The CP2000 notice series includes: CP2000, CP2000A, CP2000B, CP2000C, CP2000D and CP2000E. Learn what your notice is about and what to do.
Why you received this notice
The income or payment information we received from third parties, such as employers or financial institutions, doesn't match what you reported on your tax return. This difference may increase or decrease your tax or may not change it at all.
The notice explains proposed changes to your tax return and information we used to determine them. This notice isn’t a bill and your response may be required.
What you need to do
Review the entire notice and follow the instructions to resolve this issue.
Reply to the notice by the date listed.
- If a response form is included in your notice, complete and sign it. State whether you agree or disagree with the notice and include any supporting documentation.
- If your notice doesn’t have a response form, follow the notice’s instructions.
- If you agree with the notice and don’t have other income, credits, or expenses to report, follow the notice’s instructions. You don’t need to amend your return.
This is the fastest way to send us your reply, digitally and securely.
You can upload photos or scans as JPG, PNG or PDF files.
Enter access code 895ny-k9654
IRS document upload toolFax
Fax your response to the location listed on the top left side of the notice:
- Andover, MA – 877-477-9485
- Atlanta, GA – 877-477-0967
- Austin, TX – 877-477-0583
- Holtsville, NY – 877-477-9599
- Fresno, CA – 877-477-0962
- Ogden, UT – 877-477-9640
- Philadelphia, PA – 877-477-9602
Protect your information: If you use an online fax service, understand its privacy and security policies.
Send it to the address on the top left corner of the first page of the notice.
You may want to
Check and correct your records
- Get a transcript of your original tax return, if needed.
- Correct your copy of your tax return. Keep it and the notice for your records.
- Check your tax returns from prior years. If they have the same issue, file an amended return.
Pay or settle any tax due
- Pay now. Interest accrues until the balance is paid and penalties may apply.
- Get help if you can’t pay in full. Apply for a payment plan or offer in compromise.
- Pay by mail:
If your notice came from: | Send your payment to: |
Austin, TX | Internal Revenue Service Center Austin, TX 73301-0010 |
Andover, MA Atlanta, GA Philadelphia, PA |
Internal Revenue Service Center Kansas City, MO 64999-0206 |
Fresno, CA Ogden, UT |
Internal Revenue Service Center Ogden, UT 84201-0010 |
Holtsville, NY | Internal Revenue Service Center PO Box 145577 Cincinnati, OH 45250-5577 |
Amend your return
If the CP2000 notice is correct and you have other income, credits or expenses to report:
- Complete Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
- Write "CP2000" on top of Form 1040-X
- Choose a reply option and submit the form with your notice response form
Get help
- Allow someone to contact us for you about this notice - Complete the Authorization section on the response form.
- Allow someone (like a tax professional) to contact us on your behalf about this or any other matter you authorize - Send us a Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative PDF.
- Request more time to respond – Send your extension request with a reply option.
- Get in-person help - Find your local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center.
- Find more details on this process - Review Publication 5181, Tax Return Reviews By Mail - CP2000, Letter 2030, CP2501, Letter 2531 PDF
- Report identity theft if someone used your name and Social Security number - Send your reply with a completed Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit PDF.
Tips for next year
To file an accurate return:
- Keep complete records.
- Check Forms W-2s, 1098s, 1099s, etc. you get from employers, banks, payment apps or online marketplaces to make sure they're correct.
- Wait until you get all your income documents before you file your tax return.
- Report information you receive after you file your taxes on an amended return.
- E-file your taxes to avoid mistakes and find credits and deductions. You can file for free in many cases.
Herramientas de referencia
- Publicación 1, Derechos del Contribuyente
- Cómo pagar sus impuestos
- Publicación 5181, Tax Return Reviews by Mail (Revisiones de la declaración de impuesto por correo), en inglés PDF
- Publicación 594, El Proceso de Cobro del IRS PDF
- Aviso 746, Información Sobre su Aviso, Multas e intereses PDF
- Publicación 5, Sus Derechos de Apelación y cómo presentar una protesta si usted no está de acuerdo PDF
- Lista completa de formularios e instrucciones tributarios (en inglés)
¿Desea ayuda?
- Puede autorizar a alguien (en inglés) para que le represente ante el IRS o para inspeccionar y/o recibir su información tributaria confidencial.
- Puede ser elegible para recibir la ayuda gratuita del Servicio del Defensor del Contribuyente (TAS, por sus siglas en inglés).
- Verifique si reúne los requisitos para recibir la ayuda de una Clínica para Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos.
- Puede solicitar una copia de su carta o aviso en braille o en letra grande (en inglés).
- Si no puede encontrar lo que necesita en línea, llame al número de teléfono en su carta o aviso.