This exhibit is a copy of Form 2434-A, Notice of Sealed Bid Sale, which has numbers on various lines that go with the instructions below. Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service. Notice of Sealed Bid Sale Under the authority in Internal Revenue Code section 6331, the property described below has been seized for nonpayment of internal revenue taxes due from blank space insert taxpayer’s name here. The property will be sold at public sale under sealed bid as provided by Internal Revenue Code section 6335 and related regulations. Date Bids will be opened: blank space insert Date bids will be opened (date of sale) . Time Bids will be Opened: blank space insert Time bids will be opened (include AM or PM). Place of Sale: Location where bids will be opened. Titled Offered: Only the right, title, and interest of blank space insert taxpayer’s name here in and to the property will be offered for sale. If requested, the Internal Revenue Service will furnish information about possible encumbrances, which may be useful in determining the value of the interest being sold. (See Nature of Title for further details.) Description of Property: blank space insert Itemized description of property to be offered for sale and rule out any unused space. Property may be Inspected at: Address and times at which the property may be inspected. Submission of Bids: All bids must be submitted on Form 2222, Sealed Bid for Purchase of Seized Property. Contact the office indicated below for Forms 2222 and information about the property. Submit bids to the person named below before the time bids will be opened. Payment Terms: Bids must be accompanied by the full amount of the bid if it totals $200 or less. If the total bid is more than $200, submit 20 percent of the amount bid or $200, whichever is greater. On acceptance of the highest bid, the balance due, if any, will be: there are two check boxes. Either check box for required in full or Deferred payment as follows: blank space to insert payment terms. Form of Payment: All payments must be by cash, a certified, cashier’s, or treasurer’s check drawn on any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any State, Territory, or possession of the United States, or by a United States postal, bank, or express money order. Make check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. The bottom of the form contains boxes for the Name of employee conducting sale Title of employee conducting sale Signature of employee conducting sale Date form 2434 is signed and the Address and phone number where prospective bidders can request additional information about the sale Address for Submission of Bids and PALS phone number.