Figure 3.12.21-14 displays parts of the Form 3413, Transcription List (Account Transfer-in), and the error register. The Field 01-C (MFT Code) on the error register and the MFT on the Form 3413 both contain 78, but the form is numbered incorrectly. The third digit in the DLN displays an incorrect tax class of 4; the correct tax class for MFT 78 is 5. other information is provided as follows regarding the Form 3413 and the error register:The DLN on the Form 3413 is 00451-256-30100-3Under Section 01 (Form 3413), the Name Control (Field A) is MARSField B (EIN or SSN and TIN Type) is 000-00-5555Field C (MFT Code) is 78Field D (Tax Period) is 202212Field E (Date of Transfer) is 09/06/23Field F (23C Date of Assessment) also is 09/06/23Field G (Original Assessment Code) is 290Field H (Original Assessment Transaction Amount) is 100.00Field I (Transfer-in Amount) also is 100.00The error register portion displays Section 01, Fields A through IA downward arrow points to the third digit on the DLN on the register (a 4), to show that the tax class in DLN 00451-256-30100-3 is incorrect. The correct tax class for MFT 78 is 5.A upward arrow points to the Field C entry on the register, showing the 78An asterisk (*) is to the left of Field C on the registerThe edited 3 to the left of Section 01 informs the ISRP operator the record must be rejected for renumberingAll of the other fields on the error register correctly contain the same data as displayed on the Form 3413No other changes are needed to this record