Form 1040 and 1040-SR Helpful Hints
For 2024, you will use Form 1040 or, if you were born before January 2, 1960, you have the option to use Form 1040-SR.
You may only need to file Form 1040 or 1040-SR and none of the numbered schedules, Schedules 1 through 3. However, if your return is more complicated (for example, you claim certain deductions or credits or owe additional taxes), you will need to complete one or more of the numbered schedules. Below is a general guide to which schedule(s) you will need to file based on your circumstances. See the instructions for the schedules for more information.
If you e-file your return, the software you use will generally determine which schedules you need.
IF YOU have additional income, such as business or farm income or loss, unemployment compensation, or prize or award money. THEN USE Schedule 1, Part I.
IF YOU have any adjustments to income, such as student loan interest, self-employment tax, or educator expenses. THEN USE Schedule 1, Part II.
IF YOU owe alternative minimum tax (AMT) or need to make an excess advance premium tax credit repayment. THEN USE Schedule 2, Part I.
IF YOU owe other taxes, such as self-employment tax, household employment taxes, additional tax on IRAs or other qualified retirement plans and tax-favored accounts. THEN USE Schedule 2, Part II.
IF YOU can claim a nonrefundable credit (other than the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents), such as the foreign tax credit, education credits, or general business credit. THEN USE Schedule 3, Part I.
IF YOU can claim a refundable credit (other than the earned income credit, American opportunity credit, or additional child tax credit); such as the net premium tax credit. Have other payments, such as an amount paid with a request for an extension to file or excess social security tax withheld. THEN USE Schedule 3, Part II.