additional information, you would like us to consider, you should contact us as soon as possible. We can work with you to resolve your issues during the 90-day period but this won’t extend the time you have to respond or to file a petition within the U.S. Tax Court, if you choose to do so. If we don't hear from you and you don't file a petition, we'll assess the proposed changes and send you a bill. Do I need to file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court? (updated March 7, 2024) No, you may be able to resolve your dispute with the IRS. If you have additional information, you'd like us to consider, send the information as soon as possible. Mail any additional information you may have with the Form 5564 or provide a signed statement, along with any documentation, explaining which items you disagree with and the reason. Send your response as soon as possible since we can't extend the time you have to respond or file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court. What do I do if I want to file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court? (updated December 21, 2022) You can download a fillable petition form and get information about filing at United States Tax Court The Tax Court encourages petitioners to electronically file petitions. You can eFile your completed petition by following the instructions and user guides available on the Tax Court’s DAWSON system website (You will need to register for a DAWSON account to do so). Or you may mail the completed petition to: Clerk of the U.S. Tax Court 400 Second Street, NW Washington, DC 20217 What if the information is incorrect or I disagree? (updated March 7, 2024) If you want us to consider additional information, send it to us, along with a signed statement supporting your position. Supply any documentation or missing forms to support your statement. You can also call us at the phone number on the first page of the notice as we can generally accept information over the phone. If the information reported to us isn't correct, please contact the business or person who reported the information. Ask them for a corrected income document or a statement to support the reason it's in error, then send us a copy with your response. If you're waiting for the business or person to correct their records and send you an updated document, please inform us. You should send your response to us as soon as possible, and we will continue to work with you during the 90-day period. Once a corrected document is received, mail or fax a copy along with your response. The information is wrong because someone else is using my name and Social Security number. What can I do? You can complete and send to us Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit PDF. You also can go to our identity theft information webpage to find out more about what you can do. Can I call the IRS to correct my return if I reported the information incorrectly? (updated March 7, 2024) Yes, you can call us. Keep in mind, due to high call volume it may take some time to get through. We can generally accept your information over the phone for incorrectly reported information. If the information you provide over the phone isn't enough to resolve all the issues, you should mail or fax a signed statement explaining your disagreement and include any documentation that supports your position. Respond as soon as possible since we can't extend the time you have to file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court. Do I need to amend my return? (updated March 7, 2024) If the information shown in the "Changes to your tax return" section of the notice is correct, you don't need to amend your return unless you have additional income, credits, or expenses to report. If you agree with our notice, follow the instructions to sign the Form 5564 and return it by mail or fax using the address of fax number shown on the notice. We require both spouses' signatures if you filed married filing jointly. If you have additional income, credits or expenses to report, you may want to complete and submit a Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return PDF. If you choose to file an amended return, write "CP3219" on top of your return and attach it behind your Form 5564. Mail or fax the information to the address or fax number shown on the notice. You can request help at an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center. How can I get a transcript or copy of my original return? You can request a return transcript using our Get Transcript page. You can also get one by calling our automated phone application at 800-908-9946 or by completing and sending us a Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF. If a transcript won't do, ask for a copy of your return from your tax preparer if you used one. Otherwise, you can get a copy of your return by sending us a Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Return PDF. We charge a fee for tax return copies. How can I find an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center? (updated September 27, 2022) We have centers located throughout the country. Find the center nearest to you. Why did it take the IRS so long to contact me about this matter? (updated March 7, 2024) Our computer systems match the information you report on your tax return with information reported to IRS by third parties, such as, financial institutions, employers, and other businesses. Due to the complexity of the matching process, it can take months to complete. The notice says my taxes will increase. Will I be charged interest on the money I owe? Yes, interest accrues on the unpaid balance until you pay it in full. What happens if I can't pay the full amount I owe? Our website has information about payment options. Ensure you respond to the notice timely even if you pay online or set up a payment plan. How can I make a payment plan? Visit our website for information about payment options including pre-assessed installments and payment agreements, payroll deductions, credit card payments, direct debit payments, and applicable fees. If you agree and want to apply for an installment agreement plan by mail, send your signed Form 5564 and a completed Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request PDF, in the envelope provided. Helpful information Instructions for Form 1040-X PDF Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax (For Individuals) Tips for next year You can avoid future problems by: Keeping accurate and full records. Waiting until you get all your income statements before filing your tax return. Checking the documents you receive from your employer, mortgage company, bank, or other sources of income (Forms W-2s, 1098s, 1099s, etc.) to make sure they're correct. Including all your income on your tax return. Following the instructions on how to report income, expenses, and deductions. Filing an amended tax return for any information you receive after you've filed your return. Consider filing your taxes electronically. Filing online can help you avoid mistakes and find credits and deductions that you may qualify for. In many cases you can file for free. Learn more about how to file electronically. Herramientas de referencia Publicación 1, Derechos del Contribuyente Cómo pagar sus impuestos Publicación 5181, Tax Return Reviews by Mail (Revisiones de la declaración de impuesto por correo), en inglés PDF Publicación 594, El Proceso de Cobro del IRS PDF Aviso 746, Información Sobre su Aviso, Multas e intereses PDF Publicación 5, Sus Derechos de Apelación y cómo presentar una protesta si usted no está de acuerdo PDF Lista completa de formularios e instrucciones tributarios (en inglés) ¿Desea ayuda? Puede autorizar a alguien (en inglés) para que le represente ante el IRS o para inspeccionar y/o recibir su información tributaria confidencial. Puede ser elegible para recibir la ayuda gratuita del Servicio del Defensor del Contribuyente (TAS, por sus siglas en inglés). Verifique si reúne los requisitos para recibir la ayuda de una Clínica para Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos. Puede solicitar una copia de su carta o aviso en braille o en letra grande (en inglés). Si no puede encontrar lo que necesita en línea, llame al número de teléfono en su carta o aviso. IRS Letter CP3219A: Statutory Notice of Deficiency Transcript ASL